December 10, 2002 - Senior Activity Center
MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Jeane Alexander, Tom Furey, Bill Kyle, Marge
Kyle, and Jerry Montague
?dEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: David Baltimore, Connie Montague, Linda
Moore, Bill Cosgrove, and Cleta Pierce
Brown - CARS
STAFF PRESENT: Joanne Leek, Community Services Coordinator
A enda Item No. 1 Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chair Jeane Alexander at 1:30 PM
A enda Item No. 2 Approval of the November 12 2002 minutes
Bill Kyle made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Jerry Montague
and was approved by a unanimous vote.
Agenda Item No 3, CARS RM0rt
Beth Brown was welcomed to the meeting as the-CARS representative. She-passed out the
report for October. Questions regarding the statistical data on the number of trips and mileage
were discussed. Beth offered information on CARS and how the procedures work. An
emergency plan has not yet been implemented. a Beth
riders are not picked up the Center would have
with phone numbers, for Tuesday pickup.
a number to call to check to see what has happened.
Ape da Item No. 4 Re wort: Sout Jake Senior Activities
Tom reported on the many activities at the Center noting that the building is used everyday for
activities. Among the highlights were the music programs and lunches, book reviews and
homes to be built near Town good
times. Also discussed was the development of the new town
Age da Item No. 5 Re ort: Metro ort Meals on Wheels
Dala attended the meeting for Mary King. The November costs were quite high. Total income
including the In-Kind donations was $1,316.00 and the total expense was $1,959.28 representing
a deficit of $643.28. Meal costs alone were $1,083.42 feeding 226 seniors, with a food cost of
$4.79 per meal. Other high costs were $141.91 for craft/activities and $220.87 for luncheon
supplies. Dala offered that the high cost was attributed to using Macaroni Grill and Maria's
Catering for the Thanksgiving Lunch. Dala also mentioned that Linda Braun would be back on
December 17th.
Discussion was held regarding the leftover food from the Tuesday Lunch Program. Dala stated
that MMOW wanted the food used only by seniors and as the leftover food cannot be sent home
with the Seniors, Dala suggested that the food be used at MMOW's other centers. However, it
was felt that food purchased or donated for the Southlake Seniors Tuesday programming should
remain at the Southlake Center. It was also mentioned that the leftover food is used for seniors -
for lunch on Wednesday and Thursday.
Agenda Item No 6, Report: Administrative Comments
Joanne thanked everyone for attending the Open House and for the help in hanging the greens
for the Center. David and Jerry are working on the documents for incorporation and 501 (c) 3
status. Upcoming activities include a Christmas play at {onstage in Bedford and-a holiday
madrigal concert in Hurst. The Center will be closed December 24th and 25`h and January 1 sc
We have an opportunity to go to the Senior Day at the Capitol in February. We are going with
the seniors from Lewisville, Keller, Colleyville and Roanoke are invited also. We need to fill up
a bus. We will combine some sightseeing on our way down to Austin and then also visit the
Bullock Museum in Austin before returning home.
Agenda No. 7, Open Forum:
No items to discuss.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 2:35 PM.
eane Alexander, Chair
Attest: David Baltimore, Vice-Chair