1997-05-13 City of Southlake, Texas SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION May 13, 1997 Meeting Minutes Members Present: Wanda Buschman, Jim Goggin, Martha Greenberg, Dick Johnston, Fran Weiser, Zena Rucker Members Absent: Crawford Hall, Aloha Payne, Linda Moore Ex Officio Members Present: Kelly Bradley, Rose Hampshire, and Virginia Muzyka City Staff Present: Shelli Siemer, Community Services Coordinator Agenda Item No 1: Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 1:15 p.m. by Chairman Dick Johnston. Agenda Item No 2• Approval of Minutes for 4/8/97 Meeting Motion was made to approve the minutes as presented. Motion: Goggin Second: Weiser Ayes: Buschman, Goggin, Weiser, Johnston Nays: None Approved: 4-0 Obstain: 2 Agenda Item No 3: Administrative Comments Shelli Siemer welcomed the new Senior Advisory Commission members and distributed copies of the ordinance and by-laws establishing the Senior Advisory Commission. The new members present were Martha Greenberg and Zena Rucker. The discussion also included a brief explanation of the roles of the Commissioners, alternate members and the ex-officio members. There was a discussion on how to encourage public input at the Senior Advisory Commission meetings. Shelli Siemer reminded the Senior Advisory Commission of the need to submit an annual report to the City Council. Jim Goggin and Dick Johnston will prepare the annual report. Agenda Item No 4 Discussion: Proposed Informational Seminar on Long-Term Care Ms. Stanette Robinson, of New York Life, talked to the Commission about her desire to hold a Long-Term Care Educational Seminar for the senior citizens. Ms. Robinson passed out a packet of information and indicated the seminar includes a 30-40 minute presentation focused on a generic guide to Long-Term Care Insurance. The Commission determined the best time to present the materials is after the Tuesday lunch program allowing the program to be optional. Senior Advisory Commission Meeting on May 13, 1997 Page 1 City of Southlake, Texas Dick Johnston stated it is a good idea for the Senior Advisory Commission to inform seniors about issues affecting senior citizens. Martha Greenberg stated the Commissioners should review the materials before deciding whether or not to sponsor the Long-Term Care Insurance seminar. She also warned the Commission about the topic of insurance and suggested researching other agencies to provide a more objective explanation of Insurance options to senior citizens (i.e.: Council on Aging). Fran Weiser suggested the decision of sponsoring the program should be passed onto the Southlake Seniors Organization. Motion was made to offer to the Southlake Senior Board the opportunity to participate in a Long-Term care seminar offered by the New York Life. Motion: Weiser Second: Goggin Ayes: Goggin, Johnston, Greenberg, Weiser, Buschman Nays: Rucker Approved: 5-1 Agenda Item No. 5. Election of Officers The Senior Advisory Commission elected new officers resulting in Dick Johnston as Chairperson, Martha Greenberg as Vice-Chairperson, and Aloha Payne as Secretary. ChaiMerson: Jim Goggin nominated Aloha Payne for Chairperson. Fran Weiser nominated Dick Johnston for Chairperson. Nominated Voting Aloha Payne: Dick Johnston Dick Johnston: Jim Goggin, Zena Rucker, Fran Weiser, Wanda Buschman, Martha Greenberg Vice-Chairperson: Wanda Buschman nominated Martha Greenberg for Vice-Chairperson. Zena Rucker nominated Aloha Payne for Vice-Chairperson. Nominated Voting Martha Greenberg: Wanda Buschman, Dick Johnston, Jim Goggin, Fran Weiser Aloha Payne: Zena Rucker Secretary: Jim Goggin nominated Aloha Payne for Secretary. Dick Johnston nominated Wanda Buschman for Secretary Nominated Voting Aloha Payne: Martha Greenberg, Zena Rucker, Jim Goggin, Fran Weiser, Wanda Buschman Wanda Buschman: Dick Johnston i I Senior Advisory Commission Meeting on May 13, 1997 Page 2 City of Southlake, Texas Agenda Item No 6 Discussion: Opportunity to be involved in Tarrant County programs Dick Johnston discussed the need for the Senior Advisory Commission to get involved in Tarrant County initiatives. There is opportunity for Southlake representation on the Metropolitan Tarrant County Agency on Aging and the Northeast Tarrant County Senior Issues Committee. Martha Greenberg expressed an interest in the Senior Issues Committee and will attend their next meeting on May 14. Wanda Buschman will become involved in the Tarrant County Agency on Aging to represent Southlake. Agenda Item No 7 Discussion: Zoning for Senior Care Facility Dick Johnston reported the status of the zoning ordinance for the Assisted Care Facility. The Planning and Zoning Commission continues to develop the ordinance and appears to be discussing strict guidelines for the facility. Jim Goggin stated the Planning & Zoning commission is creating a very restrictive ordinance which will discourage developers from building an Assisted Care Facility in Southlake. Jim Goggin reported the restrictions take place in the form of too few units for the amount of land required. Jim Goggin asked the Planning & Zoning Commission to consider opening the public meeting to allow seniors to provide input to the Commissioners at their next meeting. Zena Rucker stated there is a need to talk to the Planning & Zoning Commissioners to notify them of the seniors' viewpoint. The Senior Advisory Commission is very concerned with the direction Planning & Zoning is taking with the ordinance by making it too restrictive. Agenda Item No 8 Report: Eubank's House Renovation for Senior Center - The Senior Advisory Commission and the city are working together to proceed with the renovation of the Eubank's house as a Senior Activity Center. There were two public meetings held on May 6th and 13th to obtain input from citizens regarding the actual facility needs and a prioritization of those needs. The tenants of the Eubank's house have a June 2 deadline to vacate the house. Additionally, City engineering staff is preparing plans for the outside portion of the house including street access, parking, drainage and sewer connections. An architectural designer will work with the city on designing the floor plans. Once both plans are developed, we will move forward on the construction phase. Agenda Item No 9 Report: Southlake Seniors- Report on Activities Planned Fran Weiser reported on the activities of the Southlake Seniors Organization. The Southlake Seniors Board held their first meeting last month to discuss the Southlake Seniors development of organization. The Board appointed a Treasurer and decided to have a Southlake Seniors separate checking account for recording deposits and disbursements. Fran Weiser stated that some of the Board members plan to visit other area senior centers to study and compare their organization, operative, and facilities with Southlake. I i i Senior Advisory Commission Meeting on May 13, 1997 Page 3 i City of Southlake, Texas Fran Weiser reported the lunch on the 3rd Tuesday of each month is scheduled as a Pot-Luck lunch. Rose Hampshire reported there is a Tarantula Train Trip scheduled on May 21st with a cost of $16.00 per person. Representatives from the Southlake Police Department will talk to the group on April 27th. Agenda Item No 10 Report: Metroport Meals On Wheels - April Statistics Rose Hampshire distributed a report on the April statistics for the Tuesday lunch programs. There is an average of 20 Southlake Seniors attending the weekly lunch program, with an average total attendance of 30 senior citizens. The weekly program statistics are remaining consistent, but the area increasing in number of participants include senior citizens from other cities. Wanda Buschman stated more Southlake seniors will attend once there is better publicity and a wider variety of programs offered. Rose Hampshire reported Meals on Wheels is delivering only 1 meal to a Southlake senior citizen. MMOW would like to increase the number of home delivered meals in Southlake. They believe there is a need for more home delivered meals, but senior citizens do not request the service. Jim Goggin and Wanda Buschman feel strongly that the Senior Advisory Commission needs to identify the Southlake senior citizens in need of home delivered meals and advertise about the weekly program. Dick Johnston suggested putting information onto the Cable Channel and other city-wide communication vehicles to encourage participation in the various activities. Agenda Item No 11 Discussion: Other items of concern Dick Johnston opened the floor to discuss any other items of concern. This provides the opportunity for other Commissioners to discuss additional items not included in the agenda. There were no additional items brought up for discussion. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:07 p.m. ick Johnston, Chairman ATTEST: Ji oggin, Secretary Senior Advisory Commission Meeting on May 13, 1997 Page 4 Agenda for Regular Meeting on Tuesday., May 13, 1997 The meeting begins at 1:00 p.m. and will be held at the Community Center at Bicentennial Park in the Old Union Room. Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of Minutes for the 4/8/97 meeting Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments - Welcome the new Senior Advisory Commission Members; discuss annual report; discuss meeting practices to encourage public input; and, discuss role of ex-officio members. Agenda Item No. 4. Discussion: Proposed Informational Seminar on Long Term Care - Mr. Larry Goldstein will talk to the Commission about his desire to hold a Long Term Care Educational Seminar. Agenda Item No. 5. Election of Officers - Elect Officers to include a Chairperson, Vice- Chairperson, and Secretary for one year terms. Agenda Item No.6. Discussion: Opportunity to be involved in Tarrant County programs- Metropolitan Tarrant County Agency on Aging and Northeast Tarrant County Senior Issues Committee Agenda Item No. 7, Discussion: Zoning for Senior Care Facility - Dick Johnston will update the Commission on the status. Agenda Item No. 8. Report: Eubank's House Renovation for Senior Center - Staff will report the status. Agenda Item No. 9. Report: Southlake Seniors- Report on Activities Planned - Fran Weiser will report on the activities planned for May, June & July and other items. This is an opportunity to give input to the Southlake Seniors on ideas for planning upcoming programs. Agenda Item No. 10. Report: Metroport Meals On Wheels - April Statistics - Rose Hampshire will report on the statistics for the Tuesday lunch programs and the meals delivered in Southlake. Agenda Item No. 11. Discussion: Other items of concern - This is the opportunity for you to give the city staff feedback regarding issues affecting the senior population. Please call me at 481-5581 ext. 806, if you cannot attend Tuesday's meeting. We need five members for a quorum. Thank you for all you hardwork and dedication .