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2001-07-10 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION July 10, 2001- Senior Activity Center MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Vice-Chair David Baltimore, Linda Moore, Connie Montague, Jerry Montague, and Tom Furey MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: Chair Jeane Alexander, Bill Cosgrove, Linda Forbes, and Darla Lattimore EX OFFICIO MEMBERS AND GUESTS PRESENT: Sonja Allen, MMOW Mary King, Executive Director, MMOW Mike Bedrich, DPS Community Service Officer STAFF PRESENT: Joanne Leek, Community Services Coordinator Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair David Baltimore at 1:15 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2 Approval of June 12, 2001 Minutes Connie moved and Linda seconded the motion to approve the minutes. They were approved unanimously. Agenda Item No. 3 Guest: Mike Bedrich, Southlake DPS. Community Service Officer: Mike gave an overview of the Southlake Community Crime Prevention program and the community based police system. The continued growth of Southlake has presented many challenges to DPS with the Neighborhood Watch and Home Watching programs. Mike encouraged homeowners to call the DPS and let them know when they will be out of town for extended periods. This allows officers to patrol the neighborhood more often as well as checking on the security of the house. Over the next several months DPS is focusing heavily on residents engraving their belongings so that if they are stolen and eventually recovered - they can be claimed. Mike will check on the "ARE YOU OK?" program offered through Haltom City Police Department. Mike also discussed the 911 Cell Phone project for seniors. He will check on that. It would be necessary to check out the mechanics of the phone, develop registration forms, guidelines for using the phone, and training/education on using the phone and giving appropriate information to dispatch. Mike offered that he is available to talk and work with seniors on fraud as well as other crime and security issues. Agenda Item No. 4 Metroport Meals on Wheels Sonja distributed the MMOW report for the quarter as well as for June. MMOW used Tuesday, June 12th for their volunteer recognition event. Sonja reported that 43 seniors (26 Southlake) and 25 volunteers attended the event. She further stated that food and craft/activities costs were up due to the MMOW volunteer luncheon and gifts. Food providers have been established as follows: Cactus Flower, Mimi's, Potluck, and Cotton Patch. Fifth Tuesdays will have special menus and plans. Agenda Item No. 5 Administrative Comments Joanne reported that the Breakfast Club is going well with an average of 7 participants. In addition, we are beginning to develop the fall trip schedule which will include a day trip to Oklahoma. City, a day trip to the Secret Garden and a two night, three day trip to Galveston for "Dickens on the Strand." All trips will be opened up to neighboring senior centers. A spreadsheet delineating MMOW data for the Southlake Senior Activity Center was distributed. It was noted that this data will not coincide with the data presented by MMOW due to the fact that only senior participation is captured. It was noted that Southlake Senior participation was down somewhat this year from last. Agenda Item No. 6 Southlake Senior Activities Tom reported that there have been many activities to keep everyone busy at the center. Among the highlights were the Sing-A-Longs, Music Lovers, book reviews and the many opportunities to meet at the center for activities. Agenda Item No. 7 Open Forum A discussion followed regarding the reasons for the decreasing number of Southlake Seniors utilizing the MMOW program. It was felt that better communications; publicity as well as personal invites should be implemented to assure that all Southlake Seniors are aware of the program. In addition, ways to identify whom the Southlake Seniors are and where they live may need to be developed through city roles and churches. Only if there is participation from seniors can appropriate programs be developed. There ing no furl usiness, the meeting was adjourned at 2:40 PM. hair Attest: t 1`Vlo~Ta ~buN+ r A. ANNUAL VIEUMIF S►IE1a1ICU A►IDvI cry ICt)i1,48AISSi1CN jU%I I[ 2,()pip Vt A Y 2CCI Mission Statement: The mission of the Senior Advisory Commission nthe i is tto enhance and concerns he qua lit y of life for older citizens of Southlake, by continuously monitoring d o umenting those needs that are this growing segment of the population; and by identifying needs. not being met, and to advise the City Council of those unmet met the second Tuesday of each month, with the The Senior Advisory commission (SAC) exception of December and March due to lack of a quorum. Were Jeane Alexander, nlChair,hDeld av d Town Hall with a tour of the new facility. Officers elect Baltimore, Vice-Chair, and Darla Lattimore, Secretary. Presentations: A Library Presentation by Terry McLaughlin A Proposed Recreation Center and potential changes to Senior Center area by Kevin Hugman A Natatorium update by Kevin Hugman Sco e o Services Contracts: Wheels ♦ A Scope of Services Contract for $10,000 with MetTopo meal on p ogres MOW) was recommended to City Council for the Tuesday congregate uthlak wass ♦ A Scope of Services Contract for $18,000 with at contract appro~al andethe AeS)in g recommended to City Council with $9,000 p $9,000 paid in April. ervice ♦ A Scope of Services Contract with Northeast anTsr Transportation tl swoud become available. recommended until such time as alternative transportation NETS Contract terminated December 31, 2000 Senior Activity Center Participation Data: ata: 00 O1 6/01/01 Calendar Year: 98 3148 2786 4993 5231 Average Monthly 348 416 457 664 264 197 211 MMOW Monthly Southlake Senior Activity Center Programs and Services 00-01 Classes Activities Travel Enrichment Info Seminars Intro/Quilting Line Dancing Theatre Sin -A-Lon s Stroke Awareness 55 Alive Computer Classes Bluebonnets Music Lovers Vital Signs Computer- Breakfast Club Granbu Book Reviews Glaucoma Screening Mouse/Keyboard Games Christmas Lights Crafts Bone Density Fund. A & B Lunch Dallas Musical Exercise Wheelchair Asst. Word Proc. A & B Bingo State Fair Breakfast Club CPR Intro to Internet Bride Kimbell Thursdays Together Health Heart Bride Canasta Omni MMOW Lunches Health Eyes Canasta Dominos Lone Star Park Lunch Bunch LTC Dominos 42 CR Smith Friday Fun Night "Bu er Beware" Mexican Dominos Painting Tyler Rose Trip._. Hat & Gloves Tea "Night Out" Mexican Canasta Sin -A-Lon s Azalea Tour Valentine Lunch Investments Acrylic/Oil. Painting Music Lovers Bass Hall Tour "A Special Taste" Housing Line Dancing Crafts Outlet Shopping Travel Tours Services Gentle Exercise Book Reviews Ballpark Tour Fashion Tours Safe in Home Trips Speedway Tour Peer Support Food Safe Seminars Jan.01- June 01 Partici nts Senior Activity Ctr. Classes 531 Trips 48 Enrichment 286 Seminars 74 Info Referrals 47 Games 2 683 Total Includes June 3r669