2001-04-10 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION April 10, 2001- Senior Activity Center MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Chairperson, Jeane Alexander, David Baltimore, Darla Lattimore, Connie Montague, Jerry Montague, Tom Furey MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: Bill Cosgrove, Linda Forbes, Linda Moore EX OFFICIO MEMBERS AND GUESTS PRESENT: Sonja Allen, MMOW, Kevin Hugman, Director, Community Services, Leigh-Anne Regenold, District Director for Representative Vicki Truitt STAFF PRESENT: Joanne Leek, Community Services Coordinator Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Chair Jeane Alexander at 1:15 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2 Approval of February 13, 2001 Minutes David Baltimore moved that the minutes be accepted. The motion was seconded by Connie Montague and approved unanimously. "Agenda Item No. 7 Report of Metroport Meals on Wheels was moved to this time slot because of time constraints of Sonja. Sonja reported that the food quantity has been pretty much resolved. MMOW is planning on utilizing the Cactus Flower Cafe when it opens in Southlake soon. Agenda Item No. 3 Report-Kevin Hultman, Director of Community Services Kevin reported on the upcoming plans for building the Recreation Center, which is now scheduled to be located near the Senior Activity Center. He passed out a proposed location plan to include eventually the Library as well. A discussion followed regarding placement and pathways and access. Kevin mentioned that an archetictual meeting would be held soon to draft plans. It appears now that the Senior Center would gain access to 1709 in the present plan. The plans include participation opportunities for all age levels, fitness center, indoor track, weight rooms, basketball, table tennis, multi-purpose rooms, meeting rooms and offices. Kevin also discussed issues regarding use of the natatorium at Carroll High School. The Senior Advisory Commission felt that seniors should have designated times in which to utilize the facility. Seniors would like a presence on the planning stage of pool usage. wr.XnL'___a_ a A A In n1 A__ Agenda Item No. 4 Guest: Leigh-Anne Regenold, District Director for Ren. Vicki Truitt. Leigh-Anne discussed briefly areas of concern including access to affordable healthcare insurance options. Although, she offered that all legislation regarding health care usually was handled through the Federal Government, i.e. Medicare, she agreed that it would be beneficial for Vicki to be aware of the concerns of the seniors regarding this issue. Several members of the Senior Advisory Commission would be willing to participate in discussions and task forces to help draft better options for healthcare both for healthcare providers and insurers. A discussion followed regarding several pieces of pending legislation including the re- districting and water rights. Leigh-Anne felt that the re-districting would not affect Vicki's area. Agenda Item No 5 Administrative Comments Joanne handed out information on NETS and CARS to the members for their information. CARS received the remainder of their funding at the April P Council Meeting for the fiscal year. Joanne asked for input on any types of programming they think would be beneficial to include at the Center. It was also mentioned that the Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon for the Senior Activity Center Volunteers would be April 26'x' at 11:30 AM at the Center. Participation from the Senior Advisory Commission is strongly requested. Assistance is needed in set-up, serving and clean up. Agenda Item No. 6 Southlake Senior Activities Tom reported on the many activities at the Center over the last two months. He reviewed the Eye seminar, 55 Alive Class, Book Reviews, Bridge, Games and the wonderful music programs. **Agenda Item No. 7 Metroport Meals on Wheels - Report above Agenda Item No. 8 Open Forum Members were reminded to reapply for their appointment to the Commission if their terms are expiring. Several other seniors were recommended to apply for existing openings on the Commission. Applications will be given to them to complete and return to City Secretary's Office as soon as possible. David mentioned that tonight, Tuesday, April I& at 7 PM is the Candidate night to be held at Johnson Elementary School. He also reminded everyone that early voting starts April 18'h and the Election Day is May 5t'. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:25 p.m. eane Alexander, V~ Attest: IIT.\n., _~_0 ---:---%h.._.:..--%%A':~__a _..1nA In n1 A,_,_