Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 5/29/07
May 14, 2007
Parks and Recreation Board Members Present: Mary Georgia, Chairman; Mike Mills,
Vice Chair; Elaine Cox, Emily Galpin, Ken Goodman, Katrina Peebles and John Slocum,
Board Members Absent: None
Staff Members Present: Jim Blagg, Assistant City Manager and Interim Director of
Department of Public Safety; Steve Polasek, Director of Community Services
Department; Julie Dove, Parks Projects Coordinator and Kerry McGeath, Deputy
Director Community Services-Library
Guests: None
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order
Chairman Georgia called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. A quorum of voting members
was present.
Ken Goodman arrived to the meeting at 7:05 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments
A. Agenda Packets - Electronic packets via e-mail may be available for
future board meetings to interested members. The board will be informed
when electronic distribution of the packet is available. Paper copy packets
will continue to be provided to the Board.
B. Special Parks Board Meeting May 29 - A special Parks Board meeting
will be conducted May 29th to consider bids for the Bob Jones Nature
Center Improvements project so that the bids may be considered at the
June 5th SPDC and City Council meetings.
Agenda Item No. 3A. Approval of the April 9, 2007 meeting minutes
Agenda Item No 3B Absence of Parks and Recreation Board Member(s) - Standing
Minutes of the May 14, 2007 Parks and Recreation Board
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Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 5/29/07
A motion was made to approve Consent Agenda Item A and B with the two
corrections that were eluded to in the minutes on pages 1 and 4.
Georgia, Mills, Cox, Galpin, Goodman, Peebles and Slocum
Motion carried.
Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum No one spoke during Public Forum.
The Board agreed to consider agenda items out of the agenda sequence.
Agenda Item No 5B Consider: Recommendation to accept donation of historic log cabin
from the Southlake Historical Society
Deputy Director of Community Services/Library Services McGeath presented the
proposed donation to the Board. The Board discussed the log cabin donation and the
proposed placement of the cabin in Bicentennial Park.
The City will own the cabin and will work in partnership with the Southlake Historical
Society on the restoration of the cabin and selecting the antique log cabin professional.
The City will assist with the relocation and storage of the logs as well as planning and
presenting activities for schools and city-sponsored events involving the log cabin.
A motion was made to approve the donation of the log cabin that has been moved
from place-to-place during the last two years and find an appropriate site in
Bicentennial Park.
Motion: Slocum
Second: Goodman
Ayes: Cox, Galpin, Georgia, Goodman, Mills, Peebles and Slocum
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 7-0
Motion carried.
Agenda Item No 5D Consider: Revised Open Space Plan for Southlake Town Square
Director Polasek introduced the revised plan to the Board.
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Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 5/29/07
The revised open space plan for Southlake Town Square proposes to reduce the
remaining open space from 4.7 acres to 0.5 acres, with the 0.5 acres being added to the
north boundary of McPherson Park, west of the hotel and adjacent to the south side of
Division Street.
Brian Stebbins, developer, Southlake Town Square, reviewed a Powerpoint and spoke
about the various parks located within Southlake Town Square development as he
responded to questions from the Board during discussion of the item.
Assistant City Manager and Interim Director of Public Safety Jim Blagg provided site
and concept information about the proposed new DPS Central Station that will replace
the existing facility at 667 N. Carroll Avenue and its impact on consideration of the
revised open space plan for Southlake Town Square.
Board members discussed the proposal and shared thoughts about the reduction of open
space and the use of park credits or payments of park dedication fees.
A final motion was made to 1) accept the .5 acres on the northwest corner of
McPherson Park in lieu of property of approximately 1 acre north of McPherson
Park; 2) the developer maintain a minimum of 2.2 acres of private open space
northeast of Town Square, or north of the Brownstones; the developer may apply
credits or make payments applied to the difference between 2.8 acres and the
private open space minimum of 2.2 acres; 3) the developer to pay park dedication
fees outright for the remaining open space requirements of approximately 1 acre.
Also the recommendation of the Park Board, that at the appropriate time,
Brownstone residents are made aware and advised of the plan through a meeting of
the SPIN #8 area.
Motion: Goodman
Second: Galpin
Ayes: Cox, Galpin, Georgia, Goodman, Mills, Peebles and Slocum
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 7-0
Motion carried.
Agenda Item No. 5A. Recommendation of Park Dedication requirements for Watermere,
Phase II development
Director Polasek presented the park dedication requirements for the 91 unit, 33.72 acre
residential development located north of Union Church between Pearson Lane and Davis
Boulevard. The Subdivision Ordinance park dedication requirement for Watermere is
2.275 acres of public parkland or park dedication fees in the amount of $136,500.
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Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 5/29/07
Watermere proposed to provide six acres of private park land and amenities and
requested to pay dedication fees in the amount of $90,000 and be granted credits for
private amenities in the amount of $46,500.
Rick Simmons, Watermere developer, 3110 W. Southlake Boulevard, provided
background information about the development, its customer demographics and the
proposed design and amenities offered at Watermere as he responded to questions from
the Board.
The board discussed Watermere's proposed amenities, the open space areas, trails,
maintenance responsibilities and public and private access/use issues.
The developer will provide public access to the walkway along the west side of
Watermere Drive as part of the private open spaces. Developer will be credited the
difference of $46,500 for the private open space development with no credits given to be
carried forward.
A motion was made to approve the developer plan to pay $90,000 of park dedication
fees; the developer be provided credit of $46,500 for private park developments; the
developer allow public access to the walkway and green belt on the west side of
Watermere Drive; and that the developer approve this property becoming part of
any park district publication that includes park facilities and other public access
Motion: Slocum
Second: Cox
Ayes: Cox, Galpin, Georgia, Goodman, Mills, Peebles and Slocum
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 7-0
Motion carried.
Agenda Item No. 5C. Consider: Site Plan for Safety Town in Bicentennial Park
Parks Project Coordinator Dove presented this item as she reviewed the schematic
design, Safety Town features, and site location.
Safety Town will be a miniature version of a Southlake's downtown to teach public
safety to the children of Southlake and surrounding communities. Matching funds in the
amount of $7,500 from the Southlake DPS Citizens Association (SDCA) for the Town
was approved by City Council in August 2006 for the architectural design. No
construction funding has been allocated at this time but will be reviewed as part of the
current CIP budget development. SDCA, in cooperation with the Department of
Community Services and DPS will provide Safety Town with the organization and
promotion of the program.
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Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 5/29/07
The Board discussed sponsorship and recognition opportunities that could be available by
having an approved site plan. Some concern was expressed about proceeding with Safety
Town when there are other incomplete park projects pending.
A motion was made to approve the Site Plan as delineated on Page 5c-3, 5c-4 (the
first 5c-4) in the packet.
Motion: Slocum
Second: Cox
Ayes: Cox, Galpin, Georgia, Goodman, Mills, Peebles and Slocum
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 7-0
Motion carried.
Agenda Item No. 6A. Discussion: There were no items for discussion at this meeting.
Agenda Item No. Adjournment
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:44 p.m.
Motion: Cox
Second: Peebles
Ayes: Galpin, Georgia, Goodman, Mills, Peebles and Slocum
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 7-0
Motion carried.
ary eorgia, Chair
eve Pol k, Director of Community Services
Minutes of the May 14, 2007 Parks and Recreation Board
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Please sign in if you would like to address the Board
during Public Forum.
Park Board Meeting
Monday, May 14, 2006
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