1998-01-13 City of Southlake, Texas SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION January 13, 1998 Meeting Minutes Members Present: Wanda Buschman, Martha Greenberg, Dick Johnston, Fran Weiser Members Absent: Zena Rucker, Linda Moore Ex Officio Members Present: Kelly Bradley, and Rose Hampshire City Staff Present: Shelli Siemer, Senior Community Services Coordinator; Nona Whitehead, Community Services Coordinator Agenda Item No. 1: Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 1:15 p.m. by Chairman Dick Johnston. Agenda Item No. 2: Approval of Minutes for 12/9/97 Meeting A motion was made to approve the minutes as revised. Agenda item 4 revised. Motion: Wanda Buschman Second: Martha Greenberg Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Approved: 4-0 Abstain: 0 Agenda Item No. 3: Administrative Comments Shelli Siemer reported that Aloha Payne has resigned from the Senior Advisory Commission due to health reasons. Her absence will be greatly missed. The Commission will need to appoint a new Secretary. Dick Johnston asked what the procedures are for filling the position. Shelli stated that the Senior Advisory Commission may recommend the City Council fill Aloha's unexpired term and the alternate position which became vacant when Linda Moore was appointed to fill Jim Goggin's unexpired term. The City Secretary will advertise the vacancies and will accept applications for the Senior Advisory Commission. The City Council appoints members to the commission and both vacant positions have term expiration dates of May, 1998. The Senior Advisory Commission needs to decide whether to recommend the vacancies be filled before the May appointment process. Dick Johnston thinks they should be filled as soon as possible. The Commission discussed asking Zena Rucker, currently an alternate, to fill Aloha's unexpired term. Dick will call Zena to see if she is interested. If she is interested, then there will have two alternate positions vacant. Senior Advisory Commission Meeting on January 13, 1998 Agenda Item No 4, Report: Metroport Meals On Wheels - December Statistics Rose Hampshire distributed a December monthly report and a quarterly report. Metroport Meals on Wheels provided three congregate lunches during the month of December with the first two Tuesdays averaging 40 seniors and the fifth Tuesday of the month hosting 23 seniors. On December 16th, the seniors were invited to Country Side Bible Church and on December 23rd, Diana Collins hosted a party for the seniors at her house. Rose reported on the quarterly statistics. The expenses associated with the Southlake Congregate Luncheon program broke close to even with $70 surplus. The expenses included supplies for the congregate luncheon, craft project supplies, bingo prizes and table decorations. Some months there are no expenses for supplies or crafts, because they purchase items when they run out. The 4th quarter attendance records averaged 40 seniors for the congregate lunch program. Martha Greenberg asked Rose about what she expects for attendance when the senior center opens. Rose stated the Metroport Meals on Wheels will only be in charge of the Tuesday lunch program and she expects it will be consistent with the current attendance levels. Fran Weiser stated that the numbers will fluctuate once it is an established senior center. Dick Johnston asked about what is magic about Tuesday? What about Friday? Or evening meals? Wanda Bushman stated that the Grapevine Senior Center has an evening pot luck and dance on Fridays. The Commission discussed alternatives for meal programs including the option for seniors who are participating in ,a program at the center to order food to be delivered to the senior center. Kelly Bradley reported that seniors come for food and stay for other activities. Shelli Siemer stated that when MMOW contract was renewed we evaluated the weekly lunch program and the city budgeted for the congregate lunch program to remain at one day a week. The need for additional planned lunch programs will be reevaluated once the senior center is operational. Nona Whitehead is planning the programs and activities for the senior center and reported on the plan to host a participant potluck to obtain input from the seniors about programming needs. Agenda Item No 5, R pQrt• Eubank's House Renovation for Senior Center - Shelli Siemer reported on the progress of the senior center since the December meeting. The areas completed include the following: duct work, electrical wiring, plumbing work, windows installed in the addition, insulated the entire house, plastic wrapped over insulation, sheetrock hung, tape-bed-and texture on the walls, parking lot graded and flex base spread over the area. The next steps in the project include the following: siding on the new addition, cabinets installed, outside doors installed, inside doors and trim, and painting. The center will not be completed until the spring time. We have increased the initial scope of work to provide a better facility by replacing everything in the house including all the walls, cabinets, insulation, etc. The weather has been a factor because we cannot pour the asphalt until the parking lot dries out. We will look at all the options to expedite the completion of the center. Dick Johnston stated that it is worth the wait. Martha Greenberg stated that she is pleased with the response from the community. Senior Advisory Commission Meeting on January 13, 1998 Agenda Item No. 6. Report: Assisted Care/Independent Living Facility Dick Johnston stated that the retirement community proposal should be coming forward soon. According to Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, the company is trying to submit their proposed development plans to the Community Development Department by January 26. If they meet the deadline, the item will be discussed at the February 19 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. This is dependent on the company completing their plans and then the City schedules the item for consideration with Planning & Zoning. Agenda Item No. 7, Report: Northeast Tarrant County Senior Issues Committee Martha Greenberg reported that the last meeting was a work session to compile the survey. They will meet next week and it will also be a work session. Dick Johnston suggested inviting individuals from nearby areas to discuss issues affecting seniors. Martha Greenberg stated that there are a number of individuals who would be willing to speak. Fran Weiser asked whether they only want them to speak to the Senior Advisory Commission? Dick Johnston stated he would like to see programs provided for all seniors. Martha Greenberg suggested using the Senior Sentinel paper as an excellent resource. Wanda Buschman supported the idea by stating that the paper always reports on senior issues. Agenda Item No. 8, Report: Southlake Seniors- Report on Activities Planned Fran Weiser reported on the activities of the Southlake Seniors Organization. The Southlake Seniors Steering Committee did not meet in December, but the programs continued with special holiday programs including a visit from Santa Claus and a special holiday party at Diana Collins' house. Fran announced several upcoming events planned for the seniors. (See Southlake Seniors January Report) Nona Whitehead stated there were some programs which need to be rescheduled since the center will not open in March. We will check into alternative dates of the "55 Alive" driving class. If she gets calls about the program, they may schedule it in another location. Nona recommended waiting until the center opens to offer the driving class. Wanda Buschman agreed with the idea because it will encourage more participation among Southlake senior citizens. Agenda Item 9, Discussion: Policies & Procedures Nona Whitehead sent the updated policies and procedures to the Senior Advisory Commission. The donation policy discussed at the last meeting will not be adopted. There will be one donation policy for the entire city instead of separate donation policies for each area. The Senior Center Use Policy will go before the City Council for consideration soon. Fran Weiser stated that the Senior Advisory Commission worked hard on the Donation Policy and hopes the city considers their input when developing the city-wide policy. Nona also stated that there is still a need for a portable sound system and a computer for the senior center. Agendatem No. 10, Discussion: Senior Tree Farm Proposal Dick Johnston reported on the progress of the Senior Tree Farm. The location of the farm will be off of Continental near the Public Works facility on some expansion property the city owns. Dick has located one supplier for trees and plans to visit one in Glenrose to get some Senior Advisory Commission Meeting on January 13, 1998 good experience. Hopefully they will be starting within the next 30 days. Dick has had several verbal commitments from individuals agreeing to help him start the tree farm. Several senior members have shown interest in the farm. Agenda Item No. 11, Discussion: Goals & Objectives Dick Johnston asked the commission whether they are comfortable with the developed goals and objectives or whether they need to be revised. Martha Greenberg stated that she does not think it is ready to go forward. Fran Weiser agreed because she feels it is too general. Martha Greenberg stated that the goals should not be too specific because goals are supposed to be broad. Fran Weiser believes that the each goal should become a sub-committee and people will be willing to take on specific tasks that are more easily accomplished. Dick Johnston stated that these are not only the goals of the Senior Advisory Commission. Shelli Siemer stated that these are goals developed by the Senior Advisory Commission to accomplish as a group, but should be reflective of the needs of the seniors in the community. The Commission discussed each member taking responsibility for a goal and including the seniors to help accomplish the goals. Nona Whitehead suggested that each sub-committee rotate in reporting their accomplishments to the Senior Advisory Commission at their monthly meeting. Fran Weiser stated that their needs to be a method for tracking and measuring the goals. Agenda Item No 12, Discussion: Other items of concern Dick Johnston opened the floor to discuss any other items of concern. Kelly Bradley asked the commission what the city wants from Metroport Meals on Wheels regarding the plans for an additional day to provide a congregate lunch to Southlake senior citizens. Kelly suggested that she submit a proposal listing the options MMOW has available to the city once the senior center opens. Shelli Siemer reminded Kelly that this summer they discussed analyzing the needs and demand for an additional day once the center opens. Since the center will not open until the spring, we will not be able to evaluate the demand until after the programs are operational. Shelli also stated that this is a city facility and that we do not have a need for a nutrition program. Shelli also stated that when planning programs we have to consider the customers and a vast majority of Southlake Seniors do not need a nutrition program, but rather need a variety of programs and activities. Nona suggested MMOW submit a proposal to the city. Agenda Item No. 13, Meeting Adjourn Wanda Buschman moved to adjourn the meeting. Fran Weiser seconded the motion. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 2:36 P.M. Submitted Approved Secretary Dick Jo! on, Chairperson Senior Advisory Commission Meeting on January 13, 1998 Southlake Seniors January Report The Southlake Seniors Steering Committee did not meet in December, but the programs as planned and several not planned filled the weekly meetings with special holiday music programs and the surprise appearance of Santa Clause. One meeting was a party at the Countryside Bible Church and another at the home of Diane and Quentin Collins, honoring the 59th wedding anniversary of Thelma and C. B. Jones. Much good will and friendly greetings between members were evidence of the growing friendships among our members: -ie Southlake Senior Award is going forward and will be presented at the Chamber of Commerce Annual Awards dinner on January 16th. The recipient and a table of congratulators will be present. Future events planned are: anua 20 - God's country Kids will be performing and entertaining at 10:30 am. February 12 - Thursday - A special open meeting arranged by Nona Whitehead will feature a lawyer who specializes in Elder Law changes and tax law changes. Bicentennial Park at 10:30 am. February 17 -josh Weiser will talk on Crime Against Seniors, reporting on a meeting he attended and material he has collected. February 19 - Thursday - Parks and Recreation will sponsor a trip to the Dallas Arboretum leaving at 10 am. March 12 - Thursday - Parks and Recreation trip to Farmers' Market in Dallas. February 24 - Fat Tuesday Dance at the Lions Club. March 10 and 12 - Nona arranged for the AARP driving class for seniors, live, required for insurance rate reduction, from 1 to 5 pm. Don't throw out your Christmas cards (or birthday, etc.) but bring them to the Tuesday Seniors meeting for recycling. N-LVN~ „/L" . / v Ll/rirv"h..lwh (.(~lv~ l ~v\ ~J .m.~/rvf~'~ t V. ~ J ' Fran Weiser, Secretary Southlake Seniors