2005-08-08Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 8/15/05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING August 8, 2005 MINUTES Board Members Present: Frank Cornish, Chairman; Mary Georgia, Vice Chairman; Mike Mills, Secretary; Elaine Cox, Liz Durham, Emily Galpin, Katrina Peebles, Bobby Rawls (arrived 8:07 p.m.) and Cara White Board Members Absent: None Staff Members Present: Malcolm Jackson, Director of Community Services and Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services Guests: None REGULAR SESSION Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order Chairman Cornish called the meeting to order at 7:18 p.m. REPORTS Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments A. Special Park Board Meeting to Consider Budget and Capital Improvement Plan - Staff recommended and the Board agreed to hold a special joint Park Board and SPDC meeting on August 22, 2005 to review and make a recommendation on the SPDC CIP budget and to hold a special Park Board work session August 15, 2005 to present the General Fund Budget and the proposed CIP projects. CONSENT AGENDA Agenda Item No. 3A. Consider: Approval of the Southlake Parks and Recreation Board meeting minutes of July 11, 2005 meeting. A motion was made to approve the meeting minutes of July 11, 2005 with a spelling correction. Motion: Georgia Second: White Ayes: Cornish, Durham, Georgia, Mills, Peebles and White Nays: None Abstention: Cox, Galpin Vote: 6-0-2 Motion carried. August 8, 2005 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 7 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 8/15/05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 REGULAR AGENDA Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum Chairman Cornish opened and closed the Public Forum at this time. No one was present to speak during Public Forum. Agenda Item No. 5A. Consider: Absence of Parks and Recreation Board Member(s) - standing item The Board considered the absences of Elaine Cox and Emily Galpin from the Park Board meeting held July 11, 2005. A motion was made to excuse the absence of Park Board members Elaine Cox and Emily Galpin from the July 11, 2005 Parks and Recreation Board meeting. Motion: Georgia Second: Durham Ayes: Cornish, Durham, Georgia, Mills, Peebles and White Nays: None Abstention: Cox, Galpin Vote: 6-0-2 Motion carried. Agenda Item No. 5B. Consider: Recommendation to City Council to approve Revised Concept Plan for Southlake Town Square Cooper & Stebbins submitted a Revised Concept Plan for Southlake Town Square and requested to re-designate 3.78 acres (Block 22, Lot 2) of designated common open space along FM 1709 to allow the development of commercial uses and to designate 2.8 acres (Block 19, Lot 2) as common open space. The request will result in a shortfall of approximately .98 acres to be replaced in Block 11 and/or Block 20 and addressed as planning evolves. There are no park dedication fees or acceptance of park land directly associated with the request, however, approval will result in designation of common open space at a location not currently indicated on the existing concept plan and potential future consideration for acceptance as park land. Staff explained the terminology "common open space" and "park land." Until a piece of property is accepted and dedicated as park land by the Parks Board and City Council, it is referred to as common open space. Frank Bliss, Cooper & Stebbins representative, answered questions from Park Board members about a proposed fence or barrier, tree surveys, and trails. A motion was made to approve the revised Concept Plan for Southlake Town Square as presented. Motion: Galpin August 8, 2005 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 7 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 8/15/05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Second: Durham Ayes: Cornish, Georgia, Mills, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Peebles and White Nays: None Vote: 8-0 Motion carried. Agenda Item No 5C Consider: Recommendation of park dedication requirements for The Cliffs at Clariden Ranch IV development Terra Land Management Company proposed to dedicate two parks (10.68 acres and 4.24 acres) to be maintained by the homeowners association to the City as part of 56.5 acre development, The Cliffs at Clariden Ranch IV. The site is located on North White Chapel Bouelvard, south of Clariden School, west of Bob Jones Park and directly north of Corps of Engineer property. The required park land dedication for the 56 lot development is 1.4 acres of land or an equivalent in park dedication fees of $84,000. The applicant requests to meet park dedication requirements by dedicating a total 14.92 acres of public park land and by providing trails (.68 miles), benches (4) and entry feature (1) valued at approximately $121,200. The developer seeks park credits to be used on the next phase or another development in Southlake. The proposal recommends that the City provide water for irrigation estimated at approximately $5,200 per year. The developer will dedicate an open lot along White Chapel Boulevard with adjoining access easement into the 10.68 acre park. Staff is working with the developer to expand the 20' wide easement to 70' to allow greater visibility and buffer for abutting lots. Because the site once served as a dumping area for construction debris the developer will remove all surface materials and provide a level two environmental assessment. Planning & Zoning Commission reviewed the development plans and recommended approval as did the City Council at First Reading. Staff will confirm the environmental designation of the site with the Corps of Engineers. If the park receives a "community park" classification in the Park Master Plan, the usage may allow for more active features than how the park was initially proposed as a passive park. Therefore, the park may need to be designated as a special-type community park or a special park. Paul Spain, developer of The Cliffs at Clariden Ranch IV, 2200 Estes Park Drive, apologized for not presenting the proposal to Park Board prior to presentation at Planning & Zoning Commission and answered questions. Board members recommended that the developer include fencing and/or a barrier along the trail along the edge of the cliffs and to also include signage designating the park areas as public parks. August 8, 2005 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 7 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 8/15/05 1 The request was voted on by the Board in two phases. 2 3 A motion was made for consideration of acceptance of the dedication of 14.92 acres 4 of public park land, provision of trails (.68 miles), benches (4), and entry feature (1), 5 conditioned upon satisfaction of the Planning and Zoning Commission's 6 recommendations, staff review conditions as set forth in the July 28, 2005 memo 7 from Malcolm Jackson to the Parks and Recreation Board, and included on the 8 credit worksheet, or described on the concept plan and subject to any additional 9 conditions Council may wish to impose, including but no limited to a requirement 10 for proper compaction of the site and an environmental assessment to be presented 11 and reviewed by Parks Board confirming there exists no unsafe environment issues 12 on the proposed park sites. In addition to this motion, the Park Board is requesting 13 that the developer consider and place signage for public park upon these park areas 14 and consider a barrier or protection from the cliffs in that area. 15 Motion: Georgia 16 Second: White 17 Ayes: Cornish, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Mills, Peebles and White 18 Nays: None 19 Vote: 8-0 20 Motion carried. 21 22 A motion was made to allow the developer to use these park credits to be used on 23 the next phase or with another development in Southlake. 24 Motion: Georgia 25 Second: White 26 Ayes: Cornish, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Mills, Peebles and White 27 Nays: None 28 Vote: 8-0 29 Motion carried. 30 31 Agenda Item No 5D Consider: Proposed Fiscal Year 2005-06 Parks and Recreation 32 Division Annual Budget 33 34 Staff requested consideration of this item to be postponed to a future Parks Board 35 meeting. 36 37 A motion was made to TABLE agenda item 5D, proposed Fiscal Year 2005-06 38 annual budget to the August 15. 39 Motion: Durham 40 Second: Georgia 41 Ayes: Cornish, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Mills, Peebles, Rawls and White 42 Nays: None 43 Abstention: None 44 Vote: 9-0 45 Motion carried. 46 August 8, 2005 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 7 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 8/15/05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Agenda Item No. 5E. Consider: Proposed Fiscal Year 2005-06 Park Dedication Fee Fund Annual Budget Staff presented a list of the previously approved and encumbered projects and a list of the FY 2005-06 capital requests, including $23,000 previously recommended by the Park Board for the Timarron bridge relocation. The proposed projects are noted in the motion. There was a concern expressed as to whether $15,000 would be enough to cover the driveway/parking for the nature center. A motion was made to recommend that $64,000 for lighting the basketball courts in Bicentennial Park, $15,000 for the Nature Center improvements, and $50,000 for the Tennis Center and in addition to this, add the $23,000 for the Timarron bridge relocation as part of the FY 2005-06 Park Dedication Fee Fund annual budget; a total of $152,000. Motion: Cox Second: Georgia Ayes: Cornish, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Mills, Peebles, Rawls and White Nays: None Vote: 9-0 Motion carried. Agenda Item No. 5F. Consider: Proposed Fiscal Year 2005-06 Bicentennial Park Coca- Cola Sponsorship Fund Staff explained provisions of the City's agreement with Coca-Cola and presented the proposed budget items totaling $35,000 for the FY 2005-06 Coca-Cola Sponsorship Fund. The proposed projects are noted in the motion. It was noted that the proposed volleyball project addresses an under served age group. A motion was made to approve Fiscal Year 2005-06 Bicentennial Park Coca-Cola Sponsorship Fund budget for the funding for Bicentennial Park event sponsorships of $5,000 as required under section 5(c) of the Agreement and funding for lit sand volleyball courts at Bicentennial Park in the amount of $30,000. Motion: Cox Second: Georgia Ayes: Cornish, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Mills, Peebles, Rawls and White Nays: None Vote: 9-0 Motion carried. Agenda Item No. 6. Discussion: No items this agenda. August 8, 2005 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 7 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 8/15/05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Agenda Item No. Liaison Reports: A. Recreation/Special Events - 2005 Fall/Winter Southlake Scene will mailed to citizens August 8. Online registration will be available beginning August 15, 2005. A. Youth Sports Associations - Summer baseball completed games last week. Two pony teams participated in the State tournament in Irving and the first team took 4th place in the state. B. Community Groups - KSB hosted the quarterly Clean Up on Saturday, July 9. The date for the nature hike at Bob Jones Park has been changed to August 20 instead of August 19 as previously advertised. Cindy Gaither was praised for her efforts in organizing all the nature hikes. Southlake Sister Cities delegates to Tome-City, Japan returned July 24 with wonderful stories of their week-long adventure. Last week the Non-Profits Groups held a quarterly meeting. They are now working on a producing a community profile brochure which will be released later this year. C. SPIN - SPIN has a joint SPIN/City Council meeting August 9 and two meeting August 15. D. SPDC - SPDC approved matching funds request for Liberty Garden Phase II this evening. E. JUC - JUC will meeting Thursday, August 11. F. City Council Quarterly Reports - Next quarterly Park Board Report will be given at the October 4, 2005 City Council meeting. Director Malcolm Jackson bid farewell to the Board and related his gratitude to the Park Board members for their volunteer time and the way they worked so closely with staff on many critical issues over the past three years. Director Jackson received a standing ovation from the Board and the public in attendance. Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment A motion was made to adjourn at 8:46 p.m. Motion: Cox Second: Rawls Ayes: Cornish, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Mills, Peebles, Rawls and White August 8, 2005 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 7 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 8/15/05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 9-0 Motion carried. Frank Cornish Parks & Recreation Board Chair 4404,~B= - Mike Mills Parks & Recreation Board Secretary August 8, 2005 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 7 of 7 Please sign in. Park Board Meeting Monday, August 8, 2005 Name lease print) Address (optional) Phone (optional) Email (optional 3c~-°7 L.,,dcz- 3 M:\WP-FILES\FORMS\Sign In Sheet.doc