Scharli Semi July 2024CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER_ FORM C/QM CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT COVER SHEET PG - 1 Filer ID (Ethos Co tss t Filers) Totat pages Tiled: The 11lCbli I trLIc�oI� C,tattl explains Ilrt to complete thisform. ID 3CANDIDATE/ OFFICEHOLDER., US dM#RSIMtR FIRST MI ., ME_..a..a... .o..................................... tdate Rem ,�. - NICKNAME LAST SUFFIX 4CANDIDATE/ ADDRESS (PO BOX APT 6SUITE #, CITY, STATE: ZIP P E U1- — 0 24 OFFICEHOLDER , MAILING ADDRESS SOUTkAv'i, TV lboirL ElChange of Address 5 CANDIDATE/ AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENSION vered or date Postmarked 0FFICEHOLDER PHONE � � 0_� ` lm�il .�.:.:� �..�_ ..... Receipt # Armum CAMPAIGN TREASURER ME r MARS 6 tw9R R FIRST MCI -ME ... Cate Promssed MCKNAMtE. LAST SUFFIX . gate Irtta�ged I 7 CAMPAIGN STREETA RESS (NO PO s0X PLEASEI. T / SUITE #: t STATE; ZF CODE TREASURER ADDRESS SD UT4L*" t (Residence or Business) 8 CAMPAIGN AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENSION TREASURER PHONE r 9 REPORT TYPE � January 15 30th day belbie election. Runoff � I Sth day after carnpaign treasumr s rd (Officaua r Only) July 15 �. hday before e4ecton-Exoaeded Modified Fhat Report (AtG -FR) Reparft Limit 10 PERIOD Month Day Year Month Days Year COVERED �"' / / THROUGH 6 I 11 ELECTION ELECTION DATE ELECTION TYPE M&tnih flay Year Prknary Runoff CtI?er Descnptttan r'.-Lq El General Speckaf 12 OFFICE OFF8CE M9ELC (itany) 13 OFFICESOUGHT W k nl 14 NOTICE FROM FOft NO= OF POLnrAL C011RIBUTI048 ACCEPIM0 OR POIJITICAL EXPENDITUMS MA09 RV P L COMIArMES TO SWPORT POLITICAL THE C 0#' 10 T E IXTURE MAY HAVE E T THE Cat ER"s NO - SE&1r. CAtt IbA AN00 COJv MITi'EE(S COMtMtIEE TYPE COMMITTEE NAME, GENERAL COMMITTEE ADDRESS Additional pages CISPEUIFtC COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER NAME COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER ADDRESS GO TO PAGE 2 Forms providedby Texas Ethics Coimmission,etbi ,state. tx.0 Revised 11/1 022 , FOkM CIOH C�OVER SHEET PG �2 16 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 11 12 $ ( 01-1 4. TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES 5, TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS MAINTAINED AS OF THE LAST DAY $ OF REPORTING PERIOD A EXPENDITU'RE ... F 3. TOTAL UNITEMIZED POLITICAL EXPENDITURE, TOTALS CONTRIBUTION BALANCE OUTSTANDING 6. TOTAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ALL OUTSTANDING LOANS AS OF THE 'I $ %5 LOAN TOTALS LAST DAY OF THE REPORTING PERIOD 5141 I swear, or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that the accompanying report is true and correct and includes all information required to be reported by me under Title 15, Election Code. Signature of Candidate or Officeholder liqpJ11111 111�1� 11111 i 'l 11,1117,110 117, TI (1) Alfflidavit AMY SHELLEY Public, Taxes Notary State of Tax 0 Comm Expires 12-02-2027 1 2- 02-2027 J Notary ID 124761105 1105 NOTARY ST ±fd'/Vk Sworn to and subscribed before me by jk\ C9 to certify which, witness my hand a dseal ofoffice, Printoame of officer admAstering oath SZMEMMZ�a (street) Executed in County, State of Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission this the 'W( day of J2--�— and my date of birth is of officer admini; (city) (state) (zip code) (country) on the day of 20. (month) (year) Signature of Candidate/Officeholder (Declarant) vA,vw.ethics.sate.tx.us Revised 11/1512022 SUBTOTALS C/OH FORM C/OH %;OVER SHEET PG 3 19 FILER NAME 420 Flier 0 (Ethics Commission Filers) f & AtJ fA' _J 21 SCHEDULE SUBTOTALS SUBTOTAL NAME OF SCHEDULE AMOUNT I SCHEDULEA`I° MON ETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ a. I foil, 2, SCHEDULE A2: NON -MONETARY (IN -KIND) POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 3. �CHEDULE B: PLEDGED CONTRIBUTIONS $ 4, SCHEDULE E: LOANS $ s-'0000-0 5. SCHEDULE FI: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 2_,fo 1'7 6. El SCHEDULE F2-, UNPAID INCURRED OBLIGATIONS 7- E] SCHEDULE F3: PURCHASE OF INVESTMENTS MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 8- SCHEDULE F4. EXPENDITURES MADE BY CREDIT CARE) $ �4 9� FO SCHEDULE G; POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM PERSONAL FUNDS $ 21 10- SCHEDULE H: PAYMENT MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO A BUSINESS OF C/OH $ 11, El SCHEDULE 1. NON POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 1Z SCHEDULE K. INTEREST, CREDITS, GAINS, REFUNDS, AND CONTRIBUTIONS RETURNED $ TO FILER r urms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics,state.N.I.Is Revised 11/1512C-'-' MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE Al If the requested information is not applicable, DO NOT include this page in the report. The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule Al: 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 4 Date 5 Full name of contributor out -of state PAC (Oft! p 7 Amount of contribution ........... .......... ................... 6 Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code -2 2- 0() (TLSM� lc`6x�v— Ort. 8 Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) 9 Employer (See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC (ID# I Amount of contribution is) ID (L#,VXC0'W4 lho C- ontrib u for address.. ddres s ........ —.City, ......... S.tat. ..e; ... ..... .... Zip - Code ...... 5z qo 1�1)6 S14ADY WOO ., 5,Wr14L4&cjf T'3L -7601Tz Principal occupation / Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out -of -slate PAC (ll)#, Amount of contribution Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code tot 5"vievifto Principal occupation / Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC (104, 1 Amount of contribution IN ..... 52-4,o ................................... Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code lot(p b I A Asc" -0 a , ro evaa TX —76241 Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements, Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission wvm�ethics,state.tx'us Revised 11115/2022 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE Al If the requested information is not applicable, DO NOT include this page In the report, The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule Al, 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) W 4 Date Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC (fD#,, 7 Amount of contribution ............. ......... Contributor address; City; p Code State; Zi ............. 2(00--n :$0-) r-'4t. aoftw.-A -7 &A 7- i-40A 8 Principal occupation I Job title (See instructions) 9 Employer (See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor El out-01-stale PAC (10#- Amount of contribution (S) 111w>y ................ ...... ........ Contributor address,- City; State� Zip Code 104e. ys I -SV 6- W600 do-W4 7-x -illpo-f2 Employer (See Principal occupation / Job title (See Instructions) T7� Instructions) Date Full name of contributor 0 out-of-stat. PAC Amount of contribution lwo*w -al L4 40— ��'A , '— ......... I ... ...... .. � _j - A Contributor address-, City; State� Zip Code �Z- Del W - Z A�o � S'r. go" -jorow cv- -76110Z- 3,0W Pri icipal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor El out-of-5tate PAG (00! Amount of contribution .......... Contributor address; City,- State�* Zip Code Principal occupation I Job title (See instructions) Employer (See Instructions) ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULEAS NEEDED If contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by TexaS Ethics Commission www ethics. state. tx, us Revised 11/15/2022 LOANS SCHEDULE E If the requested information is not applicable, DO NOT include this page in the report, The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Totat pages Schedide E� 1 2 FILER NAME 3 Fiter to (Ethics Commission Filers) rA, Sckoayu� 4 TOTAL OF UNITEMIZED LOANS $ -5 Date of loan 7 Name of lender El out-of-state PAC (IDN! 9 LoanAmount($) 5 ictr- ........... 51 ...... 6 Is tender Lender address-, ........... City: State: Zip Code 10 Interest rate a financial f Institution? "ks- 4 JOA Y 11 Maturitydate *"TovK Won Dot f%*Wo ru AAO-tooz 12 Principal occupation Job title (See Instructions) 13 Employer (See, Instructions) NIA 01A 14 Description of Collateral 15 Check if personal funds were deposited into political none account (See Instructions) 16 GUARANTOR 17 Name of guarantor 19 Amount Guaranteed($) INFORMATION 18 Guarantor address; City; State; Zip Code Ck) not applicable 20 Principal Occupation (See Instructions) 21 Employer (See instructions) Date of loan Name of lender out-of-state PAC (10#z Loan Amount ($) .................... Is lender Lender address. ...... City� state-� Zip Code Interest rate a financial Institution? Maturity date Y N Principal occupation Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) Description of Collateral Check if personal funds were deposited into political El none account (See Instructions) GUARANTOR Name of guarantor Amount Guaranteed ($) INFORMATION Guarantor address; City; State; Zip Code not applicable I Principal Occupation (See fri5tructions) Employer (See Instructions) JTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED lender is out-of-state PAC. olease see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. uTms provided by -I exas Elfts Commission www.ethimstate.N.us Revised 11/15/2022 POLITICAL FROM POLITICAL TI SCHEDULE If the requested information is not applicable, DO NOT Include this page In the report. EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8ta} Advertising Expense Acoou,ntinWEianWg Event Expense Loanl bursernent SolicltationlFundraisingExpense Fees Office Overhead/Rental Expense Transportation Equipment,& Related Expense Consulting Expense F e Expense Potting Expense Travel in District Contribution orations Made By Gift/AwardslMernonats Expense Printing Expense Travel Out Of District Candidatel ceholder/PollitcalCommittee Cram card : txiot al Services Sal t a tracltabor C} tenter 7Ca not listed above) The Instruction Guide explains both to complete this form. I Total pages Schedule F9: ^ FILER NAME 3 Her ICJ (Ethics Commission Filers) trir a 4 Date _ Payee name 1--1, 14 > 6 Amount () 7 Payee address: City;: State'„` Zip Code _.(a) Category (.See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) (fs).Description PURPOSE OF LOW, ( P ; EXPENDITURE '.. (e) C#e itumetoutside of-rexas. CompleteSchedule T Check if Austin., Tit, officeholder WIN expen••se.. 9 Complete ONLY if direct Candidate I Officeholder name {office sought Office held expenditure to benefrl C/OH Gate Payee name p . :ii kix Amount [) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code Category (See Calegttnes listed at the top of this schedule) Description PUR�PPOSE EXPENDITURE Chea l travel outside afTexas. CoMpWe Schedule T Check if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense Complete tiff Y if direct Candidate t Officeholder name Office sought {office held expenditure to benefit CIOH Date 4 Payee name "4 Amount (? Payee address: city: _ Mate: Zip Cede f;A Category (See Categories listed at the top of this Schedule) Description PURPOSE F �y irk" EXPENDITURE Check iinvelautsrde of Texas: Complete Schedule T. Check if Austin,. TX, officeholder living expense _... Complete Qbjy if direct Candidate 1 Officeholder dame Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided byTexag EthfCg CoenrtijSsion I'vmwethiC,a trite-tcu Revised 11115l fl 2 EXPENDITURES MADE BY CREDIT CARD SCHEDULE If the requested information Is not applicable„ DO NOT include this page to the repaid. EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 10( ) Advertising Expense AccountinglBankinP Event Expense Loan RepaymenvRombutsennent Solicitation/Fundraising Expense Sees Office OverheacVRental Expense rtDistri Equipment 8 Related Expense Consults Expense Travel i ��' Expense Polling EXCyenSe.. Travel in District 0ootdbutions0onatpons Made By Gift/Awards/Memorials Expense Printing Expense Travel Out Of District CandidatelOtficehdldedPotitical Committee legal Services SalariesMage3slContract Labor Other (entera category not listed above) The Instruction Guide explains hour to complete this form- 1 Total pages Schedt,ile F4 2 FILER NAME 8 Filter ID (Ethics Commission Filers) ( TOTAL OF UNITI=MIZED EXPENDITURES CHARGED TO A CREDIT CARD 5 Date 5 Payee name (—t " Wi'Ik . C 7 Amount } 8 Payee address, City; state; Zip Cade l „Va L4 0 z -r fAV I 9 TYPE OF EXPENDITURE Political Non-loolltical 10 (a) Category (See Categories listed at the tear of this schedule) (b) Description t1OF k EXPENDITURE (0) Cheeks if travel outsideefTexas Complete Schedule El Check if Muslin, "rX, officeholder living expense 11 Candidate f Officeholder name Office sought Office held Complete lU Y if direct expenditure to benefit CIOH Date Payee nart'1€ Amount (S) Payee addreas.; +city,state; Zip Code. TYPE OF EXPENDITURE 0 Political felon -Political Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) Description PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE ElChscS iilievetaolerdenfTexas, Complete Schedule T.. E:1 Check if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense Candidate 1 Officeholder name Office sought Office held Complete QNLY If direct expenditure to benefit C/0 ATTACHM !NAL COPIES i i ULE AS N EE DED POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM PERSONAL FUNDS SCHEDULE G If the requested information is not applicable, DO NOT include this page in the report. EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advertising Expense Acociunting/Banking EvontExpenes Loan RepaymerriVReimbursement Soficitabon/Fundraising Expense Fees Office OvedheadlRentall Expense 'ire tense Equipment & Related Expense Consulting Expense FoodiBeverage Expense Polling Expense Travel In Distriat Contributions.0onations Made By CftVAwsirOsMernoi Expense Printing Expense Travel Out Of District Candidate/OfficeholderfPoliticaI Committee Legal Services Satan esMages) tract Labor Other (enter a category not listed above) Cfei Card Payment The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. I Total pages Schedule G: 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) Fft"Ml� SC, tVN16 4 Date 5 Payee name i 1� . 6 Amount ($) 7 Payee addre: City; State; Zip Code f 115-$6 il U t'j IT & rA PN -rrL AV Its RA Reimbursement from Ispolibcaj contributions intended (a) Category ($a-- Categories listed at the top of this scheoiAio) (b) Description PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE (c) Check iftrevefoulside ofTexas, Complete Schedule T Ch"k if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense 9 Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held Complete QhJLY if direct expenditure to benefit CJOH Date Payee name Amount Payee address; City; State; Zip Code 60 L'04'n J IL'L'6 PL. 322 G Reimbursement from, political contributions intended Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schodufe) Description PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Ej Check if travel outside ofTexo& Complete Schadule T El Check if Austin. TX, Officeholder Wrig expense Candidate / Officeholder name Office sought Office held Complete QN_LY if direct expenditure to benefit C10H Date Payee name Amount Payee address; City; State; Zip Code 541-11� 1%0 e-OAAJAKI&Slit 4-f Reimbursement from political contributions intended Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) Description PURPOSE OF Wi EXPENDITURE Check if travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T Check if Austin, TX. officeholder living expense Complete QW if direct Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/0H -J7ACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethtcs.state.tx.us Revised 1 ill 512Q2!, 7