May 12, 1998
Senior Activity Center
MEMBERS PRESENT: Dick Johnston, Chair; Wanda Buschman, Fran Weiser, Linda
MEMBERS ABSENT: Martha Greenberg
STAFF PRESENT: Nona Whitehead, Community Services Coordinator
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dick Johnston at 1:10 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of the Minutes for the 4/14/98 meeting
A motion to approve the minutes with changes in wording was made by Linda Moore,
seconded by Wanda Buschman and approved unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 3, Administrative Comments
Revised Ordinance Status:
Nona Whitehead informed the Commission about the changes in wording
requested by the City Council to including the word "unexcused" in section 3
regarding absences and referring to the June meeting as the"regular" meeting in
June rather than the first meeting in June. A motion to approve the wording
changes for the revised ordinance was made by Wanda Buschman and seconded
by Linda Moore and approved unanimously.
Senior Activity Center Reports
Nona Whitehead reported that Martha Greenberg has volunteered to be the
Volunteer Coordinator for the Senior Activity Center. Mrs. Whitehead also
indicated that committees may be needed in addition to the regular volunteers to
handle tasks such as set-ups and grounds keeping. She reported that an irrigation
system is planned for the grounds in the future.
Agenda Item No. 4,Report on City Street and House Signage
Fran Weiser reported that she attended the April 28 meeting of the Sign Ordinance
Committee. Fran indicated that there was agreement from the committee on the need for
improved signange,but that the committee was not focusing on street signs. The
ordinance committee recommended that a proposal should be made to Public Works with
a plan for incremental budget requests beginning with the City Council budget workshop
in June.
Fran suggested that SPIN might survey the neighborhoods for outdated or needed signs.
Dick Johnston offered to include this request when he spoke to SPIN in June and
suggested that a sign task force could be formed to study the issue. Rose Hampshire
questioned whether signs were the major issue the Commission should be considering.
Wanda Buschman indicated that signs were not a major issue for her. Dick Johnston
suggested that seniors might volunteer to identify signs that were needed in their
neighborhoods. Nona Whitehead suggested that a low key approach such as listing the
issue in the newsletters and asking people to let us know where there are area of concern
or in need of improvement might be the starting point. No formal action was taken. Dick
Johnston asked that this item appear again on the next agenda for further discussion.
Agenda Item No. 5, Metroport Meals on Wheels - April Stats
Rose Hampshire passed out the April report. The statistics are attached to these minutes.
Agenda Item No. 6, Senior Living Community
Chairman Johnston reported that Planning and Zoning was supportive for approving the
zoning with the exception of Ann Creighton. Discussion about the merits and need for
this facility ensued and the strong consensus of the Senior Advisory Commission was
that the concern over apartments should not outweigh the needs of seniors. Dick
Johnston reported that he lives in Jellico Estates which is across from the proposed
campus and that the residents on Jellico and surrounding neighbors are supportive.
Agenda Item No. 7, Northeast Tarrant County Senior Issues Committee
The date for the meeting related to the report of this committee has been changed to June
Agenda Item No. 8, Southlake Seniors Activity Report
Fran Weiser reported that the Southlake Seniors are happy to been in their new location.
They will host a Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon on May 19. Fran listed the activities
available at the center and her report is attached to the minutes.
Agenda Item No. 9, Transportation - Senior Van
The discussion included the possibility of leasing a van and sharing with Parks. Nona
Whitehead recommended that the first step is to gather data on the need for a van. The
office at the center will act as clearing house for information and will set up a record
keeping system to record those who call to request rides, and keep a database of
volunteers who can meet this need. Numbers will need to be gathered to document the
need for a van. A van to help facilitate activity trips, may need to be leased from time to
Agenda Item No. 10, Annual Report
Dick Johnston presented his draft of the Annual Report. Chairman Johnston asked
Commission members to edit the report and bring it to the June meeting for final editing.
Agenda Item No. 11, Open Forum
The Commission discussed the need for an orientation for new members to be chosen on
May 19. Nona will call those selected and invite them to a brief orientation on May 21 at
10:00 a.m. at the Senior Activity Center.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 2:50 p.m.
Dick stop, Chair
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Metroport Meals On Wheels Monthly Report Month of: April 1998
P. O. Box 204 Detail Report on Congregate Luncheon Division: Southlake
504 N. Oak Street
Roanoke, TX 76262
Week Date 7-Apr 14-Apr 21-A r 28-Apr orals
# Southlake Seniors 32; 23 26 24 105
I ~ I
# of Other Seniors 18, 9I 13 i 141 54
# Volunteers/ Director
6 5. 8 7' 26
# Others 2 3 6' 4 15
ATTENDANCE 58 40 53 49 0 200
# Who Paid 37' 26I 24 34'i 121
# Who Brought
Potluck 15' 8' 221 5 j 50
# Meals ordered from
Centralized Kitchen 501 50! 0'I 501 150
$ Cost of Food
Ordered $ 125.00 $ 125.00 125.00 $ 375.00
$ Collected for Food
Served $ 92.50 $ 65.00 $ 60.00 $ 85.00 $ 302.50
$ Collected for Other
Reasons 0
Not Eating 4 4' 7: 51
817/491-1141- office
SLcong98 817/491-0661 - fax
Metroport Meab®n Wheels APRIL 1998 Date:5111/98
P. O. Box 204 Income/Expense Report Month Ending: 4/30/98
504 N. Oak Shed Southlake Congregate Luncheon
Roanoke, TX 7W62
Income: I ! !
t3V of Southlake I 1 $ 416.00
+Qdkx:ted for Craft Project
((erected at Cong. Lunch j $ 302.50 ;
! I
i I I $ 718.50
i I
Donated/in Kind I !
Eger (5 Baked Chickens) $ 17.50
! 1
$ 7315.00
Meal Expense $ 375.00
Craft/Activities $ 112.00,
$ 112.00
Supplies - Luncheon
1 $ 28.94
i ~
I$ -
$ 32.00
Sr. Director
Salary $ 295.
used on 8 hr wk x $8/hr
$ 843.46
SLexp98 817/431-1141 - Office
817/491-0661 - Fax
Metroport Meals On Wheels, Inc.
Southlake Meals On Wheels
Statistics for Home Delivered Meal Programs
January - March 1998
Home DeNwered Meal Program: '
January February March , Total
Mews Served 174 183 r :9g 551
Total Collected $231.60 $257.40 $218.60 $ 707.60
Expcnses $417.60 $439.20 $465.60 $1322.40
Subsidized $186.00 $181.80 $247.00 $614.80
SLHD 1 s3Qtr98 05/11/98