City of Southlake, Texas
I ~
12 August 1997
Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Chairman Dick Johnston, Martha Greenberg, Linda Moore, Aloha Payne,
Zena Rucker, Fran Weiser.
Members Absent: Crawford Hall, Wanda Buschman
Ex Officio Members Present: Rose Hampshire
City Staff Present: Shelli Siemer, Community Services Coordinator.
Agenda Item No. l: Call to Order
Chairman Johnston called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. on Tuesday, 12 August 1997.
Agenda Item No. 2: Approval of Minutes for 8 Tull 1997 Meeting
Dick Johnston stated that these are the unofficial minutes. They are adjusted by our
comments if necessary and filed. We are not circulating the adjusted minutes back to the
commission members. If you will make your corrections on your minutes, unless you feel you
need a copy of the corrected minutes. Martha Greenberg suggested that the Southlake Seniors
should be given the official minutes to our meetings because of the changes made.
A Motion was made to accept the minutes as revised. Corrections were made to Item Nos. 3, 4,
8, 9, 10, 11.
Motion: Martha Greenberg
Second: Linda Moore
Ayes: All in favor
Nays: 0
Approved: 6-0
Abstain: 0
Rose Hampshire asked that we move Agenda Item No. 10 to be discussed after the Agenda
Item No. 5. Consideration: Amendment to Bylaws. She had been working since nine and there is
no water in the building. Her request was granted.
Agenda Item No. 3: Administrative Comments
Martha Greenberg had asked that a name tag be made for the Senior Advisory
Commissioners. When Martha attends the Senior Issues Committee it is nice for others to know
where she is from. Dick Johnston stated that it would be well to have a name tag that we could
take home with us and wear at other functions involving the Seniors. Shelli volunteered to make
one for each Commissioner.
Martha Greenberg suggested that we have business cards for the Senior Advisory
Commission with the city's phone number and Shelli's extension. There should be a space where
we can fill in our own name. That way the cards could be used by all members of the
A Motion was made that business cards be ordered with Senior Advisory Commission name, a
city phone number with extension for Shelli Siemer, and a writing space for our own name and
phone number should we wish to supply it.
Motion: Martha Greenberg
Second: Wanda Buschman
Ayes: 6
Nays: 0
Approved: 6-0
Abstain: 0
Shelli stated that the data base of senior voters is almost complete. There has been a
summer part-time staff as well as teen court young adults working on the data entries. Do we want
to include a survey? It might help guide some of the program development. Dick Johnston
suggested that we not make a decision on this today. He asked Shelli Seimer to think about what
we might to add. The mailing will be a "kick off' for the new Senior Center. The plan is to hold
an Open House as a recognition for the volunteers and a reception for seniors. Dick suggested
instead of a survey we make it an invitation advisory letter. Martha Greenberg stated that United
Way will be doing a very extensive Northeast Tarrant County Survey of all seniors this fall.
Senior Centers, the phone, the universities will be involved. This would be a duplication of efforts
should we do one. They are planning to record by community.
Agenda Item No 5 Consideration: Amendments to the Bylaws
Dick Johnston stated that we are now under the Community Services Director, we started
under Parks & Recreation Department. The Community Service Director, Kevin Hugman, asked
that we update our Bylaws to include Roles and Responsibilities of the Senior Advisory
Commission and Affiliated Organizations. Dick and Shelli worked on the revision.
Rose Hampshire was concerned with Section 4.2. (c). Her question is why? Since her
report involves statistics and the newsletter involves programs, she felt we did not need the exact
same information from the Southlake Seniors. It is not a necessary item for the Bylaws. Once it is
in there it becomes a rule. Fran Weiser felt it would impede their program, if the Southlake
Seniors needed to obtain permission from the Senior Advisory Commission before planning
programs. Rose also stated that Fran's oral report at the meetings would become a written report
in the minutes. This should be sufficient. Rose stated she would prefer not to have this part of the
Bylaws. Martha Greenberg stated that while working on Bylaw changes for another organization,
their lawyer repeatedly advised to keep out of the Bylaws articles that could be considered
Operational Procedure. The Operation Procedure is less binding.
It was suggested by Fran that the president of Southlake Seniors be asked for an annual
report. Fran also suggested that the article be submitted to the Southlake Senior Board before it is
acted on by the Senior Advisory Commission. Rose would like to have this section removed.
Aloha Payne stated that even though the reports are coming through at present, when a change of
officers comes about this may not be the case. If the requirement is not there; it will not be done.
We do need the monthly reports. Rose stated it is in the contract that MMOW has that they supply
monthly reports. Shelli replied that their report involves statistics on MMOW, not Southlake
Senior programs. There is a difference in what statistics come from MMOW and what statistics
will come from the Southlake Seniors.
Bylaws are a requirement; rules to live by. Fran stated that the Southlake Seniors are still
in the process of deciding whether they are a group of people who get together to meet people,
enjoy each other, help people overcome their loneliness or are we an activist appendage of the
Commission? Most of the Southlake Seniors are not interested in doing a lot of volunteering or
outside work. Mainly, they are people who are over seventy-five, who have done their jobs and
come in their retirement years to have fulfillment. They do not want to be overburdened with
things that are stressful to them. Dick Johnston replied that Southlake Seniors is an ongoing
organization with people coming and going. Rose suggested that all of this could be relieved by
replacing should with may in section 4.2 (a) (c).
Shelli said that in working with Roles & Responsibilities since last May, it has never
seemed to be clear and will probably not be until the programs evolve. The substitution of may for
should is probably a good idea. Perhaps, the Article is being read a little too literally. Fran stated
that the rules should not mean different things to different people. They should be clear to all
people. Rose asked if there is a deadline on accepting the Bylaws. Aloha Payne stated that
Bylaws should be read at two separate meetings before acceptance or denial.
A Motion was made to give the Southlake Seniors the opportunity to discuss the role of the
Southlake Seniors at their monthly meeting and give feedback to the Senior Advisory Commission
at September meeting concerning their role. (Motion could not be accepted, because Rose is an
exofficio member. Fran Weiser so stated.)
Motion: Fran Weiser
Second: Wanda Buschman
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Approved: 5-1
Abstain: 1 Aloha Payne
Dick Johnston stated that the Revised Bylaws (not yet official), Article 4.2 points out that
when staffing, funding or facility implications for whatever the program, the Southlake Seniors
have to come back to the Senior Advisory Commission.
Agenda Item No 10, Report: Metroport Meals On Wheels - July Statistics
Rose Hampshire announced that the number of Southlake seniors in attendance at the
luncheons as compared to seniors from other cities has really improved in the last few months.
Many volunteers because the girls are out of school. There will be a drop in volunteers when they
return to school. There have not been any negative comments about volunteers, but the
mother/daughter volunteers were limited to two pairs at each luncheon.
The meals are pretty much now paying for themselves. Newsletter includes interviews,
and upcoming programs. The Star Telegram wants to do interviews of seniors in Southlake,
Grapevine and Colleyville for the Neighborhood Homepage. (See Newsletter) As Wanda
Buschman said, "Everybody has a story." Rose said that from her discussion with the
representative of the newspaper, they are looking at it as historical interesting person to write
Linda Moore stated this is a great way to elevate self-esteem and for others to realize how much the
seniors have to offer.
Agenda Item No. 9 Report: Southlake Seniors - Report on Activities Planned
Fran Weiser reported that Susan French, a lawyer, will be scheduled for September to talk
with the seniors about how she might be able to help with legal problems. She has offered to then
come once a month to talk with individuals. Dick Johnston suggested the September meeting have
good publicity.
Video from New York Life is not available. However, material was sent on what Nannette
Robinson would talk about. The Seniors Board members are looking at these materials on an
individual basis. To Fran there are problems. There is nothing in there that addresses present
income and asks the question "Is this for you? Why and why not?" The Southlake Seniors do not
want to give the impression that this is something everyone needs. Circumstances are different for
different people. Wanda asked the question concerning whether this was a program that discussed
wills and trusts. Fran and Dick both commented that this is long term insurance for extended care.
Dick suggested another program that might be good is Medicare revisions and how they
affect us. Martha Greenberg suggested a judge who just did a presentation for the a course she just
The Southlake Seniors need a checking account for petty cash. Shelli Seimer checked with
the Finance Director for the City of Southlake and she said it was OK for small amounts. Large
grants will be handled a little differently. The city will send a report on recommendations. Two
cosigners will be necessary for this account. Dick suggested they use a Southlake bank. A
discussion followed on MMOW money designated for Southlake Seniors.
The Southlake Seniors have permission from the Chamber of Commerce to chose a Senior
Citizen of the year. The Seniors will be working on publicity and setting up the criteria for that.
The SS will purchase a plaque to present to the person chosen. This is a leadership award of
another group of people.
Also, Fran reported that the Constitution is ready to go before the membership.
Agenda Item No 4 Consideration: Eubank's House Renovation for Senior Center
Dick Johnston reported that he and Shelli Seimer met this a.m. with Lanny Tate who is a
local builder & general contractor. Lanny volunteered his services to act in the role of general
contractor - pro bono - for us in renovating the Eubank's House. He will set up construction
schedules. In the same meeting was F.C. LeVrier, the architect. Dick Johnson agreed to serve as
assistant to Lanny so that Lanny or Dick will be fielding questions and working with the city. A
second meeting is schedule within two weeks. Lanny Tate will be coming up with subcontractors
"generals". Dick's thoughts are that those "generals" will look at the plans and hopefully have
extra supplies in their shops, or know where to get them. Then, we will work with qualified
volunteers. It has been determined that since we are coming from a residential to a commercial
house we will need to go through Planning & Zoning. A precedent would be set where others may
want to do the same thing without going through P & Z. We do not face opposition to the project.
We will continue with the project, while the city takes steps necessary for the possible zoning
Shelli Seimer said the project will be tied into Make a Difference Day on 25 October 1997.
A national day to volunteer and make a difference in your community. We hope to at least have the
project kicked off by then. There will be publicity on Make A Difference Day and a request for
volunteers. Before the renovation begins, we will go back to SPDC to tell them what our plans
are, since they are the body financing most of the project. Linda suggested we have a "before &
after" construction.
Agenda Item No 7 Report: Northeast Tarrant County Senior Issues Committee
Martha Greenberg reported the Senior Issues Committee met 9 July 1997. The meeting
centered on the preliminary draft for a Survey to be conducted in Northeast Tarrant County to
ascertain the needs of Seniors and to find Seniors with needs. There were three presentations.
First, Hall T. Martin with the office of Attorney General of Texas spoke on Fraud Against Older
Texans. Second, Beverly McCalmont of Adult Protective Services of Texas spoke on
Exploitation, Violence & Victimization. Finally, SGT. Craig Teague from Hurst Police Dept.
spoke of Violence & Crime Against Seniors. (See Notes or Tape for discussion) Next meeting is
13 August 1997.
Agenda Item No. 6 Report: Zoning For Assisted Care Facility
Dick Johnston reported that according to Karen Gandy the zoning ordinance for Assisted
Care Facilities is waiting on attorneys. They are interpretation language and trying to get an
opinion from the state. We need to have a ruling to allow seniors other than those needing assisted
care to live in the facility particularly the spouse. City wants to know who can or can not be in
the facilities, since the state seams to allow each unit to handle its own ruling. Fran Weiser added
that from a report in Star Telegram it had been decided that the spouse would be included. Dick
feels it was their interpretation. It is in the ordinance but better definition is needed before the final
vote. They are trying to get state interpretation. Dick stated that he had asked the city to amend the
requirements for assisted living to be a little less restrictive. The city is still having meetings on the
Martha Greenberg suggested that we expand to address other than assisted living. Safe
senior housing is what we need. Why can not the city be involved so that it will not be cost
prohibitive for people to live in. A Senior Housing Facility should be included in TIF plans.
Assisted living is only one aspect of senior needs. Seniors move out before they need assisted
living. A lot of Senior Housing Facilities are run by nonprofit organizations.
Dick Johnston suggested that we make a recommendation to City Council about Senior
Housing Facilities after we have done a study. The assisted care facility is a winner. We did not
have anything before. At least, it is a start. Dick suggested that we bring up Independent Living
as a new item.
Agenda Item No 8 Rellort• Metropolitan Tarrant County Agency on Aging
Wanda Buschman reported that she attended a meeting of Area Agency On Aging on 21
July 1997. Wanda is not sure this is an organization that would be worthwhile to belong to,
because they are doing things for seniors, they are not picking up on needs of seniors. Have a
bunch of committees. It did not sound like it would be beneficial for one of us to belong to. The
next meeting will be the 8th of September, second Monday of the month. It is difficult because the
SAC meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Will try to attend one meeting more since they have
new officers and will have an orientation type program for these new officers. They meet at ninth
& Commerce in downtown Ft. Worth.
Fran asked that Wanda keep her ears open to possible presentations. One of the committee
reports was recommending that Registered Nurses be on duty twenty-fours a day seven days a
week on the premises of the nursing homes. Should problems arise they could be taken care of
sooner. The committee was trying to make things better for seniors, whereas our purpose in SAC
is to try to pick up the needs of seniors.
Agenda Item No 11, Discussion: Public Safety Issues
Dick Johnston contacted Billy Campbell and caught him off on a training seminar. There
will be no report. However, we need to leave the Item on the Agenda. Want to see what is in the
budget for Public Safety, so we can study and make a recommendation to Council on how we feel
Public Safety should be handled in the city itself from a senior citizens viewpoint.
Agenda Item No. 12. Discussion: Seniors in Need
Zena Rucker absent. No report. Leave on as agenda item. Would like for her to take on
this job of determining the needs of seniors. Wanda asked if we had heard of Senior Friends
Organization. Disk suggested that GRACE in Grapevine be checked to see what seniors in
Southlake they were responding to. We need to identify the needs. Also, according to Martha our
teen court kids need to be used in our city. They are now working in Grapevine through GRACE
for community service needs. Zena could be the representative to SAC on Senior Need Program,
if she would care to take it on.
Agenda Item No. 13. Discussion: Other Items
Dick Johnston suggested that we begin our discussion with Crawford Hall. He has had
three absences since the new appointments. Shelli Seimer read the Bylaws, Section 3, (e), any
member with unexcused absences from two (2) consecutive regular meetings or
not exhibiting interest in the work of the Senior Commission shall be reported to
the City Council which may, at its discretion, remove the commission member
and appoint a replacement. Wanda said that we need a member who can be in attendance.
Shelli said she would check with Sandy concerning his status. He is living in Canada, but will
make his home in Southlake during the winter months. There is a question of residency
requirements. Since January of 1997, Crawford has missed six (6) of the eight (8) meetings.
A Motion was made to ask the City Council to remove Crawford Hall as a member of the Senior
Advisory Commission. According to our Bylaws Section 3, (e): Any member with unexcused
absences from two (2) consecutive regular meetings or not exhibiting interest in the work of the
Commission shall be reported to the City Council which may, at its discretion, remove the
Commission member and appoint a replacement. Since 1 January 1997, Crawford Hall has
missed six (6) of the eight (8) regularly scheduled meetings.
Motion: Dick Johnston
Second: Martha Greenberg
Ayes: 6
Nays: 0
Approved: 6-0
Abstain: 0
The next order of business is a discussion of Independent Living. Martha stated we need
some kind of Senior Housing that is affordable for the seniors who live in Southlake now. We
need to address and research. The city can not say to its citizens, "no, you can not have it, you
have to give reasons." We must be able to give accurate information. We have to say this is what
the citizens want. We need to have a group of people within the community come before them
with the recommendation. A subcommittee consisting of Martha Greenberg and Wanda Buschman
was asked to pursue the subject. We need to have a community drive of awareness for our
retirement housing years. Dick asked Wanda and Martha to draft a proposal for the next meeting.
He also stated that we need our candidates for city council to express themselves on Senior Issues,
before the election. (Dick, Linda, Aloha all said they would help if needed.)
Martha reported that she had attended the "Volunteer Guardian" sponsored by the Senior
Citizen Services of Greater Tarrant County. This is a 10 hour course (July 17,24,3 1) on how to
be a volunteer guardian, which is court appointed position. They are looking for volunteers to be
advocates for seniors. Martha said she would serve in the Grapevine, Southlake, Colleyville area.
It is a very interesting course. It covered: Adult Protective Services, Nursing Home Advocates,
Medicaid, Social Security, Legal duties both physical and financial, a mock trial to take you
through the legal phase, and geriatric Psychiatry. It is a worthwhile organization that we should
bring before our people. Our role, according to Dick, is to encourage people to not let that happen
to you, be prepared.
Martha Greenberg attended Public Policy Forum 1 August 1997. It was sponsored by
United Way and was a review of the 1997 Texas Legislation Session. The presentation was made
by Senator Mike Moncrief and Representative Toby Goodman. Information important to Senior
Advisory Commission was those that related to Health & Human Services and Laws on Nursing
Homes. More restrictions and guidelines on Nursing Homes, and different funding for Social
Services within the state of Texas. Many of these people would speak to the seniors about
different topics their area of expertise. Fran suggested that Martha come and speak to the
Southlake Seniors.
Dick Johnston mentioned one other thing he had failed to mention when speaking of the
Eubanks house. Linda Moore has agreed to oversee how we are going to staff, furnish, and run
that house. There are no guidelines. We are under Community Services Development. Martha
suggested that we invite Kevin Hugman to come in and talk to us about Community Services. A
brief discussion of whether the Commission could write a request for funding from different
organizations was held. We could mention the Southlake Seniors and their needs when we
attended the meetings of these different organizations.
Shelli showed us a calendar given to her by Sandy LeGrand to be used as a fund raiser.
The pictures were of seniors with a recipe on each picture. Perhaps this would be a good project
for Southlake Seniors or Senior Advisory Commission to take on. In the back it talks of their
organization, the city, schedule of events. Linda asked if we would keep our eyes open to fund
raising ideas.
There being no further business, Wanda Buschman made the Motion to adjourn, Fran
Weiser seconded it. The time was approximately 3:13 p.m.
is nsto , Chairman
Aloha Payne, ecretary
MetropoA Meals On Wheels Monthly Report Month of /
P. 0. Box 204 Detail Report on Congregate Luncheon Division:
504 N. Oak Street
Roanoke, TX 76262
'::a:~ I
Week Date 1-Jul 8-Jul 15-Jul 22-Jul 29-Jul orals
# Southlake Seniors
attended 19 23 25! 25 18 110
# other seniors 11 8 5 i 10 13 47
#Volunteers + Director 12 10 9 ! 8 12 51
# others 1 4 4' 21, 0 11
ATTENDANCE 43 45 43 45 43 219
# Who Paid 20 28 181 38 31 135
# Who Brought Potluck 8 9 191 4 4 44
# Meals ordered from 1
Centralized Kitchen 30 30 01 40 30 130
$ Cost of Food
ordered $ 7500 $ 7500 $ - $ 100.00 $ 75.00 $ 325.00
$ Collected for Food
Served j $ 50.00 $ 70.00 $ 45.00 $ 95.00 $ 77.50 $ 337.50
$ Collected for Other
Reasons(cards) $ 9.00 $ 0.75 $ 2.25 $ 3.00 $ 3.00 $ 18 00
Total $ Collected $ 355.50
* Card money is given to SI Sr fund
817/491-1141- office
excel/detail.xls signature 817/491-0661 -fax
Attendance Record
W. Buschman P P P A
J. Goggin P P
M. Greenberg P P P P
C. Hall A A P A
D. Johnston P P P P
F. Weiser P P P P
A. Payne A P P P
Z. Rucker (alternate) P P P P
L. Moore N/A P P P
Muzyka (ex-officio) P P P A
Bradley (ex-officio) P P P A
Hampshire (ex-officio) P P P P