1999-03-09 M ~ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION March 9, 1999 -Senior Activity Center MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bill Cosgrove, Fran Weiser, Matalyn Smith, Jeane Alexander MEMBERS ABSENT: Martha Greenberg, Betsy Horowitz, Linda Moore EX OFFICIO MEMBERS AND GUESTS PRESENT: Rose Hampshire STAFF PRESENT: Nona Whitehead, Community Services Coordinator The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Cosgrove at 1:25 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of the 1/12/99 Minutes Fran Weiser moved to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Matalyn Smith and was approved unanimously. Agenda Item No. 3 Administrative Comments Nona Whitehead reported that there would not be action on extending the parking lot at this time. She explained that gravel was not an approved paving surface for an interim solution. To change the site plan from what had been approved will require initiating a request to Community Development. Mrs. Whitehead explained that her superiors had reported that funds were not available at this time for paving, even if a new site plan could be approved. Seniors need to be encouraged to carpool, as this item will have to be a budget request for the next budget year. Agenda Item No. 4 Report: Metroport Meals on Wheels Rose submitted her monthly report showing a continued growth in the Tuesday program Agenda Item No. 5. Report: Southlake Seniors Activities Fran Weiser reported that the Southlake Seniors are discussing having a booth at the Kite Festival, the City Strings group will be performing on March 16 and a recognition event is being planned to recognize a number of seniors as a replacement for the Senior of the Year award. Fran reported that Dorothy Cosgrove had designed a form to be given to groups who wish to speak at the Tuesday Luncheon Program. Agenda Item No. 6 Report: Transportation Committee The Transportation Committee report was given by Josh Weiser, who together with Dick Johnston drafted a proposal for the Commission to study. Mr. Weiser reviewed the various parts of the proposal, which will be sent to absent members. Members were encouraged to call either Dick Johnston or Josh Weiser if they had questions which might require research before the next meeting. Josh said that the committee is planning to meet with Care Corp and look at how they operate. The draft proposal was well received and will be placed on the April agenda as a Consider item in the hope that a final proposal for a transportation service can be forwarded to City Council for their mid-year budget considerations. Agenda Item No. 7 Discussion: Event to increase awareness of Senior Issues Matalyn Smith indicated that her understanding of the function of the commission was to recommend needs to the City Council. Nona indicated that the commission could also recommend needs that might be addressed through the Senior Activity Center. Matalyn Smith moved that commission members identify specific "Senior Issues" you would like to see covered as part of the education event likely to be titled "Your Aging Parents" as the action item recommended for Goal One. It was seconded by Fran Weiser and approved unanimously. Fran noted that we need to think about a survey instrument or procedure that would help the commission know what needs are in the community related to seniors. Agenda Item No. 8, Discussion: Goals Evaluation Fran Weiser moved that each member peruse the old draft of the goals and objectives and be prepared to either strike the objectives, or validate their inclusion under each goal, and to come with recommendations. The motion was seconded by Matalyn Smith and approved unanimously. Agenda Item No. 9, Open Forum Nona mentioned that two alternate members would likely be approved at the March 23'd City Council Meeting. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 2:35 p.m. ~FE~ _ ► ~.ld, Bill Cosgrove, Chairman "4f-7-11,4 C%L, Attest: