January 11, 2000 - Senior Activity Center
MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Chairperson, Jeane Alexander, Darla
Lattimore, Matalyn Smith, Linda Moore, Linda Forbes
MMOW; Dick Johnston CARS
STAFF PRESENT: Nona Whitehead, Community Services Coordinator
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chair Jeane Alexander at 1:15 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of the November 9, 1999 minutes
Darla Lattimore made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Linda
Moore and was approved by a unanimous vote.
Agenda Item No. 3, Administrative Comments
Nona Whitehead reported that for the calendar year, there had been 302 individual participants
with an attendance of 4993. The average monthly attendance was 416, and that the cumulative
attendance from May of 1998 stands at 7779 through December of last year. Nona also passed
around a comparison of monthly averages showing a steady increase.
Agenda Item No. 4. Report: Southlake Senior Activities
Tom Furey was absent. Rose Hampshire introduced Sonja Allen as the new Tuesday MMOW
Congregate Meal Coordinator and announced that she was now a volunteer and that this would
be her last meeting. The Commission thanked her for all her hard work.
Agenda Item No. 5, Report: Metroport Meals on Wheels
Rose passed out the statistics for November and December and noted that the December figures
include the luncheon at the Bible Church. She also passed out the report for the last quarter, and
the home delivered meals.
Agenda Item No. 6. Report: Transportation Service Initiative
Dick Johnston reported that CARS officially started on January 3`d and that their first rider was
today, January 11 th. They have 2 more riders scheduled for Thursday, and will be providing
rides for the Friday Fun Night. Josh Weiser has completed an operations manual and they are
currently reworking some of the information on the applications and other paperwork. Dick
showed the Commission the large magnetic identification signs that will be attached to each car
as well as the identification badges that each driver will wear. CARS currently has about 25
volunteers, with 20 of them being drivers. CARS is scheduled to go before City Council on
February 1St with their Scope of Services and Budget request.
Agenda No. 7. Open Forum:
Linda Forbes said that she was pleased with the CARS program, but very concerned about
seniors who might be transported over the speed humps in Coventry. She expressed concern that
the humps could be dangerous to the frail and elderly as her family has had some unpleasant
experiences with them. Matalyn Smith concurred and said that she would not like to see
additional speed humps around the city.
Linda Moore expressed concern over the traffic issues near the Senior Center. She expressed her
understanding that the proposed alternate egress road out to FM 1709 was in jeopardy and might
not be built. She also expressed concern that parking on Byron Nelson and both sides of
Parkwood was making a dangerous situation. Chairperson Jean Alexander, Matalyn Smith and
Darla Lattimore all reported having trouble getting out of Parkwood and being afraid of the
hitting the small children crossing between two cars. Darla said that one day she met an
oncoming vehicle and since it was impossible for both to get through, the other car had to back
out all the way to Byron Nelson Parkway, in order for her to get through. Members then
discussed the danger if an emergency vehicle should be needed at the Center with only one way
of entrance and egress and the impossibility of getting an emergency vehicle up Parkwood when
there are cars parked on both sides of the street.
Matalyn Smith moved that the Senior Advisory Commission should send a letter with these
concerns to the Planning and Zoning Commission as well as the City Council, stating the safety
concerns about Parkwood Drive and the need for two ways for entrance and egress for
emergency vehicles, as well as a request to limit parking to one side of the street on Parkwood
from the Senior Center to Byron Nelson Parkway. Darla Lattimore seconded the motion and it
was approved unanimously.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m.
Darla Lattimore, Secretary