***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 3/8/04
4 February 9, 2004
7 Board Members Present: Bobby Rawls, Chairman; Frank Cornish, Vice-Chair; Mary
8 Georgia, Secretary; Eric Blomquist, Elaine Cox, Liz Durham, Emily Galpin, Cara White
9 and Dorothy Wood
11 Board Members Absent: None
13 Staff Members Present: Malcolm Jackson, Director of Community Services; Steve
14 Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services; Steve Moore, Recreation
15 Superintendent; and Senior Park Planner Chris Carpenter.
19 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order
21 Chair Rawls called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
25 Agenda Item No. 4. Administrative Comments
27 Director Jackson reported on the following administrative comments:
29 A. Trees planted in Royal & Annie Smith Park for Johnson Road Rehabilitation
30 Project - Last year sixty-two (62) Cedar Elm trees were scheduled to be
31 planted along Johnson Road to replace thirty-six (36) trees that needed to be
32 removed to rehabilitate the road and improve the drainage along the right-of-
33 way and adjacent properties. As the project progressed the City's Landscape
34 Administrator and Engineering Inspectors performed in-the-field adjustments
35 to preserve almost all of the trees that were scheduled to be removed. Because
36 so many trees were saved, there was virtually nowhere to plant the 62 Cedar
37 Elms that had already been purchased by the City. To fix this problem the
38 Landscape Administrator and the Engineering Inspector choose to plant a
39 majority of the trees along the new sidewalk/trail constructed in Royal &
40 Annie Smith Park.
42 Since the trees were planted, approximately fifteen (15) of the trees have died.
43 Nine (9) of the trees were replaced last fall and the other six (6) will be
44 replaced during this winter. Currently the trees do not have irrigation but are
45 required to be maintained by the road construction contractor until the project
46 is accepted.
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 3/8/04
2 Director Jackson clarified that irrigation is not planned for this site for several
3 years.
5 B. Harris Methodist Development Tree Miti ag tion - The Harris Methodist
6 development has completed the initial site work. In order to obtain their
7 building permit, they were required to pay for the tree mitigation assessments
8 in the amount of $31,850 as assessed in accordance with our Tree
9 Preservation Ordinance. These funds have been deposited into the
10 reforestation fund. A copy of the updated Reforestation Fund budget will be
11 provided in the next Park Board meeting packet.
13 C. Parks and Recreation Board Photos - Chair Rawls announced that a few
14 minutes before the next Park Board meeting, photos will be taken of the Board
15 similar to the ones done for each City Council. Director Jackson informed the
16 Board of recent remodeling of the Community Center interior to provide a
17 dedicated conference room and an additional office which now allows for
18 display of Park Board photos as well as other historical photos.
22 Agenda Item No. 3A. Approval of the Parks and Recreation Board meeting minutes of
23 January 12, 2004.
25 A motion was made to approve the minutes of the January 12, 2004 meeting as
26 presented with changes made to Page 3A-3 as indicated by Ms. Cox to change
27 "dropped" to "raised."
29 Motion: White
30 Second: Georgia
31 Ayes: Cox, Cornish, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Rawls, White and Wood
32 Nays: None
33 Abstention: Blomquist (absent at 1/12/04 meeting)
34 Vote: 8-0-1
36 Motion carried.
41 Agenda Item No. 3-A. Approval of the January 12, 2004 Parks and Recreation Board
42 meeting minutes. Minutes were approved as presented in the Park Board packet with one
43 change on Page 3A-3, line 15. Where the text states, "Ms. Cox asked if the $8 participant
44 fee would be dropped..." the word "dropped" was changed to "raise."
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 3/8/04
2 Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum
4 Chairman Rawls opened the Public Forum by reading the provisions for a public forum.
5 No one addressed the Board during Public Forum. Public Forum was closed.
8 Agenda Item No. 5-A. Approval to name certain park roads for identification purposes
10 Director Jackson presented this item for Park Board action as he explained the need for
11 certain park roads to be named. With the continued growth in use of the parks system, the
12 need to better identify certain park entrance roads becomes an important issue for general
13 directional information as well as rapid identification during emergency responses. The
14 City has ten parks within its system, some of which are presently undeveloped or do not
15 have park roads. Bob Jones Park and Bicentennial Park currently have multiple park
16 roads and entry drives. There are no designated street names for the three parks roads
17 leading into and through Bicentennial Park or the entrances to Bob Jones Park with the
18 exception of the loop road into Bicentennial Park off of FM 1709.
20 Bob Jones Park and Bicentennial Park have the highest amount of use (soccer, baseball,
21 softball, tennis, etc.). Providing unofficial names requires no change in postal addresses,
22 however, it would enable park patrons to better locate their activities and most
23 importantly provide clarification for emergency vehicles responding to calls to ensure
24 entry is made closest to any existing emergency.
26 Staff proposed the following names for review and consideration by the Parks Board:
28 1. Bicentennial Park
29 Pennsylvania Avenue (FM 1709 Entrance)
30 Bicentennial Drive (White Chapel Entrance)
31 Freedom Lane (leading to Tennis Center)
33 2. Bob Jones Park
34 Equestrian Drive (North equestrian parking lot)
35 North Park Drive (North entrance off of White Chapel)
36 Central Park Drive (Central entrance off of White Chapel)
37 South Park Drive (South entrance off of White Chapel)
38 South Trail Drive (South equestrian trailhead)
39 Tucker Drive (Drive leading into Tucker property)
40 Farhat Drive (Drive leading into Farhat property)
42 Maps of Bob Jones Park and Bicentennial Park with the proposed names shown are
43 attached to the minutes.
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 3/8/04
1 Director Jackson pointed out that at their September 14, 1998 meeting, Parks Board
2 recommended naming the loop road off of FM 1709 "Bicentennial Drive." City Council
3 approved the request at their October 6, 1998 meeting.
5 Discussion:
7 Ms. White inquired whether the park staff had gone through DPS and the planning
8 process before the Park Board makes a recommendation. She said those entities would
9 need to look at the roads for ultimate development within the City if they are going to
10 cross any potential roads in the future. Director Jackson explained that process would be
11 needed if these were public roadways, roadways that have intersections or block numbers
12 because they are entered into a CAD system or there are development issues that relate to
13 addressing with the postal system.
15 Ms. White said that she believed that once the roads are used, they become a street access
16 and are recognized on at least local maps and become permanent record. She also
17 mentioned that it was her understanding that the entrance to Bicentennial Park off of FM
18 1709 was named "Bicentennial Park" in 1998, because it would serve as the main road
19 into the park. She said her understanding was that eventually the Community Center and
20 Lodge buildings would be replaced by a parking lot and that the entrance road off of
21 White Chapel would ultimately function to provide access to those ball fields and parking
22 lot, not as the main entrance to Bicentennial Park. Ms. White favored using the
23 recognized name of the park as the name for the park's main entrance road and keep
24 "Bicentennial Drive" as the name for the road off FM 1709.
26 Ms. Wood agreed with Ms. White's suggestion to keep "Bicentennial Drive" as is and
27 added that she would like to also see the secondary road into Bicentennial Park off of
28 White Chapel called "Liberty [something]" because the Liberty Garden would be the
29 main attraction on that side of the park.
31 Ms. Durham expressed that she originally felt that Freedom Lane should be the
32 designation for the road adjacent to the Liberty Garden off of White Chapel, however, in
33 working through the construction of the Garden during the past two years and having to
34 direct contractors to the site by identifying the entrance to Bicentennial Park as the
35 entrance off of White Chapel where the Bicentennial Park monument sign is located, she
36 came to feel that entrance road should be designated as "Bicentennial Drive" since it is
37 the road that leads to the offices.
39 Ms. Cox stated that when teams from other areas come to Bicentennial Park for games or
40 tournaments, they expect Bicentennial to be off of FM 1709, not White Chapel.
42 Ms. Georgia agreed with Ms. White and Ms. Cox that the main road off of FM 1709 into
43 Bicentennial Park is recognized by the youth leagues as "Bicentennial Drive." She
44 thought "Freedom Lane" as proposed was fine also. In addition, Ms. Georgia agreed with
45 Ms. Wood that the entrance road off of White Chapel, adjacent to Liberty Garden, should
46 be "Liberty Drive."
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 3/8/04
2 Ms. Georgia stated she wasn't sure the Board was following the correct process.
4 Ms. Durham said she didn't have a problem with naming the streets as staff is trying to
5 do and proceeding with putting some designations and street signs and things of that
6 nature up. She said this is the first time Board members were each approached with the
7 names and they want to change the actual selection of the names more so than the
8 process.
10 Ms. White brought up the issue of possible unenforceable speed limits in the parks due to
11 the speeds being stated in odd increments [ie.16 mph] and said that she wasn't sure that
12 the Park Board understood what the rules and guidelines were to naming roads before
13 deciding to proceed. She said it would be good to know first whether or not it can be
14 enforced or if it is something that the city can do.
16 Ms. White had some concerns about naming roads after specific people. She stated that
17 she believed that a precedent had been set to name parks and things after people;
18 however, she was unsure whether roads should be named after people. Although Ms.
19 White knows Ms. Tucker personally, she still did not believe the road should be named
20 "Tucker Drive."
22 Director Jackson reminded the Board that the names presented were only suggestions;
23 that staff would support any names the Board desires. He reiterated that the primary
24 purpose is to identify each one so that constituents of the park can identify which entry
25 for their purposes and for emergency response purposes. As it relates to the technical
26 stand points, Director Jackson pointed out that if the matter about the speed limits issue
27 was applied to a regular street, it would be true that enforceability could be an issue. But
28 because the entrances and interior drives are not regular streets, it is not applicable and
29 therefore the 16 mph is enforceable and allowable and the same situation applies with the
30 naming of the streets because they are not related to public roadways by definition of the
31 Texas Highway Legislation Acts that govern, the streets may be named whatever the City
32 desires to do.
34 It was mentioned that when the property adjacent to the entrance off of FM 1709 is
35 developed the developer would supply a big grand entrance sign into Bicentennial Park.
37 Ms. Cox said she believed that the Park Board was not against naming the roads, just
38 against some of the proposed names.
40 The Board agreed to vote on the names of the individual parks as separate motions. The
41 first was for Bicentennial Park.
43 The Board's recommended names for Bicentennial Park were:
45 • Replace "Bicentennial Drive" shown on the attached map as the entrance off
46 of White Chapel with "Liberty Drive."
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 3/8/04
1 • Keep "Bicentennial Drive" (entrance off FM 1709) as is - do not rename to
2 "Pennsylvania Avenue."
3 • "Freedom Lane" as designated on the attached map
5 The Board agreed to make a preliminary recommendation subject to review by both
6 planning and DSP and to return this item to the Park Board at their next meeting for a
7 final recommendation.
9 Bicentennial Park
11 A motion was made that the name of the driveway off of FM 1709 be kept
12 "Bicentennial Drive" and "Freedom Lane" would be the drive to the tennis center,
13 and the driveway by Liberty Garden would become "Liberty Drive."
14 Motion: Cox
15 Second: Georgia
16 Ayes: Blomquist, Cox, Cornish, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Rawls, White and
17 Wood
18 Nays: None
19 Abstention: None
20 Vote: 9-0
22 Motion carried.
24 Naming of park roads for Bob Jones Park was discussed next.
26 Ms. Wood asked staff to explain where the name "Bronco Drive" came from. It was a
27 name that could be associated with horses and was offered because that particular drive is
28 close to an equestrian area. In fact, the drive leads to the Walnut Grove trail head as
29 pointed out by Ms. Galpin.
31 After a brief discussion, the Board decided to name the drive labeled as "Bronco Drive or
32 South Trail Drive" on the map to "Walnut Grove Drive."
34 Ms. Durham said she didn't have a problem naming "Equestrian Drive" or "Walnut
35 Grove Drive" but would like to see "North Park, Central Park and South Park" drives
36 named to provide the former property owners a legacy.
38 Ms. Cox said a good point to remember if the Board names one of the drives after an
39 individual property owner's name, then there will be others that want the same privilege.
41 Ms. White offered the name "SENA Drive," which is derived from "Southlake
42 Equestrian and Nature Activities."
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 3/8/04
1 Ms. Durham said she would like to see the drives named after citizens that have made
2 major contributions to growth and change to the City and suggested one be named "Stacy
3 Drive" after former mayor Rick Stacy.
5 Ms. White felt that would be impossible because there have been so many of citizens that
6 have made outstanding contributions to the City's development there aren't enough
7 drives to go around!
9 Mr. Cornish brought out that naming parks after specific individuals could cause some
10 citizens to be offended because not everyone that has made contributions would have a
11 drive named for them. He stated that generic names as "North Park, Central Park and
12 South Park" drives would be more acceptable. Director Jackson said since there is a
13 "Central" the name "Central Park Drive" may create some concerns with DPS and not be
14 feasible. A suggestion was made to name it "Park Central Drive."
16 Other suggestions were "Bob Jones Drive," "Peachtree Drive," "Pavilion," "Jones" or
17 "Beltline."
19 Ms. Galpin suggested naming the drives after trees.
21 Bob Jones Park
23 A motion was made that the Park Board name the streets "Equestrian Drive,"
24 "Park North Drive," "Park Central Drive," and "Park South Drive," and "Walnut
25 Grove Drive" for the Bob Jones Park.
26 Motion: Cornish
27 Second: Galpin
29 The motion was amended to [recommend naming the streets] "Equestrian Drive,"
30 "Park North Drive," "Park Central Drive," "Park South Drive," "Walnut Grove
31 Drive," "Tucker Drive," and "Farhat Drive."
32 Motion: Cornish
33 Second: Durham
34 Ayes: Blomquist, Cox, Cornish, Durham, Georgia, Rawls, and Wood
35 Nays: White and Galpin
36 Abstention: None
37 Vote: 7-2
39 Motion carried.
42 Agenda Item No. 5-B. Matching funds request from Southlake Girls Softball Association
43 for purchase and construction of bleacher shade structures at Bob Jones Park softball
44 fields
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 3/8/04
1 Director Jackson presented the proposed matching funds request submitted by the
2 Southlake Girls Softball Association (SGSA) and asked the Board to make a
3 recommendation to take to SPDC.
5 The request under consideration is for matching funds for the purchase and installation of
6 six shade structures to cover the bleacher areas at the Bob Jones Park softball fields for
7 the approximate cost of $110,000. The request is for matching funds in the amount of
8 $55,000. SGSA has received a quote of $107,900 from Sun Ports international for the
9 project. The approved SPDC Matching Funds budget is $100,000 and the Director of
10 Finance has confirmed that only $5,000 in Matching Funds has been requested to be
11 encumbered in the current fiscal year leaving $95,000 available for other projects.
13 The shade structures would allow for covered areas to encircle the backstops of all six
14 fields similar to what currently exists in Bicentennial Park. The structures would consist
15 of steel poles with a polyethylene shade cloth. Suggested colors are tan poles with forest
16 green cover and will blend with the existing facilities.
18 A copy of the Matching Funds Request is attached to the minutes.
20 Representatives from SGSA were present to answer questions from the Board.
22 Discussion:
24 Mr. Blomquist wanted to know how often the City has dispensed all of the funds in the
25 Matching Funds budget. Director Jackson said he was not sure that all the funds had ever
26 been exhausted in any given year. Ms. White said the Fund was nearly depleted last year,
27 but did not recall any other time.
29 A motion was made to approve the matching funds request from Southlake Girls
30 Softball Association for purchase and construction of bleacher shade structures at
31 Bob Jones Park softball fields.
32 Motion: Georgia
33 Second: Blomquist
34 Ayes: Blomquist, Cox, Cornish, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Rawls, White and
35 Wood
36 Nays: None
37 Abstention: None
38 Vote: 9-0
40 Motion carried.
43 Agenda Item No. 5-C. Recommendation to utilize Park Dedication Funds for the
44 construction of four batting cages in Bob Jones Park
February 9, 2004 Page 8 of 20
***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 3/8/04
1 Director Jackson presented this item for consideration. He provided background
2 information and asked the Board to make a recommendation.
4 The approved revised site plan for Bob Jones Park includes four batting cages to be
5 located on the east side of the softball field four-plex. At the November 10, 2003
6 meeting, staff presented the award of bid for the Bob Jones Park project. During the
7 meeting, staff indicated that the batting cages were not part of the base bid but rather
8 listed as an alternate item. Staff recommended not including this alternate as part of the
9 award of bid due to the high cost of the bid price ($103,000), but rather re-bidding the
10 batting cages as a separate item for future presentation to Parks Board. Construction costs
11 are estimated at $65,000, representing an anticipated savings of $38,000 from the
12 alternate bid. As confirmed by the Finance Director, funding is available for this project
13 in the Park Dedication Fund, which currently has an unencumbered balance of
14 approximately $270,000.
16 The proposed batting cages are similar in design to those currently existing in
17 Bicentennial Park for softball. There would be four batting cages to include netting, clay
18 surfacing, pitching rubbers, home plates, concrete walkway, lighting and electrical.
20 It is staff's recommendation that the Park Board make a recommendation to City Council
21 to utilize Park Dedication Funds in the amount of $65,000 for the construction of the
22 batting cages. Award of bid for the batting cages would be presented to the Parks Board
23 and City Council for consideration at future meetings.
25 Two diagrams outlining the proposed locations of the batting cages are attached to the
26 minutes.
28 Discussion:
30 Ms. White pointed out that there are currently six batting cages at Bicentennial Park to
31 serve 936 baseball participants. The proposed request is for four batting cages to serve
32 about 300 girls softball participants.
34 Ms. Wood suggested that the batting cages be obtained through matching funds rather
35 than using Park Dedication Funds. She recommended using Park Dedication Funds for
36 projects that could be used by all citizens (dog parks, trails, etc) instead of for team
37 sports.
39 Deputy Director Polasek responded to questions about the purchase of the existing
40 batting cages in Bicentennial Park that they were paid for by matching funds request from
41 both the baseball and softball associations.
43 Ms. White reminded the Board that previously the Board had voted to use the Park
44 Dedication Funds for improvements to parks.
February 9, 2004 Page 9 of 20
***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 3/8/04
1 Director Jackson clarified this item had not been included specifically in the Park
2 Dedication Fund budget and would require an amendment to that budget subject to the
3 Park Board approval tonight.
5 Ms. Wood said she would like to see the girls' softball association come forward with a
6 matching funds request that would include a more conservative number of batting cages
7 as opposed to four for the 300 girls that now play twice a year for eight weeks.
9 Ms. Durham pointed out it was more cost efficient to install four instead of two.
11 Director Jackson and Ms. Cox felt it was important to remind the Board that the SGSA
12 had successfully raised the matching funds for the purchase and construction of the
13 bleacher shade structures at Bob Jones Park that was considered earlier this evening.
15 Matt Tuggey, president, Southlake Girls Softball Association, spoke to the Park Board
16 about the proposal and explained that the batting cages at Bicentennial Park were built
17 through joint use funds through SPDC. He said they do have an investment in those cages
18 and would love to take them with them. They raised the funds for the shade structures
19 that were just voted on, which leaves a zero balance in the SGSA checking account. The
20 Association is also trying to raise $100,000 to install a playground and cover over the
21 playground, which are part of the master plan. Mr. Tuggey mentioned the need to
22 represent their association's participation numbers correctly stating that if there was
23 adequate space available, their membership could easily be 500 instead of 300. The
24 association purposely has had to restrict their registration. Mr. Tuggey said the SGSA
25 membership will pay their fair share for each request that will be brought to the Board for
26 future matching funds requests.
28 Ms. Durham asked if the batting cages were an immediate need, a safety issue or if they
29 could be postponed? She asked him if they could consider other options such as obtaining
30 two initially, then come back at a later date with a request for the other two.
32 Mr. Tuggey explained that with batting cages you can double your practice times, by
33 putting a team in the batting cages for an hour while another team can be on the field at
34 the same time. Mr. Tuggey said that safety was also an issue.
36 Ms. Wood said that although safety is a concern, the problem is that there are limited
37 resources and the Park Board must be prudent on how those funds are spent to benefit all
38 Southlake citizens.
40 Ms. Durham stated that she applauds the SGSA for all their efforts - they have a vested
41 interest that has been shown, a track record of contributing and trying to make it work, a
42 willingness to fund, do labor, and to participate. The SGSA has made valuable
43 contributions not only to SGSA, but also to the community by helping to provide those
44 amenities to other people. The only issue Ms. Durham has at this time is using Park
45 Dedication funds because of the limited resources - she would like to find another
46 resource.
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 3/8/04
2 There are some residential and commercial developments that will be required to pay
3 Park Dedication fees for their development, but exact amounts and proposed dates for
4 those payments are not known at this time.
6 Ms. Georgia asked if the funds from the Coke Fund must be used solely for Bicentennial
7 Park. Director Jackson confirmed that was correct.
9 Mr. Blomquist suggested approving funds for two of the batting cages at this time.
11 Ms. Cox said she believes the City has an obligation of at least the $10,000 that the
12 SGSA previously contributed to provide the existing batting cages.
14 Ms. Georgia said that if this was a matching funds request the vote would probably be
15 unanimously supported, but the difficulty is that the Parks Dedication Fund budget must
16 be spent on more general park uses for all citizens.
18 Mr. Tuggey offered to look at the request and see if there were areas that could be
19 reduced, such as lighting the fields, providing volunteer manpower to erect fences or do
20 other maintenance projects that could reduce costs.
22 Ms. Cox asked to see a "breakdown" of the costs for the batting cages.
24 Ms. Georgia and Ms. Durham favored having staff go back and investigate and itemize
25 the costs, look at alternatives, things that could be eliminated, get better costs figures,
26 table the item for some time in order to see if Park Dedication Funds may change, and
27 determine whether any of the requested funds could come out of the Park Dedication
28 Fund (provide maximum and minimum amounts).
30 Chair Rawls asked Mr. Tuggey to explore other options for the fencing around the batting
31 cages because there are less expensive netting alternatives.
33 Boyd Dollar, Southlake citizen, said he favored an interim solution until the economic
34 situation is more favorable.
36 Mr. Tuggey said that if the Association had a "dollar figure to work with" they would
37 like to explore the possibilities to see if SGSA could add to that dollar amount.
39 Mr. Blomquist said he could support using the Park Dedication Funds for a playground
40 more than he could for batting cages.
42 The Park Dedication Fund budget will be provided at the next Park Board meeting.
44 A motion was made that we [Park Board] as a group deny the recommendation to
45 use Park Dedication money for the $65,000 needed to construct the four batting
46 cages that were proposed.
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 3/8/04
2 Ms. White said to include instructions for staff to go back and do research. The motion
3 was amended to add, "That staff will come back with more information in the way of
4 delineating the actual costs in a way that it is line-itemed and in addition to that,
5 looking for alternate sources of funds than Park Dedication money. Then thirdly,
6 that we [Park Board] look at the budgets. Ms. Cox asked that the motion include that
7 "Staff will come up with alternate options." Ms. Wood agreed.
8 Motion: Wood aided by Ms. White and Ms. Cox
9 Second: White
10 Ayes: Blomquist, Cornish, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Rawls, White and Wood
11 Nays: None
12 Abstention: None
13 Vote: 9-0
15 Motion carried.
18 Agenda Item No. 6-A, Update on Libert y Garden, including plans for Phase II
20 Director Jackson said this item was brought to the Board in part by Park Board member
21 Liz Durham, who would present a progress report and outline for Phase II of the Liberty
22 Garden.
24 Ms. Durham handed out a "Funding Overview" which is attached to the minutes. Ms.
25 Durham reviewed the report and highlighted that Phase I of the project was completed at
26 a cost of $133,020. In-kind expenses were not added in to that amount.
28 Ms. Durham presented preliminary plans for the second phase of the garden, which will
29 feature a labyrinth formed from hedge rows and foot paths, with a splash pad and benches
30 as the central feature. This next phase of the project requires no building permit or site
31 plan since there are no structures involved. Staff has reviewed the plans for the labyrinth
32 area and finds them to be consistent with the concept previously proposed by the
33 Committee and will work with them again as the labyrinth features are installed. No
34 funding request accompanies this discussion item. The Liberty Garden Committee
35 expects to solicit grant funds from local groups such as the Southlake Women's Club to
36 contribute to this phase.
38 Discussion:
40 Ms. Durham answered a few questions from the Board about the proposed water feature,
41 the estimated costs and maintenance issues.
43 Ms. Durham was commended for doing a great job in behalf of the development of the
44 Liberty Garden.
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 3/8/04
1 Agenda Item No. 7. Liaison Reports
3 Board members reviewed the following:
5 (a) Recreation/Special Events - Southlake Family Sweetheart Dance was held
6 February 7 at Durham Elementary. Approximately 200 parents and
7 children attended both dances.
9 Director Jackson commended staff on the SH 114 Grand Opening
10 celebration on Saturday, February 7. Staff worked many hours to ensure
11 the event was a success and that Southlake was represented in a fine
12 fashion. Even more commendable is the fact that the recreation staff not
13 only got up and was at the SH 114 celebration by 6:00 a.m., worked that
14 event, but went on after the SH 114 event, to handle the two Sweetheart
15 Dances and the basketball games later that evening. Director Jackson said
16 he wanted to extend his "thanks" and appreciation for all they did!
18 (b) Youth Sports Associations - Ms. Cox said baseball has 936 players
19 registered. Registration will continue until February 21. Practice begins
20 February 16 with games beginning March 22.
22 Soccer has 1,900 players (including Grapevine) registered. Practice will
23 start this week; games beginning March 1.
25 Lacrosse now has 255 players. Lacrosse has daily practices on their one
26 field - practice every night and all day Saturday. Both a boys and a girl's
27 team went to tournaments in Austin.
29 Ms. Cox invited everyone to attend the grand opening of the softball field
30 on March 27th. Invitations have been sent to all boards, committees,
31 former councilmembers, and some celebrities.
33 Registration is still underway for two more weeks for softball with their
34 first games being played March 27.
36 (c) Community Groups - Ms. Galpin talked about the "Southlake Tour de
37 Parks" on March 27 and explained various features of the celebration
38 being planned to commemorate National Parks Month in Southlake. Park
39 Board members are invited to participate in the planning the event. The
40 Toyoma students will be here for the event and will participate. In
41 conjunction with the "Tour," the Nature Center will be hosting a nature
42 walk.
44 Ms. Durham said that there will be an organic demonstration at Liberty
45 Garden on February 18. Bring your garden tools and learn from an organic
46 "pro."
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 3/8/04
2 Director Jackson elaborated on the "Southlake Tour de Parks" project and
3 explained the need for volunteers. He urged everyone to volunteer and
4 make this event successful! Ms. Galpin spoke to the Board about all the
5 activities and groups that will be involved. The next planning meeting will
6 be held February 16 at Bicentennial Park.
8 (d) SPIN - Ms. White reported on a couple of issues at the Senior Activities
9 Center that were mentioned at a recent joint SPIN/Council meeting. She
10 said some seniors had mentioned concerns over changing the locks on the
11 storage building and the entry code.
13 Director Jackson responded to Ms. White's comments. Park Board
14 members received a memo in their last meeting packet explaining that
15 security locks would be installed at the various parks facilities. Director
16 Jackson related how the system works and the benefits of having a keypad
17 code system. He said the code was installed on the rear entry doors of the
18 Senior Activities Center and has had no impact on the ingress/egress of
19 that facility by the seniors. The front door lock has not been changed and
20 is still openly accessible to the seniors as it has been for the past six years.
21 An additional security item has been added which can allow staff to use a
22 slide card or key fob that can be checked out. Instead of changing the
23 locks, the fob can simply be deleted. A padlock has been placed on the
24 storage building in back of the Senior Center. All staff members do have
25 access. Lawn mowing equipment is stored in the building, which has been
26 approved by the Fire Marshall as acceptable for storage. The mowing
27 equipment is used on site instead of having to take staff time to transport
28 from the parks maintenance shop. No items have been removed from the
29 storage facility that impacts the seniors or their activities at that site.
30 Director Jackson reminded the Board that Parks staff challenged the
31 seniors to a dominos game and got the socks beat off! He said he is afraid
32 to play dominos with them again, but he certainly has supported a
33 multitude of programs as it relates to the seniors and will continue to do
34 so. Director Jackson invited anyone who may have issues with the seniors
35 or with staff to contact him directly at 817.481.1527 at any time.
37 (e) SPDC - Ms. Wood reported SPDC did meet briefly in February and
38 approved the matching funds request for shade structures for the soccer
39 association.
41 (f) JUC - Ms. Galpin reported JUC will meet next on March 11.
43 (g) City Council Monthly Report - Ms. Durham thanked Cara White for
44 handling the Park Board Report at the February 3, 2004 City Council
45 meeting.
February 9, 2004 Page 14 of 20
***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 3/8/04
1 Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment
3 A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:22 p.m.
5 Motion: Rawls
6 Second: White and Cornish
7 Ayes: Blomquist, Cornish, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Rawls, White and
8 Wood
9 Nays: None
10 Abstention: None
11 Vote: 9-
13 otion rri d.
17 Bobby Rawls
18 Parks & Recreation Board Chair
21 Mary Georgia
22 Parks & Recreation Board Secretary
24 Attachments: Item 5A - Naming Park Roads - maps of parks with proposed names
25 Item 5B - SGSA request for matching funds for shade structures - Matching Funds Form
26 Item 5C - Batting cages at Bob Jones Park - location maps
February 9, 2004 Page 15 of 20
***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 3/8/04
1 Attachment to 1/12/04 Park Board Minutes
2 Item 5A
Bicentennial Park Drives
~ a
'f N
1000 0 1000 2000 Feet
February 9, 2004 Page 16 of 20
***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 3/8/04
Bob Jones Park Drives wE
Equestrian Drive
North Park Road
"South Park Road
South Trail Road
1000 0 1000 2000 3000 Feet
February 9, 2004 Page 17 of 20
***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 3/8/04
Tucker and Farhat Park Drives
East:Sob Jones
Farhat Drive
700 0 700 1400 2100 2800 3500 4200 Feet
February 9, 2004 Page 18 of 20
***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 3/8/04
] Attachment to 1/12/04 Park Board Minutes
2 Item 5B
City of Southlake, Texas
Project Name: Bleacher shade structures at Bob Jones Park softball fields
Contact Person: Matt Tuggey (SGSA President)
Mailing Address: 1361 Cross Timber Drive
City: Southlake State: TX ZIP: 76092 Day Phone: 817-488-6937
Night Phone: Fax Number:
Additional Contact Person: Bert Lacativo Day Phone:
1 The Southlake Girls Softball Association (SGSA) provides organized, youth,
I recreational softball within Southlake. Construction is currently underway on six
I game fields at Bob Jones Park. It is our desire to contribute to the development of the
1 park by constructing bleacher area shade structures for the enjoyment of park patrons.
1 The shade structures will improve the safety of spectators, provide relief from the
I elements, and assist in the transformation of Bob Jones Park into a premier softball
1 facility. We encourage the use of colors that will allow the structures to blend with the
I natural landscape.
Proposed Start Date: 04101104 Projected Completion Date: 06101104
Projected Cost: $110,000 Amount of Funds Requested: $55,000
February 9, 2004 Page 19 of 20
***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 3/8/04
1 Attachment to 1/12/04 Park Board Meeting Minutes
2 Item 5C - Batting Cages at BJP
Bob Jones Park
I \
f F-9
Construct a pair of Sllding Entry _
Gates at Parking Lot entrance. B1825 ASE RASE BID Reference Sheet CV-11 B EC-3 L.F. PIPERA]L FENCE
e park
. t.,
February 9, 2004 Page 20 of 20