Southlake Senior Advisory Commission
Transportation Committee Meeting Minutes
January 25, 1999
Present: Fran Weiser, Nona Whitehead, Maedelle Anderson, David Baltimore, Josh Weiser.
Chairperson Fran Weiser called the meeting to order.
The minutes of the November meeting were read and approved.
Nona wrote a letter to NETTS to obtain information on the services they have provided to Southlake citizens to jus-
tify the payment from the city to keep the NETTS transportation program working. She has received no response.
The question was raised as to whether Southlake might buy a van and keep it at the Senior Activities Center and ar-
range with Care Corps to furnish a driver when needed - possibly 2-3 days per week. Since Care Corps is primarily op-
erated by churches the Committee might survey Southlake churches to see whether they would be willing to provide
funding and possibly drivers for a similar transportation service in Southlake.
Nona reported that Dick Johnston has obtained a book which lists sources of grants for transportation needs. David
said he had received some notes from Dick and Fran had furnished him with a copy of Dick's proposal. David will
touch base with the Safety Director to see what his position would be on the use of police and fire personnel as trans-
portation drivers.
It was suggested that we contact Census 2000 people to see whether they can furnish a list of people over 50 years who
live in Southlake.
Josh Weiser presented a list of Seniors (who have participated in the Tuesday luncheons) (Attachment 1) from the
Southlake Seniors Directory (furnished by Don Owens). The list has been divided between residents and non-residents
of Southlake. He also presented a record sheet (Attachment 2) which will be used by telephone callers to determine
which of these people need, or will need, transportation and the destinations for such transportation. Maedelle An-
derson, Alice Burgess and Dorothy Cosgrove will assist Fran Weiser in carrying out the telephone survey.
Nona suggested that if a form were developed which could be used to secure this information from individuals she
would see whether the publisher of the Southlake journal would be willing to distribute it as an enclosure in the pa-
per. Josh will prepare the form. the possibility of identifying additional Seniors for participation in the survey
through the Mayor's Council of Ministers might be investigated. Josh will also ask the Seniors at the Tuesday lun-
cheon whether they can furnish names of other Seniors we might survey. We have a list of Southlake housing develop-
ments which need to be contacted for names of Seniors living in their communities.
Another possible use for transportation might be to "carpool" Southlake Seniors from our Center to Roanoke on
Wednesdays for lunch.
At the Senior Steering Committee meeting John Moore suggested that Southlake Lions might help with funding for
transportation or other needs. We might also check with the Rotary and and other groups to see what they might do.
Fran has a list of Senior Centers in surrounding cities and is seeking someone to contact them to see what they are
doing in the transportation area.
C-il Weiser, Secretary