2004-08-09Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 9/13/04 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING 3 4 August 9, 2004 5 MINUTES 6 7 Board Members Present: Bobby Rawls, Chairman; Frank Cornish, Vice -Chair; Mary 8 Georgia, Secretary; Emily Galpin, Liz Durham, Mike Mills, Katrina Peebles, and Cara 9 White. 10 11 Board Members Absent: Elaine Cox 12 13 Staff Members Present: Malcolm Jackson, Director of Community Services; Steve 14 Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services, Chris Carpenter, Senior Park Planner 15 and Steve Moore, Recreation Superintendent. 16 17 Guests: Sharen Elam, Director of Finance 18 19 REGULAR SESSION 20 21 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order 22 23 Chairman Rawls called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. 24 25 REPORTS 26 27 Agenda Item No. 4. Administrative Comments 28 29 The following administrative comments were announced: 30 31 A. Park Board Election of Officers — The election of Park and Recreation 32 Board officers will take place following the next regular appointments by 33 the City Council in June 2005. Board members received a copy of the 34 opinion letter by the City Attorney on the matter. 35 36 B. Joint Parks and Recreation Board SPDC and Senior Advisory 37 Commission Orientation — An orientation meeting is scheduled for 38 Monday, August 16, 2004, 6:00 — 9:00 p.m. at the DPS West Facility. 39 Topics requested for the orientation were: discussion of existing Master 40 Plans for parks and trails, review of the approved Park Board By-laws, 41 guidance to board members on communications outside of board 42 meetings, and an overview of the CIP process in addition to the topics 43 already identified by staff. 44 45 C. Update of Bicentennial Park and Bob Jones Park Projects — 46 August 9, 2004 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 9 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 9/13/04 1 Bob Jones Park: The City has accepted the project in terms of substantial 2 completion with only minor details remaining such as installation of the 3 light fixtures in the breezeway and some can lights. Staff has begun 4 maintenance and preparation work for the fall season. 5 6 Bicentennial Park: The contractor has completed the majority of work on 7 the drainage issues with about 95% of the areas being addressed. The ball 8 fields should be in good shape and ready for fall season. 9 10 CONSENT AGENDA 11 12 Agenda Item No 3-A Approval of the Southlake Parks and Recreation Board meeting 13 minutes of July 12, 2004. 14 15 A motion was made to approve the July 12, 2004 meeting minutes pending the 16 corrections that Mr. Mills mentioned. 17 18 Motion: White 19 Second: Galpin 20 Ayes: Cornish, Durham, Georgia, Galpin, Mills, Peebles, Rawls and White 21 Nays: None 22 Abstention: None 23 Vote: 8-0 24 25 Motion carried. 26 27 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON CONSENT ITEMS 28 29 Agenda Item No. 3-A. Approval of the July 12, 2004 meeting minutes. Minutes were 30 approved with changes and amendments as presented by Mr. Mills to pages 3A-1, 3A-7 31 and 3A-9. 32 33 Mr. Mills noted during discussion of the approval of the minutes, and the rest of the 34 Board concurred, that the intent of the Board's motion on Agenda Item 5D — Town 35 Square Park Dedication — at the July 12, 2004 Parks and Recreation Board meeting, was 36 to also exclude Lot 1, which is the parcel being dedicated. 37 38 REGULAR AGENDA 39 40 Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum 41 42 Chairman Rawls opened the Public Forum by reading the provisions for a public forum. 43 No one was present to speak during Public Forum at this time. 44 45 Public Forum was closed. 46 August 9, 2004 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 9 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 9/13/04 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 See "Public Forum continued" for presentation by Boo Boo's Buddies director Jan Ekonomy, held after consideration of Agenda Item No. 5E. Agenda Items No. 5-A. Absence of Parks and Recreation Board members. There were no Board member absences to consider at this meeting. Agenda Item No. S-E. SPDC CIP and Capital Budget, was considered at this time, out of sequence in the regular agenda order. Agenda Item No. 5-E. Proposed FY 2004-05 to FY 2008-09 SPDC Capital Improvement Plan and FY 04-05 Capital Budget. Director Jackson presented comprehensive information about the proposed FY 2004-05 to FY 2008-09 SPDC CIP and FY 04-05 Capital Budget with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, of which a copy will be attached to the approved official minutes and may be referenced for specific information. Director Jackson's presentation covered the following areas: What a CIP is, the CIP process and procedures, the role of the CIP Technical Committee, and descriptions of all the projects considered for ranking by the Technical Committee. The Board's focus on this item was to make a recommendation to SPDC and City Council regarding two issues — the 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan and the FY 04-05 Capital Budget — both of which may be done by either one or two motions [resolutions]. Discussion: Ms. Elam and Director Jackson responded to questions about the Matching Funds Projects, the ranking of the Dog Park and the Board's desire to have sight -specific input on the Dog Park, status of the sand volleyball project, correlation of a park survey with the update of the Park Master Plan every four years, and status of the Denton County Bridge to be placed in Bicentennial Park. Board members commented on these issues: use of the Tucker property primarily as the Nature Center with other users as secondary, the funding source for the amenities for the Town Square Park (FM 1709) and Town Square (Carroll Avenue) park, on -going development of trails, and costs of proposed playgrounds at Lonesome Dove and Bob Jones Park. Following the Powerpoint presentation, there was general discussion by the Board about approving the Capital budget for the three projects (Matching Funds Projects, Nature Center -Tucker Property, and Dog Park). The discussion focused on the Dog Park expenditure. Two issues of concern were the parking and the on -going maintenance of the Dog Park. August 9, 2004 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 9 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 9/13/04 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Ms. Peebles requested that surveys be conducted and results made available to the Park Board prior to future CIP reviews. The Board agreed to take action on both components of the agenda item by separate vote. Part 1 - FY 2004-05 Capital Budget: A motion was made to approve Fiscal Year 2004-05 CIP Budget with $200,000 Community Services Matching Funds, $60,000 Nature Center Improvement, and $30,000 allocated for the Dog Park. Motion: Georgia Second: Durham Ayes: Cornish, Durham, Georgia, Galpin, Mills, Rawls, White and Peebles Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 8-0 Motion carried. Part 2 - FY 2004-05 to FY 2008-09 SPDC Capital Improvement Plan: A motion was made to approve the Five -Year Plan, for 2006-2007 going into 2009 and beyond. It is a proposed plan as stated in the hand-out to the Park Board. [Director Jackson clarified it was FY "05-06111. Ms. Georgia amended the motion to be 1105-06 and beyond." Motion: Georgia Second: Durham Discussion: Mr. Mills commented that he would have to vote "no" to the motion as stated. He recommended the motion say "05-06 to the fifth year, subject to funding through the bond issuance next year, as well as subject to the inclusion of the revised Trails Master Plan and Park Master Plan." Ms. Georgia agreed to amend the motion to include the stipulation as funded. She said that she assumed it was going to be funded through a bond program. Ms. Georgia amended the original motion to "include funding through bonds or other sources and contingent upon approval of the Master Plan." Second: Durham Discussion: August 9, 2004 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 4of9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 9/13/04 Mr. Mills asked the Board if they were comfortable with including the '09 and beyond" umbrella into the five-year? Ms. White agreed with Mr. Mills. Further discussion continued about the Board's option to change the priority rankings based on needs when the CIP is reviewed annually. They also discussed their election to recommend approval of the components of the agenda item under discussion. Ms. Georgia amended the motion on the table for FY 05-09, the Capital Improvement items to be included in future plans, contingent upon bond and funding and also contingent upon Master Plan. Motion: Georgia Second: Mills Ayes: Cornish, Durham, Georgia, Galpin, Mills, Rawls, White and Peebles Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 8-0 Motion carried. Ms. Georgia left the meeting at this time. Agenda Item No 5-B Proposed Fiscal Year 2004-05 Parks and Recreation Division Annual Budget. Director Jackson presented the FY 2004-05 Parks and Recreation Division annual budget for the Parks and Recreation Board consideration and recommendation to City Council. Major highlights of the budget were reviewed. See attached copy to the approved minutes of PowerPoint slides for details of this budget. Discussion: Park maintenance equipment items proposed in the budget are not replacements for a regularly scheduled asset replacement program, but are new items. Personnel costs were not shown on the supporting document received in the Board packet. Mr. Mills had questions about the correlation of the columns in the FY 2004-2005 Total Line Item Budget document in the packet and also about the exact number of personnel. Ms. Galpin asked about Recreation Program (270.01) expenditures and whether they had been reduced. An adjustment was made as the result of savings realized as part of the holiday lighting in Town Square. Programming overall did not decrease. Special Projects August 9, 2004 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 9 Bicentennial East Drainage i ty C,t _ #h1gFoe.;NC"IGUG v y ;_ Town Square Park — N. Carroll Estimated Cost: $200,000 Develop 2.5-acre park to be dedicated to city by Town Square Includes highly visible landscaped improvements including plantings, pavement treatments, benches, and other park amenities Town Square Park M" Park previously discussed In this g,enear I location ............ 11, .......... s5w- N. Carroll Lacrosse Facility Estimated Cost: $412fOOO $412fOOO previously approved for FY 05- 06 Construct lighted lacrosse complex of 3 game/practice fields Includes: . Lighting ($300fOOO); grading and seeding ($50fOOO); irrigation ($62fOOO), Liberty Park at Sheltonwood Estimated Cost: $518,000 Basic improvements to this park estimated to include: Crushed granite drive and parking (20 spaces) ($16,000) 2 - 24' pavilions ($70,000) . irrigation ($50,000) . amenities ($20,000) . landscape improvements ($40,000) utility upgrades (lighting) and basic remodeling of existing pavilion ($80,000) trails (2,300 I.f.) _ ($57,,500) playground ($50,000) . sand volleyball and horseshoes ($18,000) On -Going Trail Development Estimated Cost: $160,000 (FY 05-06) Trail system implementation in key, high -use areas to: Compliment existing trails . Make critical connections ■ Construction as part of other capital projects Proposed as typical or on -going funding allocation Includes $10,000 for trail signage package Funding may also be used as part of grant Sand Volleyball Courts Estimated Cost: $30fOOO Includes: Two lighted sand volleyball courts in Bicentennial Park Just southeast from the maintenance building (as shown on current Master Plan) Land Acquisition —Multi-Use Lighted Fields Estimated Cost: $4,,OOOfOOO (total) On -going budget item for acquiring new land for parks Includes: Contribution ($900,000 in 05-06) toward an approximately 40-acre purchase for lighted sports complex at $100,000 per acre estimated The Park Master Plan identifies a tremendous need for lighted sports facilities in Southlake New Communi Park would be ideal to house a lar e number of the ields and minimize the alternative o decentralizing lighted facilities Lighting of Basketball Courts Estimated Cost: $64,000 Includes: s Add sports lighting to three existing basketball courts at Bicentennial Park Tennis Center Storage Estimated Cost: $50,000 Includes: . Build storage area attached to existing Tennis Center for tennis equipment . Addition to north side of Tennis Center Recreation Center Estimated Cost: $18fOOOfOOO Includes: . Roughly 90,000 sq. ft. facility ($200/sq.ft.). two stories for (3) gyms, significant training and exercise space, child care, weight training, indoor track, climbing wall, and site work Recreation Center General Location 1 it Bob Jones Southern Playground Estimated Cost: $243fOOO Includes: im Covered playground area with rubberized safety matting in game field plaza area . Nearest playground in park not feasible separation distance for children Kirkwood / Sabre Linear Park Estimated Cost: $115fOOO Priority funding items used for this estimate include: a 24' pavilion/rest station ($35fOOO) • crushed granite parking with 5 spaces and culvert ($10f000) • trail installation ($52f5OO) site improvement -signs, fountain ($5fOOO) ■ amenities such as benches ($5fOOO) design /contingency Kirkwood / Sabre Linear Park Chesapeake Park Estimated Cost: $219fOOO Priority funding items used for this estimate include: . 24' pavilion ($35fOOO) . convert irrigation to pond use ($50,000) • amenities such as benches, etc. ($20fOOO) erosion control, drainage improvements ($50,000) . fishing pier ($20fOOO) . 1/2 court basketball ($15fOOO) backstop ($lf500) . addition of swings, surface material and drainage ($11f000) • design /contingency. Noble Oaks Park Improvements Estimated Cost: $210,000 Priority funding items used for this estimate include: 24' pavilion ($35,000) pond improvements ($20,000) . amenities such as benches, etc. ($15fOOO) trail additions ($55fOOO) . playground ($50fOOO) • and design/contingency Additional $90fOOO for amphitheater discussed Lonesome Dove Playground Estimated Cost: $57,200 Includes: . park playground demolition ($2000) replacement ($50,000) • contingency Farhat Property Development Estimated Cost: $115fOOO Development of this 36 acres at the far east end of E. Bob Jones Road with Lake Grapevine shoreline access to include: asphalt drive access and parking ($40,000) • picnic shelters (3) ($30fOOO) concrete boat ramp and 60-foot fishing pier ($45,000) re design / contingency Farhat Property Development Coker Equestrian / Hiking Estimated Cost: $80fOOO Priority items include: . mini -shelters (3) _ ($42fOOO) . equestrian parking lot = ($1OfOOO) • amenities (hitching posts, corral pens, etc.) _ ($10,000) • site improvements/utilities ($1OfOOO) . reduced design/contingency,. Coker ues ria n Hiking #� City of Grapevi+6 Eme IdEstates _ East Dove Corps of Engineers r Koalaty Park Improvements Estimated Cost: $81,600 Priority funding items used for this estimate include: . landscaping ($8,000) • eventual replacement of natural trail with concrete surface ($35fOOO) • shade canopies ($25fOOO) • design / contingency Koalat\/ Park Improvements - lu I Bicentennial West Lighted Fields Estimated Cost: $1,155,,000 Prepare area west of west drainage channel (Evans purchase) for use as multi- use lighted fields Includes: . Lighting ($350,000); grading seeding and irrigation ($150,000); retaining wall and drainage ($80,000); walkways ($20,000); Shady Oaks drive entrance and additional parking ($555,000) Bicentennial West Lighted Fields 6ff4 p e� i Bicentennial West Drainage Estimated Cost: $170fOOO Includes: . Excavate, clear, and stabilize walls of drainage channel and install weir to create aesthetic drainage retention area Project includes access to pond through stair - stepped retaining walls and features such as a well, fountain and ornamental stone. Bicentennial West Drainage LsOutrl AM 75? ISx kw 'i - e.t)(.uz ft Bob Jones Park North Playground Estimated Cost: $168fOOO Includes: . Install permanent roofed structure over northern playground . Upgrade playground surface with poured -in - place rubberized matting • Current playground becomes too hot in the summer and is inundated with water when it rains Proposed Park Parks and Recreation Division Annual Budget FY 2004-05 Development of proposed budget part of annual process. Park Board review and recommendation to City Council. City Council review in August with formal adoption anticipated in September. Proposed Park Parks and Recreation Division Annual Budget FY 2004-05 Budget highlights include: Personnel Three (3) full-time parks positions • Crew Leader ■ Maintenance Worker • Landscape Official Proposed Park Parks anq Recreation Division Annual Budget FY 2004-05 Budget highlights include (continued): Operations Professional Services - funding for completion of Parks Master Plan and Trail System Master Plan updates as mandated by City Charter every four years. Mowing - reduction due to transfer of right-of-way mowing costs to Public Works. Continuation of Town Square mowing contract, and adjustment for planned park in east Town Square. Proposed Park Parks and Recreation Division Annual Budget FY 2004-05 Budget highlights include (continued): • Operations Contract Recreation Programs - adjustment for increased programs and participation (revenue supported). Building Lease - new line item to accommodate programming areas and classroom training space. Electrical — adjustment for Bob Jones Park improvements. Proposed Park Parks and Recreation Division Annual Budget FY 2004-05 Budget highlights include (continued): Operations Ball Field and Landscape Maintenance — account adjustments resulting in new line items and transfer of funding to provide better account tracking (Pond Maintenance, Chemical and Pesticides, Park Amenities, and Sports Court Maintenance). Joint Use Maintenance - adjustment pending completion of City and CISD Joint Use Analysis report. Proposed Park Parks and Recreation Division Annual Budget FY 2004-05 Budget highlights include (continued): w Capital Outlay Office Equipment and Furniture Furnishings for Tucker House and Community Center Parks maintenance equipment Two (2) finish mowers One (1) utility vehicle One (1) maintenance truck Bob Jones Park facility improvements Dumpster enclosure for southern portion of park Proposed Park Parks and Recreation Division Annual Budget FY 2004-05 Total proposed project budget for fiscal year 2004-05 is $XXXXXX The proposed budget is preliminary in nature and cost figures are still subject to change during this stage of the review process. Proposed Park Parks and Recreation Division Annual Budget FY 2004-05 Staff is available for any comments or questions WHl�T IS A CAPITAL Capital Improvements Program (Overview of CIP) The CIP is a five (5) year ,plan that serves as the major planning guide for the City of Southlake's expenditures for major capital facilities such as roads, water and sewer lines, drainage improvements, building construction and park improvements. Capital Improvements Program (Overview of CIP) The first year of the CIP is called the Capital Budget, and is appropriated in the same manner as the annual operating budget; funds for projects are appropriated on an annual basis. Capital Improvements Program (Overview of CIP) Projects scheduled for subsequent years are approved for planning p_poses only and do not receive expenditure authority until they are part of the Capi., tal„ Budget. 4 , �C> Capital Improvements Program (Overview of CIP) The CIP coordinates the city's capital projects from all departments into one program. C 'ITA IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM (CIP) PROCESS • � j Capital Improvemes Program (Procedural Changes) ......................__ • The Planning Department in conjunction with each submitting department reviewed the content and merit of and pre -scored most CIP ranking criteria prior to submission to the Technical Committee . *The CIP will be reviewed and adopted by City Council in conjunction with the annual budget. C u CIP Project. Request. Form Project Number l' oz � 4a Page#: 0 Project Nwiie: IStorm Water Phase II & Drainage Master Plan Date of Form: 1402002 ❑ New Request Mandated or Public Health Safety Project or Contact Person: Pedram Farahnak R5 Continuation Project W❑ F htented Project Department: Public Works - El Replacement)`Major Rehab or Protection of rJ -qmunio Project Time Line: 1011 t2001 911 J200a Capital Stock _.:; 1` vice ti Use�+ Project Description: Alterna.,4 (7ts coject is not funded: Storm Water Phase II implementation is a program mandated by the Federal Clean Water Act, with a deadline of March 10, 2003 for submittal of a permit application to the EPA. It involves developing "best management practices" in the areas of operations and capital improvement projects to protect the quality of storm water. A Drainage Master Plan will be used to develop future CIP projects and create a Drainage Utility System. Location: City Wide Project Justification: The Storm Water Phase II Fin-1 RLO is rn—inoated bythe Federal Clean Water Act. A rr-ra sN,, p;art %6 ill be required as a guideline to communicate cor-IPi;�r-:a:e I,feps to the public. This funding request is to develop the rn;. Ater plan and a system for implementation of the program. This project was previously approved by City Council and was intended to be funded as part of the FY 2001-2002 bond sales. This project is still in Fineu :' ill `4 the Environmental Protection Agency or the Texas h,=atu al Resource Conservation Commission if 'this prggr w:nn is not implemented (There are no other la!tematives available). -.Anal Impact on the Operating Budget (Provide $ impact and explanation): The total amount of program implementation will be provided by the Master Plan study in FY 002I003. ❑ Companion Project? Ifyes,please explain: ❑ WW this project generate revenue? If yes, please explain: funding mechanism for the program will be explored in e master plan. • WID • ! .. ..... C 1 K l M M - 4 P • R f EXPENDITURES FT 2004-05 TO FT 2000-09 RESIDUA FT 2009 •.J f!!!1!a r L FUNDS FT Z004-05 FT ZOOS-06 FT 2606-07 FT 2r �T-Oi FT 2�t i-*9 B.T.. J TOTAL Fund Category a C 7:WC!!IT!!C 2, SUBTOTAL $14.006,000 $0 $3,093, 00 $3,103.000 $3.285,000 $1.310.000 $4.535,000 $16,513,000 $45.851.00 IS R..1:.. SECTION 11 - UTILIT UND REDUNDANT WATER SUPPLY (THROUGH KELLER ALONG FLORENCE TO PUMP STATION 02) M 1 8 $7100D $1,243,000 10120 0 12' WATER LINE ON FM 1709 (PARKWOOD TO ITE CHAPEL) N 2 165 000 $165.00 ' WATER LIME ON SH 114 (N_ KIMBALL TO BRIARYOOD) M 3 Project Title $200.000 20000 FLOREMCE _ 6 ELEVATED WATER TANK R 4 2 864 000 2 860 00 2O' TRANSMISSION W R MAIN ON SH 114 (TOWN SQUARE TO M. WHITE st 6 CHAPEL) 74000 1100 000 1 17b 00 72' WATER LIME ON W. BOB DOME W KIMS TO M_ WHITE CHAPEL) M 11 500 040 50000 12' WATER LINE ON RAMDOL MILL (RAMDOL BEND TO FM 1109) M i 000— ----930 00 FY Expenditure ----- 9 -------------- i' WATER LINE FROM SH 114 TO RAINFOREST SUBDIVISION ------------- ----------------------- --�934 00 -- 22000a R N ,2— SHADY OAKS SEVER LIME (NORTH OF THE BASIN LIME i0 FOi HOLLOW)--, ______________________________________ _�000 ittee Rankin o43,syoo 5 12' WATER LIME ON SHADY OAKS (HIGHLAND TO W. DOVE) $664,000 710 00 R 12' WATER LIME ON E. DOVE FROM M. CARROLL TO M_ KIMBALL R 13 791004 1731.00 12' WATER LIME ON E. CONTINENTAL FROM BRTOM NELSON TO M 17 CHAMPION'S WAY $132,000 132 00 HEATHERWOOD, HERSHAW, ROYAL OAKS, TWIN CREEKS SAMITART M 8 SEWER $203,000 $1,706,000 130500 12' WATER LIME ON M. PETTOMVILLE FROM FM 1709 TO RAVEN BEND R 10 (HIGH PRESSURE PLANE) $45,000 $630,000 $675.00 12' WATER LINE ON M_ CARROLL AVE (DOVE TO CARROLL MEADOWS CT_) f: 1s ,00 oaa 100 00 i' WATER LINE ON W. HIGHLAND (WHITE CHAPEL AND SHADY OAKS) 7f 20 Funding Required 0 23700 SHADY OAKS SEVER I— SOWS_ .F LOVE HENRY CT_ t. FM 1709 7f 18 Beyond FY 2009 266 000 266 00 AVAIL CREEK ESTATES, WOODLAND HEIGHTS SEVER .1 21 244000 1i 00 12' WATER LIME ON EAST HIGHLAND (M_ CARROLL TO KIMBALL) �, 22 692 000 $632.00 i' M. PETTOMVILLE WATER LIME (LOW PRESSURE PLANE FROM FM 1709 H 16 TO WOODBROOK) 000 $682,00 Project Total i' SEWER LINE ALONG M_ PEARSON FROM GRAY LANE TO JOHNSON RD_ e 14 =43,000 � $280,000 $323.00 i' WATER LIME CONNECTING EXISTING LINES AT LAKES DR.fBURMET I.M.is 90 ooa so 00 CASEY COURT (OAKS ADDITION) SEWER (FROM CARROLL TO THE CUL- R 23 DE -SAC) $103.0001 $103.00 N SUBTOTAL $3.302.000 $0 $4.474.000 $3.045.000 $3,283,000 $3.228.000 $1,161.000 $24,504,00 Capital Impovement Program (CIP TECHNICAL COMMITTEE) Director of Community Services Director of Econo Development Director of Finance Assistant Citv Manager Director of man Resources "�--Ictor of Planning -ector of Public Safety ector of -Works Capital Improvements Program (Role of the CIP Technical Committee) • Review the CIP project requests for accuracy. • Determine if any projects can be consolidated in order to reduce project cost. • Rank each CIP project request based on a standardized ranking form. • Prioritize each CIP request by funding source based on the score assigned by the technical committee. Capital In !Ra„oF;t� of Tec • More accurate and detailed information on the CIP project request forms. • Reduced number of projects through project consolidation. • Objective project rankings through independent committee. • Higher level of inter- and intra-departmental project coordination. Capital Im,proovements Projects SPDC CIP funding reflects projection of Q�Y04-05$29 memia, ,f I be avaooN A 9 a; 149 1 WIMF Ali Q AS Ah • Three projects are listed for FYO�, Ming Funds Prpjects - $200,000 Nate Center Improvements - $60,000 Dog Park constrAwation - $30,00 0 N enter Tuckqo PWrty J Estimated Cost: $70fOOO Ire es $10- 40 r site planning (FY ) for construction er z Iahe Ce er using Tucker ranch house Includes: Sister Existing I I I Estimated Cost: ($55,000) Includes construction of new dog'. rk on existing city prop,prty to include: black powder coated wrought iron or f�m fencing and gates ($30,000) QW picnic tables/benches 000) shade structures ($15,0 war fountains ($f,000) Ut sand land#cape arnerjes ($4,000) lude funding fro; Booboo's Buddies program, hl JOCI PrOOO, Proposed Dog Park Location 400 0 400 800 Feet N W + E s S' 0 0 0 4L mob Joneq,..Pa& Develop,,, nt 7�1-- Offiff Cost: $500,000 $500f 000 toOld !NR@OXOp*OMOse 1144 FY 05-06 May enco --m porti a road extensions, trail ext io )OP cnic areas and other areas not funded in Piase II Royal trail 7,500) play _ $50,000) design /contingency. Town Square Park — F.M. 1709 Estimated Cost: $84iQD De _ - 2-ire p,o* to be dediQpte4-,to city by To�rM are fides: 8W' of 64 -w _.rwail 24' pavilion ($50,OODiw, picnic shelter ($10,000) land5 W-ping ($10,0;1, Park area reduced4rom prior year's CIP Includes: Updating east drainage channel by converting t er than o chan M 3nnel was cheaper construction alternative many years ago New, box culvert prevents elxi-sN .:'safety hTMI& Bicentennial East Drainage ity fit 19 F'C , rq U',I G L)G Yam.. 0 0 s s e Lacrosse Facility Estimated Co*$412,000 $412,000 previously approve! FY 05- 06 x I #I '/ I N.0 LVIP N it! IMMIS ig and seeding )00 a V I I M L�I)erty Perk qj Sheltonwood Ell -,d Cost: $518 - improvements to,, RW es to i n I cil u•- Crushed granite drive and parking (20 spaces) ($16,000) 2 - 244pavilions ($70,0Q,Q) ($ 5 0 amenities ($2;1 landscape*'Wr'ove -ents ($40,000) utility upgrades (lighting) anjgw-basic remodeling,# ,,Qf existing pavilion ($80,000) `ails (2,300 I.f.) = ($57,500) playgrouga($50,000) sand volleyball and horseshoes ($18,000) On -Going Trail Development Estimated Cost: $160,000 (FY 05-06) Tr4system iq*,eqWnt4Qp in key, hig4oise areas ta,: Compliment existing trails Make critical connections Cor, rucQW as p4 of otW, capital e jects Proposed as typical or on -going funding .ion Inc4mdes $10,000 for trail signage package Wpding may also be used as part of grant 10 Sand Volleyball Cout;ts Estimated Cost: $30,000 ludes: ball courts in icentennial Park Just southeast fr4m4k- maintenance b".ng (ems, shown on current Master Plan) A*j Land A C"70 Lig UI*-Use gilds • '' DOM D'G • . Master d wort. Community per of the fig tralizing lig ■ r ideal to house a la r e 0 minimize ci l iti es the alternve of des: F) 7r t: $64,000 ..,.000existing to ®a rk ON O Tennis Center Storage Estimated Cost: $50,000 Indudes: Bwild storage area attached to exir&tJngwTmAak; Center for tennis equipment AddW�p:n to nQi;W. sW"f Tew Cear Tennis Center, Storage Estimated Cost: $18,000,000 I j Lrainin track, crbin • 00/sq.ft.)f lwining Recreation Center In 4 Bob Jo& Southern )&ground J..�� Estimam m-l@ost: $243,000 IncludeM: I 1 0 0 Estimated Cost: $115#.M-, Prio4i g items used for this emote include: Kirkwood / Sabre Linear Park 4 = Kirkwood Hollow %01 a 1 . � .} Chesapeake Park for this estimate 249TMIon ($35,000) convert irrigation to and use 9 000) amenities such as ches- --- tc. 0,000) 1, drains k rovements ($50,000) ,fir $2� G `a ition kq a $1 of_ " - . . i$11,0�0 desia cc El -*--Oaks Park Improvements Priori" .g iteg"�use s estimate *W lu 24' pavilion ($35,000#* and des90,000 continqgDcy p.,. Additional, 4mphitheater cliscussa � ON O Farhat Propertoy Development Estimated Cost: $115fOOO D I -wnent Qf thy; 36 acres at the far eaer��l of E. Bob )ones Road with Lake Grapevine shoreline access to include: aspM drive acce�.� parking ($40A,0,0) picnic shelters (3) ($30fOOO) CQQC 0 �" �g�nd 60-WQ"Oingpier ($45C design / contingency Farhat P")erty Developmen), Coker Eqj#estraank/ Hiking Estimated Cosh: $80,000 Priority items include: mini -shelters (3) = ($42,OAQ equestrian parking lot = ($10,000) ame.-ites (hitchingosts, site improvements/utilities corral pens, etc.) = ($io,000) re .,di.iced desigcontingency. Coker Eqyestrian / Hiking { City of Grapeui,716 Emerald Estates t r � M East Dove Corps of Engineers r � r ■.� a� • �, vements Estimated Cost: $81,600 POO riIN- J W-lemeMsed for this F landsa eventual reply= iom ete surface ($ opies ($25 design / continge . tf`ail with Bicentennial Va/est Lighted Fields 011 V.1iceiRtennial We!* Drain,= y�11��1$170fOOO Exwwt,ef clwi* an drainaqe,,. -etaini rete walls of weir to create ir- s and features such as a Main and o amental storl Bicentennial West Drainage A-- ­ mob Jmq North Playground stimated Cost: $168,000 awjoand is inundated with water when it ----------- rains :•9 • - '. • a Playground Proposed Park Parks and Recreation Division Annual Buclaet FY 2004-05 y Devei@went of proposed budget part of an �l process. --a Park Board review and recor,end,on to City cour4l'il. CM CounQreview in Avguot with tormal a ` ptioQ-- aQticipated in September. Proposed Park Parks and Recreation Division Annual Budget FY 2004-05 B�Iget highlights inlwde: ■ Personnel Three (3) full-time parks posAQDg Crew LeiWer M aia- ta anceA- J�p.�ke r Landscape Offirsbal Proposed Park PaFks and Recre tion-0ivision Annual Budget FY 2004-05 Budget highlights Wdude (contiQued) Operations Profes4W I Servij,fund" r, fn C9 _,_W " _g� 'M ---&, � , W pw"i of Parks Master Plan and Tr, System Master PI, updaWs as mandated by City Charter every four years. Mowing - redu"due to trQ,W er of rigZ-of-way mowing costs to Public Works. Cnuation of Town Square mowing contrac4A,,,, and adjustment for planned park in east Town Square. Proposed Park Parks and Recreation Division AnnuaWudget FY 200W,05 �W- e to accom 1, Am on, Elegy ad tment for Bobnes improvements. • space. Proposed Park Parks and Recreation Division An,,. 'Budges FY 2004-05- mm count s t m transfer. Maintenahc'e Joint Use Maintenance - a'. "ent pending ep oj6of City and CI� �hint Use Analysis 1.. ..... --------- :0-proposed PaFk Parks and Recreation Division Annual,- Budget FY 2004-05 Bw �1get ��hlights indude (continuet� caw"W'' '0@ VIW_ Office Equipment andu,iture Furnishings for Tucker House and Parks maintenance equipment Two (2) finish moweill One (1) utility vehicle One (1) maintenance truck Community Center Bob Jones Park facility improvements Dumpster enclosure for southern portion of park Proposed Park Parks and Recreation Division Annul Budget FY 2004-05 Totej"ploposed project budget for fiscal year2Q0A-06A $XXXXXX 0 The proppso"udgg" pr A I nature and cost fi .0p res a re s I ct to change during this age of tl e review process. Propesed Park Parks and Recreation Division Annual- Budget FY 2004-05 off is ava,',ible for r comments or q uestiwas