Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 7/14/08
June 9, 2008
Parks and Recreation Board Members Present: Mary Georgia, Chair; John Slocum,
Vice-Chair; Ken Goodman, Secretary; Elaine Cox, Katrina Peebles, Purvi Parakh and
Julie Landesberg
Board Members Absent: Emily Galpin
Staff Members Present: Chris Tribble, Interim Director of Community Services
Guests: None
Ms. Galpin left before the meeting for a family emergency.
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Parks Board Chair Georgia at 7:06 p.m. A quorum
was present.
Interim Director Tribble presented the Administration Comments.
Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments
A. Construction Report - A written report of current park projects was included in
the meeting packet. Please contact Construction Manager Peter Kao if any
Agenda Item No 3A Consent: Approval of the minutes from the May 12, 2008
Southlake Parks and Recreation Board meeting.
There were no corrections to the minutes.
Agenda Item No 3B. Consent: Absence of Parks and Recreation Board Member(s) -
Standing Item
The Board considered the absences of Mary Georgia and Emily Galpin from the Park
Board meeting May 12, 2008.
Minutes of the June 9, 2008 Parks and Recreation Board
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Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 7/14/08
A motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda with the minutes as
presented and to excuse the absences from the Park Board meeting.
Motion: Goodman
Second: Slocum
Ayes: Cox, Georgia, Goodman, Landesberg, Peebles, Parakh and Slocum
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 7-0
Motion carried.
Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum
Chair Georgia opened Public Forum. There was no one present to address the Board.
Public Forum was closed.
Agenda Item No. 5A. Consider: Recommendation to approve a lease agreement for
crazing on approximately 4.5 acres of undeveloped City park propert
Interim Director Tribble presented the proposed two-year grazing lease agreement with
Mr. and Mrs. William Ihnfeldt for approximately four and one-half (4.5) acres of
undeveloped park land along the southeast corner of Lonesome Dove Road and Foxfire
Lane. The land was purchased for future park access to the adjoining U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers property but there are no plans to develop the area at this time. The
tenants would be responsible for accepting the property in its present condition, mowing
and maintaining the premises in a good, safe condition and vacating the premises upon
termination of the lease. Grazing on the land provides a cost effective method of
maintaining the property without utilizing staff time or City equipment at an estimated
annual saving of approximately $2,000.
A motion was made to recommend approval of the lease agreement for grazing
on 4.5 acres of undeveloped City park property at Lonesome Dove Road and
Foxfire Lane with Mr. and Mrs. Ihnfeldt.
Motion: Landesberg
Second: Cox
Ayes: Cox, Georgia, Goodman, Landesberg, Peebles, Parakh and Slocum
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 7-0
Motion carried.
Agenda Item No. 6A. Discussion: Bids received for Liberty Park at Sheltonwood and
Royal and Annie Smith Park Developments
Interim Director Tribble presented information about the results of the recent bid
opening on June 3, 2008 and financial issues involving the projects. Both projects were
re-advertised and rebid in accordance with State bidding requirements and opened in
Minutes of the June 9, 2008 Parks and Recreation Board
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Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 7/14/08
the City Secretary's office on June 3, 2008, with six bids received. The lowest bid
received was from Robinson Landscape & Construction in the amount of $316,264,
including alternate items, for Royal and Annie Smith Park and $715,079, including
alternate items, for Liberty Park at Sheltonwood, for a total combined cost, less $10,000
savings (via award of both projects to contractor) of $1,021,343. In addition to the
construction cost of $1,021,343, the City will incur costs totaling $246,961 to purchase
the Smith Park playground and pavilion; Liberty Park pavilion, pergola, and restroom;
and additional design fees for Liberty Park. Current funding in the amount of $987,535
is available, however there is a budget funding deficit for both projects in the amount of
The Parks Board discussed funding alternatives and recommended allocation of
additional funding, utilizing the current balance (after Fretwell purchase) of
approximately $300,000 in the FY08 SPDC Land Acquisition line item to complete both
projects as presented in your packet. The Board expressed that by utilizing these funds,
they do not want to jeopardize the ability to purchase the DPS North site should it
become available.
The award of bid for both projects will be considered by Parks Board, SPDC and City
Council at their respective July meetings.
Agenda Item No. 6B. Discussion: Board Advocacy
Members are encouraged to volunteer to represent the Board and the City at
community events such as the upcoming Stars and Stripes event July 3.
Other Item of Interest
1. DPS North Update - The Board would like to receive an update at an
upcoming meeting. A recommendation was made to hold a joint meeting with
Crime Control Board, City Council and Park Board to revisit lacrosse fields
issues and the DPS North site following council board appointments in August
or September.
2. Park Board - Chair Georgia and Park Board member Peebles will not seek
another term on Park Board at this time due to conflicts with their times.
3. Water Fountain at BJNC - An outside water fountain will be installed for
visitors by the end of September unless it has to be funded in FY 2008-09
budget, in which case it will be installed in October.
Agenda Item No. Adjournment
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m.
Motion: Cox
Second: Slocum
Ayes: Cox, Georgia, Goodman, Landesberg, Peebles, Parakh and Slocum
Minutes of the June 9, 2008 Parks and Recreation Board
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Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 7/14/08
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 7-0
Motion carried. ~S a G~
MaryGeor ia, air
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Ch Trib I , Interim Director of Community Services
Minutes of the June 9, 2008 Parks and Recreation Board
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