2000-08-08 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION August 8, 2000 - Senior Activity Center MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Chairperson, Jeane Alexander, Darla Lattimore, David Baltimore, Linda Moore, Bill Cosgrove, Connie Montague, Jerry Montague MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: Tom Furey EX OFFICIO MEMBERS AND GUESTS PRESENT: Sonja Allen, MMOW; Kasey Stansell, MMOW STAFF PRESENT: Nona Whitehead, Community Services Coordinator Aaenda Item No.1, Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Chair Jeanne Alexander at 1:20 p.m. Aaenda Item No. 2, Approval of the 7/11/2000 Minutes David Baltimore made a motion to approve the July 11, 2000 minutes. The motion was seconded by Bill Cosgrove and approved unanimously. Aaenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments Nona Whitehead thanked David Baltimore for his help with the Thursday Together programs and invited other Commission members to help form a core for this program. Agenda Item No. 4. Report: Metroport Meals on Wheels Sonja Allen presented the July statistics. A donated meal from Chick-Fil-A helped keep the monthly costs lower. Aaenda Item No. 5. Discussion: Tuesday Meal Program David Baltimore explained that the Program Review Committee had met to look at the Tuesday program with its costs and to discuss whether the meal was essential to the program. David suggested that since other area cities do not subsidize a meal, and there was not an obvious nutritional need in Southlake, that it was not the job of the taxpayers to provide such a meal. Jerry Montague expressed his understanding that a meal does provide a catalyst for needed social interaction. David indicated that while a meal can be a catalyst, it could be done closer to actual cost. Nona. Whitehead informed the Commission that she had taken four people to sample the Senior Services meals contracted through Grapevine and Keller and that all four individuals agreed that Senior Services was not one of the viable alternatives. Aaenda Item No. 6. Consideration: Recommendation for Tuesday Meal Program Connie Montague moved that a letter of recommendation be submitted for a continuation of the Metroport Meals on Wheels contract at the $10,000 funding level. The motion was seconded by Darla Lattimore and was approved unanimously. N:\Community Services\Seniors\Minutes\00-08-08.Doc Aaenda Item No. 7. Open Forum Jerry Montague thanked MMOW for listening to the concerns of the Review Committee and addressing the funding issues. Jeane Alexander told the Commission that she will be on vacation for the next month and will be absent for the September meeting. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1:50 p.m. avid Baltimore, 'Vice hair test: N:\Community Services\Seniors\Minutes\00-08-08.Doc