April 13, 1999 -Senior Activity Center
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chair Martha Greenberg, Betsy Horowitz, Fran Weiser,
Matalyn Smith, Jeane Alexander
MEMBERS ABSENT: Bill Cosgrove, Linda Moore
Transportation Sub Committee members Dick Johnston, Josh Weiser, and David
STAFF PRESENT: Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services, Nona
Whitehead, Community Services Coordinator
The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Martha Greenberg at 1:25 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of the March 11, 1999 Minutes
Matalyn Smith made a motion to approve the minutes. Fran Weiser seconded the motion,
and the motion was approved unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments
Nona Whitehead introduced Deputy Director of Community Services Steve Polasek. She
passed out a picture of the Volunteer Database to explain that it is possible to identify
those who are volunteering for specific services. Nona also mentioned that a volunteer
recognition event is planned for April 29`h at Rockenbaugh Elementary and that members
of the Senior Advisory Commission would be among those honored.
Agenda Item No. 4, Report: Metroport Meals on Wheels
Rose passed out the monthly and quarterly reports, which will be filed with the approved
Agenda Item No. 5, Report on the Southlake Seniors Activities
Fran Weiser had to leave early and Nona read her report. Activities planned by the
Southlake Seniors Organization include participation in the April 10' Candidate Forum.
Josh Weiser and Jeane Alexander helped design the format of the forum, and questions
were solicited from participants at the Senior Activity Center. Southlake Seniors will also
participate in the Kite Festival being held on April 24th. The Senior Center will host "Hot
Dogs with the Top Dogs" on May 6th following the National Day of Prayer, as an
opportunity for seniors to meet and mingle with members of the City Council. The first
Horseshoe Tournament and a Croquet game are planned for that day.
Agenda Item No 6. Consider: Transportation Committee Proposal
Fran Weiser introduced Josh Weiser, secretary of the Transportation Subcommittee to
present the proposal. Mr. Weiser explained that though Care Corp is working in
Southlake, they are not very active at this time as they are seeking volunteers. The
committee sees Care Corp as a resource, but expressed concern that Southlake might not
be prioritized. Mr. Weiser presented a proposal (attached) that gave two (2) options for
creating a Southlake Transportation Service. The Senior Advisory Commission thanked
the committee for their hard work. Fran Weiser moved that the Senior Advisory
Commission approve the proposal and request that it be presented to City Council for
their consideration. Matalyn Smith seconded the motion, and it was approved
unanimously. Josh Weiser will write the cover letter to the City Council and include the
names of the committee members.
Agenda Item No 7, Discussion on Evaluation of Goal Objective
Nona Whitehead reported that Fran Weiser had done some work on the goals and
objectives and read some of the notations. Martha Greenberg suggested that it might be
best for the new commission to finalize the process. Steve Polasek suggested that Nona
clean up the working copy and note the items that had been completed before it was given
to the new commission. Nona suggested that Fran's notations could be given to the new
commission to help facilitate the finalization. Matalyn Smith moved that the goals be
tabled for the new commission to resolve. Jeane Alexander seconded the motion and it
was approved unanimously.
Agenda Item No. S, Consensus on issues for a recommended educational event
Martha Greenberg explained that Colleyville hosts a fall educational event on aging issues
and invites senior centers and other organizations to participate with them. Martha
suggested we could accomplish our purpose by publicizing and supporting this event. She
will bring us information, as it becomes available.
Agenda Item No. 9, Open Forum
Martha noted that we need to actively help recruit volunteers for the 2000 volunteers for
2000 to help Care Corp and our own transportation efforts.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
Chairman., Bill Cos ve Attest:
Southlake Seniors
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
May 18, 1999
Attendance: Josh Weiser, Mary Hoger, Don Owens, Tom Furey, Fran Weiser, Rose Hampshire, and Nona Whitehead.
Chairman Josh Weiser called the meeting to order.
The March minutes were read and approved.
Josh reported that City Council is setting up a committee to study and deal with the Senior Advisory Commission trans-
portation proposal. Nona reported she is not inclined to add baffles to the assembly room walls. Noise is not at the level
it was before moving the tables. Valance materials have been purchased.
Fran Weiser reported that there was no meeting of the Southlake Senior Commission in April.
Treasurer, Don Owens, reported a balance of $1,521.21. Nona is holding the $500 from the Southlake Women's Club.
She bought a microwave oven for $119 which was used that day for luncheon preparations. Nona will secure a price
quotation on the projection screen and Fran will get one for the piano bench. A motion was passed authorizing the pur-
chase of these two items using additional money from Southlake Senior's account if necessary.
The reappointment of Lenora Herron to the Steering Committee was unanimously approved. She was omitted from the
nomination list due to an oversight. She will continue as program chairperson.
Fran will do a sing-a-long on the theme of The Family - Mother, Father, and Children on the second Tuesday in June.
Nona reported the Sister Cities Committee will host the Armchair Travel Program on Japan in July. All reservations
must be firm by the deadline.
A program by Atria on Assisted Living will be presented June 10th.
Nona reported that the garden shed was purchased and is in place, thanks to Dick Johnston. Skirting will be added.
Patty Tours will be tried for several future bus trips: September to Granbury; October to Branson to take in the fall col-
ors and see a few shows.
Plans were made for the Volunteer Appreciation Lunch on the third Tuesday in June. It will be an Italian meal, special
table setting, certificates, not gifts, and do not serve the volunteers by their preference. Decorate with American Flags.
It was decided to have monthly Friday night dances. Dick Johnston is willing to provide music, CD's and records. Nest
one on June 29th.
The Chairman adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Weiser, Secretary