2003-09-09 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SENIOR ADMLSORY COMMISSION September 9, 2003 - Senior Activity Center MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: David Baltimore, Bill Kyle, Jean Boland, Cleta Pierce, Jerry Montague, Connie Montague and Jean Alexander. MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: Linda Moore and Marge Kyle EX OFFICIO MEMBEN A" GUESTS PRESENT: Dala Mulholland, MMOW Susan Horn, MMOW Coordinator Mary Jane Hoger, CARS/Transportation Task Force Linda Carpenter, city employee Dorothy Cosgrove, Southlake Seniors STAFF PRESENT: Joanne Leek, Community Services Coordinator Agenda Item No. 1 Call to Order/Oath of Office The meeting was called to order at 1:15 PM by Chair Jean Alexander. Linda Carpenter administered the Oath of Office to the newly named Alternates: Jean Boland and Cleta Pierce Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of the 07/08/03 Minutes Jerry moved and David seconded the motion to approve the minutes. They were approved unanimously Agenda Item No. 3, Report: CARS No representative from CARS was present. However, CARS statistical reports had been received and were distributed. Agenda Item No. 4. Report: Southlake Seniors Activities Dorothy reported on the activities for the Southlake Seniors. Agenda Item No. 5, Report: Metroport Meals on Wheels Dala reported on MMOW. The report was distributed. Questions regarding the number of participants were raised. However, it appears that the numbers are fairly consistent with last year at the same time. A lot of seniors are away and the heat keeps some from coming out to the Center Dala mentioned that BINGO would be changing somewhat. MMOW has decided to allocate $50 per center per month for prizes. Susan said this really wouldn't affect Southlake as many of the prizes are donated Agenda Item No. 6, Adlniai$trative Comments Joanne reported on the excellent Fraud Conference that she attended. Upcoming trips and activities including the speakers for the Breakfast Club - 9/15 - Robert Williams (Edward Jones), 9/22 - The Scooter Store will be here to show all types of mobility assistance, 9/29 - Balance Improvement. It appears that the Senior Center will now be able to use the CARS van for small trips. Agenda Item No. 7, Discussion of 501 c 3 funding organization for Southlake Seniors David reported that he had nothing new to report. Agenda Item No. 8.01jen Eonlm It was reported that the CARS Task Force was recommending that the City give $10,000 yearly to CARS Mary Hoger added that CARS is looking for new Board Members as there are currently four Board members who have been on the Board for four years and according to their Bylaws, that is the maximum they can serve. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:55 PM. &'C' OConnie Montague, 8icretaiy est: