2003-10-14 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SENIOR ADMISORY COMMISSION October 14, 2003 - Senior Activity Center MEMBERS AND ALTERNATE, , EUSENT: David Baltimore, Bill Kyle, Marge Kyle, Cleta Pierce, Jean Boland, Jeane Alexander MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: Linda Moore, Jerry and Connie Montague EX (?FFICIO MEMBERS AND GUESTS PRESENT: Dorothy Cosgrove - Southlake Seniors Lois Segers - Southlake Seniors Susan Horn, MMOW Coordinator Dala Mulholland - MMOW STAFF PRESENT: Joanne Leek, Community Services Coordinator Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 1:20 PM Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of the 9/09/03 Minutes Bill Kyle moved and David Baltimore seconded the motion. They were approved unanimously. Agenda Item No., 3, ftggrrt: CARS No representative from CARS was present and no reports were given. Cleta reported that she has been invited to attend the CARS Executive Board Meeting on Monday, October 2& at 10 AM at the DPS West facility. She plans to attend. Bill Kyle reported that he had also been invited but he has declined to join at the present time. Agenda Item No. 4. Report: Southlake Seniors Activities Dorothy reported that new table covers have been done on all of the card tables. She organized a team of several seniors who came into the Center and worked one afternoon. They look very nice. Also, drink holders, provided by the Southlake Seniors, for the card tables are now available for use. The Friday Fun Night Cookout was a huge success - everyone enjoyed it very much. Aaeudg Item No. 5. Repo : Metroport Meals on Wheels Numbers are picking up with the fall weather. A new restaurant, The Big Bowl, provided food for a Tuesday lunch. The seniors seemed to enjoy it. Susan has been checking with seniors who have not attended a luncheon in the last few months. She discovered that a number of seniors have moved away. Next Tuesday's luncheon will be pumpkin decorating and judging. Costumes will be the following Tuesday (10/28). Nov. I Ph will be our Veteran's Celebration Day. Statistics were distributed. Agenda Item No..b: Administrative Comments Joanne reported that three new computer systems have been received from the City. As soon as the software is ready and instructors identified, we will begin classes. A request was discussed regarding joint use of the Senior Activity Center. The Therapeutic Recreation program is looking for space to meet. Since their meeting times do not conflict with senior activities, it was decided to share the Center with this program beginning in the Spring. Agenda Item No. 7, Discussion of Tax Freeze for Seniors in Tarrant County David discussed the issues of freezing taxes for seniors and disabled within Southlake. This proposal was adopted by the State Legislature and now needs to be brought to each individual City for discussion and adoption. David would like to take this issue to the City Council on October 21" with a signed letter from the Commission supporting this endeavor. Cleta moved and Bill seconded and all were in favor of the Commission supporting the Tax Freeze. *en& am No. 8. Open Forum Nothing to report. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:00 PM. Att