2007-01-08Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 2/12/07 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING January 8, 2007 MINUTES Board Members Present: Mary Georgia, Chairman; Mike Mills, Vice Chair; Elaine Cox, Emily Galpin, Ken Goodman, Elizabeth McCracken, Katrina Peebles, Bobby Rawls and John Slocum, Secretary Board Members Absent: None Staff Members Present: Steve Polasek, Director of Community Services; Chris Tribble, Deputy Director of Community Services; Steve Moore, Recreation Superintendent; and Julie Dove, Parks Project Coordinator Guests: None REGULAR SESSION Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order The regular session was called to order Chair Mary Georgia at 6:59 p.m. REPORTS Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments: A. Quarterly Recreation and Athletic Programs Statistical Report - Recreation Superintendent Steve Moore provided a summary of the October 2006 - December 2006 recreation and athletic activities. Positive comments have been received from the public on the various programs. Staff tracks and scores each "comment card" and has set a goal to remain above the 90% approval rate. Currently the approval rate is about ninety-six percent. Community Services Director Steve Polasek provided administrative comments on the following: Name Tags and Tee-Shirts - Name badges were handed out to each Board member to identify them at public events as members of the Southlake Parks and Recreation Board. Tee-shirts have also been ordered and will be distributed at the next meeting. Park and Recreation Advocacy Program - A sign-up sheet was provided members to select the event(s) they would like to attend as a representative of the Parks and Recreation Board. January 8, 2007 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 7 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 2/12/07 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Park Dedication Guideline Committee - Staff anticipates it will take two meetings to complete the park dedication guidelines. The first meeting is set for mid- January. Joint City Council and Planning and Zoning Work Session on the Urban Design Study - The Urban Design Study will consider some areas, such as the style of "way-finding" signage, which will pertain to the Parks Board and will have an impact on the park signs. Meetings that will cover the signage and other possible park-related issues will be scheduled as joint City Council, Planning & Zoning and Parks and Recreation Board work sessions and the Board will receive advance notice of the dates and times. CONSENT AGENDA Agenda Item No 3A Approval of the Southlake Parks and Recreation Board meeting minutes of December 11, 2006. A change was requested on page 2, line 43, of the minutes to clarify the point of order for proposed agenda items. The intention of the Board was to have two future agenda items: 1) to consider appointing a work group to review the ecology updates and 2) a call for volunteers and the appointment of a work group to recommend options or actions for the City's consideration. A motion was made to approve the minutes as discussed with the change. Motion: Cox Second: Peebles Ayes: Cox, Galpin, Georgia, Goodman, McCracken, Mills, Peebles and Slocum Nays: None Abstention: Rawls Vote: 8-1 Motion carried. REGULAR AGENDA Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum Chairman Georgia opened Public Forum. No one spoke during Public Forum; Public Forum was closed. CONSIDER AGENDA Agenda Item No 5A Consider: Absence of Parks and Recreation Board Member(s) - (Standing Item) The Board considered the absences of Bobby Rawls and Ken Goodman from the December 11, 2006 regular meeting. A motion was made to excuse the absences. January 8, 2007 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 7 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 2/12/07 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Motion: Mills Second: McCracken Ayes: Cox, Galpin, Georgia, McCracken, Mills, Peebles and Slocum Nays: None Abstention: Rawls, Goodman Vote: 7-0-2 Motion carried. Agenda Item No 5B Consider: Recommendation to approve the Bicentennial Park schematic design Director Polasek introduced the schematic design and provided information about the approval and funding processes necessary to implement the design. The Plan developed by Schrickel, Rollins and Associates was displayed by a PowerPoint document. The design incorporates early twentieth century and the Bicentennial theme. The architecture is based on the initial phase of Southlake Town Square and will utilize materials such as brick, cast stone, classic style park fixtures and dramatic entry features. Some of the proposed improvements include: 1. Improved entry features at White Chapel, FM 1709, and the proposed Shady Oaks entrance. 2. Connecting road system with roundabout, bridge, flag colonnade, and traffic calming devices. 3. Substantial landscape and irrigation system enhancements. 4. Trail system expansion. 5. Additional play structures (3) to include a new "Adventure Alley" that recognizes and pays homage to the existing structure which would be removed. 6. A water spray park. Additional lighted tennis courts (5). 8. New lighted sand volleyball courts (4). 9. Safety Town with pavilion. 10. New lighted baseball fields (9) and restroom/concessions to replace and expand existing facilities resulting in a net increase of three fields. These improvements would also incorporate a "miracle field," multi-purpose handicapped accessible facility, for use by both the baseball program and therapeutic programs. 11. New lighted baseball stadium capable of accommodating 2,000 guests and suitable for use for high school games, SBA Pony games, wooden bat collegiate leagues, and special events and concerts. 12. Additional picnic and pavilion areas. 13. Improvements to the "Hill" to include a band shell pavilion, restroom facility, picnic area, scenic overlook, and the ability to accommodate historical signage and placement of suitable historic items. 14. New pond feature for aesthetic and irrigation purposes. 15. New maintenance satellite facility. 16. Expanded parking, utilities, and modifications to remaining structures in keeping with the architectural design. January 8, 2007 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 7 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 2/12/07 1 The estimated costs for the proposed improvements total $26,448,000. Maintenance cost 2 impacts are currently being developed and will be included as part of future 3 considerations. Eight areas have been designated to allow for the potential to construct 4 the features in separate phases. 5 6 Anita Roberson, Southlake Historical Society (SHS), 610 Bourdeux Drive, Southlake, Tx 7 addressed the Board about a historical event that occurred on the park site when it was 8 the campground for thousands of wagon trains headed west and asked that the historical 9 event be included in the park design in some fashion. Ms. Roberson asked the Board to 10 consider incorporating the theme of "expansion of the east to west" and "expansion of the 11 mind" (innovation) into the design of the park. The Southlake Historical Society is 12 currently researching the historical significance of the park land and will submit their 13 findings to the Board. SHS offered to work with the Board to incorporate the area's 14 history into the features of the plan. 15 16 Kevin Cox, representative of the Southlake Baseball Association, 718 Edwards Court, 17 Southlake, Tx, expressed the Southlake Baseball Association's support of the proposed 18 project and their appreciation to the Board and city staff for their work and asked the 19 Board to consider approval of the schematic design as presented. 20 21 The Board's discussion touched on funding, phasing of construction, drainage and water 22 well possibilities. Part of the discussion included the need for CISD participation in the 23 funding of the proposed improvements that would directly benefit the district. CISD is 24 currently looking into possible financial partnership possibilities. 25 26 A motion was made to make a recommendation to City Council to approve the 27 Bicentennial Park schematic design. 28 Motion: Rawls 29 Second: Cox 30 Ayes: Cox, Galpin, Georgia, Goodman, McCracken, Mills, Peebles, Rawls and 31 Slocum 32 Nays: None 33 Abstention: None 34 Vote: 9-0 35 Motion carried. 36 37 Agenda Item No 5C Consider: Recommendation of names for three new parks 38 39 Director Polasek presented the item seeking the Park Board recommendation to name the 40 three new parks Watermere Park, Central Park and Hess Park and provided background 41 information for each. It was noted that a variance or revision to the Park Naming 42 Procedures would need to be obtained to name the park "Hess Park" since the Hess' are 43 not deceased. 44 45 Paul Spain, 2200 Estes Park Drive, explained the reason for requesting the park in Estes 46 Park subdivision be named after Leroy and Colleen Hess. They have been ardent 47 supporters of the Southlake community, of the schools and were the previous land 48 owners. January 8, 2007 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 7 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 2/12/07 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 The Board discussed each of the proposed park names and the parameters for evaluating the submissions for naming of City park facilities. There was some concern about naming a park after a subdivision since the name could mislead the public to think the park is private rather than public. The Board discussed names for the park located in the Shops of Southlake (Central Park) and the park located in Estes Park subdivision on Dove Road. A motion was made to name the parks Central Park and Estes Park and to designate the pond in Estes Park as "Hess Pond." Motion: Slocum Second: Cox Ayes: Cox, Galpin, Georgia, Goodman, Mills, Peebles, Rawls and Slocum Nays: None Abstention: McCracken Vote: 8-0-1 Motion carried. The Board discussed naming the remaining park to be considered Watermere Park and to name a park feature after Ernest Owen. Bobby Rawls left the meeting at 8:30 p.m. A motion was made to call both Watermere parks "Watermere Park" and identify one of the pavilions to be called "Ernest Owen Pavilion." Motion: Slocum Second: Goodman Ayes: Cox, Galpin, Georgia, Goodman, McCracken, Mills, Peebles and Slocum Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 8-0 Motion carried. The Board requested to put an item on a future agenda to review the naming of Rustin Park (pavilion) and Family Park (fountain) located in Southlake Town Square. Agenda Item No 5D Consider: Recommendation to reject all bids for the Noble Oaks Pond Improvements project Director Polasek presented the request by staff to reject the bids received for the pond improvements because the two bids received and opened on December 19, 2006 far exceed the available funds for the project. The original cost estimates provided by the project engineer for the base bid items totaled approximately $85,000. The increase in cost is a result of the proposed well and pump. Staff is working with the engineer to restructure the bid documents to separate the well from the pond improvements, which would allow the other improvements to move forward and be accomplished within budget. January 8, 2007 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 7 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 2/12/07 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 The Board briefly discussed the request. A motion was made to reject the current bids. Motion: Cox Second: Galpin Ayes: Cox, Galpin, Georgia, Goodman, McCracken, Mills, Peebles and Slocum Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 8-0 Motion carried. Agenda Item No 6A Discussion: Potential lease agreement for the remaining US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) land in Southlake Deputy Director Tribble presented the lease agreement for the remaining property adjacent to the Corp land (approximately 325 acres). The proposed lease is included as part of the City's strategic goals and would provide long-term oversight and potential future park uses. On January 20, 1998 the City entered into a lease agreement with the US Army Corps of Engineers for 218 acres of land adjacent to Bob Jones Park for a term of 25 years. The Board discussed the lease agreement for the remaining Corps property in addition to the proposal to manage the mowing and under brush permits for the property. There might be some room for negotiation with the Corp if the City manages the permits under the new arrangement. Ken Goodman left the meeting at 8:50 p.m. The consensus of the Board was to pursue the lease agreement with the Corp for the remaining 325 acres and to enter into an arrangement as the permit-holder for mowing and underbrush management of the property. The Board also indicated they would like to pursue having an environmental manager to assist in managing the property and to provide guidelines and recommendations on how to best preserve the area. Agenda Item No 6B. Discussion: US Army Corps of Engineers mowing and under brushing permits for property adjacent to Grapevine Lake The Elm Fork Project, Grapevine and Lewisville Lakes, recently completed a Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) that revised the permit requirements for mowing and underbrushing on adjacent Federal property. They are no longer issuing permits to individual adjacent landowners, but desire to issue these permits to the largest available entity adjacent to the Federal property, which in this case is the City of Southlake. January 8, 2007 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 7 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 2/12/07 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 This item was discussed during the previous item discussion. Agenda Item No. Adjournment A motion was made adjourn the meeting at 8:53 p.m. Motion: McCracken Second: Peebles Ayes: Cox, Galpin, Georgia, McCracken, Mills, Peebles and Slocum Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 7-0 Motion carried. of Community Services r A cassette tape recording of the meeting is available for check-out in the Office of the City Secretary. January 8, 2007 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Parks & Recreation Board Chair Page 7 of 7 Please sign in if you wish to speak during the meeting on an agenda item Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Monday, January 8, 2007 Name lease print) Agenda Item 1-/ A~ J~'4~ M:\WP-FILES\FORMS\Sign In Sheet.doc