2002-06-11 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION June 11, 2002 - Senior Activity Center MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Jeane Alexander, Marge Kyle, Bill Kyle, Tom Furey, Diana. Collins, Cleta Pierce, and Bill Cosgrove. MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: Linda Moore, Jerry and Connie Montague, and David Baltimore EX OFFICIO MEMBERS AND GUESTS PRESENT: Linda Braun, MMOW Mary King, Executive Director MMOW STAFF PRESENT: Joanne Leek, Community Services Coordinator Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m.. Agenda Item No. 2 Approval of the 05/14/02 Minutes: Bill Cosgrove moved and Cleta Pierce seconded the motion to approve the minutes. They were approved unanimously. Agenda Item No. 3 Administrative Comments: An in-depth review of our contracts for budget approval was begun. MMOW has submitted a written request for $10,000 to help with their costs for FY 02-03. CARS has verbally requested $15,000 for FY 02-03. As a number of questions were raised regarding the CARS contract, Steve Lakin will be invited to the next meeting to clarify questions and concerns. Agenda Item No. 4 Southlake Senior Activities: Tom presented an overview of the previous month's activities at the Center. Among the highlights were the lunches, games, classical movies and sing-alongs. Tom mentioned the new DPS building on 1709 and the dedication ceremony, which was very nice. Agenda Item No. 5 Metroport Meals on Wheels (MMOW The numbers for the previous month look very good. Although the expenses are rising higher than the income, Southlake is well within their budget. Both quality and quantity of food has been exceptional. Linda has done a wonderful job managing this program and generating community support. The MMOW Annual Golf Tournament will be held on Monday, June 17`h and all golfers are invited to participate. Agenda Item No. 6 Open Forum: Bill Kyle reported on the Cell Phone 911 Project. A total of 11 phones were distributed following lunch today (6-11-02). We are still receiving donated cell phones and to date we have plenty of phones available. Another distribution date will be determined in the near future. This program is progressing very nicely. There ing no further business, th meeting was adjourned at 2:35 PM. /15avid Balt ore, Vice-C it test