September 8, 1998
Senior Activity Center
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bill Cosgrove, Martha Greenberg, Fran Weiser,
Betsy Horowitz, Jeane Alexander, Tom Ward
MEMBERS ABSENT: Linda Moore, Matalyn Smith
Lifecare Management
STAFF PRESENT: Nona Whitehead, Community Services Coordinator
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Cosgrove at 1:15 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of the Minutes for the 8/11/98 meeting
Tom Ward made a motion to approve the minutes. Martha Greenberg seconded the
motion and the minutes were approved unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 3, Administrative Comments
Nona Whitehead reported that there was no news on irrigation, sidewalks or seeding. It
is possible that they may come out of next year's budget. Nona also requested Agenda
item No. 8, Bylaws Revision to be tabled to next month, due to last minute corrections
from the Assistant City Manager.
Agenda Item No. 4, Presentation: Provident Life Care
Nona introduced John Griffin with Lifecare Management. Mr. Griffin presented
statistical data about the need for skilled nursing facilities in this section of Northeast
Tarrant County. His company is looking for support to build a 125-bed facility to be
located not too far from Baylor Hospital. Mr. Griffin asked that the Commission
consider a letter of support for such a facility. The Commission will study his material
and make a decision at the October meeting on whether to write a letter of support.
Agenda Item No. 5, Report: Metroport Meals on Wheels
Rose Hampshire passed out the August statistics. Metroport Meals on Wheels will be
sponsoring the Friday night social event on the 11th of September.
Agenda Item No. 6, Report: Transportation Committee
Fran Weiser reported that the Transportation Committee had met earlier in the day and
the members will be reviewing a proposed questionnaire to be sent to neighboring
Ppmmunities. The questionnaire is directed at finding out what types of transportation
services are provided to seniors in other communities. The committee also hopes that
more volunteers can be recruited and their efforts become more coordinated.
The committee is also preparing a sample letter to be sent to various state and national
representatives regarding the funding for NETS. This sample letter will be posted on the
bulletin board along with an explanation of the funding problem. The committee also
would like to send a letter to Rep. Richard Armey that would be on City of Southlake
letterhead and indicate concern from the Sr. Advisory Commission, Southlake Seniors
and the Transportation Committee. Fran will provide the sample letter after the meeting
of the Southlake Senior Steering Committee.
Agenda Item No. 7, Report: Southlake Seniors Activities
Fran described the upcoming programs, including the Western Flyers, which will provide
music for the evening of September 11. Southlake Seniors are trying to form a Trip
committee to work with City staff in planning senior trips. Fran also reported that
Chairman Weiser wished to express concern and objection to the Tree Farm being
referred to as the Southlake Seniors Tree Farm. This project was never adopted by the
Southlake Seniors organization.
Agenda Item No. 8, Consideration: Bylaws Revision
Bylaws Revision was tabled to October. The motion was made by Fran Weiser and
seconded by Tom Ward.
Agenda Item No. 9, Discussion: Goal One
Two Commission members had to leave the meeting early. Acting Chair Martha
Greenberg requested a motion to table the goal discussion. The motion was made by
Jeane Alexander and seconded by Fran Weiser.
Agenda Item No. 10, Open Forum
Nona mentioned some tentative plans for Make a Difference Day, which would include
using SYAC youth to help with plantings around the center. Martha Greenberg requested
that we notify seniors about upcoming tax issues and the proposed Gateway Plaza
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:25 p.m.
Bill Cosgrove, C W an