Official Minutes
Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 11/8/04
4 October 11, 2004
7 Board Members Present: Bobby Rawls, Chairman; Frank Cornish, Vice-Chair; Mary
8 Georgia, Secretary; Elaine Cox, Liz Durham, Mike Mills, Katrina Peebles, and Cara
9 White.
11 Board Members Absent: Emily Galpin
13 Staff Members Present: Malcolm Jackson, Director of Community Services; Steve
14 Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services, Chris Carpenter, Senior Park Planner
15 and Steve Moore, Recreation Superintendent.
19 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order
21 Chairman Rawls called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
25 Agenda Item No. 4. Administrative Comments
27 The following administrative comments were announced:
29 A. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Trail Grant Denied - The Texas
30 Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) recently informed City staff that
31 the $100,000 grant sought for Bob Jones Park trail improvements through
32 the Recreational Trails grant program was not awarded to the city. The
33 City will continue to strive for grants from the TPWD and other grant
34 resources.
36 B. Parks and Trails User Survey - Statistical consultants Decision Analyst
37 will begin conducting the telephone survey of Southlake residents. The
38 process will take approximately two weeks. Copies of the survey will be
39 distributed to the board members.
41 C. Master Plan and Trails Plan Update - The monthly status report, "The
42 Master Plan," was included in the board packets. The following changes
43 were made to the master plans: changes and condensation of the Parks
44 and Trails User Survey; phone survey has been forwarded to media
45 outlets; comparison and update of national, regional and historical
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Official Minutes
Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 11/8/04
1 standards for park development and amenities; and input of park inventory
2 and capital items into format to be used for Park Master Plan.
6 Agenda Item No. 3-A. Approval of the Southlake Parks and Recreation Board meeting
7 minutes of August 9, 2004.
9 A motion was made to approve the September 13, 2004 meeting minutes as
10 corrected.
11 Motion: Peebles
12 Second: Cox
13 Ayes: Cornish, Cox, Durham, Georgia, Mills, Peebles, Rawls and White
14 Nays: None
15 Abstention: None
16 Vote: 8-0
17 Motion carried.
21 Agenda Item No. 3-A. Approval of the September 13, 2004 meeting minutes. Minutes
22 were approved with a correction to item 7-e, Liaison Reports, to show the members listed
23 were new members of the Joint Utilization Commission instead of the Southlake Parks
24 Development Corporation.
28 Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum
30 Chairman Rawls opened the Public Forum by reading the provisions for a public forum.
32 Lou Ann Heath, 1351 Lakeview, Southlake, Southlake Historical Society (SHS)
33 representative, presented information on the City's 1860's log cabin that is now in
34 storage, asking for the Park Board's support in their request to City Council that the log
35 cabin be included as a feature in a city park. A copy of the presentation will be attached
36 to the original minutes of this meeting on file with the Office of City Secretary.
38 SHS recommends that the cabin be located in a place that will be reasonably secure and
39 not in a remote area. Some recommended sites for the cabin are: Town Square, at any of
40 the six state historical markers in Southlake (Lonesome Dove Baptist Church and
41 cemetery, White's Chapel Church, White's Chapel cemetery, Thomas Easter cemetery,
42 Hood cemetery, Jellico cemetery), or the Texas State Trooper marker site. The SHS is
43 currently working on obtaining historical markers for the site of the original Dove
44 community and the Carroll Consolidated School District building. City staff previously
45 suggested the log cabin be placed at the Royal and Annie Smith Park, however, the SHS
46 considers that location too remote. Other proposed options presented to the Society, but
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Official Minutes
Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 11/8/04
1 not considered viable are: Bicentennial Park and Bob Jones Park. Other possible
2 locations may include: Noble Oaks Park or incorporation of the cabin within a future
3 residential subdivision's green space or open space. $5,000 in seed money has been
4 donated by the Southlake Women's Club for the reconstruction of the cabin. SHS would
5 like to have the cabin restored in time for Southlake's 50th anniversary celebration next
6 year.
8 Ms. Heath has approached Brian Stebbins with Southlake Town Square development
9 about the possible location of the cabin in the planned 2-acre park adjacent to the
10 Brownstones development. On-going maintenance and costs issues would need to be
11 addressed before that could become a viable option.
13 Some funding options SHS will investigate are matching funds and Art In the Square
14 recipient funding.
16 The Parks and Recreation board directed staff to provide costs estimates associated with
17 reconstruction of the log cabin and on-going maintenance costs for discussion at the
18 November Park Board meeting.
20 Public Forum was closed.
22 Agenda Items No 5-A Absence of Parks and Recreation Board members (standing
23 item .
25 There were no absences to consider at this meeting.
27 Agenda Item No 5-B Appointment of a Committee to Review Policies and Ordinances -
28 Parks and Recreation and Seniors
30 Deputy Director Steve Polasek presented the idea of forming a committee to study and
31 present changes to the existing policies and ordinances governing community services
32 department and administration of the senior center. Staff proposes the committee consist
33 of two or three Park Board members, two staff members, one or two Senior Advisory
34 Commission members. The committee would present its findings to the Park Board and
35 Senior Advisory Commission in six to nine months.
37 A motion was made to establish a review committee for the purpose of critical
38 analysis of the existing policies and ordinances relating to parks and recreation and
39 seniors.
41 Motion: White
42 Second: Durham
43 Ayes: Cornish, Cox, Durham, Georgia, Mills, Peebles, Rawls and White
44 Nays: None
45 Abstention: None
46 Vote: 8-0
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Official Minutes
Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 11/8/04
1 Motion carried.
3 A second motion was made to nominate Cara White, Mike Mills and Katrina
4 Peebles as Park Board representatives to the policy review committee.
6 Motion: White
7 Second: Durham
8 Ayes: Cornish, Cox, Durham, Georgia, Mills, Peebles, Rawls and White
9 Nays: None
10 Abstention: None
11 Vote: 8-0
12 Motion carried.
14 An update will be provided in 7-10 days.
16 Agenda Item No. 6. Discussion: There were no discussion items for this meeting.
18 Agenda Item No. 7. Liaison Reports
19 Board members reviewed the following:
21 (a) Recreation/Special Events - Southlake Saturday Nite event was successful
22 and attended by about 500 youth. The final fall event is scheduled for
23 November 6.
25 HarvestFest, in conjunction with the Grand Opening of the Softball
26 Complex at Bob Jones Park will be held Saturday, October 23. The grand
27 opening ceremony will be held at 12:00 noon, followed by entertainment.
28 HarvestFest will run from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
30 (b) Youth Sports Associations - Soccer, baseball, lacrosse and flag football
31 season has begun. Additionally, volleyball leagues are now underway.
33 (c) Community Groups - Park Board member Katrina Peebles volunteered to
34 act as liaison with Emily Galpin for Community Groups.
36 A non-profit organization board/director training seminar will be held
37 November 13 at Town Hall to provide information about operating non-
38 profit organizations.
40 The Bob Jones Nature Center (BJNC) will host a Halloween Walk during
41 the HarvestFest event on October 23 with proceeds to benefit the nature
42 center.
44 (d) SPIN - Held standing committee meeting October 12.
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Official Minutes
Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 11/8/04
1 (e) SPDC - Park Board member Mike Mills volunteered to act as liaison with
2 Cara White of SPDC matters.
4 SPDC approved adoption of a resolution of intent to undertake a project
5 that will include acquisition of land for park property and called a public
6 hearing on the issue for December 2.
8 (f) JUC - JUC will meet to tour the CIS facilities and explore possible joint
9 uses of the building on October 13, 2004.
11 (g) City Council Monthly port - Katrina Peebles will present the Park
12 Board Report at the November 2 City Council meeting.
14 Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment
16 The Board voted mously to adjourn the meeting.
21 Bobby Raw
22 Parks & Recreation Board Chair
26 Mary eorgi L'
27 Parks & Recreation Board Secretary
29 Attachments: (Attached to approved meeting minutes on file with the City Secretary)
30 Item 4 - Public Forum - Southlake Historical Society presentation handout
October 11, 2004 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5
Southlake Historical Society
P.O. Box 92825, Southlake, Texas 76092
Log Cabin Proposal
Summary. The Southlake Historical Society is requesting that the City
include as a feature in a city park an 1860s-era log cabin originally located in
the John A. Freeman survey in Southlake.
The Southlake Historical Society is the owner of a log cabin originally located on property
directly south of Town Square along Southlake Boulevard. In November 1996 it was donated to
the Society by then-owner of the property, W. E. Dalton. The cabin was disassembled and the
logs are now stored at a Society member's home.
Ori in. The cabin dates to the 1860s, and is listed in the Historic Preservation Council for
Tarrant County's publication "Tarrant County Historic Resources Survey of Selected Tarrant
County Communities". On page 94 it is listed as item 87: "E. Southlake Boulevard (south
side, .25 mile east of S. Carroll Avenue), Loc Cabin Ruins, c. 1865. Reputedly built around
1865, this one-room log cabin was inhabited as late as the 1940s. Located in a stand of oak
trees off Southlake Boulevard (F. M. 1709), it is presently without roof, door or windows.
Constructed of quarter-notched, hand hewn logs, the one-pen cabin has door openings on
the north and south walls, and window openings on the east and west walls. Though in
ruins, it is significant as a remnant of the earliest phase of building technology in the
American settlement of Tarrant County." The title abstract shows the land was patented to
John A. Freeman in 1857 by the State of Texas; it was sold and transferred to successive owners
beginning the next year.
Reconstruction. The Southlake Historical Society's primary goal since acquiring the cabin is its
reconstruction in a historically accurate fashion, and placement in a public park that will
encourage community interest in our history. More importantly, it must be placed where it will
be reasonably secure, and not in a remote area prone to vandalism or possible fire. Several years
ago, the Southlake Women's Club donated $5,000 seed money towards the reconstruction of the
The Society envisions a 12-foot by 15-foot one-room cabin, with windows, a front porch and
fireplace. It has not been the Society's intention for the cabin to be open for tours, however
period artifacts could be displayed inside. Reconstruction cost estimates range from $25,000 to
$50,000. Log cabins in the Cities of Farmers Branch and Arlington are examples of the size and
style suggested. (Please see attached photographs). Once reconstructed, it is imperative that the
cabin and its surroundings be maintained at a high level to ensure it is a legacy Southlake is
proud to pass on to future generations.
Site Selection. The Society has had many discussions with City staff about possible park sites.
Given Town Square's proximity to the cabin's original site, our first choice is Town Square. The
cabin could be incorporated in passive portions of parkland proposed for the balance of Town
Square. This location also offers the most community visibility. The ongoing police presence in
Town Square also enhances the site's security.
Southlake Historical Society - Log Cabin Proposal - October 2004
Site Selection-continued. Having the cabin at Town Square would also bring a historical
perspective to the development's overall character. Town Square is more than just a shopping
destination for Southlake residents; it is a community-gathering place, drawing people young and
old from around Tarrant and Denton County and beyond. Incorporating the cabin into the Town
Square development would add to its charm as well as honor the City's heritage.
As an added feature within Town Square, the cabin could be a heritage travel destination.
According to the Travel Industry Association of America/Smithsonian Magazine, culture and
heritage tourism is the fastest growing sector of the tourism industry. Other places of historical
interest in Southlake include its six Texas Historical Markers: Lonesome Dove Baptist Church
and Cemetery; White's Chapel United Methodist Church; White's Chapel Cemetery; Hood
Cemetery; Thomas Easter Cemetery; and Jellico. There is also the Texas State Trooper Marker
honoring slain officers Murphy and Wheeler. The Society is currently working on two
additional Texas Historical Markers: one for the Dove Community and one for the original
Carroll Consolidated School District building which dates to 1919.
Southlake has few remaining historical structures. The Torian cabin on Grapevine's Main Street
was originally located near Lonesome Dove Baptist Church, but was offered to Grapevine in the
1970s after Southlake declined the donation.
Royal and Annie Smith Park has been suggested by City staff as their preference, however this
location is considered too remote by the Society. The cabin should be in an area frequented by
the community.
Other options presented to the Society, but not considered as viable, are Bicentennial Park and
Bob Jones Park. Bicentennial Park's focus is sports, with the exception of the Liberty Garden.
A cabin there would dilute its theme and emphasis, and contrast with sculptures planned in the
area. Bob Jones Park is remote and the fear of vandalism as has been experienced there would
preclude its consideration.
There are other areas that may be an option. One is Noble Oaks Park, just east of Old Union
Elementary School. This site is near the cabin's original location. It also offers visibility and
frequent vehicle traffic. Proximity to the school would lend itself to teaching students about
Southlake's history. Other possibilities include incorporating the cabin within a future
residential subdivision's green space or open space.
Timing. Southlake celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2006, which is the ideal time to have the
cabin reconstruction complete.
About the Southlake Historical Society. The Southlake Historical Society, Inc. was formed in 1992. Its
purpose is to collect and preserve the history of Southlake, act as custodians of historical documents, create an
interest in our history by involving those of all ages, cooperate with other organizations in the fulfillment of our
goals, and to publish and make available a comprehensive history of the area. Membership dues are $15 Individual,
$25 Family, $150 Lifetime, and $150 Corporate. Our organization is exempt under the Internal Revenue Code
section 501(c)(3). For more information, please contact Lou Ann Heath, President, at 817-874-3284, or email
lagheath "i)charter.net.
Southlake Historical Society - Log Cabin Proposal - October 2004
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Southlake Historical Society - Log Cabin Proposal - October 2004
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Park Board Meeting
Monday, October 11, 2004
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