1998-11-10 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION November 10, 1998 -Senior Activity Center MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bill Cosgrove, Martha Greenberg, Fran Weiser, Betsy Horowitz, Linda Moore, Matalyn Smith, Jeane Alexander EX OFFICIO MEMBERS AND GUESTS PRESENT: Rose Hampshire STAFF PRESENT: Nona Whitehead, Community Services Coordinator The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Cosgrove at 1:15 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of the Minutes for the 10/13/98 meeting Nona Whitehead submitted a new draft of the minutes and noted corrections in spelling and content. Linda Moore moved that the minutes be approved as corrected. Matalyn Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved unanimously. Agenda Item No. 3, Administrative Comments Nona Whitehead reported that there we was not an update related to sidewalks or irrigation, but that both are expected to be installed soon. Nona also mentioned that she as been working with Director Hugman to determine whether it would be more efficient to office full time at the Senior Activity Center. Mrs. Whitehead mentioned that a soft drink vendor had approached her about locating a machine at the center. The consensus was that it would be nice to have a machine. Outside on the patio would be the preferred location. Nona also passed out the monthly attendance for October, showing a participation of 419, and a cumulative total of 2463. Agenda Item No. 4, Report: Metroport Meals on Wheels Rose Hampshire passed out the October statistics. Rose reported an increase in the number of authorized hours. Agenda Item No.5, Report: Southlake Seniors Activities Fran Weiser reported on the scheduled activities for November and December. Fran noted that a travel committee has been formed and is looking at travel possibilities. Sing- a-long for the second week of each month were approved and the Steering Committee is looking into an awards event for Senior Volunteers. Fran also submitted a letter received from the Southlake Newcomers Club indicating that the Southlake Seniors would be among the recipients of their fundraising efforts. Agenda Item No. 6, Report: Transportation Committee Fran Weiser reported that the Transportation Committee had met earlier in the day and is planning on moving their meeting to the second Monday of each month. The committee will not meet in December. Dick Johnston will flesh out his proposal, with an eye t Dividing the project into various tasks. Fran announced that David Baltimore has agreed to be a member of this committee. Agenda Item No. 7, Discussion of Goal #1 Linda Moore suggested possible action items to implement the goal #1, of increasing awareness of senior issues. Fran Wieser noted that the first step is to identify the issues on which we want to increase awareness. Betsy Horowitz suggested that program offerings could include presentations on political and current topics. Matalyn Smith suggested that a poll of the Tuesday participants to identify topics of interest would be helpful. Martha Greenberg moved that the Senior Advisory Commission consider sponsoring a high profile event sometime in the next year to increase awareness of senior issues. Jean Alexander seconded the motion, and the motion passed. This item will be placed on the next agenda for further discussion. Agenda Item No. 8, Discussion: Goal Two Goal #2 was not discussed and will be reviewed as part of the next agenda. Agenda Item No. 11, Oven Forum Martha Greenberg submitted the letter she was requested to write to the Texas Department of Human Services, regarding the need for an increase in the number of skilled care nursing beds in Northeast Tarrant County. The letter will be sent on the City of Southlake letterhead from the Senior Advisory Commission. Martha also moved that the Commission not meet in the month of December. The motion was seconded by Betsy Horowitz and approved unanimously. Ali )1 ( Aloof _ II ..?...r Bill Cosgrove, Chair / ' / O test: Southlake Senior Advisory Commission Transportation Committee Meeting at the Senior Activities Center on November 10, 1998, at 11:00 AM The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved. Areas of Committee thrust: 1. Plan for implementing Dick Johnston's proposal - Dick in charge with others to help. Nona out lined action procedure needed to secure city support using example of patio. Group agreed to al low Dick to form sub-committee with lay persons to work on proposal. A possible source of fund ing is the Parks and Recreation 0.5% sales tax. Statistics on the personal transportation services provicec by Dick and Diane would be helpful as background for this proposal. 2. Gathering data to determine need of Seniors and other non-drivers in Southlake area. Fran - with others. 3. Gathering information from Senior Co-coordinators in surrounding towns, using approved ques- tionnaire. 4. Work with developments to locate more Seniors. Progress reports: NETTS has been funded through September `99. Participants report not enough drivers available to ser- vice all the people. Question raised : Is City getting $8500 worth of service? It is now filling a need not met in any other way but not completely successful. Nona did not get stats from their office, they said not available. List is compiled of Senior Centers and Co-ordinators. Report that Martha Greenberg has resigned from Transportation Committee. Bill Cosgrove will return to the Committee. David Baltimore will join the Committee in January. Meetings will be moved to second Mondays, meeting for lunch at 11 am at the Center. No meeting in December. Josh Weiser has joined the Committee and will serve as secretary. Nona suggested that questions on Senior needs could be included in the bi-annual Citizen's Satisfaction Survey when it is carried out. Present: Fran and Josh Weiser, Linda Moore, Bill Cosgrove, Nona Whitehead, Dick Johnston. The Com- mittee continues to look for members with commitment and knowledge of transportation in the area. Fran Weiser, Chair Southlake Senior Advisory Commission Transportation Committee Meeting Agenda at the Senior Activities Center on November 10, 1998 at 11:00 AM 1. Minutes of October 13 meeting - Weiser 2, Discussion and development of a possible plan for first steps in implementing Dick Johnston's proposal for dealing with transportation needs of Seniors and other non-drivers in the Southlake area - Johnston 3. Status of NETTS funding report - Weiser 4. Progress on calls to Center participants - Weiser 5. Progress on listing of Centers and Coordinators and Committee member assignments for survey - Weiser 6. Report on requests and turn-downs from NETTS office - Whitehead 7. Report on Representative Truitt's transportation meetings - Greenberg 8. Discussion of possible reorganization of Transportation Committee and development of a strategy for recruiting members with commitment and expertise - Weiser All interested parties welcome to attend meeting. Fran Weiser, Committee Convener Poste411/6/98