September 14, 1999-Senior Activity Center
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson, Jeane Alexander, Tom Furey, Darla Lattimore, Matalyn
Smith, David Baltimore,
MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: Linda Moore, Linda Forbes, George Dalton
STAFF PRESENT: Nona Whitehead, Community Services Coordinator
Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chair Jeane Alexander at 1:30 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of the August 10, 1999 minutes
David Baltimore made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Matalyn
Smith and was approved by a unanimous vote.
Agenda Item No. 3, Administrative Comments
Nona Whitehead distributed a summary of the pilot van transportation program. She noted that
the NETS van is still bringing one senior to the Tuesday program and that there were requests for
the service. Nona reported that a Special Work Session on NETS had been held on Monday,
September 13'' with David Baltimore, Dick Johnson, Darla Lattimore and Brenda Cross,
Executive Director of NETS.
It was also noted that a flag had been purchased for the dining room, to facilitate patriotic
programs, and that the Center also had been presented with a Texas flag, which had been flown
over the State Capitol Building.
Agenda Item No. 4, Consideration: NETS Scope of Services Contract
Nona passed out recent figures on rider use, which were obtained at the Monday meeting. David
Baltimore indicated that the low rider use might indicate a need for NETS to improve their
marketing and let more people know of their services. David noted that the contract language
allows a 45-day notice in the event either party wants to cancel the contract. Dick Johnston said
that there is not a current alternative for residents who use NETS for special medical needs and
need a wheelchair lift. Nona mentioned that she is aware of at least one Southlake resident who
is dependent on NETS to take him to dialysis three times a week. Nona said that one volunteer
agreed to take him for a Saturday appointment. The volunteer said it was much too difficult to
get him out of the wheelchair, into the car and that she could not do it again, and that a
wheelchair van was needed to transport him. Mr. Johnston felt the Commission should
recommend that NETS be continued until the Southlake transportation service is up and running,
and that the Commission should help promote the NETS service.
Matalyn Smith moved that the Senior Advisory Commission recommend the renewal of the
NETS contract until Senior Citizens Transportation Service, Inc. is able to provide a viable
option. The motion was seconded by Darla Lattimore and approved unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 5. Consideration: Metronort Meals on Wheels Scope of Services Contract
Rose Hampshire had no requested changes to the contract. Nona passed out a spreadsheet on
cost and revenue and noted that expenses were being met. David Baltimore asked about figures
on home delivery meals, which were not included. Rose reported that her understanding was
that there were only 2 or 3 Southlake residents who could not afford the $2.50 cost, and needed
to be covered by the supplement.
Darla Lattimore moved that the Commission recommend renewal for the Scope of Services
Contract with Metroport Meals on Wheels. Tom Furey seconded the motion and it was passed
Agenda Item No. 6, Report: Southlake Senior Activities
Tom Furey reported that August was a busy month with a lot of programs. The Lunch Bunch
and trip to Annie and the Kimball Art Museum were some of the highlights.
Agenda Item No. 7. Report: Metroport Meals on Wheels
Rose passed out the August figures and noted that she is going to increase the food order for the
next month.
Agenda Item No. 8, Report: Senior Activity Center
Nona passed out the attendance figures for July with a comparison for July 1998. The
comparison showed an increase of 71 participants for July 99.
Agenda Item No. 9, Report: Transportation Service Initiative
Dick Johnston reported that a letter of invitation had been mailed to several members of the
community to participate in an organizational meeting for the Senior Citizen Transportation
Service. Dick noted that there had been eleven positive responses. It is hoped that those in
attendance will be willing to serve on the board of directors for the transportation service. Mr.
Johnston also mentioned that Teresa Campbell has agreed to do the legal work to set up the non-
profit corporation.
Agenda No. 10, Open Forum:
Best wishes were once again offered to Dick and Matalyn on their wedding on Saturday the 180'.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:25 p.m.
Jeane Alexander, Chairperson