1997-10-14 City of Southlake, Texas i SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION 14 October 1997 Meeting Minutes Members Present: Chairman Dick Johnston, Martha Greenberg, Linda Moore, Aloha Payne, Zena Rucker, Fran Weiser, Wanda Buschman Members Absent: Ex Officio Members Present: Rose Hampshire City Staff Present: Shelli Siemer, Community Services Coordinator. Agenda Item No. 1: Call to Order Chairman Johnston called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. on Tuesday, 14 October 1997. Agenda Item No. 2: Approval of Minutes for 9 September 1997 Meeting A Motion was made to accept the minutes as submitted. Motion: Dick Johnston Second: Aloha Payne Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Approved: 5-0 Abstain: 1 (Wanda Buschman) Agenda Item No. 3: Administrative Comment Shelli Siemer reported that Linda Moore has been appointed for the replacement for the vacant position on SAC. There is one alternate position still available. The position can be j advertised or we can wait until May for the next appointments to fill the position. The meeting scheduled by Life Styles Inc., concerning Proposed Retirement Campus has been rescheduled for 11 November, 1997. Mr. Owens, the owner, lives in Southlake at 800 West Southlake Blvd. next to Mayor Stacy. The meeting will be held at his house. All seniors are invited. Dick Johnston stated the proposed facility is located across from West Jellico, on property ! in the Keller School District. Minutes for Special Meeting for Goal Setting were passed out. Please attach to handout Mission Statement. Be sure to review the Mission Statement & Goals for next Goal Setting Meeting scheduled for 11 November 1997, at 10:00 a.m. We will have our Goal Setting Meeting, attend the Senior Luncheon and then have our regularly scheduled SAC meeting. Agenda Item No. 4. Consideration: Amendment to the Bylaws Dick Johnston stated revisions were made to B I I a ws at last meeting and called for further comments. A Motion was made to accept the Bylaws as revised. Motion: Linda Moore Second: Martha Greenberg Ayes: 6 Nays: 0 Approved: 6-0 Abstain: 0 ! 1 Agenda Item No. 5. Reg_ort: Metroport Meals On Wheels - August Statistics Rose Hampshire reported that we have added two new people on delivery route from Southlake and will have two more in the next week. We will be up to six Southlake addresses. We have discovered that it is becoming easier to find those who need help because of familiarity with the workers. Rose has, also, sent free lunch tickets to a couple of people who eat at the Tuesday Luncheon. She felt it was less embarrassing for them to treat it in this manner. This practice will be continued as needed. Left over food is now being sent home with seniors. Having Diane Collins around helps because she gets busy and packs up containers. Today, forty-two seniors attended the luncheon, not counting volunteers. Guest will not show up in Monthly Report except under free lunch. Each week a drawing is made for one free lunch ticket. Consequently, the Cost of Food Ordered and Collected for Food Served is not equal on the Monthly Report. See Monthly Report September 1997. Dick Johnston asked how many seniors were at the first luncheon in April 1995? Ten (10). What he sees is that the Seniors will outgrow the Bicentennial Building about the time we get into the Eubanks house and will probably outgrow the house within a couple of years. We will look forward to that problem. Agenda Item No. 6 Report: Eubank's House Renovation for Senior Center Shelli Siemer passed around an updated flyer containing names of the latest contributors. There has been a tremendous response. Team leaders John Moore, Bill Hutson, and Mario Molina are taking a big role in the renovation. They have been working closely with F. C. LeVrier and Lanny Tate. There have been many organizations in Southlake who have volunteered to help. The kickoff date is 25 October, and we will continue with weekend workdays until mid December, when we hope to have a Christmas Party Open House. Southlake Sister Cities & Texas National Bank will be donating $100 each to feed volunteers. We would like to have others sponsor food for the volunteers on a weekend. Dick Johnston volunteered that the Seniors will sponsor lunch on 15 November. Suggestion was that the seniors buy food rather than do "pot luck." A Payne stated she would ask the Southlake Historical Society to sponsor a weekend. Master Chan Lee is having a big martial arts competition in Dallas and would like to donate 50% of proceeds to the Senior Center. His Financial Planner noticed the publicity concerning the Center and suggested he consider them as a charity to benefit from the proceeds. Linda Moore reported that she is amazed by the people coming forward. We need to give these generous people as much publicity as possible. Dick asked that Shelli have updated handouts at the SPIN Summitt to make the citizens more aware of who is volunteering. Nona Whitehead will be focusing on when the facility opens. She will be at the next meeting with proposed policies for the SAC to consider. Linda and Nona will work on that together. Nona will be meeting with Fran and Linda to make a list of all the articles needed for the Center to open. There was a discussion about where donations end up. Shelli stated cash donations given to the city will be put in the funds going towards the senior center project. There is about $118,000 from SPDC for the renovation project this does not cover inside furnishing. Included in city budget for the Senior Center are a refrigerator and some of furnishings in living area (chairs & tables). Agenda Item No. 7. Report: Zoning for Assisted Care Facility Dick Johnston stated he had planned to update us on the citywide SPIN meeting to be 11 November concerning Proposed Retirement campus. The facility will range in the 20M amount. It will be built in three phases. Phase I and 2 will be built simultaneously. Phase 1 will have 25 separate villas. Phase 2 will be limited assistant care (bath in and things not requiring a nurse). Phase 3 will have RN assisted care. Phase 1 will be independent living villas with one car parking. Recreational facilities, cafeteria, health facilities in Phase 2. It is gated and fenced throughout. Will not be a large massive unit. Mr. Owens owns the land. The villas are between 934 sq.ft. and 1180 sq.ft. They are one and two bedrooms. Shelli stated that it is important for the Seniors to go to the meetings and get involved. Martha Greenberg stated that it is hoped that the Southlake Seniors will be able to afford these units and they will be allowed to sign up first. There is nothing further on Assisted Care Ordinance it is still waiting for someone to tell the city council who qualifies to be in assisted living. Agenda Item No. 8 Report: Northeast Tarrant County Senior Issues Committee Martha Greenberg stated that the NTCSenior Issues Committee is finished with presentations so there was a brief meeting last month. The Committee is waiting for survey tabulations to come back from the University of North Texas. Over three thousand different seniors were contacted. The survey concerns where seniors think the needs are. The health care and health facilities have already been involved. Now, the information will be analyzed and tabulated. Agenda Item No. 9 Report: Metropolitan Tarrant County Agency on Aging Wanda Buschman reported that she had attended only one meeting on July 21, 1997, of the Metropolitan Tarrant County Agency On Aging. She felt the organization would not benefit the Senior Advisory Commission at this time. A Motion was made to remove Metropolitan Tarrant County Agency on Aging from the agenda. Motion: Wanda Buschman Second: Fran Weiser Ayes: 6 Nays: 0 Approved: 6-0 Abstain: 0 Agenda Item No. 10 Report: Southlake Seniors - Report on Activities Planned Fran Weiser had a handout concerning Southlake Senior Citizen of the Year 1997. See Handout & Southlake Steering Committee Minutes. Agenda Item No. 11. Discussion: Public Safety Issues Dick Johnston stated the city has proposed a 1/2 cent sales tax to be voted on in November. He believes the moneys will be used to equip the Police Dept., and purchase sites for Public Safety facilities. Article in paper on Sept. 8 about fire protection insurance ratings. Dick stated that our insurance rate will increase $75 because of improper unsatisfactory fire facilities in the city. The article indicated our rating was seven. The worst was Westlake at ten. Watauga was nine. North Richland Hills with five satellite fire stations was a four and not on list of increase in rate. Dick took an informal poll of those members supporting the 1/2 sales tax as representing the senior citizens and young people. Dick stated that all the tax will cover is police equipment and purchase of land to build the stations. A majority of the SAC is opposed to the sales tax. There will be some members who will openly campaign against it. Shelli said they should consider the fact that sales tax is paid by people shopping in Southlake and will not affect Southlake residents the same as the property tax. It is just a different type of tax. Dick Johnston brought up the issue of a nonbinding vote for city hall. Dick Johnston and A Payne both feel there is a certain amount of frustration manifested by committee members. They both noted that the City Council appoints residents to committees to study certain issues and then the Council completely ignores the recommendations and do the opposite. A Payne said that the Library Committee and the City Hall Committee are good examples. Dick Johnston spoke to the fact that he is very supportive of Billy Campbell. Martha stated that the city was not addressing their problems. She also stated that the city does not have its priorities in the right place. Dick said that Fire & Police should come before Parks. 3 Shelli stated that the City Council recognizes Public Safety & Fire needs as a priority and explained that is why they are going before the voters to request this type of financing. Martha stated that they were also asking for more officers at the school. Agenda Item No. 12. Discussion: Seniors In Need Zena Rucker is waiting for the report from Martha, which will be a while in coming. In the meantime, she has acquired a list of people over eighty years of age in the city. The only one on the list that Zena knows is her neighbor and she feels she would be insulted if called. This will be ticklish to do. We need to get phone numbers on list. Then, we can form a telephone committee. Dick suggested Zena visit with Dorothy Cosgrove and work up publicity on a "Seniors in Need" program. Diana Collins would be another source for information. Shelli suggested that a plan be made for the best approach. Shelli said a possibility is to send out letters to those people inviting them to lunch program before calling these seniors at home. We do not want to turn people off. Good publicity is first. Agenda Item No. 13. Discussion: SPIN Summit Dick Johnson will be a featured speaker at the SPIN Summitt. He has two projects to speak of in three minutes. One project being the Southlake Seniors Program. One of the most immediate funding needs is a van for transportation. The other project is the Southlake Senior Tree Farm to supply trees where needed in the city. There are several places where a small tree farm could be located. Tracks would need to have access to the street and to water. The work that would involve establishing a working drip system. Also, someone to keep the weeds down such as teen court. The trees would belong to the city, but would be planted on individuals lawns. Fran Weiser states she did not think the tree farm is a good idea because the city would compete with the private tree farms located in Southlake. This project would involve "beginning seniors," fifty and above. Many think of senior citizens as those who only need to be waited on. The SAC supports Dick in these projects. Fran was concerned that notification and permission be obtained from private property owners before planting trees. She told of a case in Cincinnati where property owners removed trees the city had planted, because they did not want them. She suggested that we investigate the possible need for a landscape easement in the City of Southlake. Agenda Item No. 14. Discussion: Other Items -Goal Setting Meeting has time set. Review the handout and we will revise at next meeting. -Linda asked that if anyone sees articles in the newspaper or pictures on the renovation to please save. -Seniors Weekend to serve food Nov. 15/16. Linda Moore and Zena Rucker volunteered to be in charge. There being no further business, Wanda Buschman made the Motion to adjourn, Aloha Payne seconded it. The time was approximately 3:10 p.m. ATTEST: Dick J on, Chairman Aloha Payne, ecretary 4 SENIOR ADVISG,KY COMMISSION Attendance Record .v.? 4 r ~:v '~.ri:::'' r :v ~i, -'i{ ~~:::•~~::?:Y:.::i: 'r•~ . •Jii!iirK .f....... .~~!!R~~ ....................:......J. ~F}.:.n .....:......t'1i •::r# : .ati'{r :r.4. . - r... r -.v. .n~.`.~....' , r..M1....r x........::::: \v:•}rnv:. • v.: :..........:rti' }::r}',{•}.rv}}:• : 4.• .........r, r......................,..............,..,.r.................... r.. v. .x.... n......... .......n.:.r~...v... r........ r T v.,. v..: rv:::...... r.:r}....•.................... i . , {v:¢ .r........ n. n... v A•....vv .r... x:: m. fi}ri : rr..rr......,, ,v:::•: v..v. . ,..+nt '?2~ v✓•. r.. ...,.r ....r....r.... ..,.,.,.r ,.}.{i.:{.:,'•: •:i. :r:{,+;.~' ,T.......:ww,,..{ ....,?f..-.......:.,..r:r .........rr.......}.. .v......... r....,.............. rr. r rrr: r: 3.: •:::::r::•:.•:: • . ..ti 4 i r... n.................................. rr.....:.v• ; r?.,} ..v:::..r?r ::.:fi}:•}:'.•::::.JF:: •::.v, u::::: ~ar.~ ~4'i'•.,$, . r . + ,.Arr. v:..r. f...:. ..ry . {:•}+:ti:•}::i.; ,{r r r :r:::.•.x•;.r. ..v{^:::::p'.}v::w :::::::::::::::::::::.v;•}x:.v::::v::vw::?'.;?.:::~}}::,............... w.,.r.r .Sv:::::::?: {w::::::•:•}}:•}:: :•i:•T:,. •:{h}:•}:..:n..... ...r ,xd}{:+vit: .:-S::} W. Buschman P P P A A P P J. Goggin P P M. Greenberg P P P P P P P C. Hall A A P A A D. Johnston P P P P P P P F. Weiser P P P P P P P A. Payne A P P P P P P Z. Rucker (alternate) P P P P P A P L. Moore N/A P P P P P P Muzyka (ex-officio) P P P A A A A Bradley (ex-officio) P P P A A A A Hampshire (ex-officio) P P P P P P P BYLAWS OF THE ~O CITY OF SOLTHLAKE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION ARTICLE I PURPOSE AND POWERS Section 1.1 Purpose. The Southlake City Council established the Southlake Senior Advisory Commission to act as an advisory board to the City Council in all matters pertaining to senior programs and issues, as set forth in Section Four of Ordinance No. 653, passed and approved on the second reading the 2nd day of January, 1996. Section 1.2 Powers. In fulfillment of its purpose, the Southlake Senior Advisory Commission shall be governed by Ordinance No. 653 and shall have all the powers set forth in the ordinance, and other applicable law. ARTICLE II COMMISSION MEMBERS Section 2.1 Powers. Number and Term of Office. (a) The affairs of the Senior Advisory Commission shall be managed by the Commission. (b) The Commission shall consist of six (6) citizens of the City of Southlake, Texas, and shall be appointed by the City Council. Each Commission member shall occupy a place designated herein. Places on the Commission shall be numbered one (1) through six (6). The City Council making the appointments to the Commission shall give due consideration to the recommendations of the Parks and , ity Staff, by requesting reeentmendations from the above grattps and others as appropriate. (c.) Members shall be appointed for two year terms. Members shall serve, until their successors are appointed, without compensation. Section 2.2 Meetings of the Commission. The Commission shall meet regularly the second Tuesday of each month. Members not planning to attend a regular meeting or special meeting shall notify the City Secretary or the Chairman of the Commission by 12:00 o'clock noon of the meeting day. Any member with unexcused absences from two (2) consecutive regular meetings or not exhibiting interest in the work of the Commission shall be reported to the City Council which may, at its discretion, remove the Commission member and appoint a replacement. All meetings and deliberations of the Commission shall be called, convened, held, and conducted, and notice shall be given to the public, in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Section 2.3 Special Meeting. Special meetings of the Commission may be called by the request of the Chairman or at the request of any Commission member. The person or persons authorized to call special meetings of the Commission may fix any place for holding special meetings of the Commission. Section 2.4 Quorum. A majority of the Commission shall constitute a quorum to conduct official business of the Commission. The act of a majority of the Commission members present at a meeting at which a quorum is in attendance shall constitute the act of the Commission, unless the act of a greater number is required by law. Section 2.5 Conduct of Business. (a) At the meeting of the Commission, matters pertaining to the business of the Commission shall be considered in accordance with rules of procedure as from time to time prescribed by the Commission. (b) At all meetings of the Commission, the chair shall preside. In the absence of the chair, the vice chair shall preside. (c.) The chair shall be a voting member of the Commission. (d) Minutes of each Commission meeting shall be filed with the City Secretary. Section 2.6 Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring in the Commission shall be filled by appointment by the City Council for the length of the unexpired term. The Commission will make appointment recommendations to the City Council if a vacancy occurs. Section 2.7 Committees of the Commission. The Commission may designate two (2) or more members to constitute an official committee of the Commission to exercise such authority, as approved by resolution of the Commission. It is provided, however, that all final, official actions of the Commission may be exercised only by the Commission. Each committee so designated shall keep regular minutes of the transactions of its meetings and shall cause such minutes to be. filed with the City Secretary. Section 2.8 Ex-Officio Members. The Commission may, as it deems appropriate appoint ex-officio members to the Commission if such appointment is determined to be in the best interest of the Commission. Consideration shall be given to appointing ex-officio members who represent organizations whose purpose is to promote the health, safety, and well-being of seniors, such as Southlake Seniors, ivletroport deals on Wheels and the National Charity League. Such ex-officio members shall have no voting authority for senior advisory matters. Seefien • .Section 2.9 Alternate Commission Members. The Commission shall consist of two alternate members who are citizens of the City of Southlake and shall be appointed by the City Council. The alternate members shall attend and participate in all Senior Advisory Commission meetings, and may vote on items only when there is a regular member absent. Section 3.0 Compensation of Commission Members. Commission members shall not receive any salary or compensation for their services as Commission members. However, they shall be reimbursed by the City of Southlake for their actual expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties as Commission members. ARTICLE III OFFICERS Section 3.1 Officers and Terms of Office. (a) The officers of the Commission shall be a chairman, vice-chairman, and secretary. The officers shall serve one year terms and until their successors are elected. (b) Officers shall be selected in the first regular session of each year. (c.) Any officer shall be subject to removal from office at any time by a vote of a majority_ of the Commission. (d) A vacancy in the office of any elected officer shall be filled by a vote of a majority of the Commission members, at the next regular meeting scheduled. Section 3.2 Powers of the Chairman. The Chairman shall, in general, preside at all meetings of the Commission and perform all duties incident to the office of Chairman and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Commission and the City Council. Section 3.3 Vice-Chairman. In the absence of the Chairman or in the event of his/her inability or refusal to act, the Vice-Chairman shall perform the duties of the Chairman, and when so acting shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the Chairman. The Vice-Chairman shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the Chairman of the Commission. Section 3.4 Secretary. The Secretary shall ensure that minutes of each Commission meeting shall be filed with the City Secretary and in general shall perform all duties as from time to time may be assianed to him/her by the Chairman of the Commission. Section 3.5 Compensation. Officers who are members of the Commission shall not receive any salary or compensation for the services. However, they shall be reimbursed by the City of Southlake for their actual expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties as officers. ARTICLE IV ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION AND AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS Section 4.1 Role of Senior Advisory Commission. (a.) Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters pertaining to senior programs and issues affecting senior citizens. (b.) Recommend policies to improve senior services. (c.) Provide advice to the City regarding the development of recreational facilities, such as a senior center. Recommend to the City, necessary improvements to the senior center facility and hours of operations needed for the development of senior activities. (d.) Recommend the development of senior related programs. (e.) Review and consider recommendations from the Southlake Seniors regarding sell 6r related programs and activities. Develop recommendations to the city regarding programs that have funding. staffing, safety, spacing or facility implications. (f.) Submit recommendations to the City Council regarding contractual agreements that impact senior related services, such as the congregate lunch program, home delivered meal program, and transportation programs for seniors. (g.) Prepare and submit to the City Council an annual review of senior related programs and services. Such review shall be submitted in April, prior to the election of new officers. Section 4.2,Role of Southlake Seniors (a.) The organization, Southlake Seniors was ereatea -to-will develop and implement programs and activities for senior citizens. Such programs may include educational, cultural, social, and exercise programs, special trips and a variety of activities, games and crafts. (b.) Identify, develop and promote activities and programs which meet the needs and interests of senior citizens. Submit recommendations to the Senior Advisory Commission regarding program needs which require additional fimding,_staffing, 9 for the qitff facilities. Approval must be obtain el prior to the impleaieautiori of such programs. (c.) Submit a monthly written report to the Senior Advisory Commission identifying the programs and activities developed for senior citizens. The monthly report t#+may include a description of the upcoming programs, and detail regarding the activity and attendance levels for the programs. Approved and adopted on the day of , 1997. Chairperson Vice Chairperson Secretary P O Box 204 Detail Report on Congregate Luncheon Division 504 N Oak Street Roanoke, TX 76262 Monthly Week Date 2 9 16 23 30 Totals 0 Seniors attended 22 26 I 23 I 23 I 24 118 *Other Seniors 15 11 12 13 14 65 Volunteers/Director I 9 9 i 8 I, 7 1 10 43 *Others • guest 3 2 5 .1 4 15 TOTAL ATTENDANCE 49 48 48 I 44 52 241 I # Who Paid 32 I 32 13 29 ! 28 134 *Who Brought I I Potluck 6 4 31 8 7 56 # Meals ordered i 1 from Centralized Kitchen I 35 I 35 0 40 40 140 3 Cost of Food ordered $87.50 i $87.50 0 5100.00 $1C0.00 $375.00 3 Collected for ! Food Served $800.00 $80.00 $32.50 $72.50 $70.00 $335.00 3 Collected for Other Reasons Free Lunch (1) 5 (2) 5 0 (3) 2 (4) 5 17 Not eating 6 7 4 5 12 34 (1) 3 Coupons + Linda French +I Flora forgets to pay (2) 5 free lunch coupons (3) 2 free lunch coupons (a) 1 free lunch coupon. 2 auest sneakers. 1 didn't have change for $20 00 and will pay next time 8 17/491-1141 - office excel/detail.xls signature 817/491-0661 -fax Southlake Seniors Steering Committee Meeting Minutes September 23, 1997 Attendance: Josh Weiser, Bill Cosgrove, Fran Weiser, Don Owens, Dorothy Cosgrove, Lenora Herron, Rose Hampshire, Shelli Siemer Chairman Josh Weiser called the meeting to order. The minutes of the August meeting were corrected and approved, with a date change for the opening of the renovated Senior Center to January or February of 1998. The "Constitution" was changed to "Bylaws of the Southlake Seniors". Copies will be distributed to the Southlake Seniors and they will be notified of the October 14th membership meeting for the purpose of approving them. Ruth Frantzen's 93rd birthday will be celebrated with a party provided by the gorup and by her niece, complete with flowers, a cake, and balloons. A costume Halloween party will be celebrated October 28th by members and volunteers. A trip for October 8th to the State Fair and one to the present production at the Runway Theatre are planned. Senior Citizen of the Year Contest is being publicized in the Newsletter, and forms will be provided to all members, to be returned by November 4th. An impartial jury will choose the winner. Lenora will study the report on the conference, Fraud Against Elderly Texans and report on advisibility of having a speaker on this subject. The Steering Committee voted against having Billie Campbell talk on the proposed increase in the Sales Tax. Lenore will get a dietitian from Baylor to speak to the Southlake Seniors on nutrition and supplements for the elderly and report at the next meeting. She will also get a request in to Fiesta Dancers to do a program. Dorothy Cosgrove will provide publicity to local papers on Southlake Senior of the Year Contest and Ruth Frantzen's 93rd Birthday Party. Chairman Josh Weiser declared the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, i Fran Weiser, Secretary SOUTHLAKE SENIORS' CITIZEN OF THE YEAR 1997 Southlake Seniors' will honor one of their own with the 1997 Southlake Citizen of the Year Award We hope this will become an annual event. The following criteria was set up for the award: "The nominee must be at least 65 vears of age The Committee felt that there were already a number of awards for which younger people (under 65) would qualify. "...an active and participating member of Southlake Seniors..." We wanted to assure that we honor someone who actually attends our Senior functions. Please notice that there is no stipulation that the nominee be a resident of Southlake. Southlake Seniors is made up of people from neighboring cities as well as those who reside in Southlake. "...and have participated in one or more of the following tykes of activities: Has worked to improve the quality of life of Senior Citizens Has worked to promote recognition of Senior Citizens Has volunteered in responding to the needs of Senior Citizens in retirement homes, hospitals or homebound situations Has aided the handicapped and the needy Has a compassionate spirit in working with churches schools hospitals hospices nursing and retirement homes. Has contributed creatively to Southlake Seniors' programs and activities" There are many of our members who do wonderful things as volunteers without ever asking for recognition or reward. We want to honor them in this positive way. I do not know the ages of these people, some of them may be too young to meet our criteria... in no special order here are some of the people from our group and activities in which they have been involved during 1997: Thelma Leich has worked at Second Glance, a resale shop in Grapevine which raises money for Open Arms, a shelter for abused women and children. Thelma and her daughter, Marie Bass, created a scrapbook for Southlake Seniors that covered the period from 4/95 to 8/97. Alice Burgess has volunteered for 2"a Glance. Alice & Glen Burgess have been collecting food items and delivering them to the Keller Food Bank. Bunny Evans, Marie McAdams. Wanda Hodges, Claressa Land and Martha Wood all volunteer at Baylor Hospital. Wanda Buschman volunteers as a Hospice caregiver. Dick Johnston delivers meals for Metroport Meals on Wheels as well as works with Keep Southlake Beautiful. Thelma Jones has taken care of sending all occasion cards from the Southlake Seniors: she has kept up with birthdays, illness, hospital stays, condolence and general good cheer when needed. Thelma was instrumental in starting our craft group; she has volunteered with the Southlake Stampede to raise funds for the Senior Center. Lois Evans. Josh Weiser and Dick Johnston worked with the Southlake Stampede. Fran Weiser, Dick Johnston, Zena Rucker and Wanda Buschman work on the Senior Advisory Commission. John Kelly and Crawford Hall were on the Advisory Comm. part of 1997.