May 13, 2003 - Senior Activity Center
MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Jeane Alexander, David Baltimore, Bill Kyle,
Linda Moore, and Marge Kyle.
MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: Cleta Pierce, Jerry Montague and Connie
Mary King, Executive Director, MMOW
Linda Braun, MMOW Coordinator
Steve Moore, Supervisor, Southlake Recreation
STAFF PRESENT: Joanne Leek, Community Services Coordinator
Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1:08 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2 Approval of the 04/08/03 Minutes:
Bill Kyle moved and Linda Moore seconded the motion. They were approved unanimously. Bill
Cosgrove has resigned due to health reasons and Bill Kyle, Alternate #1, has been moved into
Place number 3 to fulfill the unexpired term of Mr. Cosgrove. David Baltimore moved and Linda
Moore seconded and all approved.
Agenda Item No. 3 Report: Call A Ride of Southlake (CARS):
No representative from CARS was present to discuss the status of CARS. A discussion followed
regarding the continuation of the CARS program. Mary gave an insight into the possibility of
MMOW absorbing the CARS program. David talked about the May a City Council Agenda
item regarding CARS. This item was pulled from the Council Agenda and will be placed on the
Agenda for May 2&. Jeane Alexander reported on the meeting she attended in which Malcolm
Jackson, Director, Community Services, stated that he wanted to get the City Council's input on
whether or not to appoint a Task Force to look into the CARS program. Bill Kyle reported on
the CARS Executive Board meeting he attended in which the Chairman and Treasurer spoke
regarding the dwindling funds of CARS and the unwillingness of anyone to accept the Executive
Board positions to help manage and raise funds for CARS. Mary shared information regarding a
new transportation system based on the existing NETS program. She has attended several
meetings regarding this system. Apparently, this system will encompass eight Northeast Cities
and will charge a fee per capita. Initially, Southlake is not one of the communities but could join
at a later date. This system would probably not work for all seniors especially those who are frail
or need more help getting to doctor's appointments and so forth. The need for CARS or a system
like it will still be necessary.
Agenda Item No. 4 Southlake Senior Activities:
No representative available.
Agenda Item No. 5 Metroyort Meals on Wheels (MMOW):
Mary distributed the monthly report. The numbers look very good. Bingo continues to be a
strong drawing point the first Tuesday of the Month. Mary reported that there have been some
changes in the ability to receive prizes supplied by Teen Court participants. Most of the Teen
Courts are no longer letting their teens work off their hours by bringing in gifts or gift certificates.
Therefore, supplying Bingo prizes has gotten expensive and perhaps we will need to re-think the
prizes. David suggested that we survey participants and ask them what type of prizes they want
and have them make donations to help defray the costs. Bill suggested that free meal vouchers be
given and if the participant wanted to donate it back to MMOW - then someone else could use it
for free meals. Mary is hoping that the Bingo prize pantry will be adopted by businesses or
several individuals.
Agenda Item No. 6 Administrative Comments:
Joanne reported that the Volunteer Luncheon went very well with 42 people attending. The
Health Fair, which was held on May T4 was well attended by Southlake people. Over 80 people
registered and 72 had lunch. Bingo was played at the end of the day. We may try to see about
having this at Town Hall next year. The vendors really enjoyed it and the entertainment was
great. We have a number of trips planned and some in the planning stages for the fall. We are
partnering with Colleyville and Keller to get our buses filled.
Agenda Item No. 7 Oven Forum:
David invited everyone to attend the SPIN meeting on Monday, May 19th at 7 PM to meet the
new Mayor and talk with the City Council.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:30 PM.
~Iane Alexander, Chair
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