2006-09-11Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 10/9/06 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING September 11, 2006 MINUTES Board Members Present: Mary Georgia, Chairman; Mike Mills, Vice Chair; Elaine Cox, Emily Galpin, Ken Goodman, Elizabeth McCracken, Katrina Peebles and Bobby Rawls Board Members Absent: John Slocum Staff Members Present: Steve Polasek, Director of Community Services and Steve Moore, Recreation Superintendent Guests: None REGULAR SESSION Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order Chairman Mary Georgia called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. REPORTS Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments: A. Open Government Training - State Law requires all elected and appointed officials to complete training on the Open Meetings Act and Public Information Act. Training is available online at www.oag.state.tx.us, or in video and CD formats through the City Secretary's Office. Record of Completion documents will be maintained in the City Secretary's Office. Deadline for completion is the November Parks Board meeting. B. Management Study - Matrix Consulting Group completed a management evaluation of the Department of Community Services. The results determined that overall the department performs very well in a number of areas. The study offered some opportunities for improvement, which staff is currently in the process of implementing. A copy of the Study will be attached to the approved minutes on file in the Office of the City Secretary. Mike Mills will email specific clarifying questions concerning the study to Steve Polasek to have addressed by Matrix Consulting Group. C. FY 2006-07 Budget Update - The proposed FY 2006-07 budget was approved by City Council on September 5, 2006. The second and final reading will occur on September 19, 2006. September 11, 2006 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 5 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 10/9/06 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 D. Park Board Report at City Council Meetings - Park Board members volunteered to present the Parks Report at City Council meetings as follows: October 3, 2006 - Elaine Cox; January 2, 2007 - Mary Georgia; March 20, 2007 - Mike Mills; and June 5, 2007 - John Slocum. E. TRAPS Region 2 & 3 Conference, November 10, 2006, in the Double Tree Hotel in Farmer's Branch - Members were invited to attend and asked to notify Linda Carpenter if they would like to attend. F. Parks Maintenance Rodeo, October 4, 2006 in Mesquite - Park Board members were encouraged to attend to support the Southlake parks team. CONSENT AGENDA Agenda Item No. 3A. Approval of the Southlake Parks and Recreation Board meeting minutes of August 14, 2006. Minor corrections to the minutes were requested on page 3A-3, line 38, page 3A-4, line 2 and page 3A-4, line 34, 3A-6, line 16. A motion was made to approve the minutes as stated. Motion: Peebles Second: Mills Ayes: Cox, Galpin, Georgia, Goodman, McCracken, Mills, and Peebles Nays: None Abstention: Rawls (absent from 8/14/06 meeting) Vote: 7-0-1 Motion carried. REGULAR AGENDA Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum Chairman Georgia opened Public Forum. Being no one present to speak during Public Forum, Public Forum was closed. CONSIDER AGENDA Agenda Item No. 5A. Consider: Absence of Parks and Recreation Board Member(s) - (Standing Item) - The Board considered the absence of Bobby Rawls from the August 14, 2006 meeting. A motion was made to excuse the absence. Motion: Mills Second: Goodman Ayes: Cox, Georgia, Goodman, McCracken, Mills, and Peebles Nays: None September 11, 2006 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 10/9/06 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Abstention: Rawls No Vote: Galpin (absent from the vote) Vote: 6-0-1 Motion carried. Agenda Item No 5B Election of Parks and Recreation Board Officers for 2006-07 Board members favored maintaining the current Chair and Vice-Chair positions. Park Board member John Slocum expressed an interest in serving as the secretary at the previous board meeting. A motion was made to elect Mary Georgia as Chairman, Mike Mills as Vice- Chairman and John Slocum as Secretary. Motion: Rawls Second: Cox Ayes: Cox, Galpin, Georgia, Goodman, McCracken, Mills, Peebles and Rawls Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 8-0 Motion carried. Agenda Item No 5C Recommendation of Park Dedication requirements for Stratfort Gardens Director Steve Polasek recommended this item be tabled until the next meeting since the applicant was unable to attend to make a formal presentation to the Board. A motion was made to TABLE the Stratfort Gardens park dedication item. Motion: Rawls Second: Mills Ayes: Cox, Galpin, Georgia, Goodman, McCracken, Mills, Peebles, and Rawls Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 8-0 Motion carried. Agenda Item No 5D Recommendation of names for city parks currently referred to as The Cliffs and Oak Pointe Director Polasek presented the item. Public input for names was sought through the City web site and newspaper articles; however, no public input was received. The following names were recommended by the developers of each site: 1) Cliffs Park (to include Sally Dinsmore Oien Butterfly Garden) for the 14.92 acres of park land within The Cliffs at Clariden Ranch development on North White Chapel Road September 11, 2006 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 10/9/06 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 2) Oak Pointe Park for the 8.19 acres of park land located within the Oak Pointe development on Ridgecrest Road, north of Dove Road The names are allowable within the existing guidelines in that they recognize a local and geographic area. A motion was made to name the parks the Cliffs Park (to include Sally Dinsmore Oien Butterfly Garden) and Oak Pointe Park. An amendment was added to require signage consistent with City design indicating areas as City parks. Motion: Rawls Amendment: Mills Second: Peebles Ayes: Cox, Galpin, Georgia, Goodman, McCracken, Mills, Peebles and Rawls Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 8-0 Motion carried. Agenda Item No. 5E. SPDC Matching Funds Request from Keep Southlake Beautiful to purchase as animated trash receptacle Director Polasek presented this item. Keep Southlake Beautiful (KSB) requested $2,000 in the FY 2006-07 matching funds budget to purchase of a trash can in the shape of a hippopotamus to encourage children to pick up trash and keep City parks clean. A motion was made to approve $2,000 in matching funds for the purchase and delivery of the proposed animated litter receptacle (the Hippo). Motion: Goodman Second: Cox Ayes: Cox, Galpin, Georgia, Goodman, Mills, Peebles, and Rawls Nays: None Abstention: McCracken Vote: 7-0-1 Motion carried. The board recommended looking into more opportunities like this purchase if the hippo program is successful at Bicentennial Park. Agenda Item No. SF. Appointment of three (3) Park Board members to serve on the Neighborhood Park Design Work Group This item was presented by Director Polasek. The Neighborhood Park Design Work Group will participate with the consultants, Halff and Associates, and staff in the planning and design of Annie and Royal Smith Park and Liberty Park at Sheltonwood. Park Board members Ken Goodman, Elaine Cox and Emily Galpin expressed interest in serving on the work group. September 11, 2006 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 Official Minutes Approved by Parks and Recreation Board 10/9/06 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 A motion was made to appoint Elaine Cox, Ken Goodman and Emily Galpin to the Neighborhood Park Design Work Group. Motion: Rawls Second: McCracken Ayes: Cox, Galpin, Georgia, Goodman, McCracken, Mills, Peebles and Rawls Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 8-0 Motion carried. Agenda Item No. 6A. Discussion: Southlake 50th Anniversary Time Capsule Staff recommended the parks and trails master plans, a picture of the park board in the Southlake 50th anniversary time capsule to be buried in Rustin Park in November to represent the parks and recreation department. The Board offered a couple of suggestions. One was to include a list of all past and present Park Board members instead of a photo of the current board. Another was to include a Stampede tabletop book or something else representative of the Southlake Stampede project. Other items suggested were the Nature Center concept drawings, the draft concept plans for the redesign of Bicentennial Park, the City's very first Park Master Plan and a "wish" note. Suggestions should be submitted to Steve Polasek. The Board will revisit this item at their next meeting. Agenda Item No. Adjournment A motion was made adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Motion: Mills Second: Peebles Ayes: Cox, Galpin, Georgia, Goodman, McCracken, Mills, Peebles and Rawls Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 8-0 Motion carried. D Mary Georgia, arks & Recreation Board air St a Polasek, Director Community Services Department Attachments: Item 213 - Management Study A cassette tape recording of the meeting is available for check-out in the Office of the City Secretary. September 11, 2006 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 Management Study of the Community Services Department CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS matrix consulting roue 4322 North Belt Line Road, Suite B-112 Irving, TX 75038 v.972.871.7950 f. 972.871.7951 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Management Audit of the Community Services Department 1. INTRODUCTION AND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The report, which follows, presents the results of our analysis of the organization, operations, and services of the Community Services Department. 1. INTRODUCTION This introduction describes the study's objectives and the approaches utilized by the project team. Following this is a summary of the report's key findings, conclusions and recommendations. The principal objectives of the project were as follow: • Document current workload and service demands faced by the Community Services Department. • Evaluate service levels and identify service level issues, including identifying those areas in which service levels fall below industry standards and expectations and service demands unique to Southlake. • Evaluate Community Services Department management systems and recommend adjustments that can contribute to long-term departmental operating and service delivery effectiveness. • Evaluate the Community Services Department's facility needs and plans. The project was conducted utilizing the following methodologies: • During the initial stage of the project, the project team briefed employees in a series of kick off meetings to describe the scope of the study, their opportunities for involvement and to answer their questions. • Then, staff at all levels of the organization were interviewed to document how the Community Services Department is currently organized and functions. This included determining the basic responsibilities of all staff members assigned to the organization. • The results of these initial interviews were documented in the form of a Descriptive Profile of the Community Services Department. That Profile, once completed, was reviewed with departmental staff to ensure accuracy, and once corrected, was employed to support evaluation of organization, staffing, workload, and service levels during subsequent stages of the project. Matrix Consulting Group Page 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Management Audit of the Community Services Department • At the conclusion of the initial phase of the project, we developed a detailed list of issues related to organization, operations, and services based on analysis of the information developed during initial interviews and other data collection activities. This issue list was reviewed with Department staff in a progress meeting, and once reviewed, provided the basis for the more focused analyses conducted during the remainder of the project. • Once the issue list was completed, we conducted follow-up analyses to further evaluate issues and improvement opportunities. As findings related to service programs, staffing levels, and management systems were developed and documented, they were reviewed with staff from the Department and refined based on the results of those reviews. • Based on staff reviews, recommendations were clarified and refined, and are documented in the exhibit that follows this introduction. The section, which follows, provides a summary of the key findings, conclusions and recommendations to be found in this report. It is important to place any analysis such as this into a complete context. 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This section provides a summary of the project team's findings and recommendations. It is important to recognize that there are both positive attributes of the Community Services Department identified by the project team as well as the opportunities for improvement. The first sub-section, below, provides a summary of the positive findings by the project team. (1) Summary of Positive Findings of the Project Team While the primary focus of this study is on opportunities for making improvements, the project team also believes that it is important to identify areas in which the Community Services Department is already meeting or exceeding performance targets and expectations. These are summarized in the points which follow: Matrix Consulting Group Page 2 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Management Audit of the Community Services Department • The existence of a comprehensive Master Plan with park inventory and projections related to the future needs of the community with regard to park inventory and facility inventory. • Future community needs (park lands and facilities) have been prioritized within the Master Planning process. • Significant interaction exists with community groups, athletic associations, and citizen advisory committees. • Major assets, including facilities, parkland, and equipment, have been inventoried (while the level of detail may vary). • Policies and procedures have been developed and compiled into manuals for critical areas including employee procedures, volunteers, and safety procedures. • The City makes extensive use of joint use facilities with the School system. • The utilization of volunteers for assisting staff in providing programming is good. In some areas of programming, such as evening and weekend programming, volunteers provide a critical role in the provision of services. • The City provides significant targeted services for Seniors and Therapeutics. • The City is making good use of the internet for promoting programs to its citizens and for enabling citizens to conduct online registration. • Contractors are utilized for targeted maintenance activities including right-of- ways, Town Square, and City facilities. This has been a summary of just a few of the positive findings identified by the project team. The following section provides a summary of the project team's findings and recommendations for improvement in the Community Services Department. (2) Summary of Improvement Opportunities and Other Recommendations This section provides a summary of the project team's recommendations for the Community Services Department. This summary is provided in the matrix, which follows. Recommendations with an identifiable cost impact are highlighted inn bold. Matrix Consulting Group Page 3 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Management Audit of the Community Services Department 1. Recommendations - Recreation Recreation staff should run utilization reports for all programs following each program session to determine utilization of program offerings. Programs with heavy utilization should be reviewed for additional sessions. Programs with light utilization and/or no registrations should be replaced with new program offerings. Additional program offerings should be developed to address the preschool and youth clientele. The Department should expand on its evaluation of course offerings by soliciting additional citizen feedback through a variety of methods including telephone surveys, expanded review of customer comment cards, and soliciting feedback from those individuals registering on-line for current programs. The Community Services Department should enhance the tracking of expenses by program offering to enable comparison of expenses to the Revenue Cost Recovery Policy. An annual report by program should be developed that shows the actual cost recovery percentage achieved and whether it is in compliance with the adopted policy or not. The cost recovery policy should be reviewed and updated every two to three years and presented to the City Council for approval. The fees charged for programs should be adjusted following review of the annual reports to ensure that programs remain competitive) priced. The Department should develop a marketing plan that supplements the current course catalog. This effort should identify methods for enhancing public education regarding course offerings and reach additional customers. Programs that are underutilized or that become available after the course booklets are typically distributed should be a primary focus of this plan. The Community Services Department staff should meet annually with neighboring departments to explore opportunities for the joint hosting of courses or activities that they are unable to provide or support through sufficient registrations on their own. The five year CIP should be expanded to identify potential projects for an additional five years. Projects in the second five-year period should be prioritized but do not require detailed cost estimates. The benefit is educating all involved parties regarding anticipated future expenditures that will require funding sources, even if these are existing facility expansions, remodels or changes in use. Discussion should begin regarding the replacement of, and appropriate location of, a new maintenance facility. This facility should be programmed into the annual CIP program based upon the identified priority. A long term facility replacement schedule should be developed that identifies for each building, athletic fields, and major recreational asset (such as playgrounds), the remaining useful life and anticipated date of either remodeling or replacement. Absent this type of planning exercise, the Department will be unable to adequately plan for and maintain facilities at the desired level. The planning and construction of the Recreation Facility should be given high priority in order to meet the needs of the community. Designated space within the facility should be allocated for programming needs of the Department. Matrix Consulting Group Page 4 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEAS Management Audit of the Community Services Department The Community Services Department should explore the utilization of the Senior Center as a location for additional recreational programming for the short term. In the alternative, commercial space should be considered for rental to provide additional space for programming efforts. The City of Southlake should work with the Athletic Associations to clarify field utilization and scheduling practices for programs provided by the Community Services Department. The fees charges to Athletic Associations should be periodically reviewed to determine if they are sufficient to cover the full costs, or an acceptable percentage of costs, of maintaining fields for use by the Associations. Survey information could also be utilized. The Community Services Department and the School District representatives should discuss as part of the quarterly joint use committee meetings to identify additional opportunities to resolve utilization and scheduling issues in an attempt to limit the number of schedule changes that occur following approval of a schedule. Additional staff meetings should also be held. The project team recommends that a Business Manager position be created. While a survey should be conducted to confirm this, the project team's estimate of the cost impact of this recommendation is that the cost of this would be approximately $60,000 per year in salary and fringe benefits. The Community Services Department should be authorized an additional administrative position to enable it to accomplish the additional management responsibilities outlined in this report. The cost of this position is estimated to be $51,300 per year in salary and fringe benefits. 2. Recommendations - Parks The City should immediately transition the mowing crew in Public Works to the Community Services Department. In order to increase parks maintenance service levels, the City should plan for hiring additional maintenance personnel. The City should target a "B" level of parks maintenance. The City should take a phased approach to this change in order to evaluate the effectiveness of staffing increases and mitigate the impact of increased personnel costs. The estimated cost increase associated with salaries and benefits is estimated to be $332,526. An increase to an "A" level would approximately double this cost to $649,000. The City should continually evaluate the potential cost and service effectiveness of contracting out additional parks maintenance services. An RFP process which asks for specific cost estimates on various maintenance functions. The Department should develop a more comprehensive and detailed inventory of parks and facilities. The City should adopt service level, including quality, standards for the maintenance of the City's park, landscape, open space, and urban forests stem. The Department needs to develop an annual work program. The Department should develop a weekly or bi-weekly scheduling system. Matrix Consulting Group Page 5 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Management Audit of the Community Services Department An inventory of work activities performed by the maintenance division needs to be verified and completed. Performance standards need to be developed for parks maintenance activities. A monthly performance report should be generated comparing planned versus actual performance and costs. Park, landscape and open space condition assessments should be conducted every six months with actions taken backed u b a work orders stem. Once the Community Services Department implements a maintenance management system and arrives at estimates for performing maintenance activities, the costs of providing service in house should be evaluated against the current cost of maintenance contracts. The City should ensure that maintenance contracts are re-bid every three to four years to ensure competitive pricing and to realize the full benefits of contracting for service. The Department should implement a vehicle and equipment maintenance system as part of an overall maintenance management system. Matrix Consulting Group Page 6