May 2, 1997 at 9:00 a.m.
Meeting to discuss the roles of the Senior Advisory Commission, the Southlake
Seniors, Metroport Meals on Wheels, and the city.
1) Discuss and define the roles
Discuss MMOW relationship to the Senior Advisory Commission and
Southlake Seniors
Discuss the relationship between the Senior Advisory Commission and
the Southlake Seniors
Discuss the role the city plays with each
2) Briefly discuss the direction the city is taking with the Eubank's House
Roles & Responsibilities
Senior Advisory Commission:
The Senior Advisory Commission was created to act in an advisory capacity to the City Council
relating to all matters pertaining to senior programs and the various issues affecting senior
citizens. The SAC is responsible for recommending policies to improve senior services and
provide advice regarding the development of recreational facilities. The Commission is also
responsible for recommending the development of senior-related programs, and other areas in
need of improved recreation services for senior citizens. The Senior Advisory Commission is
also responsible for submitting to the City Council an annual review of senior-related programs
and services.
Metroport Meals on Wheels:
Metroport Meals on Wheels was contracted by the city, through the recommendation of the
Senior Advisory Commission, to organize the weekly Tuesday- luncheon for the seniors in
Southlake including coordinating the volunteer effort, ordering and providing the meals, and
related supplies, and performing the general clean-up following each event. MMOW is also
contracted to organize the delivery of meals to homes of Southlake seniors from Monday-Friday.
MMOW is also responsible for tracking the attendance and costs for the lunch programs and
submits monthly reports to the Senior Advisory Commission and city. The contract also requires
MMOW to maintain the database of senior citizens in Southlake for mailing labels and other
information associated with senior activities.
Southlake Seniors:
The Southlake Seniors organization was created to focus primarily on the development of
programs and activities for the senior citizens. The recently developed Southlake Seniors
organization now has a slate of officers and is moving forward with their responsibilities. One
officer position on the Southlake Seniors organization is designated for a member of the Senior
Advisory Commission.
This group will need to work in cooperation with the Senior Advisory Commission and keep the
Commission informed of their activities. This can be done in the form of a monthly report
identifying the programs and activities they are creating and the activity levels of the programs.
The Southlake Seniors will also need to keep the city informed about their program and activity
needs in order for the city to provide necessary assistance in the implementation of programs.
City of Southlake:
The Community Services Coordinator is the staff liaison to the Senior Advisory Commission.
This position was created to provide assistance to the seniors by coordinating senior activities
with other departments and agencies, and researching senior related issues. The position is also
responsible for implementing policies and plans related to senior programs, providing staff
assistance in support of the implementation of programs for seniors, and establishing schedules
and methods for providing senior programs and services.
To fulfill the role as defined, the Community Services Coordinator, will work closely with the
Senior Advisory Commission, the Southlake Seniors Organization, and Metroport Meals on
Sr. Advisory
Commission ' ' - ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' City Council
Southlake '
Seniors Org. City Manager
Comm. Svc. Mgr.
_ _ _ _ Metroport Meals Kevin Hugman
On Wheels
Comm. Svc.Coord.
- - - - - - - Shelli Siemer
May 2, 1997
Southlake Seniors
1. Work with senior citizens to identify, establish,
promote and support programs or activities which meet their
needs and interests. Build community among senior citizens.
2. Provide input and oversight of activities furnished by
Metroport Meals on Wheels.
3. Work with City Manager's Representative and Parks and
Recreation on programs and help they can provide.
4. Prepare fund requests to city and other organizations to
support some of the programs.
5. Keep Southlake Senior Advisory Commission informed of
activities and pass on input from senior citizens on needs
which are outside the scope of our programs.
These are my personal ideas and are provided without input
from other members of the Southlake Seniors Board.
Josh Weiser
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