r City of Southlake, Texas
9 September 1997
Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Chairman Dick Johnston, Martha Greenberg, Linda Moore, Aloha Payne,
Zena Rucker, Fran Weiser.
Members Absent: Crawford Hall, Wanda Buschman (excused)
Ex Officio Members Present: Rose Hampshire
City Staff Present: Shelli Siemer, Community Services Coordinator.
Agenda Item No. 1: Call to Order
Chairman Johnston called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. on Tuesday, 9 September 1997.
Agenda Item No. 2: AUnroval of Minutes for 12 August 1997 Meeting
A l:~otion was made to accept the minutes as revised. Corrections were made to Item Nos. 5, 6,
9, 11, 13
Motion: Fran Weiser
Second: Martha Greenberg
Ayes: 6
Nays: 0
Approved: 6-0
Abstain: 0
Agenda Item No. 3: Administrative Comments
Shelli Siemer stated that since April she has been focusing much of her time on Senior
activity. Lately, her time has been and will be spent on the Eubanks House renovation. Linda is
working on how to prepare for the center and its opening. Nona Whitehead will provide staff
assistance to seniors with focus on the opening of the Center. Shelli will be focusing on volunteer
effort for the Senior Center. Nona worked at a Senior Center in Ohio. Her expertise will be
appreciated. Contact Nona with needs for the house, when Shelli is not available. The
Community Services Division is working toward being "cross trained" so as to better respond to
community groups when the needs arise.
Open House for Senior Center ...what type of activity do you want to have once the house
is ready? Do you want an Open House? A reception for the Volunteers? It is up to the
commission as to what you want to do. It was suggested that whole community be invited by
press release, but special invitations be sent to seniors and volunteers. Dick Johnston suggested
that we invite the community at a different time from Open House for seniors and volunteers.
Agenda Item No. 4. Consideration: Amendment to the Bylaws
Dick Johnston stated that we had tabled further consideration on Bylaws until the
September meeting. Fran Weiser wanted input from the Southlake Seniors. Alternates position
needs to be considered in the Bylaws, also, their role as tie breakers. Corrections will be made for
the October meeting.
Rose Hampshire suggested that a Southlake Seniors newsletter be included in minutes to
Dick Johnston suggested that Fran write out her Southlake Seniors report to the SAC to be
included in minutes to Council. Shelli and Dick will submit a new draft at October meeting.
Agenda Item No. 5. Report: Metrollort Meals On Wheels - August Statistics
Rose Hampshire announced that the newsletter will be published at the first of the month.
So much goes on that some of it has already happened by the time the newsletter is published.
Statistically the number of Southlake Seniors is increasing. (See Monthly Report) The food is
pretty much paying for itself. We are starting to average forty per luncheon. Dick Johnston
reported that one guest, Debbie Edmonson, volunteered to bake pies for the group. Rose will give
her a call to make arrangements. Today the flowers were donated by Bice's Florist in honor of
Good Neighbor Day, tomorrow. Glenda Williams is starting her own flower business in her
house. She will give anyone in Southlake Seniors, including volunteers, a wonderful discount.
Meals delivered in the Southlake area will be included in quarterly report. Presently, two meals are
being delivered in Southlake.
Agenda Item No. 6 Report: Eubank's House Renovation for Senior Center
Shelli Siemer stated that the renovation project is moving along. Need more volunteers,
but calls are coming in. The concept is actually formalizing. F. C. LeVrier and Lanny Tate are the
coordinators. They are now developing their teams: a concrete team, a demolition team, electrical
team, and interior team. There will be more as we find out what fits where. Lanny is working on
filling all of those areas with volunteers who have the expertise. They will be responsible for
finding some of the materials in their specific areas. Several people have called to help in the
The next step is SPDC for funding. Shelli will go before them on Sept. 15th, at 6:00 p.m.
She will present very good estimates as to expenditures. They have approved the project but need
to approve the funds. Shelli will go before Planning & Zoning on Sept. 18Th, at 7:00 p.m. with a
concept plan. We still hope to begin actual work on October 25th. We had hoped to have some
done before then, but need to have everything lined up and ready to go before beginning to work.
Zena questioned if anyone had checked out the drainage, since the house sets directly on the
ground. The water drains down the hill directly into the house. Plans have been made to divert the
water. House will be accessible by car from Bryan Nelson Parkway when construction is
completed. Currently the entrance is a gravel drive from Hwy 1709.
Many Southlake organizations have been asked to donate to the renovation. Dick asked
Linda Moore to look into the policy/guidelines for the acceptance of donations. Martha Greenberg
suggested a form letter to be used for donations and volunteers. Parks & Recreation has a
donation policy. It can be tailored for the Senior Advisory Commission. One thing to consider is,
do we require the person to transport donations. Do we require what is being donated? Where to
store? Can we ask for them to hang on to it until we are ready. Dick recommended a committee be
formed to check out donated items.
We still need a policy for cash donations. Kelly Bradley would like to see cash come
through MMOW, because she can use those numbers when applying for large grants, even though
it is earmarked for Southlake Seniors. Dick Johnston suggested that we need to set up a Eubanks
House Fund. Most people like to have a tax deduction on large donations.
Town Center organization is selling bricks for their 40th celebration. Proceeds from sale of
bricks will be donated to the Senior Center renovation project. Fran had asked what items do we
need in the house. Top priority items were budgeted including a refrigerator, stove, microwave
oven, some tables and chairs, hopefully it will be passed. Still need to identify needs. Fran is
working with Linda on the list. Linda suggested we look for someone to donate a grill for outdoor
Agenda Item No. 7. Report: Zoning for Assisted Care Facility
Dick Johnston reported the status on Assisted Care Facilities is still at same place of last
meeting. An opinion on who is eligible for living in assisted care facilities, has never been
rendered in the Attorney General's Office. It has been left up to the individuals who own the
homes to receive the people who are trying to rent the facilities. The Council is concerned and
would like to have an opinion. Their concern is that if a home is constructed and it becomes filled
with those who do not need assisted care; what happens to the people who need assisted care and
there is no room for them?
Dick Johnston spoke to Independent Living which will be a new Item on the agenda next
month. Wanda Buschman, Dick Johnston and Martha Greenberg will discuss this item separately
next month.
Agenda Item No. 8 Report: Northeast Tarrant County Senior Issues Committee
Martha Greenberg reported the Senior Issues Committee meeting on Aug. 13th. Subjects
covered were Counseling, Spiritual Needs, Isolation/Dependence, Self Esteem, Recreation &
Education. The meeting Sept. 10th will conclude the presentation. The next three months will be
dedicated to roundtable's to prepare a summary of all reports and to prioritize the issues leading to
the development of our presentation to the United Way Steering Committee in January 1998.
United Way will publish a book on senior needs. Transportation seems to be the biggest need.
They will help with visiting nurses to take blood pressure, etc. Dick Johnston asked Martha to
come up with a report on how Southlake Seniors can best utilize United Way. Martha agreed
saying it is lack of knowledge that prevents us from having things now.
Shelli passed out copies of 75th Legislature--Final Report A comprehensive review of the
1997 Texas Legislative Session. for Martha. This is an overview. Many of the issues have to do
with aging. The biggest issue is more control in nursing homes.
At the session on Volunteer Guardianship that Martha attended, she met a man who does
go out and talk on Medicare. He is actually with Social Security and will talk to organizations.
Agenda Item No. 9 Report: Metropolitan Tarrant Count Agency on Aging
Wanda Buschman absent, no report.
Agenda Item No. 10 Report: Southlake Seniors - Report on Activities Planned
Fran Weiser reported that the officers decided to call themselves a "steering committee."
They are not an official governmental body, but are trying to guide and help the Seniors who meet
for lunch. The proposed Constitution is ready for approval by the SAC and Southlake Seniors.
A. Payne suggested the Southlake Seniors rename it Bylaws instead of Constitution. Dick
Johnston suggested a small change in Article V, Steering Committee, A. And, Article IX-
Dissolution of Southlake Seniors.
Nomination forms for Southlake Senior of the Year must be submitted by Nov. 4th. A
committee will chose top three (3). The top three will then be voted on by the membership. The
New York Life program on long-term care and insurance will be presented Sept. 23rd. Nannette
Robinson agreed to add a section on "Is this right for you?"
Agenda Item No 11. Discussion: Southlake Seniors Bylaws
Item 11 covered in Item 10.
Agenda Item No. 12. Discussion: Public Safety Issues
Dick Johnston has met with Billy Campbell about public safety issues. Some of his budget
request have been cut from the first reading. remaining in there now is one public safety officer
and $426,000 for various equipment, including three patrol vehicles, defibrillators, hoses,
breathing apparatus, Fire Marshall's car, a command vehicle, 800 System radios, video camera for
patrol cars. They cut three vehicles, two public safety officers, one detective, one technician, fire
prevention officer. Lou Ann Heath felt like Council was prioritizing where money is to be needed.
Part of it is they are planning for approval of the Crime District Tax.
The Election will be Nov. 4th. They will ask the voters for 1/2 cent tax for five years.
They anticipate that the 1/2 cent sales tax will raise 9 million dollars over the next five years. In
that 9 million three sites will be bought for police, fire and emergency service, to hire a DARE
officer, and a school response officer. There is no other staffing in that. Campbell is trying to get
the school to pay for those officers, since they are assigned to the school. If it does not pass we go
back to square one. It takes about 1 million for personnel in the station. If you do not have the
million there is no reason to go on. We will need about twenty-four (24) new staff members for
the three stations. WalMart/Home Depot area, White's Chapel/Dove, Albertson/Goode Airport
location. Tahoe vehicles (2) presently have emergency equipment, another is in budget. Cross-
trained officers drive these vehicles. Billy Campbell will give slide show presentation to Southlake
Seniors if they wish for him to do so.
ALYenda Item No. 13. Discussion: Seniors In Need
Zena Rucker suggested waiting for Martha Greenberg's report on what senior's feel their
needs really are. Need list of those in seventies and beyond. A telephone committee is needed to
contact these people to visit with them. Perhaps they just need someone to contact them by phone
every day. A starting point could be with this telephone committee where the seniors could
express their needs for the day. Need publicity department, Mrs. Cosgrove could help with this.
Martha suggested we have a "Suggestion Box" for senior needs, where others can make a
suggestion where there might be senior needs. Diana Collins is helping seniors now. Nancy
Griffins is driving one of our seniors now. The phone call could be helpful in making seniors
aware of what is offered in the city. It could be done as a friend.
Agenda Item No. 14. Discussion: Other Items
Name Tags have been made by Josh Weiser. OK to make others. The business cards are
ordered. Shelli stated that when the Council reviewed the budget, the van for senior transportation
was cut.
Special Meeting Tuesday, 16th, to define goals and mission statement.
The high school seniors need 100 community hours in order to graduate. They need to be
involved with senior issues.
There being no further business, Linda Moore made the Motion to adjourn, Zena Rucker
seconded it. The time was approximately 3:05 p.m.
Dick J ston, Chairman
Aloha Payne, Se retary
City of Southlake, Texas
September 4, 1997
TO: Senior Advisory Commission Members
FROM: Shelli Siemer, Community Services Coordinator
SUBJECT: Regular Meeting on September 9, 1997
Regular Monthly Meeting
Enclosed is a copy of the agenda for the monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 9,
1997 at 1:00 p.m. held at the Community Center at Bicentennial Park. Please review
the minutes you received a few weeks ago prior to our meeting on Tuesday.
Included in the packet of information to the Senior Advisory Commission is a copy of
the by-laws of the Southlake Seniors. They have asked for input from the Senior
Advisory Commission.
As you can see, we have a number of items to cover. Please let me know if you are
unable to attend Tuesday's meeting. We will need four members for a quorum. If you
have any questions or comments please call me at 481-5581 ext. 806.
Thank You for all of your hard work and dedication.
City of Southlake, Texas
Agenda for Regular Meeting on Tuesday., September 9, 1997
The meeting begins at 1:00 p.m. and will be held at the Community Center at Bicentennial Park
in the Old Union Room. /
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order "
Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of Minutes for the 8/12/97 meeting "
Agenda Item No. 3, Administrative Comments - Shelli Siemer will make administrative comments. kkhl
Agenda Item No. 4, Consideration - Amendments to the By-Laws - Dick Johnston will discuss the t/
additions to the By-Laws for the Senior Advisory Commission.
Agenda Item No 5 Report: Metroport Meals On Wheels - August Statistics - Rose Hampshire will
report on the statistics for the Tuesday lunch programs and the home delivered meals in Southlake.
Agenda Item No 6 Report - Eubank's House Renovation for Senior Center - Shelli Siemer will
report the status of the Senior/Adult Activity Center renovation project. Linda Moore will discuss
activities related to planning for the opening of the house. scC.pclat~uc~I ,i+r~ ,z
sPx -154Y14~- No, 7 for Assisted Facility - Dick Johnston will update the
Commission on the status.
ott ) ew_ :tea.
Agenda Item No. 8, Report: Northeast Tarrant County Senior Issues Committee - Martha Greenberg
will report on the activities of the Senior Issues Committee.
Agenda Item No. 9, Report: Metropolitan Tarrant County Agency on Aging - Wanda Buschman and
Martha Greenberg will report on the activities of the Metropolitan Tarrant County Agency on
Agenda Item No. 10. Report: Southlake Seniors- Report on Activities Planned - Fran Weiser will
report on the upcoming activities planned by the Southlake Seniors. This is an opportunity to give
input to the Southlake Seniors on ideas for planning upcoming programs.
Agenda Item No. 11. Discussion: Southlake Seniors By-Laws - The Steering Committee for the
Southlake Seniors have developed by-laws and request your input.
Agenda Item No. 12, Discussion: Public Safety Issues - The Senior Advisory Commission will
discuss public safety issues.
Agenda Item No. 13. Discussion: Seniors in Need - Zena Rucker will discuss her ideas about the
Seniors in Need program.
Agenda Item No. 14. Discussion: Other items - This is the opportunity for you to discuss additional
items not covered in the meeting. Consider having a separate goal-setting meeting.
Please call me at 481-5581 ext. 806, if you cannot attend Tuesday's meeting. We need four members for a
quorum. Thank you for all you hand work and dedication.