1998-06-09 a ) CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION June 9, 1998 Senior Activity Center MEMBERS PRESENT: Dick Johnston, Chair; Wanda Buschman, Fran Weisner, Linda Moore, Bill Cosgrove, Martha Greenberg, Matalyn Smith, Betsy Horowitz, Jeane Alexander MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Ward (alt) EX OFFICIO MEMBERS PRESENT: Rose Hampshire STAFF PRESENT: Nona Whitehead, Community Services Coordinator The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dick Johnston at 1:02p.m. Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of the Minutes for the 5/12/98 meeting A motion to approve the minutes was made by Wanda Buschman, seconded by Bill Cosgrove and approved unanimously. Agenda Item No. 3, Administrative Comments Nona Whitehead passed out handouts related to the NETS and the organization of the City of Southlake and the Community Services Division. She reported that the janitorial service contract has begun and asked the committee to report any cleaning concerns they might observe. Agenda Item No. 4, Discussion of the Annual Report Dick Johnston asked for edits to the annual report. Spelling errors for commission members were corrected. Mr. Johnston was asked to identify the discretionary frills for the final report. He will make the edits to include "costly painting and landscaping water tanks, money outlays to sister cities programs, etc" under the section on Police, Fire and EMS. Agenda Item No. 5, Report - Tree Farm Dick Johnston reported that all the trees are planted in Tree Farm #I and that the irrigation system has been installed. The committee is looking for a spot for farm #2. Possible sites include land behind Shady Oaks Shopping Center and a spot on F.C. LeVrier land. The group has acquired an 8x8 building for tools and supplies and is within their budget. Agenda Item No. 6, Election of Officers Chairman Johnston passed out slips of paper for nominations and asked if there were any volunteers for the three offices. Martha Greenberg volunteered to continue as Vice 7/ 14/98sr/min/98-5-12 Chair and suggested Matalyn Smith as a candidate for Chair. Jeane Alexander volunteered to serve as secretary. Bill Cosgrove volunteered to serve in any office that was needed. Dick Johnston then asked the members to submit written votes for each position. The votes were as follows: Chair: Bill Cosgrove 4 Matalyn Smith 3 V. Chair Martha Greenberg 6 Bill Cosgrove 1 Secretary Jeane Alexander 7 Agenda Item No. 7, Discussion of Time and Place of Future Meetings Newly elected Chairman Bill Cosgrove indicated that the Tuesday time slot was convenient. Rose Hampshire shared that it is difficult for her to make the 1:00 p.m. time. Matalyn Smith said that she hoped the luncheons would serve as an opportunity to gather input from the seniors. Wanda Buschman moved that the meeting time be moved to 1:15 p.m. to give Rose more time. Matalyn Smith seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Agenda Item No. 8, Report: Metroport Meals on Wheels May Statistics Rose Hampshire distributed the attached statistics for the month of May. She indicated that Chase Bank may provide a cookout for the 5th Tuesday in June. Agenda Item No. 9, Report: Northeast Tarrant County Senior Issues Committee Due to the illness of her son, Martha Greenberg was unable to attend the final luncheon of the committee. The Issues study is complete and a copy will be available for the Senior Activity Center. Agenda Item No. 10, Report: Southlake Seniors Activities Fran Weiser said that there is $900 in the treasury. The money comes from selling the Mexican Train game and the Card Crafters. Fran reported that the Western Flyers band was well received at the First Friday Potluck. The Southlake Seniors plan on paying for the meat for the fifth Tuesday cookout. The group is also looking into possible tuning of the piano. Mrs. Weiser also shared that the Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon was a success and that Josh Weiser is reviewing a video on Crime Against Seniors as a possible program. Agenda Item No. 11, Discussion: Transportation - Senior Van Martha Greenberg said that this commission needs to study the need for transportation. Bill Cosgrove asked if anyone wanted to be on a Transportation Committee. Fran Weiser and Martha Greenberg volunteered to be on the committee. Fran Weiser will chair the committee and it was unclear whether members could be added from outside the Commission. This issue will be clarified when the By-laws are revised. Martha indicated that the Senior Issues Committee identified Transportation as a major issue for this area of the metroplex. Martha shared that the NETS service is inadequate for several needs and that Southlake needs its own transportation. Rose Hampshire added that one major problem is that you have to call a day ahead and then the trips are prioritized by need. 7/ 14/98 sr/rnin/98-5-12 Agenda Item No. 12, Discussion: Street and House Signage This discussion was tabled to a future agenda Agenda Item No. 13, Open Forum Nona Whitehead brought up the issue of whether a BBQ grill was needed. Fran Weiser moved that the Commission table the issue for now and see what options might be available in the future. Martha pointed out that it is time for the Commission to be thinking about letters to the charitable civic groups for any needs. Landscaping was mentioned and Nona will try to get an estimate on the sod needed for the back yard. Nona will also look into the status of the parking lot paving for the next meeting. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 2:40 p.m. Approved: Bill Cosgrove, C ; 'r 7 A z2 ttest: 7/ 14/98sr/min/98-5-12