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2009-01-12 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 2/9/09 1 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING: 3 January 12, 2009 4 5 LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas 6 3rd Floor Training Room 3c/d 7 8 Board Members Present: John Slocum, Chair; Ken Goodman, Vice Chair; Emily 9 Galpin, Secretary; Sherry Berman, Margaret Adams, Elaine Cox, Julie Landesberg and 10 Bill Packer 11 12 Board Members Absent: Purvi Parakh 13 14 Staff Members Present: Chris Tribble, Director of Community Services and Deputy 15 Director Kerry McGeath 16 17 Guests: Robin Cornish, Lisa Quinn, Valerie Reyes 18 19 REGULAR SESSION 20 21 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order - The meeting was called to order by Chair Slocum at 22 7:07 p.m. A quorum was present. 23 24 REPORTS 25 26 Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments - Director Tribble presented the 27 Administration Comments. 28 29 A. Construction Report - A written report of current park projects was 30 included in the meeting packet. Questions were answered regarding 31 Liberty Park at Sheltonwood, right-of-way acquisition for the Dove Road 32 trail, park monument signage, Safety Town costs, fence and batting cages 33 options for Bicentennial Park and timer lights at the park. 34 35 B. Update on proposed Eagle Scout project at Oak Pointe - Staff will work 36 with Eagle Scout Jacob Elieson, BSA Troop 402, on an alternative project 37 to plant trees at Oak Pointe instead of the gulley improvement project he 38 had previously proposed. 39 40 B. DPS North Property - In a meeting with the City Manager, Assistance City 41 Manager, several council members and Crime Control and Prevention 42 District board member Martin Schelling, it was agreed that the DPS North 43 site would be a park at some time. Director Tribble was authorized to work 44 with Assistant City Manager Blagg to start design on the DPS North site. 45 The price is still under consideration. 46 Minutes of the January 12, 2009 Parks and Recreation Board Page 1 of 6 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 2/9/09 1 Agenda Item 5C and 5D were considered next, out of the regular agenda sequence. 2 3 Agenda Item No. 5C. Consider: Recommendation to approve the renaming of Plaza 4 Park in honor of Mr. Frank Cornish 5 6 A suggestion was offered to have some type of image and descriptive plaque with Mr. 7 Cornish's accomplishments listed displayed in addition to renaming Plaza Park in honor 8 of Mr. Cornish. Historical information for all of the City parks should also be included in 9 the City's website and in the park master plans. 10 11 Robin Cornish, currently residing in Keller, Texas, widow of Parks Board Chair Frank 12 Cornish, addressed the Board about Mr. Cornish's love of the community and his pride 13 in Southlake and his involvement with youth sports and development of the parks. She 14 asked that Mr. Cornish be remembered. 15 16 The Board discussed changing the name of Plaza Park to Frank Edgar Cornish, IV. in 17 honor of Mr. Cornish and commissioning a plaque to be displayed. The board also 18 discussed future recognition issues and desired that staff bring back to the Board 19 guidelines for such recognition. 20 ane~< 21 A motion was made to approve the renaming of the Plaza Park i Town Square in honor 22 of Mr. Frank Cornish to Frank Edgar Cornish, IV Park; also a s pulation in the motion to 23 receive guidance on recognition plaque(s), for this park and fo future parks named after 24 a person in Southlake. The motion was amended to include that Robin Cornish be 25 consulted about the verbiage on the recognition plaque for Mr. Cornish. 26 27 Motion: Goodman, amended by Berman 28 Second: Cox 29 Ayes: Adams, Berman, Cox, Galpin, Goodman, Landesberg, Packer and Slocum 30 Nays: None 31 Abstention: None 32 Vote: 8-0 33 Motion carried. 34 35 The recommendation to rename Plaza Park will be presented to City Council at their 36 February 17 meeting. Staff will inform Ms. Cornish once the agenda is finalized. 37 38 Agenda Item No. 5D. Consider: Recommendation on proposed "A Decade of Giving", 39 Buy a Brick program submitted by the Southlake Women's Club commemorating the 40 10t anniversary of Southlake Town Square and Southlake Women's Club 41 42 Lisa Quinn, Chair, 2009 Art In the Square event, and Valerie Reyes, President of the 43 Southlake Women's Club, presented information about the "Brick" program and asked 44 for the Board's support. 45 Minutes of the January 12, 2009 Parks and Recreation Board Page 2 of 6 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 2/9/09 1 The Board discussed the proposed program. Some issues discussed were the 2 precedent for this type of program and removing and replacing existing bricks which 3 already had names on them. The Board could not provide their support for the Brick 4 program at this time for Town Square parks. The Board asked the organization to get 5 with staff to look into other options that could be presented back to the Park Board. 6 7 A motion was made to recommend that the Park Board not propose the giving of a 8 "Buying a Brick" program submitted by the Southlake Women's Club to be placed 9 around the fountain and in front of Town Hall. 10 Motion: Cox 11 There was not a second on the motion; the motion was amended as follows: 12 i-le's 13 A motion was a ded that the Board not approve the Buy a Brick program submitted 14 by the South a Women's Club for the brick placement around the fountain in Town 15 Hall; further should be sought after with Southlake Women's Club to seek guidance 16 from staff or other possibilities. PAY 17 18 Motion: Goodman 19 Second: Cox 20 Ayes: Adams, Cox, Galpin, Goodman, Landesberg, Packer and Slocum 21 Nays: None 22 Abstention: Berman (Southlake Women's Club member) 23 Vote: 7-0-1 24 Motion carried not to approve. 25 26 The abstention from Berman as a conflict of interest as she serves on the Southlake 27 Women Club Foundation that designates the distribution of funds. 28 29 CONSENT AGENDA 30 31 Agenda Item No 3A Consent: Approval of the minutes from the December 8, 2008 32 Southlake Parks and Recreation Board meeting 33 34 A motion was made to approve the minutes from the December Park Board meeting as 35 presented. 36 Motion: Goodman 37 Second: Landesberg 38 Ayes: Adams, Berman, Cox, Galpin, Goodman, Landesberg, Packer and Slocum 39 Nays: None 40 Abstention: None 41 Vote: 8-0 42 Motion carried. 43 44 45 Minutes of the January 12, 2009 Parks and Recreation Board Page 3 of 6 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 2/9/09 1 Agenda Item No 3B Consent: Recommendation to approve the 2009 Community 2 Services Agreement with Southlake DPS Citizens Association - 3 4 The Board reviewed the Community Services Agreement with DPS Citizens Association 5 and was not in favor of approving the agreement as presented with "Attachment A" and 6 "Exhibit A". The attachments address marketing and sponsorship opportunities that 7 were proposed with the 2008 agreement and may not contain up-to-date information. 8 Additionally, the Board expressed concern about approving the agreement since the 9 location of Safety Town will be changed to DPS West. Park Board may consider the 10 concept/site plans and the dedication of park land for Safety Town at their February 11 meeting. The Board favored delaying their recommendation on the agreement until an 12 updated agreement could be presented to them. 13 14 A motion was made to Table the Safety Town contract with SDCA and have it come 15 back with an updated one. 16 Motion: Landesberg 17 Second: Packer 18 Ayes: Adams, Berman, Cox, Galpin, Goodman, Landesberg, Packer and Slocum 19 Nays: None 20 Abstention: None 21 Vote: 8-0 22 Motion carried. 23 24 REGULAR AGENDA 25 26 Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum - Chair Slocum opened and closed Public Forum; 27 there was no one was present to address the Parks Board. 28 29 Agenda Item No 5A Consider: Recommendation to approve the conceptual design for 30 park monument signage 31 32 Director Tribble presented a slide presentation of the conceptual design for park 33 signage developed by Cooper Designs. The objectives of the design concept was to 34 provide versatile design, various stone or brick options to match park appearance or 35 theme, traditional and lasting design that signifies a city park, standardization to 36 eliminate recurring design and engineering cost and maximum visibility of park name 37 with night lighting. Several existing parks do not have visible park signage that meets 38 Southlake design standards. The Parks Board will make a recommendation on specific 39 signage for the parks as improvements are made. 40 41 The Board discussed the conceptual designs. 42 43 A motion was made to recommend to approve the conceptual design for park 44 monument signage. 45 Motion: Berman 46 Second: Adams Minutes of the January 12, 2009 Parks and Recreation Board Page 4 of 6 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 2/9/09 1 Ayes: Adams, Berman, Cox, Galpin, Goodman, Landesberg, Packer and Slocum 2 Nays: None 3 Abstention: None 4 Vote: 8-0 5 Motion carried. 6 7 Agenda Item No 5B Consider: Recommendation to approve the naming of a city park 8 located in the Cotswald Valley subdivision 9 10 Director Tribble presented suggested names for the new park located in the Cotswald 11 Valley (formerly Estancia) subdivision and provided the guidelines for naming of park 12 facilities. The following names were submitted for review: 13 14 Don Armstrong Park 15 Baird Park 16 Grapevine Springs Park 17 Dragon Trails Park 18 Robert Hodges Memorial Park 19 Frank Cornish Park 20 Bill Kyle Park 21 John Stevenson Park 22 SAT Park 23 Shale Pond or Shale Lake Park 24 Jeroll Shivers Park 25 Estancia Park 26 Cotswald Valley Park 27 Prosperity Park 28 Centennial Park 29 Veterans Park 30 * Jack Cook Park 31 32 *Mr. Cook still lives in Southlake and therefore the name would not be eligible under the 33 established parameters. 34 35 The Board discussed the names and the merits of several of the suggestions. The 36 board inquired if suggested names were submitted by Southlake residents. 37 38 A motion was made to recommend naming the new city park at Cotswald Valley 39 subdivision, making it Robert Hodges Memorial Park. The motion was amended to put a 40 plaque in the park explaining who Robert Hodges is. 41 42 Motion: Goodman, amended by Berman. 43 Second: Adams 44 Ayes: Adams, Berman, Cox, Galpin, Goodman, Landesberg, Packer and Slocum 45 Nays: None 46 Abstention: None Minutes of the January 12, 2009 Parks and Recreation Board Page 5 of 6 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 2/9/09 1 Vote: 8-0 2 Motion carried. 3 4 Agenda Item No. 6A. Discussion: Electronic Park Board packets 5 6 The Board was asked to consider receiving their meeting packets electronically rather 7 than paper packets. The majority agreed to receive packets electronically; Ms. Cox 8 prefers to receive the paper version. 9 10 Agenda Item No. 6B. Discussion: Advocacy Program 11 12 Chair Slocum explained the purpose of the Advocacy Program and asked members to 13 review the upcoming events and advise staff if they desire to attend any event as a Park 14 Board Advocate. 15 16 Other non-agenda items: 17 18 Southlake Park Tour - A tour will be arranged for the entire Board in February for a tour 19 of all the city parks. Staff will email the Board with suggested times and dates and 20 finalize arrangements. 21 22 Agenda Item No. 7. Adjournment 23 24 A motion was made to close the meeting at 9:14 p.m. 25 Motion: Landesberg 26 Second: Berman 27 Ayes: Adams, Berman, Cox, Galpin, Goodman, Landesberg, Packer and Slocum 28 Nays: None 29 Abstention: None 30 Vote: 8-0 31 Motion carried. 32 33 34 35 Joh Slocum, Chair 37 38 Attest: 39 40 ,l 41 42 Cris Tri e, Director of Community Services 43 44 A CASSETTE TAPE RECORDING OF THE MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY 45 SECRETARY. 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