2003-12-09 CITY OF SOUTHLAIKE SENIOR ADNHSORY COMMISSION December 9, 2003 - Senior Activity Center MEMBERS AND ALTW&TES PRESENT: Jeane Alexander, Bill Kyle, Marge Kyle, Jean Boland, Connie Montague, Jerry Montague MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: David Baltimore, Cleta Pierce, Linda Moore. EX OFFICIO U"ERS AND GUESTS PRESENT: Dorothy Cosgrove - Southlake Seniors Josh and Fran Weiser - CARS Susan Horn, MMOW Coordinator Dala Mulholland - MMOW STAFF PRESENT; Joanne Leek, Community Services Coordinator Agenda Item Not 1 Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 1:20 PM Agenda Item No. 2 Approval of the 11/11/03 Minutes Connie moved and Marge seconded the motion. They were approved unanimously. Agenda Item No. 3 Report CARS Josh and Fran Weiser represented CARS and discussed the monthly statistics. Josh listed the CARS Board of Directors as the following: Chair, Steve South; Vice Chair, Sherry Nevens; Treasurer, Barbie Derby; Cleta Pierce, Ann Caruso, Joyce Owen and Steve Lakin. Josh, Dick Johnston, Martha Greenberg, and Virginia Muzyka have retired from the Board having fulfilled their terms according to the bylaws. CARS Board usual meeting time is the second Monday of each month, at 10 AM at DPS West. It is an open meeting and everyone is invited to attend. Josh discussed wording in the CARS Scope of Services Agreement. It appears that the City Staff wants to include all handicapped in Southlake including children and CARS Board feels that they cannot accommodate children. He enlisted the Commission's help in presenting their case to City Council. However, Bill Kyle discussed the fact that this issue is really between CARS and City Staff. The Commission's recommendation to City Council is to support CARS. Agenda Item No. 4t Report Southlake Seniors Activities Dorothy reported that the usual activities were held. Marge mentioned the Holiday Open House. Agenda Item No. 5, Report Metroport Meals on Wheels In Mary's absence, Dala distributed the monthly report. Senior participation is going up. Agenda Item No. 6 Administrative Comments Joanne thanked everyone for their help in making the Holiday Open House a wonderful event. There were 72 pictures taken with Santa and 62 folks who signed in the book. Everyone had a good time enjoying the entertainment, food and especially Santa. The Red Hats descended on Town Square December 4 with lunch at Josephine's and parading to Town Hall where they had their picture taken in front of the Christmas tree, followed by shopping. A great time was had by all. There will be an outside clean up day on Saturday, December 13 . A Boy Scout Troop will be here 8 AM — 12 Noon. The City has agreed to provide mulch for the flower beds and the Scouts will put that down. They will also clean out the gutters, and the front beds and general clean up of the grounds. We are very fortunate to have this group willing to help us out at the Senior Center. Joanne mentioned that she is working on developing trips beginning in February with Keller and Coffeyville. In January, the Red Hats will be going to the Runway Theatre. Agenda Item No. 7 Discussion of Tax Freeze for Seniors in Tam County David had sent an e-mail requesting that seniors attend the Council meeting on December lb' to show their interest and support for freezing the taxes in Southlake. The work session begins at 5:30 PM and the regular meeting begins at 7 PM. He also asked that Jeane Alexander be prepared to thank the Council on behalf of the Commission and the seniors of Southlake. Josh mentioned that the petition was delivered to the Council through their weekly packets. Agenda Item No. 8 Open Form Nothing to report. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:20 PM. . 1 r At - 4( est: