1997-06-10 f City of Southlake, Texas SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION 10 JUNE 1997 Meeting Minutes Members Present: Wanda Buschman, Jim Goggin, Martha Greenberg, Dick Johnston, Linda Moore, Aloha Payne, Fran Weiser, Zena Rucker Members Absent: Crawford Hall Ex Officio Members Present: Kelly Bradley, Rose Hampshire City Staff Present: Shelli Siemer, Community Services Coordinator I Agenda Item No. 1: Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 1:10 p.m. by Chairman Dick Johnston. Agenda Item No. 2: Approval of Minutes for 11 May 1997 Meeting Motion was made to approve the minutes with two corrections. Dick Johnston referred to Agenda Item No. 10, second paragraph, last sentence. Dick Johnston suggested putting information into the city-wide communication vehicles, which would include the cable channel. Not only to give notice of meetings, but to encourage participation in various senior activities. A second correction was made by Fran Weiser Agenda Item No. 9. The Southlake Seniors Board did not meet to discuss how to develop programs, since they are still at the organizing stage. The Board appointed a Treasurer and decided to have a Southlake Seniors checking account for recording donations and E disbursements ...some of the Board members plan to visit area senior centers to study and compare their organization, operation and facilities with ours. Motion was made to accept as amended. Motion: Buschman Second: Goggin Ayes: Buschman, Greenberg, Johnston, Goggin, Rucker, Weiser Nays: None Approved: 6-0 Abstain: 2 Agenda Item No. 3: Administrative Comments Introduction of members: Jim Goggin: this is his last meeting. He has been on the Senior Advisory Commission, SPIN rep and KSB for the past year an a half. Linda Moore: lived in Southlake about fourteen years. Loves this type of work. Did something similar when she lived in Wichita Falls for twenty three years. She worked with a retirement center with assisted living. And also served on a city board with that. Looking forward to working on this commission. This was a Presbyterian Center. Started as a volunteer and then worked part-time. Dick Johnston: Chairman of SAC, served since its inception. Retired from an Oil & Gas Co. Has moved eighteen times. Involved with a lot of Southlake projects. Southlake Volunteer of the Year 1995. Kelly Bradley: Executive Director MMOW. Rose Hampshire: Currently Director of Southlake Seniors & MMOW, graduated from Arizona State University 1 i Fran Weiser: Vice President last year SAC. Has done work with Senior Citizens in churches and communities. Wanda Buschman: lived in Southlake for twenty years. Would like to see a retirement center built in this part of the county. Retired nurse, got her masters from New York University. Taught mother and child care before she retired from nursing. Martha Greenberg: served of Conn. Elderly Housing run by a consortium of Conn. Colleges, on senior issues. Ran a congregate facility in Conn. Assisted living but very minimal care have own apartments, own kitchens, provide one meal per day. Place for seniors to live who are not sick enough for nursing care. Aloha Payne: been on the Senior Advisory Commission for two years. While I was gone I was elected Secretary. I will never leave again. Southlake Volunteer of the Year for 1996. Retired nurse. Graduated 1994 TWU with a degree in History, President of the Southlake Historical Society. Served on many boards in city. Zena Rucker: bought their property here in 1960. Moved here in 1963. History major, was a major in Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy from the University of Arizona. Came here to work for American Airlines. Went back to school and got a teaching certificate. Taught Spanish at TCJC. Had a motorcycle business and a flight school business. Volunteered at Senior Center in Grapevine, and at Woodridge Nursing Center for a number of years. Newest member, happy to be here and would like to help. Southlake Historical Society Member. Dick Johnston asked that Martha Greenberg, Chair the July meeting due to personal problems at home. Agenda Item No. 4 Discussion: Annual Report Draft of Report sent to previous officers of the Senior Advisory Commission. Dick Johnston asked that Fran Weiser & Jim Goggin meet with him at the close of this meeting to discuss the report and make necessary adjustments. Agenda Item No. 5 Discussion: Zoniniz for Assisted Care Zoning Ordinance has been written and presented to the Planning & Zoning Commission and first reading at the City Council. Will go before the City Council probably a week from tonight. Will be a Public Hearing. A new assisted living facility is being built in Bedford on five acres. It has 126 units, with eight floor plans. Average age is projected at low 80s. All meals are provided. Efficiencies will be $1650/month, one bedroom will be $1850-2400/mon, two bedroom $3032/mon. Sherwood Gardens, located at 1997 Forest Ridge Drive. Spring Creek Construction, Robert Glaze out of Dallas is the builder. Our zoning ordinance calls for 12 units per acre. Sixty units would be maximum for five acres, which could in comparison to Sherwood Gardens double the cost of living there. The cost would be prohibitive to most seniors. It was suggested by Jim Goggin that we write letters to City Council members and ask them to send the ordinance back to Planning & Zoning for another look. They need to reconsider the amount of acres and units. They are afraid of assisted living because they are afraid of the units being conceived as apartments. Need to stay on the people in power. We must set the standard and teach them what we need. 2 Agenda Item No. 6 Report: Northeast Tarrant County Senior Issues Committee Martha Greenberg has attended two meetings of the United Way-Northeast Senior Issues Committee and will attend her third meeting 11 June. The mission of the Senior Issues Committee is to identify and prioritize critical issues facing seniors in Northeast Tarrant County. Is a United Way Organization. Will present a new book on resources in December 1997. Area Aged On Aging of Tarrant County. Directoa 12f Services for Older Persons in Partnership with United Way Q f Metropolitan Tarrant County. They are receptive to find answers to senior problems, anything you can think of that Martha can take to the Committee will be appreciated. They have a wonderful network of people to obtain answers from, but they need to know the issues. Dick Johnston stated that the people who come to the luncheons and receive the Senior Newsletter are not the only people who need the services of the Committee, that is why we need a city-wide means of communication. Agenda Item No. 7 Report: Metropolitan Tarrant County Agency on Aging Wanda Buschman has not attended a meeting yet. They meet on the second Monday of the month. Seems to be duplication between the Northeast Tarrant County Senior Issues Committee and the Metropolitan Tarrant County Agency On Aging. This agency does have a fund that seniors can use both short term and long term. These funds are limited. This organization is Federal and the other organization is United Way. There was a question of how to locate people in Southlake who would need this type of help. Again, we need a way of finding out who these people are. Can they be identified through city utilities? Jim Goggin suggested that the Senior group organize some people to go and talk to those who are having problems, and assist them with steps to solve their problems. Zena Rucker is working on getting a run down on how other cites handle the taxing of the elderly. Wanda will report on whether she feels that this commission ought to have a representative on that board. Aloha Payne suggested that perhaps the Historical Society will be able to help out in finding the older people of Southlake who have needs. The Society will be working on the oral history project during the summer months. Another suggestion is an awareness in the community through the media. Agenda Item No. 8 Report: Eubank's House Renovation for Senior Center Shelli Siemer reported that the tenants have moved. The Committee met a few weeks ago to talk of the direction we are going. Next steps will be from the City Engineering Staff. They are developing plans for the outside portion of the house which will include street access, parking, sewer system, drainage. Street access will be from Bryan Nelson Parkway, instead of 1709. Plans for the inside portion are still being worked on. Once we have that we will work on a plan for construction which will include a combination of city employees, contract work, volunteer labor so we can get this project off the ground. The projected date of completion will be probably in the fall. The SAC would like to see how work is progressing. Dick Johnston, Virginia Muzyka, Bill & Dorothy Cosgrove, Kaete & Carl Roberds, Zena Rucker are all part of the committee. Martha Greenberg asked if there were people on the committee who have dealt with.senior centers before. Next meeting Shelli Siemer will present more details. Agenda Item No. 9 Report: Southlake Seniors - Report on Activities Planned Fran Weiser read a letter from the Southlake Seniors to the Southlake Senior Advisory Commission regarding the City Budget Request for Southlake Seniors. A copy was given to each member. Southlake Seniors met 2 June 1997, to continue its organization development. A report was given to define the relationships between Senior Advisory Commission, Southlake Seniors, City of Southlake and MMOW. Those who visited the Keller Center were favorably impressed with their facilities, operation and program. Shelli distributed at the Southlake Senior meeting her own survey of Senior Centers in the area and their programs. Many have a variety of programs five days a 3 weeks. Seniors of any area are welcome to attend programs at any center. The Seniors Board wants to make information concerning transportation more accessible to all Southlake seniors. Shelli Siemer asked that the request for programs be turned in to her by 13 June in order for the City to identify budget needs. The Southlake Seniors Board is currently surveying members to compile this. A possible long term insurance seminar for Seniors was discussed. The group is researching to find an organization to do this that is not tied in with an insurance company. They feel a need for help in this area if an informed and impartial group can be found. What criteria was used to chose the New York Life Co.? Dick Johnston asked how the SAC should come up with numbers for the budget. Shelli Siemer stated she would do the research, come up with the numbers and present them to the SAC at the July meeting. Fran Weiser stated the Seniors need a method of facilitating donations. Certain clubs and individuals are willing to donate to help with certain needs not covered in the city budget of the Southlake Seniors. A discussion was forthcoming on what the city could be responsible for and what others could handle. There have been offers for material donations and perhaps the SAC could be responsible for determining whether the items fit a need. Rose Hampshire suggested MMOW could help in filling out forms soliciting needs for funding. Shelli Siemer stated the city can not seek donations. Dick Johnston asked that the items necessary to open the facility be identified. In regards to the question concerning New York Life Co., Dick Johnston stated a company representative came to SAC wanting to present a program, because they felt there was a need for more information on the subject. The question from the Southlake Seniors was did the SAC investigate any other programs from other insurance companies and evaluate? They want to be assured that it is a really good company coming with an impartial reliable and informative program that is going to help. The SAC only makes recommendations to Southlake Seniors, whether you follow through is up to you as a group. The representative of New York Life is a Southlake citizen and very active in the affairs of Southlake. Fran Weiser will respond to Ms. Stanette Robinson of New York Life. Agenda Item No. 10. Report: Metropolitan Metroport Meals On Wheels - May Statistics Rose Hampshire gave a report on the Tarantula Train Ride and the play in Grapevine. Please refer to the Southlake Seniors June Newsletter/Southlake Seniors Statistical Report for May 1997. The group will attend a Matinee, 13 July with dinner at Papa Gallos. The Tuesday Luncheons are averaging about thirty, with three new seniors this month. Please send new ideas forward. The question was asked as to how is the transportation handled. Rose Hampshire responded that she usually picks up those who need a ride. On the statistics when the totals do not add up it is because there was a city employee or someone from MMOW who did not fit into any of the categories Aaenda Item No 11. Discussion: Other Items of Concern Shelli Siemer talked on Roles & Responsibilities. Representatives from the Senior Advisory Commission, MMOW, Southlake Seniors and the City of Southlake met to discuss the roles to clarify who does what. Please refer to handout that explains the roles. It is important for the SAC to remember that you are appointed by the City Council and you focus on the bigger issues. You provide advice to the Council. For example, the assisted care facility, the Eubanks house and Northeast Tarrant County Issues. MMOW provides the weekly lunches, the programs and the newsletter. Southlake Seniors are focusing more on the programs and activities. Fran Weiser is the contact between the two. There needs to be a liaison to keep the lines of communication open. It is good to come back and revisit this periodically. Shelli has talked about the communications issue and will explore the possibilities. Rose Hampshire suggested that a senior citizen be highlighted each week. We are going to try to publish more in regards to senior exposure. Zena Rucker stated that we need a number for people who have needs to call and then these needs can be taken care 4 of by the appropriate people. Perhaps some of this can be handled by those children who come in to teen court. Shelli Siemer explained that alternate members vote when there is an absence by one of the Senior Advisory Commissioners. The alternate members still participate and discuss issues, but do not vote if all the members are present. When someone leaves a new member is appointed, there are seven members on the Commission and two alternates. Dick Johnston stated that we need to update our Senior list. The 1997 voting list should now be available. Dick would like for Council to consider adding a Southlake Senior Board member or the President as an ex-officio member of SAC in the future. At present Fran Weiser is a member of both. Fran Weiser objected to it being ex-officio member from Slouthlake Seniors. Also, the members of the SAC should be represented on the Southlake Senior Board. Rose Hampshire stated it was already in the meeting policy. This needs to be continued at a later date. Dick Johnston is concerned about the lack of any plan for fire protection and Emergency Medical service protection for the City of Southlake. We have a single fire station that has served us when we grew from three thousand to sixteen or eighteen thousand. Dick is uneasy with way Northeast Tarrant County sends engines to every fire. Sometimes there is no reason for this. The secret is to arrive as quickly as possible. The solution is to have substations in our city and to have emergency medical service vehicles in those substations, so as to get them from the station to the person in need. Dick has petitioned the city on a couple of occasions to do something, but nothing has been done. This is an area of concern that the SAC needs to look into. Jim Goggins suggested that we need to organize and make sure that the issue is at the forefront. Shelli Siemer suggested they come to the SAC and answer questions. Martha Greenberg, also suggested that we have someone come to our meeting. She recited an incident where someone in her neighborhood lost their home, because the firemen could not find the street. Jim Goggins suggested that we need to put in letter form and run through Shelli and get it to the City Manager for consideration. Then it will be on the Board for action. Dick Johnston stated that when reading about future planning where TIFS, golf courses, parks and hotels are mentioned, nothing is ever mentioned about fire & safety. Dick said, "You can not wait to need it to build it; you must build it ahead of time." We have a City Council member whose expertise is in this area, it is surprising that he has not pushed this. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:00 p.m., with a "Good-bye" to Jim Goggin. Dick Jon n, Chairman ' a ATTEST: /'z_ Aloha Payne, Secretar~ 5 City of Southlake, Texas Agenda for Regular Meeting on Tuesday, June 10. 1997 The meeting begins at 1:00 p.m. and will be held at the Community Center at Bicentennial Park in the Old Union Room. Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order Agenda Item No 2 Approval of Minutes for the 5/13/97 meeting Agenda Item No 3 Administrative Comments - The Senior Advisory Commissioners will take a few minutes to introduce themselves to each other; explain role and responsibilities of the Senior Advisory Commission. Agenda Item No 4 Discussion: Annual Repor - The previous year's officers will discuss the Senior Advisory Commission's Annual Report. Agenda Item No. 5. Discussion: Zoning for Assisted Care Facility - Dick Johnston will update the Commission on the status. Agenda Item No 6 Report: Northeast Tarrant County Senior Issues Committee - Martha Greenberg will report on the activities of the Senior Issues Committee. Agenda Item No 7 Report: Metropolitan Tarrant County Agency on Aging - Wanda Buschman will report on the activities of the Metropolitan Tarrant County Agency on Aging. i Agenda Item No 8 Report: Eubank's House Renovation for Senior Center - Staff will report the status. Agenda Item No 9 Report: Southlake Seniors- Report on Activities Planned - Fran Weiser will report on the upcoming activities planned by the Southlake Seniors. This is an opportunity to give input to the Southlake Seniors on ideas for planning upcoming programs. Agenda Item No 10 Report: Metroport Meals On Wheels - May Statistics - Rose Hampshire will report on the statistics for the Tuesday lunch programs and the home delivered meals in Southlake. Agenda Item No 11 Discussion: Other items of concern - This is the opportunity for you to discuss additional items not covered in the meeting. Please call me at 481-5581 ext. 806, if you cannot attend Tuesday's meeting. We need four members for a quorum. Thank you for all you handwork and dedication .