October 13, 1998 - Senior Activity Center
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bill Cosgrove, Martha Greenberg, Fran Weiser,
Betsy Horowitz, Linda Moore, Matalyn Smith
MEMBERS ABSENT: Jeane Alexander
McCoy, Dick Johnston
STAFF PRESENT: Nona Whitehead, Community Services Coordinator
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Cosgrove at 1:15 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of the Minutes for the 9/8/98 meeting
Linda Moore made a motion to approve the minutes. Fran Weiser seconded the motion
and the minutes were approved unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 3, Administrative Comments
Nona Whitehead reported that irrigation, is imminent, Make a Difference Day will focus
on landscape planting and that attendance had been 2115 since the center opened. Nona
also mentioned that she was seeking bids regarding the installation of an acoustical tile
ceiling for the Eubanks room and introduced Dick Johnston to present recommendations
from the Landscape Committee regarding extension of the patio in conjunction with the
pouring of the sidewalks. All members of the Commission voiced their support of the
concept of an expanded patio
Agenda Item No. 4, Report: Metroport Meals on Wheels
Rose Hampshire passed out the September and quarterly statistics. Rose reported that the
fish fry was very labor intensive.
Agenda Item No. 5, Report: Southlake Seniors Activities
Fran Weiser said the Friday Night Dance was a success. The group is now celebrating
birthdays for those over age 90 and anniversaries for those married more than 60 years.
Southlake Seniors has sent a letter to the Southlake Women's Club requesting their
consideration for donations of a new microwave, piano bench and projection screen to
cost approximately $500. The horseshoe pit is finished and there is some interest in a
kitchen band. The organization also sent a letter to Dick Armey regarding the funding for
Agenda Item No. 6, Report: Transportation Committee
Fran Weiser reported that the Transportation Committee had met earlier in the day and
the members will be sending questionnaire to neighboring senior centers. The
questionnaire is directed at finding out what types of transportation services are provided
to seniors in other communities. Fran is conducting a survey of the transportation needs
of the participating Southlake Seniors.
Fran also passed out a transportation proposal from Dick Johnston. She asked
Commission members to study the proposal and give their input to the Transportation
Committee next month.
Agenda Item No. 7. Consideration: Bylaws Revision
Section 2.8 regarding Ex-Officio members was reviewed by the Commission. A motion
to limit the ex-officio membership of past officers to two years was made by Matalyn
Smith. It was seconded by Linda Moore and passed unanimously. Discussion was held
related to the Transportation Committee and section 2.7. Chairman Cosgrove removed
himself from the Transportation Committee to avoid having more than 3 members of the
Commission in attendance, thus violating the requirements of Chapter 551 of the Texas
Government Code, relating to open meetings. Matalyn Smith moved to approve the
Revised Bylaws to include the change on exofficio members. The motion was seconded
by Betsy Horowitz and approved unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 8, Discussion: Goal One
Linda Moore agreed to take Goal One and report back to the Commission with some
recommended action steps.
Agenda Item No. 9, Consider: Scope of Services Agreement with Metoport Meals on
Minor changes were made to the Scope of Services contract for the Tuesday congregate
meal program. The major change being an increase from $6,000 to $10,000. A copy of
the final contract will be affixed to the approved copy of the minutes.
Agenda Item No. 10, Letter of Support for Life Care Management
It was the consensus of the commission that while there is a need for skilled nursing care
bed in Northeast Tarrant County, that the Commission would not go on record as
recommending one particular company. Martha Greenberg volunteered to draft a letter to
Texas Human Services offering generic support for additional facilities in the area,
without naming a specific provider. Martha will bring the letter to the next Commission
Agenda Item No. 11 Open Forum
Martha Greenberg passed out the Summary of the Senior Issues Survey.
Bill Cos ve, Ch ' an