Item 7 - Plat Revisioni I ~ :':i :c >-:::, 0 Vl ' c< ~ z w u w u u: u.. 0 >-~ i W HIGHLAND ST a "' 00 w ~ SITE 0 E DOVE RD VICINITY MAP LEGEND IRF IRON ROD FOUND CIRF CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND IPF IRON PIPE FOUND IRS 1 /t IRON ROD SET WITH PlASTIC CAP STAMPED ·ors 817-275-3361" PRJCT PlAT RECORDS OF TARRANT COUmY, TEXAS DRJCT DEED RECORDS OF TARRANT coumr, TEXAS NOTES: NTS THE SHIVERS FIIMILY PARINERSHIP, LTD VOL 13218, PG 461, DRTCT REBECCA U1l.EY & DEBORAH PURYEAR INST No 0223056415, DRICT 0=0'34'08" R=/359.78' T=6.75' l=IJ.50' GRID COORDINATES N N 7,035,046.293 E 2,362,174.679 CH=S0'17'04T CL=IJ.50' ---------. --_N1!42'56"E N ~5.31' • --_L --=-=t ------... .,.--..------...:lic---,1;"'2"..,1;2· IRF ------...,F.----=::: -149_97"::f --5-FooT unlllY E:ASEMEIIT J -------------r~: 365.68' 1 Ns 9-,2 -56 r-;,-:. --~ ciRF(L_ff!Es) fl'l I BY THIS PLAT N89'42'56tl-'---"----I il'i I __ _ys9·42'56"w 289._7_.'! _____________ _,, ____ 0 _,,,845_ oR:29o9·o5o0:oo" ----------------~m" -I ·, /;..J I • DR/'JNAGE E:ASEMENT _ • • / I L =46.34 N ._, 1o == ' l-22.81. ' H ~ 15 I=: CL,,,41.72' 2 j I ,,, ACC£SS, UlllllY AND R=/443' ~T=2950, I ~ ~ I ~ o I BY THIS PLAT '~14-57 • / "g> 2: ! CH=544'42'56''w "'.___ . _-e-------e---+--------------------e--CN=N444256[/ <o SGJ . , _, , REMAINDER OF LOT 2, ~ ,-TRACT 1 2: ~ ~ ~/ 539·14•12-W 49.0I! 589'42'56''w 176.61' 0=80 ,4J'J 9':/" C~;~~~:"w o/ ~ :§~ I i:~~-i/5 PARKWAY OFFICE CENTER S89'25'44~-:: 61.50' ,-, I z / 0 _74 .07 .58 .. R=2950 \ ,-1, ::: ., "1 I T=IJ.90 L 388 184 PG 71 P= REMAINDER OF LOT 3, iii -, T=25.07' \ 1036 e, i-L=25.98' VO -• • "'"' PARKWAY OFFlCE CENTER I / R=2950, TRACT 2 L=4l 56, o \ " "' i t; CH,S25'JO 6"[ VOL 388-184, PG 71. PRTCT J ~:&-~~-CH=N49'55'14"~ \ , I I :(j !;I§ CL=2514' I I ...,I , ·w 1.423ACRESOUTOFTHOMASM. Cl-3821 \ , I :'5o ~ I S CH=S4l'OI 48 HOOD SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 706 • "-.J •"' 5.,, I I :;; I CL=35-55 ' CONVEYED TO HAROLD KNIGHT AND 0=41'55'48" / '\ I~ I i,ii FI J,L. CROW, VOL 7046, PG 1593, R=54.50'~ \ \ I 6 I LDT 3 R 1 : ~: /539:::;;·.:5:4~54d DRTCT CH=53:~;;;~ ",'\ \ ~ I ;! , □i::.z4:~~~6 : ,,_ &< ~=i~-~i'.3'.. i_:;i;~~2 0, L □T 3R2 C/=39.oo· 0=50'36?8"/\ \ I <I_ ·o. ~ ✓ ~-/462' T-12.88 ~ 2.21 9 ACRES R=SJ.50' \ \ I \ V. 'i!' I-• , l.=24.29' T=25.29' \ \ I c._/'\ ~-qb_ "-~1=28.58_ . .. CH=52 n 2•,st (96,665 S.F.l L=47_26 , i I 536'55'54"£ 29.84' \ _., \ CH=Nl 5 18 19 W Cl=2J6/' I Cll=N26'/0'5B"W T I "<e /_! Cl=28.25' • Clc45.7J' •= • I I :::::~• "'• ,1 ,,_. \ SD'/7'04"[ 9.87' DcJ6'48'27" f. :'J I ;:-; ;;; 1 f R=4.5o' 0=90·15'40" 1'! " 1 I J f T=l.50' R=29.50' > il; I ~ I s2·02'33"[ 22.2a•J' ?' ~ ti~:~'5/'39"E Tc298/' -~ iii I i Z !;; I i ~ 1i'l \ Cl=2.84' CH=N4J.;tttf"' / t I II ~ti ~ I ;; ;: N89'42'56't 1400' Cl=<41 •94 ' "-v 1 ~ I .. J -~GR-IO_CO_OR_O_INA_JE_S_N~ ~ 539·42•55'\Y 97_49• -l ~ 581·15'53., ,1.12· r I NB9'42'56"[ 15293' -,, !;, I N 7,0JS,04S.293 l-15F01)[ UlllllY E:ASEMOO --: -: -"::) D=B9'32'J2" -----<>-~-0--' ---_,, --------------~ FT X 10 FT UEO--I E 2,382•174•679 '-~~l:_PLAT __ s0·1920!_1solf_J 1:i:1~: LN09·1256E59.JJ f~~E~: BYTHISPLAT Li 0=49'5/'24" R=78.50' T=J6.49' Lc68J/' CH=N25'48'26 Cl=66.l7' . , ,., 6• / • /..7 FT X 10 FT UE BY THIS PLAT 15 FT X 10 FT UEI '-N89 42 50 [ 97-' l=46. IO'] BY THIS PLAT 589 .37 •43 "[ N89'42'56't 145.56' BY llilS PLAT-+- '-i I CH s,1·55·4o'w -7'-T-----<>-------------------<>---L !/._-'l'er /(//, N0'/7'04'W JS 77' Cl=4I 55' I(~-~....,____ 27-99' _____ ~--_____ -,+..._ ___ l..,..4-__ 4_7' __ -j lJ/,,t;}f!:r ~--·22•55·w 4Jsa·----1 I/ ( 539·37'4J"E 7283' D--64'28'J4" N89"37'43'W N 249.03' Na9·31•11"w '0 1'/.,j"f'fy_<!fi5 , , , / J!!l!sli N44''2'56"[ 1712' D=6J'OJ'54'' R=/450' 25.2¢ 1/2" ... ---~24 •1119 W 21101 ~'.:I, ~N0'/7'04'\¥6719' R=l 4.so· T--9./4' CIRF(''"DES) ~I .._ lO ~ I .s..• Q ., ..,......--_ T=B .. 90' 0=7/'27'38" 589 •3r 4n ~• °"' 4'6P• ~,9-', 0 ' ""''11t~11 DR-'JNAGE EASEMENT l:o: l=/5.96' l=/632' R=/5 .. 00' ?.i uoo17,,;-:-,... ..__ ..__ ~ ~ I "'~ I BY THIS PLAT -< CH=N58'45'07"W CH=S57'28'J9'W T=/0.79' /0.00' s~ 'Ir~ ... r, ,.._. '!:) 1-r----No·11·orw 43 4d I§ Cl=/5.17' Cl=/5.47' l=IB.71' - <JJ ' "v id ~I 0=23'47'39" \ CH=N54'3J'/5-W i-ot "· •61' &{ I R=54 50' 2 Cl= 17.52' 1<e;,;_-<lJor I/, J f... ..__ J T=ll,d8' i,..J HOPKINS DAU.AS PROPERTIES, LTD. 'Jv ,/}" D=29'1/'oi'.J' ti-, £,2263' _;::l VOL 15087, PG 2TT DITTCT ~ Ot>,,._ R=24.98' l '--.__ CHcN/2'0,4'/4"[ O [?l "''Li T=6.50' -{;.[=22.47 ; V) Le /2JJ' ... -....!..<1.-;;--'-I CHc5/2'52'/9"W ~• o )ft:__ S_ Cl=/2.59' .._ -.,:'IRF(IANB~ • It, J ! N23'59'59"E 1783' rv,,,,,f Sfi11 N2J'59'59"£ 14.6d """'"'°,,, 17ct R. ~ V-4D ..__ '- 1. Coordinates and bearings recited in this survey are referenced to the NAD83 State Plane Coordinate System, Texas North Central Zone 4202. 2. Subject tract lies within Zone X (Areas of Minimal Flood Hazard) according to Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Insurance Rate Map of Tarrant County and Incorporated Areas. Map No. 48439COO85K, effective on September 25, 2009. 3. Lot is served by City Water and Sanitary Sewer Service 4. Surveyed on the ground January and March, 2024. 5. This plat does not attempt to amend or remove recorded covenants or restrictions. APPROVED BY THE PlANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DATE ___________ _ CHAIRMAN ---------~ P&Z SECRETARY ________ _ APPROVED BY THE Clfl' COUNCIL DATE __________ _ 0 20 40 PLAT RECORDED IN 80 C/\RlllON CROWN, LlC INST. Mo. 0222154040 DRTCT \ 120 INSTRUMENT #--------- MAYOR ___________ _ DATE ________ _ Clfl' SECRETARY ________ _ OWNERS CERTIFICATE § STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT Being a tract of land out of the Thomas Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706 and situated in the City of Southlake, Tarrant Coun~J. Texas, said tract also being the same tract of land described in the deed to Bnan Zvonecek recorded under Instrument No. D204133485 in the Plat Records ofTarrant County, Texas and being more particulany described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a½ inch iron rod found with a plastic cap stamped "Landes", said iron rod also being at the northeast comer of 1ract 2" of said Zvonecek deed, and in the west right-of-way line of North White Chapel Boulevard (a variable width right of way as recorded in Volume 14475, Page 260, Delld Records ofTarrant County, Texas; Thence South 00'52'44" East with said west right-of-way line of North White Chapel Bouleva;d, a distance of 248.39 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found with a plastic cap stamped "Landes", for corner; Thence North 89'37'43" West, departing the west right of way line of North White Chapel Boulevard, a distance of 249.03 feet to a point, for comer, Thence South 01°58'23" East a distance of 100.61 feet to a TxDOT monument found, said monumentlocated in the northeny right-of-way line of State Highway 114 (a variable width nght of way), for comer, Thence North 66'00'01" West, with said northerly nght-of-way line of SH 114, a distance of 233.64 feet lo TxDOT monument found at the southwest corner of "Tract 1" of said Zvonecek tract for corner; Thence North 00'26'25" East, departing the north right of way line of said SH 114, with the west line of said 'Tract 1" a distance of 191.96 feet to a point, for comer; Thence Soulh 89'25'44" West continuing with the westerly boundary line of S!lid 1ract 1", a distance of 62.50 feet to a point for oomer, Thence North 00'32'56" East continuing with the westerly line of said 'Tract 1", a distance of 58.38 feet to a point, said point also being in the south line of The Shivers Fami~ Partnership, Ltd. tract as recorded in Volume 13218, Page 461, Deed Records ofTarrant County, Texas, for corner; Thence North 89' 42'56" East with the north line of said Zvonecek tract and the south line of said Shivers Fami~ Partnership, Ltd. tract and a tract conveyed to Rebecca Utley and Deborah Puryear, as recorded under Instrument Number D223056415, Deed Records ofTarrant County, Texas, a distance of 515.66 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing approximately 127,011 Square feet or 2.916 acres of land, more or less. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, Brian Zvonecek hereby adopts this plat designating the herein above described real property as LOTS 3R1 AND 3R2, BLOCK 1, PARKWAY OFFICE CENTER ADDITION, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and does hereby dedicate to the publids use the streets and easements shown thereon except private easements shown thereon. This plat does not alter or remove existing deed restnctions or covenants, W any, on this prope~y. Pursuant to Section 12.002 of the Texas Property Code, as amended, we have obtained original tax certificates from each taxing unit with jurisdiction over each parcel of real property in said subdivision indicating that no delinquent ad valorem taxes are owed on the real property which is the subject of the plat or replat we have submitted to the City of South Lake, Tarrant County, Texas !or filing and recording with the Tarrant County Clerk's office. WITNESS MY HAND AT ____________ , this the __ day of ____ , 2024. BRIAN ZVONECEK OWNER § STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared BRIAN ZVONECEK, OWNER, known to me to be the person whose name is subsc;ibed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged lo me that h3 executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed . GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on this the __ day of --~ 2024. Notary Public, The Stale OfT exas SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Joyce P. Stanton, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, have platted the above subdivision from an actual survey on the ground, and tiat this plat corract~ represents that survey made by me or under my direction and supervision. PRELIMINARY! NOT TO BE FILED FOR ANY REASON. RELEASED FOR REVIEW ONLY 5-09-24 Joyce P. Stanton Registered Professional Land Surveyor Texas Registration No. 6173 OWNER BRIAN ZVONECEK 190 W STATE HIGHWAY 114 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS PLAT REVISION PARKVVAY OFFICE CENTER ADDITION LOTS 3R 1 AND 3R2, BLOCK 1 BEING 2.917 ACRES OUT OF THE THOMAS HOOD SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 706, AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO BRIAN ZVONECEK RECORDED UNDER INSTRUMENT No. D204133485, DRTCT AN ADDITION TO THE CITY TARRANT COUNTY, OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS DATE: MAY 2024 SCALE: 1 "=40' DI SCIULLO-TERRY, STANTON & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING 908 WEST MAIN STREET* ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76013 TELEPHONE: 817 • 275 • 3361 ESTABLISHED 1953 * FIRM No, E-615 & 6·1 □0049·□□ EMAIL: jstanton@dterry.com @DISCIULl.0-TERRY, SfANTON & ASSOCIATES, INC. 2024 FP-1045