February 12, 2002 Senior Activity Center
MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Jeane Alexander, David Baltimore, Cleta
Pierce, Diana Collins, Jerry and Connie Montague, Bill Cosgrove.
MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: Linda Moore, Tom Furey, Bill and Marge Kyle
STAFF PRESENT: Joanne Leek, Community Services Coordinator
Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1:22 p.m..
Agenda Item No. 2 Approval of the 01/08/02 Minutes:
Jerry moved and Cleta seconded the motion to approve the minutes. They were approved
Agenda Item No. 3 Administrative Comments:
The CARS program was discussed regarding seniors at the center being able to access CARS.
Joanne also mentioned that the van was not available for the Center use because it is Only
wheelchair accessible. CARS staff said that it was too difficult to replace the third seat and
therefore could hold only 4 people and also the van was too hard for seniors to get into because
of it being wheelchair accessible. A committee of Bill Cosgrove, Jeane Alexander and David
Baltimore volunteered to attend the upcoming CARS Board meeting to be held Feb. 27' at 9 AM
at the Southlake Senior Activity Center to discuss possible options for van use at the Senior
The Commission members reviewed the Senior Activity Center Use Policy and Procedures. A
committee of Cleta Pierce, David Baltimore and Jerry Montague volunteered to meet and draft
revisions or editions to the document and present changes at the next meeting. Either Kevin or
Steve will be invited to represent Community Services regarding adoption of the Use agreement.
Trips are in the works for day trips to Palestine - Rusk State Park (April), Mineral Wells- Clark's
Secret Garden (May), and a local trip to Amon Carter Museum in March. We have started
promoting our Alaska Cruise trip to be held August 18-24. We have received a $1,000 donation,
to be used to offset transportation costs, from the local option election committee.
Agenda Item No. 4 Southlake Senior Activities:
Tom was absent.
Agenda Item No. 5 Metroyort Meals on Wheels (MMOW
The numbers are looking very good. The seniors are enjoying the high quality and diversity of
foods being offered. Expense are looking very good. The donations have been well received.
Bingo prizes have been great. Linda is doing an excellent job of managing this program.
Agenda Item No. 6 Open Forum:
It was decided to invite a member of the Texas Silver-Haired Legislature so that we can learn
more about what they do and how to become a part of this group. It was also mentioned to invite
Ed Havran, NE Senior Leadership group, to talk to us about his group and the importance of our
involvement with this group.
Agenda Item No. 7 Adjournment:
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:55 PM.
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Alexander, Chair
ttest: David Baltim e, Vice- hair