October 9, 2001- Senior Activity Center
MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Jeane Alexander, David Baltimore, Tom Furey,
Linda Moore, Marge Kyle, Bill Kyle, and Bill Cosgrove.
MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: Jerry Montague, Connie Montague, Cleta Pierce
and Diana Collins.
Mary King, Executive Director, MMOW
Linda Braun, MMOW Coordinator-Southlake
STAFF PRESENT: Joanne Leek, Community Services Coordinator
Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1:18 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2 Approval of the 9/11/01 Minutes:
Linda Moore moved and David Baltimore seconded the motion to approve the minutes. They
were approved unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 3 Metroport Meals on Wheels (MMO%:
Linda Braun reported that she has had a great deal of success in getting donations from local
stores for food and for Bingo prizes. The quality of the food and the Bingo prizes has improved a
great deal.
Mary provided a spreadsheet delineating the expenses/income for MMOW regarding the
Southlake program for FY 00-01. Discussion followed regarding raising the cost of the Tuesday
lunch to $3.00 per person. It was felt that this was needed with implementation beginning
January 1, 2002.
Agenda Item No. 5 Administrative Comments
Joanne discussed the FY 01-02 Budget and the upcoming Agreements for Service for both
MMOW and CARS, which will be presented to council for approval in the next two months. The
State Fair trip is coming up with 12 participants. Unfortunately, the Oklahoma City trip had to be
cancelled for lack of participation. The fall harvest festival will be held on October 26th at the
Moore's Barn and everyone is looking forward to it.
Agenda Item No. 6 Southlake Senior Activities
Tom reported on the many activities at the Center. Among the favorites, as always, is the Book
Review, Sing-A-Long, Music Lovers, and the many opportunities for enrichment through classes
being offered. A discussion was held regarding senior activities for some of the city parks. It was
suggested that "Bowling on the Green" or shuffleboard would be welcome additions to the parks.
Agenda Item No. 7 Open Forum
Bill Kyle reported on the freezer. Unfortunately the donated freezer required more service than
was previously thought and it was not worth fixing it at this point.
Bill also reported on the Cell Phone 911 Project that is ready to be kicked off. The forms have
been approved through the City Attorney and the phones are ready to go. A training session will
be set up with Officer Bedrich as soon as possible and then the seniors wishing a phone will attend
a training session and receive their phones.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:55 PM.
eane xander, Chair
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