There was no Senior
Advisory Commission
meeting in June 2000
Southlake Seniors
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
June 20, 2000
Attendance: Josh Weiser, Dorothy Cosgrove, Lois Evans, Tom Furey, Mary Hoger, Fran Weiser, Sonja
Allen, and Nona Whitehead
Chairman Josh Weiser called the meeting to order.
The May minutes were read and approved.
No report from the Treasurer. Josh will try to get a report for the next meeting.
Sonja reported on the MOW golf tournament which raised money for regular projects. Many volunteers
took part in the very well attended event, which raised money and recognition of the work being done for
Sonja reported the Center would be closed July 4 so there would be no lunch program.
Lois Evans said the past few Tuesday luncheons provided by the Marriott and paid for by our Seniors have
been of very low quality, comparable to left-over food. She also felt the quantities were much larger than
were needed by the Seniors. An increasing number of people do not stay for the lunch. Sonja said she will
look into the situation and speak to the Marriott chefs.
Lois reported the Friday Fun Night suppers would charge a minimum of one dollar. June menu is carryout
from Taco Bueno with vegetable salads and home=made ice cream sundaes. The Whiteheads and other vol-
unteers will make the ice cream.
Deadline for Newsletter items is the last week-end of the month. Nona was unable to be present.
The Chairman adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Weiser, Secretary
Cover Sheet B
Metroport Meals On Wheels
This Year Southlake 99-00
Actual Projected Projected
Congregate Luncheon 1st 9 months Last 3 months Total
Oct-June April-Sept - Yr 99-00
Expenses Y $10,987.88 $3,662.64 $14,650.52 $14,650.52
$614.69 MMOW Subsidy
City $6,912.00 $2,304.00 $9,216.00
Participant contributions $3,132.33 $1,687.50 $4,819.83
Home Delivered Expenses $2,041.21 $680.40 $2,721.61
Home Delivered Income $2,721.61
City $588.00 $196.00 $784.00 $2,302.00
Participant contributions $1,138.50 $379.50 $1,518.00 $419.41 MMOW Subsidy
$614.69 Congregate Subsidy
$419.61 H. D. Subsidy
$1,034.30 Total MMOW Subsidy
*These figures do not include "Other Program Costs" which include crafts, postage/newsletter, bingo prizes and
special guests/entertainment.
**Sonlas training salary for Nov. and Dec. plus Feb. and May special events (5th Tuesday) were excluded.
***Projected last 3 months is based on 225 attendance each month plus city contribution to equal said amount.
T0NtMOPZORT "Celebrating 20 Years of Caring"
Byrum wad /,Mt~y \et-,
liunornrp Owirperi- .
:Advisory Boar) Anzrtr~r(Gu(J'Tunrnanle,r
Tom Ulen
Nagutre Partners
farad Bradley, Esq. Founding Committee, 1980
Bradlev Luce & Bradlev July 27, 2000 hells' Bradlev Charrper,,.,.
)tin Carter Denton Lona Clason. dece.t,r,.
Countv Commissioner Ozella Nladewell. dece.l,,,
Larrn Cole \ertaler Culein.,.
Larrv Cole Company Shaun Ilk,
all clbh Iistl. Committee for Southlake Senior Advisory Commission: Ennh R.[e
t,rbhs & French tiue
helle\ Herring Mr. David Baltimore Carole
aar Mccunrac m Mr. Tom Furey
t.dcn Mcl,
Numbness Bank Mr. Jerry Montague st_ttt
lane Nelson Debbie BI: K
State Senator DeNelopment Dire,
Rob Pelletier haset Stall,
Mercedes Benz Dear Committee Members: Program Direr
\Ltrpret Putter Shrrlct l .u„
[IN t,urporatlun Shirt \lanae oft Irm South Bice
Marriott Solana Metroport Meals On Wheels respectfully requests $10,000 from the City Dime \„„t
rtki Fr uu. State
Repre,entati,e of Southlake to help cover the costs we will have incurred by providing
Senior Center Coordinator,
Board of Directors services in your city for fiscal year 1999-2000. sands suckanr Ro.ur -
u Soma Mien south,.
Jeanne Ruhrrt,un. lu.
h1\ Br
e1h IiruMc\
Prc„dent We are grateful for the opportunity to continue serving the senior center S:dh EasCwuud II.:•
Richard Fucker Ellen Cheshire Culler
Frt \,te Pre„tlent program we began approximately five years ago. The purpose then, as it is
low Sanders today, is to provide healthy seniors activities and a meal. For the inactive Resale Shun
Teresa \naer,
k•untd \ ice President
R,ne Ilantp,lurc seniors, we established the home delivered meal program for your city "
ticLrctan \landa Ilollule,tva
Llotd Lart.t. It many years ago. \sstuant Nan:
1'reisurer Darlene Tvrperu _
Dis r>nm miritehr Coordinators
Iirwnrcu - Attached are the statistics that show MMOW total costs will be $16,000,
fit•tk, Spain
based on nine months of actual figures and three months projected
rrgrnra %lu zt ka
Darlene rerpening
amounts. However, it is our mission to be advocates of the elderly in
Penns smmuck ack
Jeannette Leong Northeast Tarrant and Southern Denton Counties, so if the city is unable at
Ferri t;erl
Charlotte Dutton this time to provide the full amount, MMOW has fundraisers to help
\t Large0vtston Reps subsidize the balance.
Deb Baggeu
Stott Blattner
Perry Boiler MMOW invites the commission or city council members to come to our
prftnm Clark
ertalee Coleman office and review our files at any time. Al Richardson, our CPA and
Lur, Fans
r: b rt Fuller Shirley Galley our Office Manager will be able to guide you through
Dan our
bookkeeping procedures to help answer any questions you might have.
` an H Hea0tII h
Uut Huffman
Bill Il itfman
e"r d. ea Mat Ma
Br thews Two important factors about our organization: we are completely
Barbara Mundlin
assroots and have been independent from federal and state funding since
t;larc Pavnick mck
Debra Perrvman our inception in 1980. Another important point to make is that our
Pate Smith
participating seniors have always been on a very flexible list. We never
Bu oe
\nn Ssurcz\n>kr know when someone is going to die or go to a nursing home, and our
summer months are always a bit lower. No one wants to get out to go to
the senior center in the heat. Just as we think our numbers are down, they
go up just as quickly.
P 0 Box 204 • 504 N Oak, Suite 1 • Roanoke, TX 76262 (817) 491-1141 • FAX (817) -01-0661
The important thing is for MMOW to be before the citizens at all times so
they will be aware of programs offered to them. One way we want to do
that is to get on the public access channel and to work with the senior
advisory commission.
MMOW philosophy is that this service provides as much to the Southlake
volunteer as it does to the Southlake senior who is receiving the aid.
Many people from your city are involved in MMOW based on their desire
and willingness to serve the elderly without compensation.
Please let us know if you have any questions, and thank you for the help
you have provided MMOW in the past to be "Neighbors Helping
Kelly Bradley
Copy: Members of Southlake Senior Advisory Commission
Mr. Billy Campbell, City Manager
Southlake City Council Members
Mr. Kevin Hugman
Ms. Nona Whitehead