2005-03-14Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 4/11/05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING March 14, 2005 MINUTES Board Members Present: Frank Cornish, Chairman; Mary Georgia, Vice Chairman; Mike Mills, Secretary; Elaine Cox, Liz Durham, Emily Galpin, Katrina Peebles, and Cara White Board Members Absent: Bobby Rawls Staff Members Present: Malcolm Jackson, Director of Community Services; Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services; Steve Moore, Recreation Superintendent, and Chris Carpenter, Senior Parks Planner. Guests: None REGULAR SESSION Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order Chairman Cornish called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. REPORTS Agenda Item No. 4. Administrative Comments A. "Step Up to Health" Seminar Report - Parks and Recreation Board member Mike Mills shared information about the National Parks and Recreation Association (NRPA) "Step Up to Health" seminar he attended in Houston on February 11, 2005. The seminar was the first of 17 locations nationwide to kick-off an initiative to sign up 500 communities as "Step Up to Health Communities." The NRPA is offering an umbrella organization and guidance to communities to involve residents in their local parks and in healthy lifestyles. The initiative is funded by a grant from the National Football League Youth Football Fund. Support materials and hand-outs were submitted to staff which may be used by staff or other board members. CONSENT AGENDA Agenda Item No. 3-A. Approval of the Southlake Parks and Recreation Board meeting minutes of February 17, 2005. A motion was made to approve the February 17, 2005 meeting minutes with a correction to the spelling of the name "Sunstrum" found on page 3, line 14. March 14, 2005 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 6 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 4/11/05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Motion: Cox Second: Georgia Ayes: Cornish, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Mills, Peebles, and White Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 8-0 Motion carr ied. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON CONSENT ITEMS Agenda Item No. 3-A. Approval of the February 17, 2005 meeting minutes. Minutes were approved with the spelling of "Sunstrum" corrected on page 3, line 14. REGULAR AGENDA Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum Chairman Cornish opened the Public Forum. There was no one present to address the Board at this time, so Public Forum was closed. Public Forum was closed. Agenda Item No. 5-A. Consider: Absence of Parks and Recreation Board Member(s) There were no absences to consider at this meeting. No motion was required for this item. Agenda Item No. 5-B. Consider: Recommendation to approve proposed recognition signage for Bob Jones Park batting cages The Bob Jones Park batting cages were constructed in 2004 at a cost of approximately $45,000, equally funded through the Southlake Girls Softball Association and SPDC Matching Funds program. As part of the SPDC Matching Funds policy, recognition signage within the parks may be designated for such projects with approval by the Parks Board. The Southlake Girls Softball Association (SGSA) proposes recognizing sponsors of the batting cages by installing four engravings/etchings within the concrete walkway leading to the batting cages. Each etching would be about three feet in diameter, in the shape of a softball with seams, and colored with a light yellow glaze. Dedication wording would be placed within the softball. Estimated cost of $1,600 will be borne by SGSA. Board members favored the SGSA proposal from an aesthetics and durability standpoint. One member suggested similar recognition be done for any donations to sports facilities construction/improvements. Another Board member suggested plaques be mounted on on the fence, similar to the recognition plaques at the Tennis Center. March 14, 2005 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 6 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 4/11/05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 A motion was made to approve the proposed recognition signage. Motion: Cox Second: Peebles Ayes: Cornish, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Mills, Peebles, and White Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 8-0 Motion carried. Agenda Item No. 6A. Discussion: Southlake Baseball Association (SBA) presentation of current field issues In conjunction with the current updating of the Park Master Plan, the Southlake Baseball Association (SBA) proposed some conceptual ideas of possible future facility needs and the potential use of the Evans property west of the drainage channel in Bicentennial Park for game fields and the need for increased practice field space. J.B. Manning, president, Southlake Baseball Association, and Max Factor, field manager, expressed appreciation to the Board and staff for their help. Mr. Manning presented a handout of the SBA's desires for field use in Bicentennial Park and asked the Board for direction on their next step. The hand-out included the following general items: • A joint use facility baseball stadium with batting cages, tunnels, concessions, restrooms, souvenir shop with trees and lighting. • A standard field configuration for three additional fields for high school/JV practice and SBA games and practice. • Update existing softball practice fields for tournament play. • Upgrade existing fields, dugouts, concessions and add plantings/trees. • Upgrade access to and surrounding Liberty Garden area to make more accessible and improve lighting and security to the area. Make it part of White Chapel "gateway" to park as whole. Engage the standing Pine trees into the Liberty Garden with walking paths. • Bring the White Chapel entrance through to connect to the parking below and allow access to other exi' ! 1- • Upgrade White Chapel entrance with a brick entrance surrounded by trees and plantings with appropriate lighting for security and aesthetics. • Add additional entrance on Shady Oaks. • Add a turn lane in/out on Shady Oaks depending on traffic studies. • Add sidewalks on Shady Oaks towards neighborhoods and Durham schools. Coordinate with Public Works Department to continue Capital Improvements Program to connect with sidewalks all the way to Durham schools, and all the way to Highland Drive. • Add plantings/trees throughout park and upgrade the picnic facilities • Add parking near the new fields and stadium. • Other possibilities - sand volleyball courts, horseshoe pit, etc. March 14, 2005 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 6 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 4/11/05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 fD l9Gv sy ink SBA said their mainpriority is the upgrading of the existing fields in Bicentennial Park which would amount to about the same cost as construction of new fields. SBA was encouraged to become involved in the next phase of the Liberty Garden construction. Although SBA was asked to provide some type of artists rendering of SBA's proposed improvements to Bicentennial Park, it was suggested that staff draft a schematic of the park instead. A conceptual drawing might be helpful for the Board to envision the extent of the SBA proposal. It is important also to see the pros and cons of reconstructing the existing fields in their current configurations versus building new fields and leaving the existing fields and what the total impact of each scenario would be on the total community. There is merit to the idea of entertaining discussions about partnering with the CISD or other organizations for development of the facilities. Agenda Item No. 6B. Discussion: Pee-Wee Football Field Use Issues Representative from the Pee-Wee Football Association spoke in Public Forum at the February 17, 2005 meeting and requested to be placed on the Park Board agenda to outline their need for lighted and unlighted practice and game fields. There were no representatives from the Pee-Wee Football Association present at this meeting. Currently, the City has in place facilities utilization agreements with the Southlake Baseball Association, Grapevine Southlake Soccer Association, Southlake Girl's Softball Association and Southlake Carroll Lacrosse Association which provides for field allocations for each of the associations and the City's recreation leagues. Pee-Wee Football Association has requested that lighted field space currently allocated for those associations holding facilities utilization agreements to be reallocated to football. Staff has met with a representative of the Pee-Wee Football Association and encouraged them to work with staff to develop a field use agreement that would allow them some type of field space if possible. Several temporary sites that might provide some unlighted practice space have been identified by staff. The Pee-Wee Football Association has also been asked to meet with representatives of the other sports associations to discuss their needs in an effort to determine if there is an opportunity to share existing space allocations. Board members favored having the Pee-Wee Football Association enter into a facilities utilization agreement with the City and to work with the other four sports associations and staff prior to any discussions to accommodate field space needs. March 14, 2005 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 6 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 4/11/05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Agenda Item No. Liaison Reports Board members reviewed the following: (a) Recreation/Special Events - The March 12 Southlake Saturday Nite was a huge success. Easter In the Park will be held Sunday, March 20 in Bicentennial Park with egg hunts, Easter Bunny, food, games and entertainment for the whole family. 108 teams participated in the annual TAAF Basketball Tournament, which was hosted by Southlake March 3-5. That's 28 more teams than the last tournament. The "Economic Department Guide to Restaurants in Southlake" were distributed along with the sale of tee shirts. (b) Youth Sports Associations - The baseball leagues will begin in about two weeks with over 1,000 players signed up. Lacrosse is in full swing at the old Dragon stadium. (c) Community Groups - Equestrians will host a trail ride and skills contest on April 2 with various age groups involved. The trail entrance surface has been improved with a layer of base material added by the City's Public Works Department. Keep Southlake Beautiful will present the winners of the Southlake National Arbor Day Poetry Contest at the April 5 City Council meeting. Look for the National Wildlife Week recycled painted signs depicting nature April 9-30 around Carroll Avenue and Town Square. Non-Profit Community Groups will hold a meeting April 19 at 7:00 p.m. at Town Hall. Sister Cities - Tome-City, Japan students and chaperones will visit March 25-29. Invitation to a Pot Luck Dinner on March 28 were distributed. Bob Jones Nature Center - "Spring on the Wings Rapture Show" will be held March 20 at 2:00 p.m. at the pavilion. The annual Bob Jones Park Photography Contest will kick off April 1 and run through October 30, 2005. The first nature walk of the season was held March 13 with naturalist Susi Steele. Over 30 people took the walk. On April 9, at 9:00 a.m. Keith Martin will host the hike and will talk about the trees of the Cross Timber. A dog hike is being planned in conjunction with the opening of the dog park in September. March 14, 2005 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 6 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 4/11/05 1 Liberty Garden Committee - Copies of the proposed design layout of the 2 enter circle of the labyrinth were distributed to provide Board members an 3 idea of the scope and size of the labyrinth. After a year and half of raising 4 funds, the project is now moving forward. The labyrinth will be located in 5 Liberty Garden, close to the White Chapel entrance. The anticipated 6 completion date is September 2005. 7 g Metroport Rotary Club - Metroport Rotary Club will conduct a fundraiser 9 for scholarships which will include a wine tasting on May Ms. Georgia 10 will send information to Board members. 11 12 (d) SPIN - SPIN has completed the master plan meetings. A Candidate Forum 13 for the CISD Board will be held April 14. The final Transportation Forum 14 is on May 28. 15 16 (e) SPDC - Next meeting will be April 5. 17 18 (f) JUC - There have been discussions between the CISD and city staff about 19 the possibility of joint use of the Carroll Intermediate School located on 20 Highland for a future CISD day care/youth services and a facility to house 21 city recreation programs. The Board will receive more information as it 22 becomes available. 23 24 (g) City Council Monthly Report - Elaine Cox will present the Park Board 25 Report at the April 5, 2005 City Council meeting. 26 27 Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment 28 29 A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:53 p.m. 30 Motion: Georgia 31 Second: Miles 32 Ayes: Cornish, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Mills, Peebles, and White 33 Nays: None 34 Abstention: None 35 Vote: 8-0 36 Motion c ied. 37 38 39 40 Frank Cornish 41 Parks & Recreation Board Chair 42 43 44 45 Mike Mills 46 Parks & Recreation Board Secretary 47 March 14, 2005 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 6 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 3/14/05 1 2 A motion was made to renew and modify the Tennis Center Management 3 Agreement with Roxy Tennis LLC (Stephen and Mia Poorman) to allow for three- 4 year renewal periods with the annual review [Staff to work with the Poorman's to 5 produce an annual report]. 6 7 Motion: Peebles, assisted by Steve Polasek 8 Second: White 9 Ayes: Cornish, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Mills, Peebles, Rawls and White 10 Nays: None 11 Abstention: None 12 Vote: 8-0 13 Motion carried. 14 15 Agenda Item No 5-D Matching funds request for Boo-Boo's Buddies in the amount of 16 $12,500 for proposed dog park in Bob Jones Park 17 18 The Park Board approved the site location for a Dog Park in Bob Jones Park at the 19 January 10, 2005 meeting. The next item requiring public approval is for matching funds 20 in the amount of $12,500 requested by Boo-Boo's Buddies. Total estimated construction 21 cost for the dog park is $55,000. SPDC funds of $30,000 exist for FY 04-05 and Boo- 22 Boo's Buddies has raised $12,500. A copy of the Matching Funds Request, site location 23 map and preliminary cost estimates are attached to the approved minutes on file in the 24 Office of the City Secretary. 25 26 A recommendation was made that staff attend the Texas Parks and Wildlife trade show to 27 attend the dog park session and to visit other dog parks before the City begins 28 construction. 29 30 It was clarified that the Park Board had approved the site location on January 10, 2005, 31 not a Site Plan per se. There is no Site Plan required by the Building Department, 32 Planning & Zoning Commission or City Council for this item. The previous motion was 33 to approve the site pending the outcome of public input for the Master Plan and then 34 assuming there were no major issues, the item would move forward. It is anticipated that 35 the Master Plan will be adopted in May/June, 2005. 36 37 There was some concern about approving the funding in the form of matching funds, 38 without having detailed design information, however, the graphic depiction presented did 39 provide a conceptual layout of the park and did demonstrate the specific layout of where 40 the dog park will be located, the general layout of the fences as related to the parking 41 area, the number of benches and shade canopies and approximate locations for the water 42 fountains. Prior to construction, staff may present a visual layout of the actual fence, 43 shade structures and water fountains. Benches, picnic tables are standard items. Board 44 members were invited to visit the site to see the staked layout. A contingency was not 45 figured into the cost estimate. 46 February 17, 2005 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 10 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 3/14/05 1 A motion was made to approve the $12,500 in matching funds for Boo-Boo's 2 Buddies as per the estimate provided in the report. 3 4 Motion: Rawls 5 Second: Durham 6 Ayes: Cornish, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Mills, Peebles, Rawls and White 7 Nays: None 8 Abstention: None 9 Vote: 8-0 10 Motion carried. 11 12 Agenda Item No 5-E. Authorize the mayor to execute a commercial developer's 13 agreement for Town Square Phase IV Grand Avenue District 14 15 The developer of Town Square was seeking Park Board approval of a commercial 16 developer agreement as it relates to public amenities in the Grand Avenue District, which 17 included public park land dedication and construction costs. The proposal was to dedicate 18 3.543 acres of park land to the city in a 0.283 "Plaza Park" and 3.26 acre in "West Park." 19 This amount exceeds the 0.76359 acres required. Total park dedication credits would be 20 4.7537 acres if the dedication of park land is approved. 21 22 Staff identified items in the development that qualify as park construction items, such as 23 benches, landscaping, trees, irrigation, grading work of the park itself, pavers, trellis, 24 signage, and others. Some of the construction costs associated with the pond itself, such 25 as the hardedges, fountains, may be considered as part of the park construction costs, but 26 because the pond serves also as a drainage item, staff's viewpoint was that it is part of the 27 developer's drainage costs and not necessarily part of park construction. 28 29 Brian Stebbins, Southlake Town Square developer, and Frank Bliss, 1008 Quail Run 30 Road, Cooper and Stebbins, presented an overview of the TIF, the affect the development 31 of the Brownstones and Grand Avenue District will have on taxes (which will result in 32 approximately $11 million dollars per year) and a detailed conceptual plan of the Grand 33 Avenue District. The developer asked the Board if they were comfortable, based on the 34 plan presented, that the amenities constitute the kinds of things for the $1 million dollars 35 they anticipate going into the parks. The developer asked the Board to approve the 36 commercial developer agreement and act on two specific requests in the developer 37 agreement: 1) to make a recommendation to City Council to accept the parks to operate 38 and maintain once completed (since the Board approves of the amenities as presented in 39 the concept of the parks) and 2) for approval of the park fees when completed. 40 41 During the developer's presentation, the scope of park dedication issues, including 42 grading and infrastructure costs related to the water feature in the park and expenditure of 43 $1,000,000 for construction of park amenities as required by the Tax Increment 44 Financing (TIF) Zone were identified. 45 February 17, 2005 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 10 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 3/14/05 1 Developer Brian Stebbins presented the following itemized list of preliminary estimated 2 expenses included in $1.2 million proposed park improvements/amenities: 3 4 West Park 5 Two Fountains $60,000 6 Shade Trees $25,000 (65-gallon size) 7 $15,000 (45-gallon size) 8 Plantings $40,000 (Bermuda seed) 9 Sidewalk $18,000 10 Broadcast Irrigation $50,000 11 $ 220,000 12 13 Plaza Park 14 Center Fountain $ 175,000 15 Specialty Paving $ 210,000 16 Trellis w/vines $ 204,000 17 Lighting $ 52,000 18 Benches $ 35,000 19 Trash Receptacles $ 5,000 20 Table and Chairs $ 14,000 21 Specimen Trees $ 33,000 (200-gallon size) 22 Plant Materials 23 /Ground covers $ 12,000 24 Irrigation 10,000 25 $751,000 26 27 Design Fees $ 90,000 28 29 Grand Total $ 1.2 million* 30 31 * Does include grading infrastructure relative to the parks, but does not include another 32 $80,000 which is for specific drainage infrastructure (headwalls, clay liner and pond 33 essentials). 34 35 The developer was in favor of applying 3.543 acres to the full park credit and asked the 36 Board to consider what portion of the 3.543 acres should be counted toward calculation 37 of the fee credit or if some portion of the 3.543 acres should be allocated to drainage. His 38 position was that theoretically it does serve a drainage function, but from a practical 39 standpoint it is a community park and lakes are a wonderful amenity. The pond was more 40 than a detention area since a lot of money was being spent to bring it up to a true lake 41 amenity. 42 43 Due to some confusion in the different drafts of the developer agreements, the developer 44 clarified exactly what the Board was being asked to approve in park fee credits. The 45 developer would contribute 3.543 acres of park land. The requirement was only 0.6359 46 acres. That leaves a credit of 2.9071 acres to be carried forward to future phases. When February 17, 2005 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 7 of 10 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 3/14/05 1 the 2.9071 acres is added to 1.8466 acres, which was received from prior phases, the total 2 carry-over credit would be 4.7537 acres credit. Note that the actual park dedication fee 3 credits shown in the commercial developer agreement would be adjusted prior to Council 4 review based on the motion and recommendation approved by the Park Board tonight. 5 6 The other request was that the Park Board approves the "Amenities" section of the 7 commercial developer agreement because certain amenities in Town Square will become 8 public property when completed and accepted by the City. 9 10 A motion was made that we [Park Board] accept the dedication of 3.543 acres which 11 will occur in terms of two different parks - Plaza Park and West Park - for 12 dedication and that we [Park Board] also accept the concept that was presented in 13 the commercial developer's agreement and the City take ownership of those park 14 features upon acceptance of the parks themselves after development. This motion 15 would mean that we [Park Board] are recommending as a board for the City 16 Council and the mayor to move forward with this agreement. Added to the motion 17 was: I'm suggesting to give full credit [to include the water area] because it does 18 offer a waterscape feature, which our citizens have often said that is a very desirable 19 feature instead of just a regular pond. 20 21 Motion: Georgia 22 Second: Rawls 23 Ayes: Cornish, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Peebles, Rawls and White 24 Nays: Mills 25 Abstention: None 26 Vote: 8-1 27 Motion carried. 28 29 Chairman Cornish reopened Public Forum at this time. See Agenda Item 4-A for details. 30 31 Agenda Item No. 6. Discussion: No items this meeting 32 33 Agenda Item No. Liaison Reports 34 Board members reviewed the following: 35 36 (a) Recreation/Special Events - Sweetheart Dance was a huge success on 37 February 10. T.A.A.F. will host the annual basketball tournament the first 38 week in March. The spring/summer edition of Southlake Scene was 39 delivered during the first week in February. 40 41 (b) Youth Sports Associations - Baseball signups were held in January with 42 games starting in March. 43 44 The Board requested to receive a rough draft matrix of game fields and 45 practice fields for youth sports associations. And also a chart for each 46 youth sports association seasons schedule. February 17, 2005 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 8 of 10 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 3/14/05 1 (c) Community Groups - The next Non-Profits Community Groups meeting 2 is set for April 19. Kim Bush will be added to roster list. 3 4 Keep Southlake Beautiful will hold a Spring Pruning workshop February 5 22 at the Southlake Tennis Center. KSB and Liberty Garden are working 6 on the date for the Great American Cleanup. Details to be announced 7 soon. 8 9 (d) SPIN - SPIN will hold a Transportation Forum on February 28. 10 11 SPIN hosted the park trails and master plan public input meetings January 12 17, February 1 and February SPIN would like to have more 13 advertisement about the upcoming master plan meetings. Staff will make 14 the youth sports associations aware of the upcoming master plans update 15 meetings. 16 17 (e) SPDC - Next meeting will be held March 2. 18 19 (f) JUC - The Board would like to encourage the youth sports associations to 20 work with the CISD to obtain needed practice fields since there are no 21 lighted joint use fields in the Joint Use Agreement other than at Carroll 22 Intermediate School. Pee Wee Football and Southlake Baseball 23 Associations spoke on the need for more fields at tonight's meeting. 24 25 (g) City Council Monthly Report - Bobby Rawls will present the Park Board 26 Report at the March 1, 2005 City Council meeting. 27 28 Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment 29 30 A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:42 p.m. 31 Motion: Georgia 32 Second: White 33 Ayes: Cornish, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Mills, Peebles, Rawls and White 34 Nays: None 35 Abstention: None 36 Vote: 9-0 37 Motion carried. 38 39 40 41 Frank Cornish 42 Parks & Recreation Board Chair 43 44 45 lire 46 Mike Mills February 17, 2005 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 9 of 10 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 3/14/05 Parks & Recreation Board Secretary 2 3 Attachments: (Attached to approved meeting minutes on file with the City Secretary) 4 Item 5B - Utility easement in linear park adjacent to Kirkwood Hollow - aerial exhibit 5 Item 5D - Matching Funds Request for Boo-Boo's Buddies for Dog Park - request, site map, cost estimate 6 February 17, 2005 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 10 of 10 Aerial Exhibit Green shading = existing 20' Ilinear park Magenta line = proposed 5' utility easement N W AT E 5B-3 app 0 300 600 Feet Project Name: Contact Person: Mailing Address BooBoo's Buddies - Dog Park Development Jan Ekonomy 907 Midland Creek Drive City: Southlake State: TX ZIP: 76092 Day Phone: 817-798-3029 Night Phone: 817-421-1440 Fax Number: 972-405-7498 Additional Contact Person: Wendy Lehane Day Phone: 817-329-8299 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: BooBoo's Buddies is a local organization whose objective is to raise funds and awareness for the development and maintenance of a dog park in Southlake. The purpose of a dog park is to provide social and recreational opportunities for pet owners and their dogs within a controlled environment that allows off leash opportunities. In collaboration with the Southlake Parks and Recreation Department, the BooBoo's Buddies organization has held 2 pet event fundraisers that have raised about $12,500. A site plan at Bob Jones park has been approved by the park board, and BooBoo's Buddies is requesting matching funds to complete funding for the project. Proposed Start Date: April 1, 2005 Projected Completion Date: May 15, 2005 Projected Cost: $55,000 Amount of Funds Requested: $12,500 Aerial View of Proposed Dog Park 5D-3 5D-4 PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATES FOR DOG PARK Item Description Units Per Unit Total Powder coated black aluminum fencing 1,688 if $18.00 $30,000.00 Water /pet ountains 2 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 Tables / benches 5 $800.00 $4,000.00 Shade structures 4 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 Utilities (extend water, electric) and landscaping Bulk $4,000.00 $4,000.00 Clearing and grubbing of site underbrush (by city) Bulk N/A $0.00 TOTAL $55,000 Italics: Items proposed as Matching Fund items 5D-5