June 12, 2001- Senior Activity Center
MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Chairperson, Jeane Alexander, David
Baltimore, Linda Moore, Connie Montague, Jerry Montague, Tom Furey
MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: Bill Cosgrove, Linda Forbes, and Darla
Executive Director, MMOW
STAFF PRESENT: Joanne Leek, Community Services Coordinator
Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chair Jeane Alexander at 1:30 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2 Approval of April 10, 2001 Minutes
Tom moved and David seconded the motion to approve the minutes. They were approved
Agenda Item No. 3 Metroport Meals onWheels Report: Sonja's report was moved up, as
she was not able to stay for the entire meeting. Sonja reported that attendance was up slightly
from the previous month. Sonja distributed her report for May. Food has been plentiful this
month with ordering 70 meals each week with an average attendance of 48 seniors. Sonja also
reported on the recent MMOW Golf Tournament, which was a very successful fundraiser.
Agenda Item No. 4 Guest - Marv King, Executive Director, Metroport Meals on Wheels
Mary gave an overall presentation on MMOW and the mechanisms used to qualify individuals
to receive service from MMOW. While the majority of those who receive help from MMOW
are over 60 years of age, approximately 1 % is under. This group is qualified through a
disability. In addition to noon dinners, MMOW also provides an array of services to those in
need. Through their volunteers they are able to provide visits, transportation, clothing and
furniture. They also serve as a resource for referral to other agencies and organizations that
may be able to offer particular help.
A question was raised as to the need for crafts at Southlake Senior Activity Center since a very
small number of participants actually make a craft each month. Mary reported that on the
survey that MMOW conducted several months ago, Southlake Seniors did want crafts included
on the activities.
Mary felt that since the changing of the food providers, the Tuesday program has been running
much more smoothly. She also offered that she was available for any questions, problems or
concerns from any of the SAC members or the Southlake participants. Mary offered that she
has enjoyed working with everyone at the Center and looks forward to continuing a mutually
beneficial Tuesday program.
Agenda Item No. 5 Southlake Senior Activities
Tom reported that May had been a busy month with many activities. Among the highlights
were the "Hat and Gloves Tea," the wonderful song-along hosted by Elizabeth Parker, Denton
Theatre and dinner at Judge Beans and the Music Lovers program.
Agenda Item No. 6 Administrative Comments
Joanne reported on two new opportunities for participation in shaping senior issues in
Northeast Tarrant County. One was to attend the Senior Leadership-Northeast meeting - held
at the Colleyville Chamber offices at 6700 Coffeyville Blvd., Colleyville on the third Tuesday of
each month at 9:00 AM. This forum offers seniors and those interested in senior
issues/activities the opportunity to come together and work on important issues and affect
resolutions. The second area is gaining the awareness of senior fraud issues and getting the
message out to seniors. We are part of SALT - which is Seniors and Law Enforcement
Together. Joanne will investigate further to identify whom the SALT representative for
Southlake would be and invite him to speak to all the seniors regarding this issue and senior
safety in general.
Agenda Item No. 7 Oven Forum
A brief discussion followed regarding re-appointments and appointments to the SAC. It was
felt that the Council would make the appointments at their neat meeting on June 19th.
There no r business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:12 p.m.
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