Item 4N - MemoItem 4N CITY OF SOUTHLAK,E MEMORANDUM June 18, 2024 To: Alison Ortowski, City Manager From: Robert Cohen, Director of Public Works Subject: Approve a contract change order with Hodge and Associates for a total not to exceed amount of $85,000 for services required to start design on the SH 114 ramp reversal project and complete the SH 114 frontage road project. Action Requested: Approve a contract change order with Hodge and Associates for a total not to exceed amount of $85,000 for services required to start design on the SH 114 ramp reversal project and complete the SH 114 frontage road project. Background Information: The completion of the expansion of SH 114 in 2004 did not include the construction of frontage roads between Dove Road and Kirkwood Boulevard. Currently, westbound drivers who proceed on the frontage road from the Dove Road and SH 114 intersection must re-enter the highway before being allowed to exit again at Kirkwood Boulevard. Regional growth in recent years has increased usage of SH 114 as a key east -west connector. The lack of a frontage road along this portion of SH 114 represents a critical missing element of mobility infrastructure in the City of Southlake. The City first contracted with Mr. Jerry Hodge of Hodge and Associates in 2016. His contract has been subsequently renewed over the past several years. Mr. Hodge has been the project team leader of the frontage roads on SH 114 between Dove Road and Kirkwood Boulevard as well as the recently completed intersection improvements at SH 114 and Kirkwood Boulevard and SH 114 and Dove Road. Mr. Hodge has also been instrumental in working with the property owners along the SH 114 frontage road in preparation for TxDOT's SH 114 ramp reversal project. Item 4N Recently, Mr. Hodge discovered that TxDOT's consultant had begun preliminary design work on the ramp reversal project. Given his instrumental role in opening dialogue with the property owners and addressing their concerns, it is recommended that Mr. Hodge continue to participate in the designer -property owner meetings. His involvement will ensure that property owners' concerns are adequately addressed, allowing the conceptual phase of the project to progress smoothly to full design. Mr. Hodge also identified a need to address TxDOT's stance on not installing trees on private property. As part of the initial agreement for right-of-way acquisition, TxDOT committed to replanting trees removed from the former TD Ameritrade campus. However, as the project nears completion, TxDOT has informed all parties that they do not intend to install trees on private property. Mr. Hodge will re-engage in efforts to ensure TxDOT upholds its side of the agreement and replants the trees as initially agreed upon. Financial Considerations: The combined cost of the previous contract ($40,000) plus this contract amount ($45,000) exceeds the $50,000 threshold; therefore, City Council approval is required. Strategic Link: Funding for these projects is budgeted from the General Fund of the Capital Improvements Program. The SH 114 Improvement Projects link to the City's strategy map relative to the focus areas of Infrastructure and Development and the specific corporate objectives (F2) investing to provide & maintain high quality public assets. Citizen Input/ Board Review: None Legal Review: None Alternatives: City Council may approve or deny the agreement. Supporting Documents: Attachment A: Short term proposal for project management services Staff Recommendation: Approve this contract change order with Hodge and Associates to retain continuity with the SH 114 frontage road construction and ramp reversal projects.