August 10, 1999 -Senior Activity Center
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson, Jeane Alexander, Tom Furey, Darla Lattimore, Linda
Moore, Matalyn Smith, David Baltimore, Bill Cosgrove
ALTERNATE MEMBERS ABSENT: Linda Forbes, George Dalton
STAFF PRESENT: Nona Whitehead, Community Services Coordinator
Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chair Jeane Alexander at 1:25 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of the July 13, 1999 minutes
Bill Cosgrove made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Linda
Moore and was approved by a unanimous vote.
Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments
Nona Whitehead distributed copies of a draft brochure for the Senior Activity Center.
Corrections were noted and suggestions or edits were requested. The brochure will not be
finalized until more is known about transportation options.
Nona Whitehead gave an update on the pilot Tuesday Van Transportation program. She
explained some of the day's difficulties were caused by a new driver and that it was not possible
to cover the route in the half-hour requested by the riders. The program will be evaluated at the
end of August.
Agenda Item No. 4, Report: Southlake Seniors
Tom Furey did not have a report, but Rose Hampshire mentioned that the 5t' Tuesday meal
would feature a wedding party theme in honor of Dick Johnston and Matalyn Smith. Rose also
noted that the quarterly MMOW sponsored Friday night event would be merged with the Music
Mixer to combine an evening potluck with entertainment and dancing to the Western Flyers.
Agenda Item No. 5, Report: Metroport Meals on Wheels
Rose Hampshire passed out the report on the monthly, quarterly and home delivered meals
Agenda Item No. 6, Report: Senior Activity Center
There was not an update on attendance available.
Agenda Item No. 7, Report: Transportation Service Initiative
David Baltimore reported that he and Dick Johnston had drafted a letter of invitation to
prospective board members for the non-profit corporation. David said that a meeting is being
planned for sometime in September. David indicated that if enough people respond, it might be
possible to form both a governing board and an advisory board.
Agenda Item No. S, Open Forum:
Nona mentioned that she had received some information about the Volunteer Expo in Colleyville
and had sent a letter asking if there was a viable way for the Sr. Advisory Commission to be
involved in any educational aspects of the event.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:45 p.m.
sane Alexander, Chairperson
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