1999-06-08 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION June 8, 1999 -Senior Activity Center MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bill Cosgrove, Jeane Alexander, David Baltimore, Tom Furey, Darla Lattimore, Linda Moore, Matalyn Smith, Linda Forbes, George Dalton EX OFFICIO MEMBERS AND GUESTS PRESENT: Councilmember Debra Edmondson, Councilmember Ronnie Kendall, Diana Collins, and Transportation Sub Committee members, Josh Weiser, Fran Weiser, Martha Greenberg STAFF PRESENT: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services; Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services; Nona Whitehead, Community Services Coordinator and John Eaglen, Administrative Assistant Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Cosgrove at 1:15 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of the April 13, 1999 minutes Matalyn Smith made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Linda Forbes and was approved by a unanimous vote. Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments Nona Whitehead noted that the Annual Report was overdue, and gave members a bullet point list for editing in order to present a complete report for this year. Agenda Item No. 4, Consider Senior Transportation Proposals Chairman Cosgrove thanked Councilmembers Edmondson and Kendall for their interest and welcomed them to the meeting. Councilmember Kendall explained that she wanted to hear input from the seniors regarding any preference for the two proposals. Kevin Hugman noted that staff researched the Senior Advisory proposals, and added a third alternative. Mr. Hugman explained that a June City Council retreat will discuss staffing issues and budget planning, and that staff needs to know what this commission considers priorities for their consideration. Matalyn Smith said that she would like to have seniors in charge of this project as much as possible and favors the second proposal for a non-profit organization. Ms. Edmondson said that she spoke with Dick Johnston and noted that he also favors the creation of a non-profit board. Kevin Hugman asked if there will be a regional approach to service, or will it be a local service only? Matalyn Smith said there was not a need to have a huge service initially, but it could expand regionally eventually. Councilmember Edmondson expressed concern over attracting non-profit support for a limited number of riders. She indicated that it might be beneficial to create a partnership with Grapevine, Keller, Colleyville and Roanoke, similar to a Tri-City Library concept. Matalyn Smith was concerned that that was too large of an expansion. Ms. Edmondson indicated that Care Corps is a large regional service, but it may not be attentive enough to help with a wide variety of transportation needs that affect the quality of life. Councilmember Kendall said that a regional service would be harder to get started. Josh Weiser spoke to the numbers in the staff summary. He explained that his telephone survey included only 10% of seniors in Southlake. Mr. Weiser concluded that it is conceivable that there are additional seniors who would use a transportation service and thereby reduce the cost per user. Diana Collins, a volunteer driver for the Senior Activity Center participants, noted that participants live in Grapevine and Grapevine will not bring them to Southlake. She asked if this service will take seniors across boundaries, expressed concerns about the qualifications and liability for drivers, and noted that many seniors who are asking for rides live with their children and that has caused some problems for the driver. Councilmember Kendall noted that the regional approach becomes burdensome with a number of governments involved. Councilmember Edmondson explained that the non-profit board would have a contract with the City, and that the board would make the decisions concerning boundaries, qualifications and other issues. Mr. Cosgrove expressed concern about possible conflicts with the non-profit board and the City. Councilmember Edmondson explained that with non-profits, the City could possibly provide staff support, and give start-up and yearly contributions. The board will then need to find new revenue sources, and diversity their base similar to KSB. Ms. Kendall used Metroport Meals on Wheels as another example of a City agreement. The City does not control Metroport, but pays a yearly amount in return for specific services. George Dalton asked Kevin Hugman if another provider could initially provide service, possibly contracting through a 3rd party, such as alternative #3. Mr. Hugman noted that Care Corps is one possibility as a service provider. Mr. Hugman also noted that there are several examples regarding City support for a regional service. With KSB, a Southlake organization, the City provides both staff support and some funding. With regional organizations such as Metroport Meals on Wheels, and the North East Tarrant Arts Council, there is primarily just financial support and he noted that the Teen Court Advisory Board is an example of communities working together on a regional issue. Fran Weiser asked about the possibility of commercial transportation for the city. She asked about the concern over the service being self-supporting. She noted that seniors pay taxes and the service is essential and that trails are not self-supporting. Councilmember Kendall noted that City Council will want to know the SAC consensus on a preferred alternative. David Baltimore said that there is a need for senior transportation, a service to help seniors maintain dignity and independence. The commission is asking the City to provide money to establish a service that can be fine-tuned as it develops. Linda Moore said that it should be able to start on a small scale and grow rapidly. Diana Collins suggested that there was a need to survey the city to obtain a list of those who would volunteer to drive for a transportation service. Steve Polasek noted that a van purchase would not be an effective means of providing the needed transportation. There will still be a need to have volunteers who will drive their own cars. Kevin Hugman suggested a survey to determine if there are enough volunteer drivers to get a system going. Mr. Hugman added that several good points had been raised. If a board is chosen, the necessary policies and procedures will be established by the board. In order to establish a non- profit, there should be a base of volunteers, or an idea of the base, in place to make the service work. Chairman Cosgrove asked for a vote from those present (including the Transportation Committee) on the preferred alternative. There were 8 votes for a non-profit corporation, and no opposed votes. Linda Moore asked about City liability with the non-profit alternative. Kevin Hugman said that the non-profit corporation would need to carry its own insurance. Councilmember Edmondson mentioned the importance of having a diverse board. Bill Cosgrove asked Diana Collins if she could survey for volunteers. Ms. Collins replied that it might be difficult to do, but she believes there is a sufficient volunteer base in Southlake. Councilmember Kendall reminded the group that the budget process has begun and asked about a consensus about regional or local service. Councilmember Edmondson asked if it was possible to establish a time line for implementation before the budget retreat. Ms. Kendall asked if a van could be shared with other city programs. Ms. Edmondson asked for the group to look at start- up costs with an eye to scaling back some of the costs. She indicated concerns about insurance costs and the size of the volunteer base estimate. Ms. Collins indicated that the city could estimate the volunteer base through a survey and would need to do the background checks. Councilmember Edmondson reiterated the need for an estimated operating budget, a timeline, insurance estimates, and a certain base of volunteer drivers. Kevin Hugman noted that staff will meet with the Senior Advisory Commission in the near future. Agenda Item No. 5. Report: Southlake Seniors Activities Tom Furey read the minutes from the Southlake Seniors Steering Committee Meeting, which noted a planned luncheon to honor the Tuesday volunteers. Agenda Item No. 6, Report: Metroport Meals on Wheels In Rose Hampshire's absence, Nona passed out the monthly reports for April and May. Agenda Item No. 7, Report: Senior Activity Center Nona Whitehead reported that attendance records from May 1998 to May 1999 show that attendance at weekly events other than the meal has about doubled and that the total monthly attendance for May was ahnost 100 more than last year. Azenda Item No. 8, Election of Officers Jeane Alexander was nominated for Chairperson and elected by acclimation 8-0. Linda Moore was nominated for Vice Chair and elected by acclimation 8-0. Darla Lattimore was nominated for Secretary and elected by acclimation 8-0. Aeenda Item No. 9, Open Forum Tom Furey asked where the Metroport money comes from. Nona Whitehead explained that the City gives a $10,000 donation as their part of a Scope of Services Contract, to help fund the home delivered meals and the Tuesday program Jeane Alexander noted that the Commission should begin thinking about the composition of the non-profit board. Nona Whitehead said that Kevin Hugman will meet with the commission to help give some direction. David Baltimore noted that SAC needs to work with the City to help improve service and keep the SAC influence on the board intact. Nona asked how the commission wanted to proceed to get the requested information for City Council. David Baltimore agreed to head the effort to get the required items. Nona said that she would create a citywide volunteer survey, and would be able to get something on the cable and perhaps in the water bill. Diana Collins asked if any consideration had been given to using the services of Care Corp. Nona Whitehead said that several meetings had been held, and that Care Corps is providing services and using Southlake residents to help with those services, but needs to expand their volunteer base. Since Southlake is in their service area, they will continue to recruit volunteers and provide services to residents who call them, regardless of the transportation provided through the future non-profit corporation. ` *iere being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:05 p.m. ane Alexander, Chairperson A est: