1999-01-12 SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING January 12, 1999 TIME: 1:15 P.M. LOCATION: SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER 307 Parkwood Drive MEMBERS PRESENT: Bill Cosgrove, Chairman; Martha Greenberg, Vice Chairman, Matalyn Smith, Linda Moore, Jeane Alexander, Fran Weiser, Betsy Horowitz OTHERS PRESENT: Ex officio member Rose Hampshire, Community Services Coordinator Nona Whitehead, Community Services Officer Carrie Fullington, Bob McIntyre, H. Hanson, Mary Jane Hoger, Arlene Green Lenora Herron and Sylvia Douglas. Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cosgrove at 1:15 p m. Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of the November 10, 1998 Minutes: Corrections to the minutes were included a request to omit the reference to Rose's salary, a change from senior issue to senior issues in agenda item number 7. Clarification was requested on the letter referred to in agenda item number 11, to include the phrase "regarding the need for an increase in the number of skilled nursing beds for Northeast Tarrant County " Matalyn Smith moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Linda Moore seconded the motion and the motion was approved unanimously. Agenda Item No. 3, Administrative Comments: Nona Whitehead mentioned that the irrigation work will begin tomorrow and the sprinklers will be on an automatic timer. Nona also passed out the attendance summary, which showed an average of 392 per month and noted that the Commission needed to vote to move Betsy Horowitz from Associate member to full member. Agenda Item No. 4, Presentation: Department of Public Safety Community Services Officer Carrie Fullington reviewed the "Special Needs" program already in operation and introduced Bob McIntyre and H. Hansen from the Haltom City Police Department to explain the program called "Are You OK?" Mr. McIntyre explained that "Are You OK?" is a computer program designed to call and check on individuals at a prearranged time. Haltom City is willing to let Southlake residents become a part of their computer system at no cost until our numbers grow too large. Residents will be able to call Haltom City Direct to indicate they are going to be away from home for a while. Fran Weiser asked how the Senior Advisory Commission could help get the word out. Ms. Fullington said that all'4he Special Needs participants will be notified and the program will be advertised through the paper and cable television. Agenda Item No. 5. Resort: Metroport Meals on Wheels Rose passed out the November, December and Quarterly statistics on the congregate meal and the home delivered meals. Rose noted that there would be a change in the way the deserts are handled. Agenda Item No. 6, Report: Southlake Seniors Activities Fran Weiser reported that the Southlake Seniors Steering Committee did not have a meeting in December. Agenda Item No. 7, Report: Transportation Committee Mrs. Weiser said that the Transportation Committee did not meet in December and will have their next meeting on January 25 h at 11:00 a.m. Agenda Item No. 8, Discussion: Event to increase awareness of Senior Issues Nona presented a sample of a program done in Ohio called "Your Aging Parents." Nona was requested to place this event as a discussion item on the next agenda. Martha Greenberg passed out a sample of an expanded mission statement and goals synopsis. Discussion was held on whether the goals were ever finalized. Members were encouraged to review the minutes to determine the status of the goals. Agenda Item No. 9, Open Forum: Rose asked to have the parking lot placed on the Agenda. Martha Greenberg also said she had to park in an area that caused her to twist her ankle coming in. Nona will see whether a staff member of Public Works can attend the meeting to discuss parking lot options In the absence of Chairman Bill Cosgrove who left early, Martha Greenberg adjourned the meeting at 2:40 p.m. f Chairman A st