1999-08-17 Southlake Seniors Steering Committee Meeting Minutes August 17, 1999 Attendance: Josh Weiser, Mary Hoger, Lenora Herron, Tom Furey, Dorothy Cosgrove, James Gathings, Fran Weiser, Rose Hampshire, and Nona Whitehead. Chairman Josh Weiser called the meeting to order. The July minutes were read and approved. Nona reported that the Advisory Commission reported that bus transportation is being worked on by the transportation committee. Dick Johnston has invited about 30 people to be on the board. The City Council budget is in final stages with possibly $30,000 requested. A non-profit corporation will be set up in the near future. Post cards have been mailed to residents over 65 who may need transportation. Council members want to see what the response will be. Nona said there are difficulties with the NETTS bus. Treasurer's Report - There is a balance of $1,726.27 in the bank. James also submitted a comprehensive summary of the last three years receipts and expenditures. (This is filed with the secretary's minutes.). Rose said the Tuesday group will celebrate the Dunbars 64th wedding anniversary with flowers and a cake. The wedding party for Dick and Matalyn will be celebrated August 31 at the Center with a party, card shower, a few gag gifts, a journal for wishes, and a program. The September 17th evening pot luck dinner and dance, will start at 6:30 PM with music by God's Country Kids, fol- ,owed by dinner and dancing with Edna Taylor's band, on patio, weather permitting. We will try to have some circle dances in October. Nona said an oil painting class will be offered in September, Jazzercize Mondays, Line Dancing and exercise group alter- nating on Thursdays. An AARP Computer course, How To Use the Internet and a course for beginners will be offered. The Committee decided to donate $60 to the Center for tools. Nona will look into the cost of an overhead projector. She will check on cost of a flag stand. Rose reported Taco Bueno gave coupons to pass out and will be donating to our pot lucks. Lenora is working on secur- ing a program for October, possibility of Silver Tones from Irving. Josh will have a craft day for painting domino figures on Monday, August 30th. The Chairman adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted, ' Fran Weiser, Secretary