City of Southlake, Texas
8 July 1997
Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Chairman Dick Johnston, Wanda Buschman, Martha Greenberg, Crawford
Hall, Linda Moore, Aloha Payne, Fran Weiser and Zena Rucker.
Members Absent: None
Ex Officio Members Present: Kelly Bradley, Rose Hampshire, Virginia Muzyka
City Staff Present: Shelli Siemer, Community Services Coordinator. Sister City Guest: Yukiko
Yamazaki from Toyoma, Japan.
Agenda Item No. 1: Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1:06 p.m. by Chairman Dick Johnston.
Agenda Item No. 2: A1nroval of Minutes for 10 .Tune 1997 Meeting
It was noted by Dick Johnson that we strayed from our topics under discussion.
Hopefully, as we go through our agenda we will speak only to the issue of the agenda item. We
will save other topics for later or place them as a new item on the agenda for next time. All are
important issues, but are not always relevant to the agenda item.
A Motion was made to accept the minutes as corrected. Changes were made to Items: 3, 5, 6, 7,
Motion: Wanda Buschman
Second: Fran Weiser
Ayes: All in favor
Nays: 0
Approved: 6-0
Abstain: 2
Agenda Item No. 3: Administrative Comments
Shelli Siemer introduced Yukiko (Yuki) Yamazaki, from Toyoma, Japan, our "sister city."
She will be here most of the summer. Yukiko is volunteering her time with the city to help citizens
become more aware of Toyoma.
Shelli Siemer updated us on publicity a concern of the SAC. There is now information
on the Cable Channel about the SAC and weekly meetings. Have not seen it yet. If there are
changes let Shelli know. Some of the newspaper articles have been updated. Have received the
1997 voter registration list. Will list all voters 55 and up. Plan is to send publicity out to everyone
about senior activities and about the opening of Senior Activity Center. If interested they can call
and be placed on the mailing list for the newsletter. Hopefully, we will find out more about the
different age ranges and who is out there. Should be done within the next month. This will be
accomplished with some part-time help and Teen Court. They are working quickly.
Handout: Annual Report for the Senior Advisory Commission
Contract with Metroport Meals on Wheels
Newspaper Article on Senior Issues
Newspaper article addressing Senior facility ordinance
Ordinance No. 480-Y
Fair Housing Act Excerpt
Shelli Siemer has been meeting with Kelly Bradley of MMOW for the past month
concerning the MMOW contract. Shelli reviewed all the cost and figures associated with the
program. Community Services and Kelly Bradley recommend that to maintain the same level of
service the budget needs to be increased to $6000. The reason is to cover the cost of supplies,
materials, and MMOW staff associated with administering the programs, luncheons and home
delivered. Since the seniors will be moving into the new Senior Center, we feel it is important to
increase the programs as the need arises. We will be adding programs and activities that the
Recreation Department will help coordinate. We would like to keep the Tuesday Lunch program
and all the activities that Rose Hampshire is doing now. At this time, we do not recommend lunch
five days a week. We would like to allow the program to evolve.
Home delivery program. There are currently 1-2 Southlake residents who receive home
delivered meals. Hopefully, over this year we will find others in need of this service. Another
evolving process. There are people out there who can not pay for their meals, so we are
recommending that they include that in the budget. To provide meals to one person for a year. We
will work closely with MMOW to define where those needs are. Should it change in the future we
will re-look at the contract so the same level of service will be provided and MMOW will be
compensated for that service. Community Services recommends increasing the price of the
MMOW annual contract to $6,000. (See Contract with Metroport Meals on Wheels) Community
Services would like for the Senior Advisory Commission to back up this recommendation. We
will come before you again when the fall contract is written. (See Budget MMOW)
A Motion was made to recommend to Southlake City Council that they accept the $6,000
recommendation by Shelli Siemer, Community Service Coordinator, to provide Meals On Wheels
service, contingent on MMOW board accepting that amount.
Motion: Fran Weiser
Seconded: Martha Greenberg
Favor: All in favor
Ayes: 6
Nays 0
Approved: 6-0
Abstain: 2
The budget has been submitted. It is going through Internal Review in July. Public
hearings begin August 19th. We have included everything to try to get the senior center going.
Capital items including furniture & appliances, operation items, building maintenance, & program
items have been included in the budget. The Parks & Rec. did include funds for a 24 passenger
van in their budget. Shelli Siemer will let us know how it goes with Internal Review. And, give
us more concrete figures at that time.
Dick Johnston asked about the replacement for Jim Goggin. The Council wanted to
include Crawford Hall even though he will be in transition between Canada and Texas. This will
bring the number back down to six as stated in Ordinance No. 653. Alternate members need to
attend and be active, so they can vote when a person is absent. Dick Johnston asked if Jim had
been one of six, and he left. We had five remaining, what would we do? The alternate is not
automatically the replacement into a vacant position. The Council would have to appoint another
member. Dick stated, since we are at six the Council has no action to take on Jim. Shelli Siemer
agreed. It was suggested that the alternates alternate voting from meeting to meeting. The
alternates need to be at the meetings to keep up with the issues. Alternates participate in all
discussions, get involved in all activities related to the SAC, but, do not vote when all six (6)
members are present.
Fran Weiser stated that there is nothing in Ordinance No. 653, or the Bylaws concerning
alternates. She is correct.
Agenda Item No. 4 Report: Public Safety Issues-Billy Campbell
Billy Campbell, Director of Pubic Safety, Southlake, spoke on the need for police
buildings and fire stations. Issues important to this group is where is fire and police protection
going to come from? Where is EMS going to come from? Second ambulance is now being
outfitted. Fire and ambulance response time means everything. Police tend to respond from the
field. Fire and ambulance comes out of Carroll at the present time. Today that location is not
advantageous to us.
In August or September we will have a Crime District Tax Election. The voters will tell us
if they want to add a quarter or half cent onto the sales tax that is specifically for Public Safety
issues. The sales tax money can only be spent on crime fighting issues, allowing the city to use
current funds for other places. If the Crime District Tax passes we can talk of locations of fire
We have divided the city into three locations: Ridgecrest and Dove, near new City Hall
Annex a little to the west of Home Depot, near Goode Airport and 1709. Majority of our
population now is south of 114 at this point in time. With three locations we could cover 85% of
city in less than (5) five minutes. Does not mean there will not be other stations. Will depend on
growth. Solana has a daytime population of 5-6000. We may put a small daytime station over in
that area. Today, that is not our concern. Now, we have to find locations with people willing to
At present, we have mutual aid from Grapevine on the east. Colleyville can not help too
much simply because of the location of their stations. The location of the Keller station barely
helps Southlake. Trophy club helps, but has limited access to some areas. Police service now is
Southlake takes care of Southlake issues. In fire service, it is mutual aid. No city can afford to
take care of fire needs on its own.
Fire station costs are high dollars. Land, building, equipment, 24-hour personnel. In
1990, we went to a Public Safety Department where police and fire services are combined for more
equitable spending policy, and better budgetary issues. We have a group of individuals who are
cross trained to do both police and fire. This year's budget asks for four Public Safety officers
who can do two jobs. When we open the new stations we will put some full-rime firemen and
some Public Safety Officers.
We will probably have ambulances at all three stations. 60-70% of all calls are EMS calls.
Other 30-40% depending on time of year, discounting the 80% hang-ups and false alarms, are
serious fire issues. Every pure firefighter is a paramedic. The city has two Tahoes with personnel
EMT trained. They can get to individual's house quicker by a few minutes than ambulance.
Bicycle patrol ...two are Public Safety Officers, two are firefighter paramedics. Good people who
know what they are doing. Top priority in training.
Dick Johnston asked, "How many fire trucks do we have...?" We have enough equipment
to take care of the issues at hand. Big ladder truck, pumper truck, two ambulances, a brush truck,
a utility truck with paramedic equipment, all housed at 667 Carroll. We have computerized
dispatch, which identifies what we need to do. We have enough equipment to open a second
station. The guys take good care of their equipment.
We need one station that will act as headquarters. That location will house emergency
service center. We want something that will handle all emergencies. Can be any where on one of
three sites. The other two locations will be smaller. Bike patrol will probably be located at Town
Billy Campbell stated that what we need is to pass the Crime District Tax. When we talk
about the tax we will only talk of land acquisition, but passing the Crime District Tax will free up
funds to use in other places. The legislation that allows cities to have these crime taxes is very
narrow and specific to talk about police issues. The public will have to be educated. Billy
Campbell said that he will come back to our group before the Crime Tax goes before the voters.
The crime tax is not a part of the budgeted items.
Our present budget includes usual programs that we are continuing with. We are trying to
cover all bases in education, enforcement, taking care of the victims. It has to be a balanced issue.
You have to have law enforcement and education and training in the department as well as, the
individuals of the community. If it gets out of balance, tend to lose control of the stream. We have
in the budget this year the usual vehicles, and a couple of automatic defibrillators. Also, some
safety equipment that needs to be replaced in fire department.
Dick Johnston asked who was assigned to ambulance. To which Billy Campbell replied.
The fire fighters work twenty-four on, forty-eight off. The police department works twelve hour
shifts. Try to put a Public Safety Officer on each shift. Never have less than four assigned to the
"box" (ambulance) if it rolls. All are trained for EMT.
Agenda Item No. 5 Discussion: Zoning for Assisted Care Facility
Dick Johnston reported that the Ordinance 480-Y was passed by City Council of Southlake
on 3 July 1997. Copies were passed out to members. Still a requirement for (12) twelve units per
acre. The requirement of a minimum of (5) five acres minimum is no longer in the Ordinance.
There may be a conflict in a personal care facility where it says for residents only. Should read for
residents and guest, oftentimes, residents have guest in the dining room. Does not provide for
independent living as we have seen in other facilities. It implies that a spouse can be in the facility
with a person needing personal care. That is still being researched by city staff. Very good
representation at the meeting. Bill Cosgrove made an impressive speech about the need for
independent living facilities.
A meeting of City Council and Planning & Zoning has been called to discuss independent
living facilities and age requirements of 62 or 65 which may be permitted under some of the state
laws. This ordinance only addresses the spouse living with someone needing personal care. This
is a very small portion of senior needs in Southlake. It does not allow for scaling down of senior
living. We need to push Council for Independent Facilities. Now, we need personal care in order
to live in one of these places.
Statement was made by mayor that someone said, "We moved here because you do not
allow apartments in Southlake." He replied that we do allow apartments as long as there are no
more than twelve per acre. Dick Johnston mentioned there is still a concern by certain group of
people in Southlake who do not want another group of people living in Southlake. To which
Crawford Hall replied, "It has been like that since the day it was incorporated, they did not want
house trailers." Dick Johnston stated, what we need to do is keep hammering on Council and
Planning & Zoning that we need affordable independent living facilities, as well as assisted living
facilities in Southlake. Fran Weiser said, "We also need to educate some of the younger residents
who have not had experience with older parents and grandparents, who do not know what we are
like when we get to be sixty-seventy-eighty years old. We are not young and able to do everything
we did at forty."
We will keep this as an agenda item in the minutes. There will be a work session at 5:00
p.m. on July 22nd in Council Chambers. Martha Greenberg will attend. Wanda Buschman made
the point that we are supposed to give the Council advice on the needs of seniors and a place to live
is one of the most basic. Martha Greenberg stated that the city is not addressing the affordability
for the people who have lived here a long time. Most of the people who have moved in recently do
not plan on retiring here. Council and Planning & Zoning are not addressing the people who do
want to retire in Southlake... financially and facility wise.
Agenda Item No. 6 Report: Northeast Tarrant County Senior Issues Committee
Martha Greenberg reported that the last meeting she attended was 11 June 1997. Three
presentations were given. One on Financial Assistance for the elderly done by the Tarrant County
Dept. Of Human Services. Second was Case Management by Access & Assistance Program for
the Area Agency on Aging. This is a service that helps Tarrant Co. elderly remain in their homes,
either with financial or health care. The third was on Legal and Guardianship Issues presented by
Senior Citizens Services of Greater Tarrant county. It pertained to helping Seniors live
independently with dignity. Martha has signed up for a three week course on Senior
Guardianships. There may be people in this community who need actual legal guardianship. Next
meeting is tomorrow. The NTCSIC will be sending out a new extensive survey to all seniors.
The survey is on needs and concerns. Anything the Commission wants to include will be taken to
them. They are wide open to concerns. See handout: "Senior Issues study underway in
Agenda Item No. 7 Report: Metropolitan Tarrant County Agency on Aging
Wanda Buschman: no report. They have not met since our June meeting
Agenda Item No. 8 Report: Eubank's House Renovation for Senior Center
Shelli Siemer reported that F. C. LeVrier and his partner Richard Munoz of Sun Coast
Architects will be the architects on this job. LeVrier is on Planning & Zoning. They will volunteer
their services. Thursday, 10 July at 1:30 at City Hall the committee will review the plans. You are
welcome to attend. As a reminder to everyone this project is completely a volunteer effort. The
next step for staff is going to be defining all the materials we need in the building. And, what
types of skills we need. Then a publicity approach will be taken to find these volunteers who will
meet the needs. The Timmaron owned house located close to the Eubanks house will be taken
down soon in order for them to stub out the street access.
According to Shelli Siemer, the issue of LeVrier being on Planning & Zoning has been
cleared with City Council. This is not considered a conflict of interest. If we did not have people
come forward and volunteer services we would not have a senior center.
Agenda Item No 9 Report: Southlake Seniors - Report on Activities Planned
Fran Weiser reported that Nannette Robinson did reply. The New York Longterm Life
Insurance Co. has a video. Southlake Seniors Board will view materials and then make a decision.
Susan French, a lawyer, who volunteers at the MMOW Roanoke has offered to work with
individuals in the Senior group who need legal help. No fee. Southlake Seniors will approach her
for a presentation to the group telling what she can help us with.
The Southlake Seniors have written a Constitution. Will be presented to the group for
The Board wants its representative to the Senior Advisory Commission to be chosen when
officers are elected in March. We have moved up the election of officers, so that this person will
be able to apply to City Council for membership on SAC. We feel that it is very, very important
that we have a voting member on SAC.
The group will attempt to set up volunteer drivers to take seniors to some of their
appointments. We have one volunteer who comes in on Tuesday, so we have our nucleus.
Agenda Item No. 10. Report: Metropolitan Metroport Meals On Wheel - June
Activities for July/August/September: Matinee Musicals at Casa Manana (wheels are in
motion for this item), play in July End of Runway Players
Dick Johnston asked about publicity for these events. Kelly Bradley left message with
Dallas Morning News about the Southlake Seniors. Fran Weiser stated that the announcement for
luncheons is very "blah." We want people to know that there is more to it than food. Right now it
seems that these are only announcements according to Shelli Siemer. Martha Greenberg knows a
young man, Justin Mellen, who is a photographer and works for the Star Telegram & Southlake
Journal. He will be more than willing to help us. Dick Johnston advised Fran Weiser that in the
Southlake Senior organization there should be a person designated as publicity chairman. Dick
mentioned that the bulletin board was put up in the community room (White's Chapel Room) for
publicity. Need schedule of upcoming activities.
Statistics... See Handouts. MMOW is evolving in the way we do our statistics. MMOW
has always kept statistics but it was not always easy to show them. This is on-going and a
learning process.
We would like for this to be an open community luncheon. We want people from other
cities to feel welcome to come. But, we need to statistically say this is number of Southlake
residents who came. Seems to be breaking even. Kelly Bradley said that Shelli Siemer helped her
to understand what statistics cities need.
Dick Johnston went over the April report. See report handout. In big packet, Senior
Community Luncheons, the statistics are broken down by month. Kelly Bradley mentioned
cooking at the new Senior Center. Shelli Siemer stated that we can have an oven and microwave to
heat foods, but we can not have a stove to cook foods. This is due to health standards &
regulations related to cooking in this type of facility. Shelli will find out more information about
the regulations.
Agenda Item No 11. Discussion: Other Items of Concern
Dick Johnston... we heard from Chief Campbell. Perhaps we should add Senior Safety to
the agenda. We will follow up with him. Dick will meet with Billy Campbell on what is needed in
Southlake for seniors from his viewpoint, so that we can hammer with Council to support if we
feel we should. My feeling is that we are short in Southlake in the EMS area. Hate to see waiting
as many years as he is projecting. Our Senior Commission can be provocative in this area with
Dick Johnston suggested that we distribute the minutes to Southlake Seniors. This is a
method of communicating what we talk about. Perhaps that will impute back to us traditional
topics we need to talk about. Rough draft, for information only, could use cover page. Virginia
Muzyka stated that she thinks the seniors have no idea of the work involved in sitting around this
Seniors in Need is another area that we have danced around and hit a lot in previous
minutes. Should we pick this up as an agenda item where we speak strictly to that. Hopefully, we
will have seniors interested in being the person who helps locate and would see to taking care of
Southlake seniors in need. Whether it is fixing the front porch, or forming groups for clean up.
Dick Johnston stated that when the new roster is completed, we will be able to know those who are
living singly. Those are the first, perhaps, who are in need. Virginia Muzyka stated that we need
to first form a rapport with the seniors where they will be comfortable with the idea of accepting
help. Rose Hampshire said that they are trying to get an emergency data base on everybody. Most
of it was done at luncheons.
Martha Greenberg suggested that in order to ask the Southlake Chamber for funds, it needs
to be in letter form explaining the group's purpose and how the money would be used. The
closing date is August 15th. Also, Martha Greenberg said she had a check for $1225 from
Southlake Newcomers to MMOW to be used for Southlake senior needs.
There being no further business, Fran Weiser made the motion to adjourn, Wanda seconded it.
The time was approximately 3:25 p.m.
Dick J n on, Chairman
Aloha Payne, Secr ary
°-t City of Southlake, Texas
Agenda for Regular Meeting on Tuesday, July 8, 1997
The meeting begins at 1:00 p.m. and will be held at the Community Center at Bicentennial
Park in the Old Union Room.
Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order
Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of Minutes for the 6/10/97 meeting
Agenda Item No. 3, Administrative Comments - Shelli Siemer will discuss the following
items: publicity, database, and contract with Metroport Meals on Wheels.
Agenda Item No. 4. Report: Public Safety Issues - A Public Safety representative will address
the Senior Advisory Commission about Fire Station Locations and respond to questions.
Agenda Item No. 5, Report: Zoning for Assisted Care Facility - Dick Johnston will update the
Commission on the status.
Agenda Item No. 6, Report: Northeast Tarrant County Senior Issues Committee - Martha
Greenberg will report on the activities of the Senior Issues Committee.
Agenda Item No. 7, Report: Metropolitan Tarrant County Agency on Aging - Wanda
Buschman will report on the activities of the Metropolitan Tarrant County Agency on Aging.
Agenda Item No. 8, Report: Eubank's House Renovation for Senior Center - Staff will report
the status. . /~e
Agenda Item No. 9. Report: Southlake Seniors- Report on Activities Planned - Fran Weiser
will report on the upcoming activities planned by the Southlake Seniors. This is an
opportunity to give input to the Southlake Seniors on ideas for planning upcoming programs.
Agenda Item No. 10. Report: Metroport Meals On Wheels - June Statistics - Rose Hampshire
will report on the statistics for the Tuesday lunch programs and the home delivered meals in
Agenda Item No. 11, Discussion: Other items - This is the opportunity for you to discuss
additional items not covered in the meeting.
L'~ ~ (AV rVI 46p/,
Please call me at 481-5581 ext. 806, if you cannot attend Tuesday's meeting. We need
four members for a quorum. Thank you for all you hand work and dedication .