January 14, 2003 - Senior Activity Center
MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Jeane Alexander, Bill Cosgrove, Tom Furey,
Bill Kyle, Marge Kyle, Connie Montague, Jerry Montague, Linda Moore and Cleta Pierce.
MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: David Baltimore and Diana Collins.
Mary King - Executive Director, MMOW
Linda Braun - Coordinator, MMOW
CARS Representative
Silver- Haired Legislative Representative
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order
Jeane Alexander called the meeting to order at 1; 15 PM
Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of the December 10, 2002 minutes
Bill Cosgrove made a motion to approve the minutes It was seconded by Marge Kyle and
approved unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 3, CARS (Call A Ride Southlake, Inc.)
No representative present.
Agenda Item No 4. Southlake Senior Activities
Tom reported on the many activities at the Center and that the number of participants are
increasing. Also, the Red Hat Society - Sassy Lassies, aka Sassy Floozies by one member of the
Board, who shall remain unnamed, will have their first meeting at the Simple Pleasures Tea
Room, Grapevine on January 24th. Other highlights were mentioned regarding the book review
and the music programs.
Agenda Item No. 5. Metroport Meals on Wheels
Mary stated that they were thrilled to have Linda back, as agreed by the Board. Copies of the
current Expense Reports were distributed for examination. There were no questions or challenges.
Mary explained that the three-month recap on meals delivered to homes in December had declined,
as expected, due to the normal holiday travel to other places. During this three-month period there
were 34,000 home meals and 17,000 Senior Center meals provided. KFC (Southlake) provides
MMOW surplus meals twice weekly for sharing with anyone in need. These are available upon
request at the MMOW location in Roanoke. It is suggested that should the opportunity arise, our
expression of gratitude to the management of KFC would be appreciated. Mary reported that
Cactus Flower in Roanoke also closed. Since they were only charging $2.25 per meal it has had a
expression of gratitude to the management of KFC would be appreciated. Mary reported that
Cactus Flower in Roanoke also closed. Since they were only charging $2.25 per meal it has had a
negative impact at MMOW. They are actively engaged in searching for another quality purveyor at
an equally attractive price.
Agenda Item No. 6, Administrative Comments
Atenda Item No 7, Silver Haired Legislature Representative
No representative present.
Agenda Item No 8, Open Forum
Bill Kyle reported that White Chapel UMC is having another celphone drive and will turn over all
collected phones to the Senior Activity Center for distribution. We still have an ample supply of
phones on hand and will donate our surplus to Sprint for their "Project Connect", which is also a
charitable endeavor.
Jeane Alexander commented on "Senior Day at the Capitol" in Austin. The trip includes visits to
the Ranger Museum in Waco and the Bullock Museum in Austin as well as visitations with our
Representatives. The dates are February 3rd and 4th.
Jerry Montague has examined the materials referencing 501(c)3 which he received from David
Baltimore. There are several minor points to review but it was suggested that it be deferred until the
February meeting.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 2:00 PM.
Jeane Alexander, Chair
Attest: David Baltimore, Vice Chair