1998-07-14 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION July 14, 1998 Senior Activity Center MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bill Cosgrove, Fran Weiser, Linda Moore, Martha Greenberg, Matalyn Smith, Jeane Alexander, Tom Ward MEMBERS ABSENT: Betsy Horowitz EX OFFICIO MEMBERS PRESENT: Rose Hampshire STAFF PRESENT: Nona Whitehead, Community Services Coordinator The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Cosgrove at 1:12p.m. Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of the Minutes for the 6/9/98 meeting It was noted that Fran Weiser's name was misspelled and that clarification was need on Agenda Item No. 11. The minutes will be amended to reflect that is unclear whether persons who are not Commission members can be appointed to a committee. The consensus of the Commission was that committees should be open to anyone and that this issue will be clarified when the by-laws are revised. Linda Moore moved to approve the minutes as amended. The motion was seconded by Matalyn Smith and approved unanimously. Agenda Item No. 3, Administrative Comments Chairman Cosgrove announced that Wanda Buschman had sent a letter to say that she had resigned to pursue other interests. Her resignation means that Betsy Horowitz is now a regular member and Tom Ward is first Alternate. Nona Whitehead reported that the parking lot is scheduled to be striped this week and that the irrigation system is in the design phase. It is her understanding that fill dirt will be added to the back yard to even out the ground and that the area will be seeded with Bermuda grass. Parking lot lights should be installed as soon as the power company can catch up on their workload due to the high heat and transformer failures. Nona also passed out the draft of upcoming programs for August, which include a Master Gardening series and Beginning Bridge lessons. Agenda Item No. 4, Report: Metroport Meals on Wheels Rose Hampshire passed out the June statistics and a report on the 51' Tuesday cookout. Chase Bank has offered to help with the 5' Tuesday functions and Rose will follow up on their offer. Agenda Item No. 5, Report: Sr. Leadership Committee Martha Greenberg reported that the Sr. Issues Survey is still not printed, but she was able to secure a section of the data related to transportation for the Transportation Committee. Martha reported that from the original committee, a Sr. Leadership Committee is now being formed which will try to serve as an information system for this area. Agenda Item No. 6, Report: Southlake Seniors Activities Fran Weiser reported that as of June 16, the Southlake Seniors had a fund balance of $902.62. Fran said that Southlake Seniors will hold their next quarterly Friday night event in September. Rose has agreed to help with the event, which is sponsored by Metroport Meals on Wheels. The organization will be contacting school choral groups to provide entertainment at the Tuesday luncheons in December. The Steering Committee has changed their regular meeting date to the third Tuesday to allow Nona time to get the publicity out for any special program requests. Fran also presented a letter from Josh Weiser, President of the Southlake Seniors Steering Committee, to recommend renewal of the contract with Metroport Meals on Wheels. Agenda Item No. 7, Process for Setting Goals Nona suggested that one goal be looked at each meeting, and then assigned to members who would recommend any action items related to their goal. Fran Weiser moved that the Commission start working on the by-laws in August and begin the goals one at a time when the work on the by-laws is complete. The motion was seconded by Matalyn Smith and approved unanimously. Nona will draft a matrix of current wording and suggested revisions to be used as a working document. The matrix will be sent out ahead of the meeting, most likely in the packet. Agenda Item No. 8, Open Forum Fran Weiser reported that a Transportation Committee meeting had been held at 11:00 prior to the lunch. The committee has come up with several questions to answer as a first step. Among the questions are: How many are requesting rides from NETS that they can not get? What are the reasons? What are other cities doing? What do we expect our Council to want to do? What are the options and costs related to using commercial transportation companies? Fran reported that Nona is trying to compile information on rides being arranged through volunteers. Martha Greenberg indicated that medical trips are the major transportation need and that volunteer efforts as well as a transportation system will both be needed. Nona reported that a landscaping meeting had been held and that the need for a garden storage shed had been brought to light. Dick Johnston has asked for a building that can hold wheelbarrows, rakes, hoses and other tool for the volunteers who are working on the grounds at the Center. Nona suggested that the Commission might consider making a request to a civic organization to meet this need. Matalyn Smith moved that the Senior Advisory Commission request a donation of $2500 from the Newcomers Club to be used for an outside storage building and equipment. Jeane Alexander seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. Fran Weiser noted that it might be necessary for donation requests to come from the Southlake Seniors organization, as her understanding was that the City of Southlake did not seek donations and the Sr. Advisory Commission is essentially a city organization. Fran Weiser and Nona Whitehead will work on the letter. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m. Bill Cosgrove, Chainnan Attest: